Veterans Affairs


STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW)Modular Chiller Plant14 Sep 2018 TOC \o "1-3" \t "Title,1,Title,2" Vision Statement PAGEREF _Toc524695605 \h 41 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc524695606 \h 41.2 Background PAGEREF _Toc524695607 \h 41.3 Scope PAGEREF _Toc524695608 \h 42 General Requirements PAGEREF _Toc524695609 \h 52.1 Non-Personal Services PAGEREF _Toc524695610 \h 52.2 Business Relations PAGEREF _Toc524695611 \h 52.3 Contract Administration and Management PAGEREF _Toc524695612 \h 52.4 Subcontract Management PAGEREF _Toc524695613 \h 52.6 Location and Hours of Work PAGEREF _Toc524695614 \h 52.7 Travel / Temporary Duty (TDY) PAGEREF _Toc524695615 \h 53 Performance Requirements PAGEREF _Toc524695616 \h 63.1 General . PAGEREF _Toc524695617 \h 63.2 Maintenance . PAGEREF _Toc524695618 \h 74 Special Requirements PAGEREF _Toc524695619 \h 84.1 Security PAGEREF _Toc524695620 \h 84.2 Safety PAGEREF _Toc524695621 \h 84.2.2 Mishaps PAGEREF _Toc524695622 \h 94.3 Government Furnished Materials PAGEREF _Toc524695623 \h 94.4 Environmental Requirements PAGEREF _Toc524695624 \h 94.5 Applicable Directives PAGEREF _Toc524695625 \h 104.6 Quality PAGEREF _Toc524695626 \h 104.6.1 Quality Control PAGEREF _Toc524695627 \h 104.6.2 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) PAGEREF _Toc524695628 \h 114.7 Certification Requirements PAGEREF _Toc524695628 \h 115 Deliverables PAGEREF _Toc524695629 \h 116 Related Documents PAGEREF _Toc524695630 \h 11Chiller Plant Service ContractVision StatementAward a service contract for the Modular Chiller Plant to ensure the St Petersburg VA Regional Office (VARO) is adequately provided with chilled water to the HVAC system.1 IntroductionThe St Petersburg VARO is in need of awarding a service contract for the management and maintenance of the MCP to include all system components, pumps, fans, VFD's, electric distribution system, AC units (2), exhaust system, fire suppression system, hazardous gas system, filtration system, communications, communication panels, valves (automatic and manual), and all other components not listed as well as maintaining the overall cleanliness of the MCP and surrounding area inside of the MCP complex. 1.2 BackgroundThe St Petersburg VA Regional office is composed of two buildings, BLD 46 and BLD 47. ?BLD 46 is a 3 story (ground floor parking) building of approximately 180Kft2 and BLD 47 also a 3-story building with ground floor parking is approximately 27,343 ft2; combined the two building are approximately 210K ft2. ?In Dec 2016 the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, VBA awarded a contract for the installation of a Modular Chiller Plant, MCP and two cooling towers. ?The MCP is composed of two 400T Multitask chillers with 3ea magnetic bearing compressors; 6 total. Two 400T Evapco stainless steel cooling towers were also installed. ?In September of 2017 the MCP was commissioned and brought on line. There are 10 York Air Handler Units (AHU) in BLD 46 that receive chilled water from the MCP. ?BLD 47 has two rooftop units; one package unit and one unit that receives chilled water from the MCP. ?The Multistact chillers communicate via MODBUS to a Distech panel in the MCP however the system is managed via a BACNET JCI Metasys BAS platform. ?An integrator, located in the MCP bridges MODBUS and BACNET JCI Metasys. ?All HVAC controllers, VAV's, VFD's, condenser/evaporator pumps, cooling towers, etc., are managed by a JCI ADX server located in room 205, BLD 46. ?1.3 ScopeContractor will provide all labor, tools, transportation costs, parts and materials (less than $500) required to service and maintain the Modular Chiller Plant to include all system components inside of the MCP IAW the manufacturers O&M manual(s). ?In addition, the contractor will maintain the cleanliness inside the MCP as well as outside in the MCP complex. ?MCP is composed of two 400T Multistack chillers with 3ea magnetic bearing compressors, evaporator pumps (2), condenser pumps (2), filtration system (Lakos), VFD's (6), electrical system, and other component systems not listed. ?Contractor will be responsible for ensuring all systems integrate and communicate with MODBUS/BACNET Building Automation Systems (BAS) via the JCI Metasys system. Technicians working on the Multistack chiller plant must be trained and certified by Multistack to work on the chillers. ?Technicians must also provide evidence of Johnson Controls Metasys training. ?Section 3 of this SOW lists specific requirements for the execution of this contract.2 General RequirementsThis section describes the general requirements for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.2.1 Non-Personal ServicesThe Government shall neither supervise contractor employees nor control the method by which the contractor performs the required tasks. Under no circumstances shall the Government assign tasks to, or prepare work schedules for, individual contractor employees. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to manage its employees and to guard against any actions that are of the nature of personal services, or give the perception of personal services. If the contractor believes that any actions constitute, or are perceived to constitute personal services, it shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the Contracting Officer (CO) immediately.2.2 Business RelationsThe contractor shall successfully integrate and coordinate all activity needed to execute the requirement. The contractor shall manage the timeliness, completeness, and quality of problem identification. The contractor shall provide corrective action plans, proposal submittals, timely identification of issues, and effective management of subcontractors. The contractor shall seek to ensure customer satisfaction and professional and ethical behavior of all contractor personnel.2.3 Contract Administration and ManagementThe following subsections specify requirements for contract, management, and personnel administration.2.4 Subcontract ManagementThe contractor shall be responsible for any subcontract management necessary to integrate work performed on this requirement and shall be responsible and accountable for subcontractor performance on this requirement. The prime contractor will manage work distribution to ensure there are no Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) considerations. Contractors may add subcontractors to their team after notification to the Contracting Officer (CO) or Contracting Officer Representative (COR). 2.5 Location and Hours of WorkAccomplishment of the results contained in this SOW requires work at the St Petersburg VA Regional Office, 9500 Bay Pines Blvd., St Petersburg, FL 33708. Normal workdays will be Monday through Friday except US Federal Holidays from 7:30am until 5:00 pm. The contractor may work on Saturday and/or Sunday's with prior coordination with the Contracting Officer Representative (COR). ?2.6 Travel / Temporary Duty (TDY)All travel requirements (including plans, agenda, itinerary, or dates) are the responsibility of the contractor. ?The government pays no travel costs.3 Performance RequirementsThe following section specifies the Performance Objectives and Performance Elements for the contract.3.1 GeneralContractor shall provide Modular Chiller Plant (MCP) preventive maintenance and repair services for two 400T Multi Stake Magnetic Bearing chillers; condenser/evaporator pumps; VFD's; controls; and all ancillary components to the MCP. ?Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, test equipment, tools and transportation required to perform these services. All chiller repair work and maintenance shall follow the manufacturer's recommendations. For brevity when used MCP shall include all components and systems inside of the MCP.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Addresses all program areas? ? AQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.Deliverables A001 Maintenance Status Report3.1.1 Prior Notification.Prior to performing chiller maintenance or repairs the Contractor must report to and sign in at room 205, Support Services Division. ?Contractor will not shut down or take any equipment off line without first coordinating with the Contracting Officers Representative (COR). ?If the COR is not available the Contractor will report to room 205, SSD for assistance from additional facilities staff. ??Once services are complete the Contractor will put all equipment back into service and verify in metasys equipment is performing IAW manufacturers specifications. Prior departing the VARO the Contractor will provide the COR with a itemized maintenance/services report for work performed. ?Contractor will sign out at room 205 upon completion of a service and out brief the COR or his/her representative.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Consistent? ? AQL: Contractor will report to room 205 Support Services Division, SSD prior any maintenance performance on the chiller or MCP and will check out with room 205, SSD upon completion of maintenance activities3.1.2 Replacement Parts.Contractor shall provide replacement parts for chillers within forty-eight (48) hours from the date and time of breakdown. Exceptions to this must be approved by the Contracting Officer. At no time will BOTH chiller be down for more than 4 hours.Contractor shall purchase and provide all manufacturers replacement parts for each chiller. After-market parts are not to be used unless approved by the Contracting Officers Representative.All maintenance, repair and alteration work must comply with the manufactures O&M manual as well as all applicable rules and regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Section 608 of the Clean Air Act, 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code, 2012 International Mechanical Code, as well as any other local, state, and federal code relevant to HVAC standards.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Meets technical specifications? ? AQL: 100% of repair parts meet manufacturers specifications.Deliverables A001 Maintenance Status Report3.2 Maintenance.The following subsections of this paragraph outlines the maintenance requirements for the MCP.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Addresses all program areas? ? AQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.Deliverables A001 Maintenance Status Report3.2.1 General.Contractor's performance shall include, but not limited to, the following when performing chiller maintenance:* ?provide all major and minor chiller repairs, that include, but are not limited to, the following: diagnostic, rebuilds, overalls, teardowns, refrigerant reclamations, retrofits and re-tubes* ?perform annual preventative maintenance per the manufacturer's guidelines* ?remove and dispose of all trash and oil from floors when job is completed for the day* ?provide appropriate off-site disposal of used parts and trash?* report any observed equipment deficiencies to the COR the same day they have been observed. ?For repair parts exceeding $500.00 provide the COR an itemized quote (materials and labor) to replace the unrepairable equipment.* ?maintain stainless steel decking ensuring it is clean and polished as necessary.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Addresses all program areas? ? AQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.Deliverables A001 Maintenance Status Report3.2.2 MB ChillersAttachment #1 - Maintenance Checklist is the manufacturers, Multistack checklist for the chillers. ?Maintenance will only be performed by a Multistack Factory Certified Service Technician. ?This checklist is also in the O&M manual, Appendix B, page 50 that is maintained inside the MCP.Performance Standardsa) Standard: Addresses all program areas? ? AQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.Deliverables A001 Maintenance Status Report4 Special RequirementsThis section describes the special requirements for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.4.1 SecurityDuring normal business hours (6am - 6pm) the Contractor is required to enter and exit the St Petersburg VARO through the front entrance. ?Entering or exiting the building through any other door will require VARO approval and an escort will be required. ?Upon entering the building, the contractor and/or contractor employees will be required to show proof of identity (must have a valid photo ID) as well as pass through a security screening. Due to the sensitivity and personal information processed at the VARO the Contractor as well as the Contractors employees will be required to complete VA Privacy and Information Security and Rules of Behavior Training. ?This training will be provided by the COR to all Contractor employees to include sub-contractor employees. ?The Contractor will have coordinated and schedule the training with the COR. Training must be completed within 10 working days from the contract award date. In addition, VA Form 20-0334 and form VA Form 0711 must be completed by the Contractor, contractor employees, and sub-contractors and original copies turned in to the COR prior beginning construction. See Attachment 2 - Forms to this SOW for VA Form 20-0344 and VA Form 0711. 4.2 SafetyEquipment - The Contractor shall provide all safety equipment/devices, MSDS, personal protective equipment and clothing as required for its employees. ?Copies of all MSDS shall be provided to the COR.OSHA - Prior to commencing work the Contractor shall provide proof that an OSHA designated "competent person (CP)(29 CFR 1926.20(b)(2) will maintain a presence at the work site whenever the general or subcontractors are not present. ?The Contractor as well as the on-site supervisor will have completed no less than 30 hours of OSHA approved safety training. ?All other Contractor employees will have no less than 10 hours of OSHA approved safety training.Safety Plan Contractor will provide a site specific safety plan as well as an Activity Hazards Analysis. ?An example of a VA approved AHA can be found at HYPERLINK "http://\"" - The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local legal requirements regarding workers health and safety. ?The requirements include but are not limited to, those found in Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) statutes and regulations, such as applicable provisions of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1910 and 1926. ?Contractor is solely responsible for determining the legal requirements that apply to activities, and shall ensure safe and healthful working conditions for its employees.4.2.2 MishapsMishap Notification and Investigation: ??The contractor and its subcontractors (if applicable) shall promptly report pertinent facts regarding mishaps involving Government property damage or injury to Government personnel and to cooperate in any resulting safety investigation. ?The contractor shall notify (via telephone) the cognizant contracting officer, the contracting officers representative, and/or other applicable members within four (4) hours of all mishaps or incidents. ?The Government person notified by the contractor will in-turn notify the Safety office. ?Contractor notifications made after duty hours shall be reported to the appropriate installation Command Post. ?If requested by the cognizant contracting officer, the contracting officers representative, and/or the cognizant program manager, the contractor shall immediately secure the mishap scene/damaged property and impound pertinent maintenance and training records until released by the investigating safety office. ?If the Government investigates the mishap, the contractor and the subcontractors shall cooperate fully and assist the Government personnel until the investigation is completed.4.3 Government Furnished MaterialsThe government shall provide at no cost parking space and access to the VARO loading docks as necessary.4.4 Environmental RequirementsNon-Hazardous waste disposalDemolition - The Contractor shall provide all demolition, removal and legal disposal of materials. The Construction Contractor shall ensure that facilities used for recycling, reuse and disposal shall be permitted for the intended use to the extent required by local, state, federal regulations.Hazardous waste disposalAbatement - In order to provide for abatement and control of all environmentally hazardous materials arising from demolition and/or construction activities, the Construction Contractor shall comply with all applicable environmentally hazardous material control and abatement and all applicable provisions of the Corps of Engineers Manual EM 385-1-1, "General Safety Requirements as well as the specific requirements stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. EM 385-1-1 can be found at HYPERLINK "http://\"" - The Construction Contractor shall provide a waste manifesto for all hazardous waste disposals.The contractor shall comply with all documents listed below as mandatory and referenced under paragraph 3.0, Performance Requirements. Compliance with documents listed as non mandatory is the contractors' option.Mandatory compliance29 CFR 1926Corps of Engineers Manual EM 385-1-1, "General Safety Requirements as well as the specific requirements stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. EM 385-1-1 can be found at HYPERLINK "http://\"" CFR 1926.20Non Mandatory document4.5 Applicable DirectivesThe contractor shall comply with all documents listed below as mandatory and referenced under paragraph 3.0, Performance Requirements. Compliance with documents listed as non-mandatory is the contractors' option.Mandatory compliance (list) 29 CFR 1910 - General IndustryActivity Hazards Analysis - AHA example found at HYPERLINK "http://\"" document (list)4.6 QualityThis section describes the Quality Control components for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.4.6.1 Quality ControlThe Contractor shall develop a Quality Control Plan (QCP) and maintain an effective quality control program to ensure services are performed in accordance with this SOW. ?The Contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. ?The Contractors QCP is the means by which he assures himself that his work complies with the requirement of the contract. ?The finalized QCP will be accepted by the Government within 10 days from the time of the award of the Task/Delivery Order. ?The Contracting Officer may notify the Contractor of required modifications to the plan during the period of performance. ?The Contractor then shall coordinate suggested modifications and obtain acceptance of the plan by the Contracting Officer. ?Any modifications to the program during the period of performance shall be provided to the Contracting Officer for review no later than 10 working days prior to effective date of the change. The QCP shall be subject to the Governments review and approval. ?The Government may find the QCP "unacceptable" whenever the Contractors procedures do not accomplish quality control objective(s). ?The Contractor shall revise the QCP within 10 working days from receipt of notice that QCP is found "unacceptable."4.6.2 Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP)The Government shall monitor the Contractors performance under this Task/Delivery Order in accordance with the Governments QASP. 4.7 Certification RequirementsProof of training is required prior to contractor bid submission and will be used as part of the technical review of qualified vendors. * Maintenance on the chillers will only be performed by a Multistack Factory Certified Service Technician. * Maintenance technician must be Johnson Controls Metasys certified and trained. 5 DeliverablesThe contractor shall provide deliverables as described in subsequent task orders. Deliverables shall be specified by the government. Format and delivery schedule for deliverables shall be outlined in CDRLs and/or other means TBD.Number Name Frequency Quantity A001Maintenance Status ReportPer job activity1Contractor will submit a maintenance status report addressing corrective actions taken / to be taken for faults with a level of 70 or less.6 Related DocumentsThe following Documents are related to this projectFlorida Building Codes - HYPERLINK "http://\"" Directive 2011-036, Safety and Health During Construction - HYPERLINK "http://\"" Handbook 6500.6, Appendix D, Contractor Rules of Behavior - HYPERLINK "http://\"" Building CodesFound at HYPERLINK "http://\"" Directive 2011-036, Safety and Health During ConstructionFound at HYPERLINK "http://\"" Handbook 6500.6, Appendix D, Contractor Rules of BehaviorFound at HYPERLINK "http://\"" CFR 1926.20 - Application of the multi-employer policy to particular construction standards.Found at HYPERLINK "http://\"" Manual????? Technical manual provided by the manufacturer containing technical information for all systems within the MCP. ?The O&M manual will be maintained inside the MCP. StatementsStandards/AQLsIncentive/Remedy3.1General.a) Addresses all program areasAQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.There are no incentives with this contract3.1.1Prior Notification.a) ConsistentAQL: Contractor will report to room 205 Support Services Division, SSD prior any maintenance performance on the chiller or MCP and will check out with room 205, SSD upon completion of maintenance activitiesThere are no incentives with this contract3.1.2Replacement Parts.a) Meets technical specificationsAQL: 100% of repair parts meet manufacturers specifications.There are no incentives with this contract StatementsStandards/AQLsIncentive/Remedy3.2 Maintenance.a) Addresses all program areasAQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.There are no incentives with this contract3.2.1General.a) Addresses all program areasAQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.There are no incentives with this contract3.2.2MB Chillers.a) Addresses all program areasAQL: Upon notification from metasys that either chiller is in alarm or has an active alarm the fault will be addressed in no less than 1hr.There are no incentives with this contract MODULAR CHILLER PLANT CHECKLISTSection 1: Operator Responsibilities???????Task DescriptionDAILYMONTHLY3 MONTHS6 MONTHS12 MONTHS60 MONTHSAS REQUIREDComplete Daily Operation Chiller Log??????Review Chiller Control Event Log??????Verify Chiller Operation and Performance??????Sweep / clean diamond steel decking?????Polish diamond steel decking?????Empty all trash containers?????Section 2: Compressors???????TASK DESCRIPTION???????Visual Inpsection for Mechanical Damage??????Check for Excessive Vibration??????Check for oil logged in compressor (retrofit only)??????Check main power supply voltage4??????Check all electrical connections??????Visual inspection of all wiring for hot spots??????Check DC Voltages (5, 15, 17, 24, 250 and Buss)??????Verify /Test all interlocks and safeties??????Clean all printed circuit boards to remove dust??????Replace DC capacitor assembly??????every 10yrsVerify operation of IGV assembly??????Inspect/Clean Motor cooling strainer??????Review Internal Fault Logs?????????????Section 3: Evaporator???????TASK DESCRIPTION???????Test Water Quality (see note 1)??????Clean Evaporator Tubes (see note 1)??????Eddy Current of Tubes??????Seasonal Protections??????Test Relief Valves or Replace??????Epoxy Coat tube sheets and heads??????Water Treatment??????Section 4: Condenser???????TASK DESCRIPTION???????Test Water Quality (see note 1)??????Clean Condenser Tubes (see note 1)??????Eddy Current of Tubes??????Seasonal Protection ??????Test Relief Valves or Replace??????Epoxy Coat tube sheets and heads??????Water Treatment??????Section 5: Refrigerant System???????TASK DESCRIP;TION???????Verify EXV/S Operation??????Verify Liquid Level Sensor Operation??????Verify Liquid Level Sensor Calibration??????Vusual Leak Check of Chiller??????Leak Check Entire Chiller??????Leak Check Compressors??????Verify Check Valve Operation??????????????????????????????????Section 6: Controls???????TASK DESCRIPTION??????Review Trend Logs to verify chiller performance?????Download event logs and trend data??????Check all electrical connections??????Verify Power Supply Voltages??????Clean Touch Screen??????Clean all PCB's to remove dust build up.??????Section 7: Rolairtrol Air Separator??????TASK DESCRIPTION??????Verify no leakage, corrosion or indications of damage.?????Clean strainers??????Section 8: LAKOS Side Stream Filtration??????Suction Strainer Basket?????Pump and Motor?????Pressure Gages?????Note: Water Quality standars will determine the frequency of cleaning the evaporator and /or condenser, however it is recommended that the evaporator and/or condenser be cleaned annually for maximum heat transfer. ................

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