Japanese Teaching Ideas

Student’s Name: ______________________ Teacher:

Language Japanese

Date Issued: Draft Due:

Unit: Introductions

Context: In this unit, you have learned how to introduce yourself and others. In this task, you will introduce someone you know well to a group of Japanese people.

Task: Give a multi-media presentation about someone that you know.

Audience: Teenage Japanese students and their teachers

Purpose: To inform

Genre: Formal speech

ICT: Interactive Whiteboard and computer will be available for visual support.

Time: 1 minute

Subject Matter: Personal information (name, age, nationality, hobbies, likes/dislikes)

Intercultural competence (Japanese body language and expressions)


• Class and homework time will be needed to complete this task

• A written version of your speech is due by the draft date for teacher feedback

• Face-to-face, in-class presentation is preferred. A video clip (online version) may be used as an alternative for the in-class presentation.

• You need to include a visual support that can be displayed electronically e.g. a photo or series of photos to support your presentation

• You may use palm cards to support your presentation

Parent Acknowledgement of Task

The Languages Department recommends that you read this task and record the due date to assist your child in planning his / her work at home and in completing this task on time. Please acknowledge that you have sighted this task, and that you are aware of your child’s obligation to complete this piece of assessment by the due date.

Parent / Guardian Signature: ________________________________

Final Grading:

|Assessable |Descriptors |

|elements | |

| |A |

|Knowledge and |Comprehensive |Thorough knowledge |Satisfactory |Variable knowledge |Rudimentary knowledge|

|understanding |knowledge and |and understanding of |knowledge and |and understanding of |and understanding of |

| |understanding of |concepts, facts and |understanding of |concepts, facts and |concepts, facts and |

| |concepts, facts and |procedures |concepts, facts and |procedures |procedures |

| |procedures | |procedures | | |

|Composing texts |Clear and accurate |Coherent and accurate|Sound communication |Disjointed |Unclear communication|

| |communication of |communication of |of meaning in spoken |communication of |of meaning in spoken |

| |meaning in spoken and |meaning in spoken and|and written texts |meaning in spoken and|and written texts |

| |written texts |written texts | |written texts | |

|Intercultural Competence |Insightful use of |Effective use of |Competent use of |Variable use of |Minimal use of |

| |appropriate language |appropriate language |appropriate language |appropriate language |appropriate language |

| |and practices in |and practices in |and practices in |practices in |and practices in |

| |intercultural |intercultural |intercultural |intercultural |intercultural |

| |situations |situations |situations |situations |situations |

|Reflecting |Perceptive reflection |Informed reflection |Relevant reflection |Superficial |Cursory reflection on|

| |on language choices |on language choices |on language choices |reflection on |language choices and |

| |and learning |and learning |and learning |language choices and |learning |

| | | | |learning | |



Complete the profile below for the person you will be introducing in Japanese.

|Name | |(Draw or paste a photo here) |

|Age | |Relationship to you | | |

|Where they live | |Nationality | | |

|Likes/Dislikes/Hobbies | | |

| Other details (e.g school grade, number | |

|of people in family | |

|Family Member’s names |1 |2 |3 |

|Family member’s age | | | |

|Family member’s likes/dislikes/hobbies | | | |

|Other details (e.g. live, school grade) | | | |

Assessment Draft Checklist: Write the date in the boxes below to show you have completed each aspect of the task.

|Task Element |Self-assessment before draft |Teacher assessment by |Self-assessment at due |

| | |draft |date |

|Culturally appropriate introduction for audience | | | |

|Person’s name | | | |

|Person’s relationship to you (if appropriate) | | | |

|Person’s age | | | |

|Person’s nationality | | | |

|Where person lives | | | |

|Person’s Likes/Dislikes/Hobbies | | | |

|Other details (grade at school) about the person | | | |

|Person’s family – number | | | |

|Person’s family – members | | | |

|Person’s family – ages | | | |

|Person’s family – likes/dislikes/hobbies | | | |

|Person’s family – Other details e.g. live, grade | | | |

|Digital visual support (photos, PowerPoint, video) | | | |

|Palm cards (if needed) | | | |

|Peer and home practice of final presentation | | | |

|Draft student feed forward to teacher |Draft teacher feedback to student |

|Draft Speech in Japanese |Teacher Feedback |

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