World History Lesson Plans

World History Lesson Plans

East Gadsden High School

William R. Jones April 19, 2010

5 day Lesson Plans

Topic; China and Japan ( Also Finishing up With the Cold War)

Goal: The student understand the development of China and Japan

Sunshine State Standard. Benchmarks

SS.912.W.2.19 Describe the impact of Japan's physiography on its economic and political development. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations ( Japan).

SS.912.W.2.20Summarize the major cultural, economic, political, and religious developments in medieval Japan. Examples are Pillow Book, Tale of Genji, Shinto and Japanese Buddhism, the rise of feudalism, the development of the shogunate, samurai, and social hierarchy

SS.912.W.2.21 Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).

SS.912.W.2.22 Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea.

Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).

SS.912.W.6.1 Describe the agricultural and technological innovations that led to industrialization in Great Britain and its subsequent spread to continental Europe, the United States, and Japan. Understand the development of Western and non-Western nationalism, industrialization and imperialism, and the significant processes and consequences of each.

SS.912.W.6.7 Identify major events in China during the 19th and early 20th centuries related to imperialism. Examples are Western incursions, Opium Wars, Taiping and Boxer Rebellions, nationalist revolution.

SS.912.W.8.3 Summarize key developments in post-war China Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War eras. Examples are Chinese Civil War, communist victory, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, China's subsequent rise as a world power.

SS.912.W.9.4 Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century. Examples are Cyprus, Kashmir, Tibet, Northern Ireland.

SS.912.W.9.5 Assess the social and economic impact of pandemics on a global scale, particularly within the developing and under-developed world. Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century.

(Questions for discussion) for Student’s to think about each day before they read these chapters. What are the differences between China and Japan? How do these great civilizations compare to us? Why was their beliefs in philosophy and religion so important to their respective societies? Do we use any of these ideas in our life? What kind of economy do they have in these two locations? How did they use their respective languages? How do they govern themselves? How does the geography affect their way of life? What was the climate and topography in Japan and China? How did their beliefs change over time? What caused the various declines in the different Civilizations like Ming Empire in China and the Shoguns in Japan?

Monday: Bell Ringer:

Tuesday: Bell Ringer

Wednesday: Test

Thursday: Bell Ringer: Read page 487 China at it’s Height Geography Skills answer the two questions. Class work: page 490 answer questions 1,2 4 5, 6 and 7.

Friday: Bell Ringer Read page: p.488 and 489 Sports and Contests answer the questions. Class work: page 494 answer 1,2,4,5,6 and 7.

Homework: Graphic Organizer: Students will make a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between the Japanese and Chinese people.

Vocabulary: Ming, Qing, porcelain, celan, commercial, capitalism, queue, banner, extraterritorial, self-strengthening, shogun, spheres of influence, indemnity, state capitalism, occupied, concessions,

Evaluation: Students will take a test on China and Japan next week.

ESOL: Teacher will model the analysis, evaluation and synthesis. Students will select one of the early religions and philosophers. They will first look at the back of a chapter and use the three R’s to read review and recite. The teacher will show the students how to locate various points of time in history. The students are given more time to complete their charts and written assignment. They will work in pairs with other students. Students will be paired with students who have a contextual understanding of the assignment and or myself. ESOL students will also be given an interpreter and additional time to do their oral presentation. The teacher will also work along side the students.

World History Lesson Plans

East Gadsden High School

William R. Jones April 26, 2010

5 day Lesson Plans

Topic; China and Japan

Goal: The student understand the development of China and Japan

Sunshine State Standard. Benchmarks

SS.912.W.2.19 Describe the impact of Japan's physiography on its economic and political development. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations ( Japan).

SS.912.W.2.20Summarize the major cultural, economic, political, and religious developments in medieval Japan. Examples are Pillow Book, Tale of Genji, Shinto and Japanese Buddhism, the rise of feudalism, the development of the shogunate, samurai, and social hierarchy

SS.912.W.2.21 Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).

SS.912.W.2.22 Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea.

Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).

SS.912.W.6.1 Describe the agricultural and technological innovations that led to industrialization in Great Britain and its subsequent spread to continental Europe, the United States, and Japan. Understand the development of Western and non-Western nationalism, industrialization and imperialism, and the significant processes and consequences of each.

SS.912.W.6.7 Identify major events in China during the 19th and early 20th centuries related to imperialism. Examples are Western incursions, Opium Wars, Taiping and Boxer Rebellions, nationalist revolution.

SS.912.W.8.3 Summarize key developments in post-war China Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War eras. Examples are Chinese Civil War, communist victory, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, China's subsequent rise as a world power.

SS.912.W.9.4 Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century. Examples are Cyprus, Kashmir, Tibet, Northern Ireland.

SS.912.W.9.5 Assess the social and economic impact of pandemics on a global scale, particularly within the developing and under-developed world. Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century.

(Questions for discussion) for Student’s to think about each day before they read these chapters. What are the differences between China and Japan? How do these great civilizations compare to us? Why was their beliefs in philosophy and religion so important to their respective societies? Do we use any of these ideas in our life? What kind of economy do they have in these two locations? How did they use their respective languages? How do they govern themselves? How does the geography affect their way of life? What was the climate and topography in Japan and China? How did their beliefs change over time? What caused the various declines in the different Civilizations like Ming Empire in China and the Shoguns in Japan?

Monday: Bell Ringer: page 684 Connections to the past. Answer the questions in Comparisons Past to the Present. Class work: Section 1 page 689 answer questions 1,2,4,5 , 6,and 7.

Tuesday: Bell Ringer: YOUNG People in… pages 694 and 695. answer questions 1 and 2. Class work: Section 2 answer questions 1,2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Wednesday: Bell Ringer: Read page 705 “ A Letter to the Emperor” answer 1,2 and 3. Class work: Then work on page 540 questions 1, 4,5 and 6.

Thursday: Bell Ringer: YOUNG People in… pages 694 and 695. answer questions 1 and 2. Class work: Section 2 answer questions 1,2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Friday: Bell Ringer: Read page 705 “ A Letter to the Emperor” answer 1,2 and 3. Class work: Then work on page 540 questions 1, 4,5 and 6.

Homework: Graphic Organizer: Students will make a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between the Japanese and Chinese people.

Vocabulary: Ming, Qing, porcelain, celan, commercial, capitalism, queue, banner, extraterritorial, self-strengthening, shogun, spheres of influence, indemnity, state capitalism, occupied, concessions,

Evaluation: Students will take a test on China and Japan next week.

ESOL: Teacher will model the analysis, evaluation and synthesis. Students will select one of the early religions and philosophers. They will first look at the back of a chapter and use the three R’s to read review and recite. The teacher will show the students how to locate various points of time in history. The students are given more time to complete their charts and written assignment. They will work in pairs with other students. Students will be paired with students who have a contextual understanding of the assignment and or myself. ESOL students will also be given an interpreter and additional time to do their oral presentation. The teacher will also work along side the students.


1. Presentations next week

Homework: Presentations

World History Lesson Plans

East Gadsden High School

William R. Jones May 3, 2010

5 day Lesson Plans

Topic; China and Japan

Goal: The student understand the development of China and Japan

Sunshine State Standard. Benchmarks

SS.912.W.2.19 Describe the impact of Japan's physiography on its economic and political development. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations ( Japan).

SS.912.W.2.20Summarize the major cultural, economic, political, and religious developments in medieval Japan. Examples are Pillow Book, Tale of Genji, Shinto and Japanese Buddhism, the rise of feudalism, the development of the shogunate, samurai, and social hierarchy

SS.912.W.2.21 Compare Japanese feudalism with Western European feudalism during the Middle Ages. Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).

SS.912.W.2.22 Describe Japan's cultural and economic relationship to China and Korea.

Recognize significant events, figures, and contributions of medieval civilizations (Byzantine Empire, Western Europe, Japan).

SS.912.W.6.1 Describe the agricultural and technological innovations that led to industrialization in Great Britain and its subsequent spread to continental Europe, the United States, and Japan. Understand the development of Western and non-Western nationalism, industrialization and imperialism, and the significant processes and consequences of each.

SS.912.W.6.7 Identify major events in China during the 19th and early 20th centuries related to imperialism. Examples are Western incursions, Opium Wars, Taiping and Boxer Rebellions, nationalist revolution.

SS.912.W.8.3 Summarize key developments in post-war China Recognize significant events and people from the post World War II and Cold War eras. Examples are Chinese Civil War, communist victory, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, China's subsequent rise as a world power.

SS.912.W.9.4 Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century. Examples are Cyprus, Kashmir, Tibet, Northern Ireland.

SS.912.W.9.5 Assess the social and economic impact of pandemics on a global scale, particularly within the developing and under-developed world. Identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century.

(Questions for discussion) for Student’s to think about each day before they read these chapters. What are the differences between China and Japan? How do these great civilizations compare to us? Why was their beliefs in philosophy and religion so important to their respective societies? Do we use any of these ideas in our life? What kind of economy do they have in these two locations? How did they use their respective languages? How do they govern themselves? How does the geography affect their way of life? What was the climate and topography in Japan and China? How did their beliefs change over time? What caused the various declines in the different Civilizations like Ming Empire in China and the Shoguns in Japan?

Monday: Bell Ringer: page 963 School Regulations Japanese Style Answer the questions 1 and 2. Class work: Section 3 page 962 answer questions 1,2,4,5 , 6,and 7.

Tuesday: Test Review

Wednesday: Bell Ringer: study your test guide. Jeopardy

Thursday: Test

Friday: Bell Ringer: Read page 968 “ A Time for Heros” What contemporary global problem worries you the most?. Class work: Then work on page 973 answer questions 1, 2,4,5 6, and 7.

Homework: World News Item: Students will find one article relating to a global problem.

Vocabulary: Ming, Qing, porcelain, celan, commercial, capitalism, queue, banner, extraterritorial, self-strengthening, shogun, spheres of influence, indemnity, state capitalism, occupied, concessions,

Evaluation: Students will take a test on China and Japan.



William R. Jones November 30, 2009

5 Day Lesson Plan

Topic: The Revolution and Enlightenment

Goal: The student understands the Revolution and Enlightenment in Europe 1550-1800.

Sunshine State Standard. Benchmarks

SS.912.W.4.10 Identify the major contributions of individuals associated with the Scientific Revolution. SS.912.W.4.11Summarize the causes that led to the Age of Exploration, and identify major voyages and sponsors. SS.912.W.4.12Evaluate the scope and impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Monday: Bell Ringer: Compare the two charts page 512 and 513 answer questions 1 and 2. page Class work: 517 answer questions 1,2,4,5 , 6, 7

Tuesday: Bell Ringer: answer the question about History through Art on page 520. Class work: Then do Section 2 page 525 answer questions 1,2,4,5 , 6, 7 .

Wednesday Bell Ringer: Map Exercise on page 524 question 1 and 2 Class work: Section 3 page 534 answer questions 1,2,4,5 , 6,and 7.

Thursday: Bell Ringer: Picturing History page 528. What is a child prodigy? Do you know anyone who is a child prodigy? Class work: 538 questions 1,2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Friday: Bell Ringer: Read page 541 Eyewitness to History and answer questions 1-3. Analyzing primary sources. Class work: Then work on page 540 questions 1,2, 4,5 and 6

Focus Calendar: Re-teaching analyzing primary sources.

Fluency: Student will read chapter 17 pages 509-543.

Homework: Guidebook Chapter 17 sections 1, 2 ,3 and 4

Graphic Organizer: Students will make a Chart innovations and the reactions..

Vocabulary: John Locke, Sir Issac Newton, Bach, Mozart, enlightened absolutism, deism separation of power, , laisez-faire, salon, social contract, Adam Smith, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot and philosophies.

Evaluation: Students will complete their home work and class assignments and test the following week.

ESOL: Teacher will model the analysis, evaluation and synthesis. Students will select various scientists and philosophers. They will first look at the back of a chapter and use the three R’s to read review and recite. The teacher will show the students how to locate various points of time in history. The students are given more time to complete their charts and written assignment. They will work in pairs with other students. Students will be paired with students who have a contextual understanding of the assignment and or myself. ESOL students will also be given an interpreter and additional time to do their oral presentation. The teacher will also work along side the students.

Assessments: Test the following week on Monday


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