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NACO CJK Funnel References Project GuidelinesBackgroundIn preparation for transitioning to linked data environment, the PCC CJK NACO Project initiated a NACO CJK Funnel References Project, suggested by Sarah Elman, the former coordinator of the PCC CJK NACO Project. The goal of the project is to review and remove invalid non-Latin reference(s) in CJK NACO personal name authority records populated under the “Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project” led by LC, OCLC, and other national libraries in 2008.In January 2018, Shi Deng, Sarah Elman, Jia Xu, and Jessalyn Zoom started to explore the possibility of the project. Jia was selected as the group leader. Wei Zheng and Lucas Mak joined the group in March and May respectively. In late December Mieko Mazza and Erica Chang were recruited as Japanese and Korean project coordinators respectively. The group started planning for the project and drafted the project guidelines after consulting with LC, PCC, and OCLC representatives.ScopeIn May 2018, Jia Xu, Chair of the Project Oversight Committee contacted Gary Strawn of Northwestern University to find out if he could help obtain the file with personal name authority records that contain 1) 667 note “Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.” and 2) CJK script reference(s) in field 400. Gary was able to extract a set of personal name authority records that meet the search criteria.Gary Strawn's original files generated in May 2018 are accessible at HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" CJK_Extract.01.xlsx HYPERLINK "" CJK_Extract.02.xlsx HYPERLINK "" CJK_Extract.03.xlsxThere are 268,128 authority records contained in Gary’s files.The Project Oversight Committee has defined the scope of the project based on the following criteria:Contains 667 field note “Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.”Is a personal name authority record (authorized form tagged 100)Represents a differentiated personal name (Name: 008/32 coded “a”)Contains multiple CJK script references (variant form tagged 400)A set of 80,956 authority records was identified from Gary’s initial record set. With the help from Lucas Mak of Michigan State University, using automated batch strategies, these personal name records have been further divided into three subsets by CJK languages:Chinese names: 47,937 records HYPERLINK "" Japanese names: 19,981 records HYPERLINK "" Korean names: 13,038 records HYPERLINK "" To facilitate the review process, Lucas has prepared the output files that contain machine pre-processed name authority records. CJK NACO volunteers will use the output files to perform manual review.Project Oversight CommitteeJia Xu (Yale, Chair and Co-coordinator for Chinese names)Wei Zheng (Columbia, Co-coordinator for Chinese names)Mieko Mazza (Stanford, Coordinator for Japanese names)Erica Chang (U. Hawai’i, Coordinator for Korean names)Lucas Mak (Michigan State, Technical support for automation)Sarah Elman (Columbia, Former CJK NACO Project Coordinator)Shi Deng (UCSD, CJK NACO Project Coordinator)Jessalyn Zoom (LC Liaison)General guidelinesEvaluate non-Latin references based on the existing 670 field(s) and bibliographic record(s) from OCLC or LC database as needed. Use cataloger’s judgement to determine whether the non-Latin form(s) is/are valid or not.Retain valid non-Latin reference(s) and remove invalid non-Latin reference(s) in 400 fields. Retain also other 400 non-Latin variant form(s) that are certainly related to the person, although justifications cannot be provided or are not needed.If the non-Latin form of name found in the source is not included in the existing 670 field(s) subfield ?b, add a new 670 field citing OCLC or LC database to determine and/or justify if the existing 400 non-Latin references are valid or not; add additional 670 field(s) citing another (other) source(s) if needed. An exception is made for the records containing Hangul form(s) only, see “Notes for Korean names” in the section below. Do not delete or change existing 670 field(s) when adding new 670 field(s).When citing bibliographic record(s) from OCLC or LC database, follow the formula for 670 citations as instructed in DCM Z1; optionally, add OCLC # of the bibliographic record(s) cited:670 $a OCLC, [date of search] $b (access point: found non-Latin form of name = romanized form of name; usage: found non-Latin form of name = romanized form of name)670 $a LC database, [date of search] $b (access point: found non-Latin form of name = romanized form of name; usage: found non-Latin form of name = romanized form of name)(Note: “Do not normally cite specific bibliographic records” when citing LC database. DCM Z1 670 page 9)For example, 670 $a OCLC, April 1, 2019 $b (access point: 杜兴強 = Du, Xingqiang; sage: 杜兴強 = Du Xingqiang)Or: 670 $a OCLC #53444068, April 1, 2019 $b (access point: 杜兴強 = Du, Xingqiang; usage: 杜兴強 = Du Xingqiang)Or:670 $a LC database, April 1, 2019 $b (access point: 杜兴强 - Du, Xingqiang; usage: 杜兴强= Du Xingqiang)Exercise caution in removing or editing machine-derived non-Latin references. In case of doubt, do not remove the reference(s); instead, consult with the project coordinator.When reviewing an “RDA acceptable” heading, if a change is being made to the authority record, CJK NACO catalogers are required to evaluate and recode the authority record to RDA, according to the PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines.When reviewing an authority record that contains the 667 note “THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED,” catalogers should evaluate the 100 heading field to determine whether the existing 100 field heading can be used under RDA or not. Consult with the Summary of Programmatic Changes to the LC/NACO Authority File: What LC-PCC RDA Catalogers need to know and the PCC Post RDA Test Guidelines for detailed instructions.Upon completion of reviewing an authority record, add 667 note “667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.” after the existing 667 note(s).Specific cases with CJK examplesThe majority of the authority records to be reviewed fall into the following three categories:Records coded RDA alreadyRecords coded AACR2Records coded AACR2 or pre-AACR2 containing 667 note “THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED”The review process, in general, includes the following three basic steps:Search OCLC to find the bibliographic record(s) that match(es) the existing 670 note(s)--citation(s) of work(s) catalogedOptionally, search additional information in OCLC and/or reference sources, Internet resourcesDetermine if the existing 400 non-Latin references are valid or notUpdate the authority recordAdd (a) new 670(s), if the non-Latin form of name found in the source is not included in the existing 670 field(s) subfield ?bRemove invalid 400 non-Latin references (and/or edit existing 400 non-Latin reference(s); and/or add new 400 non-Latin reference(s))Add new 667: “667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.”Change 008/10 “c” (or “a”, “b”, “d”) to “z”, add ?e rda to 040 when updating the record to RDADetermine if the form of name in 100 field can be used under RDA as given, when reviewing an authority record that contains the 667 note “THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED”*Notes for Korean names:The ALA-LC romanization table for Korean (revised in 2009) replaced ayn and alif with apostrophe. Therefore, change ayn and alif to apostrophe.If a name in a bibliographic record is in Hancha form, verify the correct form in OCLC and add a new 670. If there is no Hangul form in 400, provide it in 400 and in the new 670.If a record contains Hangul entries only in 400, it is not necessary to search OCLC record and add a new 670, since there is a 1:1 connection between the Hangul form and its romanization. Simply determine the correct Hangul form and insert it in the existing 670. Remove the incorrect one. Add a new 667 note: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project. See Examples 6-7.Exception: If a last name is romanized as ‘Yi’, search OCLC or LC database whether the non-Latin form is 李, 異, ?, ?, etc. When in doubt in all cases, search OCLC or LC database.Leave entries without a space in both Hancha and/or Hangul form alone.* Note for Japanese names: If a Japanese personal name contains an alif, replace it with an apostrophe instead, per ALA-LC Japanese Romanization Table.Example 1The record is coded RDA.The found non-Latin form of name is included in the existing 670 citation.Before review008/10: z010 n 81026009046 ?f 1925040 DLC ?b eng ?c DLC ?d OCoLC ?d OrU ?d OCoLC ?d IEN ?e rda ?d HkUST100 1 Ai, Mingzhi400 1 艾明之400 1 Huang, Zhikun400 1 黄志坤667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 His Fu ch?en.670 Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 |b (b. 1925)670 Bai du bai ke WWW site, Mar. 4, 2013 |b (艾明之 = Ai Mingzhi; b. 1925; orig. name: 黄志坤 = Huang Zhikun; writer; screenwriter; native of Guangdong Yingde; authored Fu chen, Hu shi ri ji, etc.)StepsSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches 1st 670 field for the work catalogedIn this case, the cataloger may not need to search for and cite the matching OCLC bibliographic record (OCLC #36472610) to justify 1st non-Latin reference 4001 艾明之Determine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or notBased on the existing 670 fieldsThe 1st and 2nd non-Latin references, 4001 艾明之 and 4001 黄志坤, were justified by the source data found in 3rd 670 field ?b (“艾明之 = Ai Mingzhi; orig. name: 黄志坤 = Huang Zhikun”), therefore, the 1st and 2nd non-Latin references are validThe source data found in 3rd 670 field ?b ( … authored Fu chen …) matches the work title “Fu ch?en” in 1st 670 field, which also provides evidence to support 1st non-Latin reference 4001 艾明之Update the authority recordAdd 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.After review008/10: z010 n 81026009040 DLC ?b eng ?c DLC ?d OCoLC ?d OrU ?d OCoLC ?d IEN ?e rda ?d HkUST ?d [org code]100 1 Ai, Mingzhi400 1 艾明之400 1 黄志坤667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 His Fu ch?en.670 Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 |b (b. 1925)670 Bai du bai ke WWW site, Mar. 4, 2013 |b (艾明之 = Ai Mingzhi; b. 1925; orig. name: 黄志坤 = Huang Zhikun; writer; screenwriter; native of Guangdong Yingde; authored Fu chen, Hu shi ri ji, etc.)Example 2The record is coded RDA.The found non-Latin form of name is not included in the existing 670 citation.Before review008/10: z010 nr 93049028040 DLC-R ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC-R ?d DLC-R ?d DLC ?d OCoLC ?d DLC1001 An, Chong-so?k4001 An, Jongseok4001 安 鍾石4001 安 鍾錫4001 ? ??667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 Kyoyuk chaejo?ng u?i kujo wa chaewo?n hwakch?ung pangan, 1996: ?b t.p. (An Chong-so?k) pref. (Ph.D.; researcher, Han'guk Chose Yo?n'guwo?n)670 Chuyoguk u?i po?bin seje pyo?nhwa ch'ui wa uri nara po?bin seje u?i kaep'yo?n panghyang, 2003: ?b t.p. (An Chong-so?k) colophon, etc. (grad., Yo?nsedae Kyo?ngje Hakkwa; Kyo?ngjehak paksa, Miguk, Univ. of Maryland; researcher, Han'guk Chose Yo?n'guwo?n; An Jongseok [in rom.])StepsSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches the first 670 field for the work catalogedThe bibliographic record OCLC #37653920 (lccn 97454015) is a match, with 700 access point 安 鍾錫 = An, Chong-so?kDetermine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or not1st 4001 安 鍾石 is invalid2nd 4001 安 鍾錫 and 3rd 4001 ? ?? are validUpdate the authority recordAdd new 670 field670 OCLC, [date of search] ?b (access point: 安 鍾錫 = ? ?? = An, Chong-so?k; usage: 安 鍾錫 = An Chong-so?k)Remove invalid 4001 安 鍾石Add 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Record after review008/10: z010 nr 93049028040 DLC-R ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC-R ?d DLC-R ?d DLC ?d OCoLC ?d DLC ?d [org code]1001 An, Chong-so?k4001 An, Jongseok4001 安 鍾錫4001 ? ??667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 Kyoyuk chaejo?ng u?i kujo wa chaewo?n hwakch?ung pangan, 1996: ?b t.p. (An Chong-so?k) pref. (Ph.D.; researcher, Han'guk Chose Yo?n'guwo?n)670 Chuyoguk u?i po?bin seje pyo?nhwa ch'ui wa uri nara po?bin seje u?i kaep'yo?n panghyang, 2003: ?b t.p. (An Chong-so?k) colophon, etc. (grad., Yo?nsedae Kyo?ngje Hakkwa; Kyo?ngjehak paksa, Miguk, Univ. of Maryland; researcher, Han'guk Chose Yo?n'guwo?n; An Jongseok [in rom.])670 OCLC, [date of search] ?b (access point: 安 鍾錫 = ? ?? = An, Chong-so?k; usage: 安 鍾錫 = An Chong-so?k)Example 3The record is coded AACR2.The found non-Latin form of name is not included in the existing 670 fields. Before review008/10: c010 n 2005090577040 DLC ?b eng ?c DLC ?d OCoLC1001 Du, Xingqiang4001 杜兴強4001 杜兴强4001 都兴強667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 WTO yu Zhongguo kuai ji de guo ji hua, 2003: ?b t.p. (Du Xingqiang)670 Zhi shi jing ji xia cai wu kuai ji li lun ... 2004: ?b t.p. (Du Xingqiang) front flap (b. 1974; Ph.D. in accounting)StepsSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches the first 670 field for the work catalogedSearch by personal name “Du, Xingqiang” and year “2003”The bib record OCLC #53444068 (lccn 2005426573) is a match, with 100 access point 杜兴強 = Du, XingqiangDetermine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or not1st 4001 杜兴強 is justified by 670 -- valid2nd 4001 杜兴强 is a correct variant form -- valid3rd 4001 都兴強 is a different author -- invalidUpdate the authority recordAdd a new 670 field:OCLC (or OCLC #53444068, or: LC database), [date of search] ?b (access point: 杜兴強 = Du, Xingqiang; usage: 杜兴強 = Du Xingqiang)Remove invalid 4001 都兴強Add 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Change 008/10 “c” to “z”, add ?e rda to 040, add 046 ?f 1974 ?2 edtfAfter review008/10: z010 n 2005090577040 DLC ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC ?d OCoLC ?d [org code]046 ?f 1974 ?2 edtf1001 Du, Xingqiang4001 杜兴強4001 杜兴强667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 WTO yu Zhongguo kuai ji de guo ji hua, 2003: ?b t.p. (Du Xingqiang)670 Zhi shi jing ji xia cai wu kuai ji li lun ... 2004: ?b t.p. (Du Xingqiang) front flap (b. 1974; Ph.D. in accounting)670 OCLC #53444068, [date of search] ?b (access point: 杜兴強 = Du, Xingqiang; usage: 杜兴強 = Du Xingqiang)Example 4The record is coded AACR2.The found non-Latin form of name is not included in the existing 670 field. Before review008/10: c010 n 88253516040 DLC ?b eng ?c DLC ?d OCoLC1001 Abe, Akihiro4001 安部明広4001 阿部昭博667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 Int. Sym. on Macromolecules (32nd : 1988 : Kyoto, Japan). Frontiers of macromolecular science, 1989: ?b CIP t.p. (Akihiro Abe, Dept. of Poly. Chem., Tokyo Insti. of Tech., Japan)675 Chosakuken daicho?, 1985; ?a Kenkyusha so?ran, 1984.StepsSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches the first 670 field for the work catalogedSearch by personal name “Abe, Akihiro” and year “1989”The bibliographic record OCLC #19815458 (lccn 89014916) is a match with 700 access point (Abe, Akihiro), however it does not carry parallel non-Latin fields so we cannot validate 400 referencesSearch author’s affiliation (Dept. of Poly. Chem., Tokyo Insti. of Tech., Japan) via WWW. From T2R2 (Tokyo Tech Research Repository), search author’s work (Special configuration and thermodynamics characteristics of main-chain liquid crystals) in OCLC. Match found (OCLC #996897312) with a 720 field with Latin/Non-Latin entry (安部, 明廣 = ABE, AKIHIRO)Determine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or not1st 4001 安部明広 is justified by 670 -- valid2nd 4001 阿部昭博 is a different author -- invalidUpdate the authority recordAdd two new 670 fields:670 OCLC #996897312, [date of search] ?b (access point: 安部明廣 = Abe, Akihiro)670 To?kyo? Ko?gyo? Daigaku Risāchi Repojitori (T2R2), [date of search] ?b (安部明廣 = Abe Akihiro; reading)Add a new 400 (安部明廣) before existing 400 (安部明広)Remove invalid 400 (阿部昭博)Add 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Change 008/10 “c” to “z”, add ?e rda to 040After review008/10: z010 n 88253516040 DLC ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC ?d OCoLC ?d [org code]1001 Abe, Akihiro4001 安部明廣4001 安部明広667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 Int. Sym. on Macromolecules (32nd : 1988 : Kyoto, Japan). Frontiers of macromolecular science, 1989: ?b CIP t.p. (Akihiro Abe, Dept. of Poly. Chem., Tokyo Insti. of Tech., Japan)670 OCLC #996897312, [date of search] ?b (access point: 安部明廣 = Abe, Akihiro)670 To?kyo? Ko?gyo? Daigaku Risāchi Repojitori (T2R2), [date of search] ?b (安部明廣 = Abe Akihiro; reading)675 Chosakuken daicho?, 1985; ?a Kenkyusha so?ran, 1984.Example 5The record is coded AACR2.The found non-Latin form of name is not included in the existing 670 field.Before review008/10: c010 nr 91009313040 DLC-R ?b eng ?c DLC-R ?d OCoLC1001 Tsujita, Hiroshi4001 辻田博4001 辻田啓志667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 Rizo?to & supo?tsu fashiriti, 1990: ?b colophon (Tsujita Hiroshi)675 Chosakuken daicho?, 1985; ?a NDL choshamei, 1985; ?a Jinbutsu refarensu j.StepsSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches the first 670 field for the work catalogedSearch by personal name “Tsujita, Hiroshi” and year “1990”The bib record OCLC #64067168 is a match, with 100 access point 辻田博 = Tsujita, HiroshiDetermine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or not1st 4001 辻田博 is justified by 670 -- valid2nd 4001 辻田啓志 is a different author -- invalidUpdate the authority recordAdd a new 670 field:670 OCLC, [date of search] ?b (access point: 辻田博 = Tsujita, Hiroshi; usage: 辻田博 = Tsujita Hiroshi)Remove invalid 4001 辻田啓志Change “references” to “reference” in “667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.”Add 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Change 008/10 “c” to “z”, add ?e rda to 040After review008/10: z010 nr 91009313040 DLC-R ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC-R ?d OCoLC ?d [org code]1001 Tsujita, Hiroshi4001 辻田博667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 Rizo?to & supo?tsu fashiriti, 1990: ?b colophon (Tsujita Hiroshi)670 OCLC, [date of search] ?b (access point: 辻田博 = Tsujita, Hiroshi; usage: 辻田博 = Tsujita Hiroshi)675 Chosakuken daicho?, 1985; ?a NDL choshamei, 1985; ?a Jinbutsu refarensu j.Example 6The record is coded AACR2.It contains non-Latin references in Hangul form only.The found non-Latin form of name is not included in the existing 670 field.Before review008/10: c010 nr 91003263040 DLC-R ?b eng ?c DLC-R ?d OCoLC1001 Ch?a, Ch?o?ng-sun4001 ???4001 ???667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 Im, K.S. Sinch?o?n u?i wo?nhan u?l itchi malcha, 1987: ?b colophon (Ch?a Ch?o?ng-sun; North Korean)StepsDetermine which Hangul form in 400 is correct based on the romanization in 100 and 670 fields.1st 4001 ??? is invalid2nd 4001 ??? is validUpdate the authority recordRemove invalid 4001 ???Add 3rd 4001 ? ??? ?? with a space is a standard formReplace the character ayn with apostrophe in 100 authorized access pointAdd ? ?? to the existing 670 followed by an equal signAdd 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Change 008/10 “c” to “z”, add ?e rda to 040After review 008/10: z010 nr 91003263040 DLC-R ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC-R ?d OCoLC ?d [org code]1001 Ch’a, Ch’o?ng-sun4001 ???4001 ? ??667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 Im, K.S. Sinch’o?n u?i wo?nhan u?l itchi malcha, 1987: ?b colophon (? ?? = Ch’a Ch’o?ng-sun; North Korean)Example 7The record is coded AACR2.The found non-Latin form of name is not included in the existing 670 citation.Before review008/10: c010 nr 00001765040 NNC-EA ?b eng ?c NNC-EA ?d OCoLC ?d DLC1001 Im, So?ng-gyu4001 林成圭4001 ???4001 ? ??667 Do not confuse with: Im, So?ng-gyu, 1975- (2009071853)667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 Ku?l ssu?gi cho?llyak kwa silche, 1998: ?b t.p. (Im So?ng-gyu) colophon (BA, Wo?n?gwang Taehakkyo Sabo?m Taehak Kugo? Kyoyukkwa; Ph.D., Ch?ungnam Taehakkyo Taehagwo?n Kugo? Kungmunhakkwa; Prof., Kwangju Kyoyuk Taehakkyo Kugo? Kyoyukkwa)StepsSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches the 670 field for the work catalogedThe bibliographic record OCLC #41044896 is a match, with 100 access point ??? = Im, So?ng-gyuDetermine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or not1st 4001 林成圭 is invalid, based on the bibliographic information from OCLC #41449712 and cataloger’s judgement2nd 4001 ??? and 3rd 4001 ? ?? are valid Hangul formsUpdate the authority recordRemove invalid 4001 林成圭Add ? ?? to the existing 670 followed by an equal signAdd 667 field: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Change 008/10 “c” to “z”, add ?e rda to 040After review008/10: z010 nr 00001765040 NNC-EA ?b eng ?e rda ?c NNC-EA ?d OCoLC ?d DLC ?d [org code]1001 Im, So?ng-gyu4001 ???4001 ? ??667 Do not confuse with: Im, So?ng-gyu, 1975- (2009071853)667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 Ku?l ssu?gi cho?llyak kwa silche, 1998: ?b t.p. (? ?? = Im So?ng-gyu) colophon (BA, Wo?n?gwang Taehakkyo Sabo?m Taehak Kugo? Kyoyukkwa; Ph.D., Ch?ungnam Taehakkyo Taehagwo?n Kugo? Kungmunhakkwa; Prof., Kwangju Kyoyuk Taehakkyo Kugo? Kyoyukkwa)Example 8The record is coded “a” (Earlier rules) in 008/10.It contains “667 THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED” note.Before review008/10: a010 n 79035863040 DLC ?b eng ?c DLC ?d OCoLC ?d DLC-R ?d OCoLC ?d DLC1000 Milin, ?c Shi4000 Mi-lin, ?c Shih4000 密林, ?c Shi4000 密林, ?c 釋667 THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATED667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.670 His Jen wang hu kuo po je po ?b lo mi to ching ch?an mi, 1977: t.p. (T?ang sha men Mi-lin)675 Ch?en, Y. Shih shih i nien lu, 1964.StepsDetermine if the 100 field name heading can be used under RDA as givenIn this case, the name heading can be used under RDA as givenSearch OCLC to find the bibliographic record that matches the 670 field for the work catalogedThe bibliographic record OCLC #6949920 (lccn 79837843) is a match, with 100 access point 密林, Shi = Milin, ShiDetermine if the existing 400s non-Latin references are valid or not1st and 2nd 4001 are validUpdate the authority recordAdd a new 670 field:OCLC (or OCLC #6949920), [date of search] ?b (access point: 密林, Shi = Milin, Shi; usage: 密林 = Milin)Remove 667 THIS 1XX FIELD CANNOT BE USED UNDER RDA UNTIL THIS RECORD HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND/OR UPDATEDAdd 667 note: 667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.Change 008/10 “a” to “z”, add ?e rda to 040After review008/10: z010 n 79035863040 DLC ?b eng ?e rda ?c DLC ?d OCoLC ?d DLC-R ?d OCoLC ?d DLC ?d [org code]1000 Milin, ?c Shi4000 Mi-lin, ?c Shih4000 密林, ?c Shi4000 密林, ?c 釋667 Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.667 Non-Latin script references not evaluated.667 Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.670 His Jen wang hu kuo po je po ?b lo mi to ching ch?an mi, 1977: t.p. (T?ang sha men Mi-lin)670 OCLC #6949920, [date of search] ?b (access point: 密林, Shi = Milin, Shi; usage: 密林 = Milin)675 Ch?en, Y. Shih shih i nien lu, 1964.Related documentsNACO CJK Funnel References Project: Frequently Asked Questions(under development)Gary Strawn's original files, generated in May 2018 Script Data in Name Authority Records: Frequently Asked Questions Post RDA Test Guidelines HYPERLINK "" Summary of Programmatic Changes to the LC/NACO Authority File: What LC-PCC RDA Catalogers need to know Z1 and LC Guidelines Supplement to MARC 21 Format for Authorities Data Asked Questions on creating Personal Name Authority Records (NARs) for NACO – LC/PCC practice for creating NARs for persons who use pseudonyms Romanization Tables: Chinese, Japanese, and KoreanNote: The Wade-Giles to Pinyin conversion table is included in the Chinese Romanization Guidelines.*Consulte with PCC NACO website for the latest version of PCC NACO documentation ................

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