3. Phone: 5. Credit: Richardson An overview of “The Next ...

For Office Use Only: Grad Approval:

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1. Course Title: The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading 2. Instructor: Tesha Ruley 3. Phone: 4. E-mail: truley@aea1.k12.ia.us 5. Credit:

a. Total Contact Hours: _15__ b. Credit Type: __ Graduate _X_Licensure Renewal ___Both c. Number of Credit hours: _1__ d. Graduate Credit through: ___ Drake ___Morningside ___ Viterbo 6. Semester: ___ Winter __X_ Summer ___ Fall Year: _________ 7. Dates and Times: June 4 8:00-3:00; June 5 8:00-3:00; June 6-15th 8. Location of Course: Western Dubuque Community School District-District Office 9. Required Text/Other Materials: The Next Step Forward In Guided Reading by Jan Richardson 10. Course Description: An overview of "The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading" will be provided. The framework of Assess, Decide, Guide will also be addressed. 11. Rationale: Based upon 40 years of irrefutable research drawing from cognitive science and the linguistic principles that inform our understanding of language and litearcy, development (Clay, 1975; Richardson, 2009; Richardson & Walther 2013; Fountas and Pinnell, 2016), guided reading supports all readers: striving, advanced, and dual language learners (DLLs). 12. Iowa Standards for School Leaders Addressed: a. _X_ Shared Vision b. _X_Culture of Learning c. ___ Management d. ___ Family and Community e. __ Ethics f. __ Societal Context 13. Course Objectives:

Objective 1: Participants will be able to articulate the various differences between the various reader levels: Pre-A, emergent, early, transitional, and fluent.

Objective 2: Participants will be able to describe how the Assess-Decide-Guide Framework is

used to support every reader.

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Objective 3: Participants will take what he/she has learned and apply to his/her building/district context in order to prepare for implementation.

Objective 4: Participants will be able to take the components of Jan Richardson's guided reading framework to reflect upon and give feedback regarding solid instruction and methods to enhance the instruction.

14. Outline of Course:

Morning Lunch Afternoon

Day 1 June 4th 8:00-11:00 Pre-A Guided Reading


Day 2 June 5th

8:00-11:00 Transitional Guided

Reading PD

Between June 6th and June 15

Implementation and Reflection- 3 Hours

(Whole group and partner discussion)

(Whole group and partner discussion)

(Discussion and share out in pairs)

Objectives 1-2

Objectives 1-2 Objectives 3 & 4


12:00-3:00 Emergent/Early Guided Reading PD

12:00-2:00 Fluent Guided Reading PD

(Whole group and partner discussion)

(Whole group and partner discussion)

Teachers will be attending similar professional learning in August. What is needed building wide to support the new learning? What about for implementation?

If you were to create

For Recertificat ion Participants

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a walkthrough form in order to provide specific feedback, what would you include on the walkthrough form? Other ideas for supporting implementation? Share a minimum of 3 Voxes at one minute each. Listen to all the voxes of others.

2:00-3:00 Whole Group DiscussionDiscuss Learnings

*Strengths *Areas of Concern

*Next Steps

In collaboration with your building team (admin/coach), search for and view two recordings of guided reading lessons (minimum 20 min. each). Then reflect upon what you viewed. What aligns with Jan Richardson's framework? What is missing? If you were in the classroom or working with the teacher, what kind of feedback would you provide? Provide the video

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link to the voxer group, and record your reflections. This should be a 3-5 minute vox. Listen to all the reflections of others.

Final collaborative reflection: Are there pieces of this you could take and use as a building team? Admin Team? For professional learning next year? Share three Voxes-one minute each and listen to the Voxes of others.

15. Course Requirements and Evaluation:

Course Requirements

Course Objective

Expectations (Final Product)

Evaluation/ Grading

Participation in all class activities


Full and active participation in all


activities on scheduled days of class.

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16. Attendance Policy: Participants are expected to attend all sessions: however, illness and family emergencies are acceptable excuses. Conflict in scheduling is not acceptable unless course dates were changed from advertised dates. If an individual knows in advance that they can't attend one or more sessions, they should not register for the class. In the event of an excused absence approved by the instructor, the participant must make arrangements with the instructor to make up the time and content missed.

17. Follow-up: Follow up support, including resources will be available upon request with the instructor, Tesha Ruley. truley@aea1.k12.ia.us 563-880-0430

18. Include any additional materials here:


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