Chapter 13 – Japan Under The Shogun - Rupert's Social Class

Chapter 13 – Japan Under The Shogun

Read the attached story of the 47 ronin and answer questions 1-4.

1. Do you think the consequences for Lord Asano were appropriate? Why?

2. What do you believe was the thought process that lead the ronin to avenge Asano’s death?

3. Why do you think the ronin beheaded Kira while he was hosting a tea party?

4. What does this story teach you about justice, from a traditional Japanese perspective?

Japan Under The Shogun – Chapter 13


1. What was life like during the Edo period?

2. What was life like in the hundred years before the Edo period?

Unifying The Land

3. Why is Tokugawa Ieyasu important in Japanese history?

4. What was Ieyasu’s plan to control the daimyo?

5. Explain the three measures that Ieyasu instituted to bring stability to Japan.

A Feudal Society

6. Explain the hierarchy of Japanese society.

7. Is it possible to move within the hierarchy?

Roles In Society

8. Explain how rules governed people’s behaviour.

9. Explain what life was like for the following groups in Edo society:






10. What is seppuku and why did people do it?

11. Explain what life was like for outcasts.


Toward a Harmonious Society

12. What are “social controls”?

13. Who was Confucius?

14. What are the five basic relationships, according to Confucius?


15. Why do schools in Japan have uniforms?

16. How does samurai honour translate to business today?

Group Responsibility and Shame

17. What are goningumi?


18. What was going on in 1534 in the world?

The “Southern Barbarians”

19. Who were the “barbarians” and how did they come to be in Japan?

New Kind of Belief

20. Contrast Christianity with the traditional belief systems in Japan. What was the same and what was different?

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Terminology – Chapter 13

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Obligations and Duties

Obligations and Duties


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