I. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH CORRECT ANSWER:-Agricultural marketing deals with both input and output marketing.Agricultural market is a sphere in which Price determining forces operates.The processing function creates Form utility.The storage function creates time utility.The transportation function creates Place utility.The selling and buying activities of a good creates Possession utility.The word ‘market’ is derived from a Latin word Marcatus, which means Merchandise or Trade or Place where business takes place.In primary wholesale market, the transactions of commodities are usually between Farmer and Traders. In secondary wholesale market, the transaction of commodities is usually between Traders and Wholesalers.Local markets are also called as Village market markets.A market in which commodities are transacted in large quantities is Wholesale market.A market in which commodities are transacted in small quantities is Retail markets.Retail markets are closest to the consumers in a marketing chain.The markets which are held for short span of time are called Short period market.In very short period market, Demand plays an important role in determining the price of commodity.Very short period market deals with Perishable commodities.The markets which are held for longer period of time are called Secular markets.In long period markets, both demand and supply play an important role in determining the price of the commodity.Long period market deals with Durable commodities.The market which is permanent in existence is called Secular or Permanent market.The market which deals with a wide range of commodities is called General markets.The market which deals with limited commodities is called specialized markets.The market which deals with shares, bonds, securities etc., is called Capital market.Cash markets are otherwise called as Spot markets.Future/Forward markets are the markets in which future sale and purchase of commodities can take place at current time.Perfect market deals with Homogenous good. Monopoly is the market situation in which single seller exists.Monopsony is the market situation in which single buyer exists.Duopoly is the market situation in which two sellers exists.Duopsony is the market situation in which two buyers exists.Oligopoly is the market situation in which few sellers existsOligopsony is the market situation in which few buyers exists.Monopolistic market is the market situation in which there are large numbers of sellers and buyers dealing with heterogeneous product.Bilateral monopoly is the market situation in which there is a single buyer and single seller.In regulated markets, Marketing costs and practices are regulated.In Regulated markets, the business transactions are conducted with rules and regulations formulated by the statutory marketing organization or Government Forward market is otherwise called as Future market.Black market is otherwise called as closed market.Marketable surplus is that quality of farm produce which can be made available to the non-farm population after meeting the farm population requirements.Marketed surplus is that quality of farm produce which is made available to the non-farm population irrespective of the farm population requirements.Marketable surplus = Total production - Total Consumption.Mathur and Ezekiel opined Inverse relationship between marketable surplus and price of the commodity.Mathur and Ezekiel opined inverse relationship between marketable surplus and price of the commodity because they assumed that, farmers have inelastic cash requirements.Dandekar and Raj Krishna opined Direct/positive relationship between marketable surplus and price of the commodity.Dandekar and Raj Krishna opined positive relationship between marketable surplus and price of the commodity because farmers are Price conscious.In general, for small farmers, marketable surplus is than marketed surplus More.In general, for large farmers, marketable surplus is less than marketed surplus.For perishable commodities, marketable surplus is Equal to marketed surplus.It is estimated that, 10 % of value of produce is being lost every year due to poor storage facilities.It is estimated that, 6 to 7 % of volume of produce is being lost every year due to poor storage facilities.It is estimated that, 30 % of total value of produce or consumers purchase price of agricultural commodities is due to high transportation ernment passed ‘Motor Vehicle Act’ in the year 1939.First grading station was established in india at Kodur , Madras.First grading station was established in AndhraPradesh at Guntur.First grading station was established in India in the year 1938.First grading station was established in Andhra Pradesh in the year 1956.First grading station was established in India for grading Sathgudi oranges.First grading station was established in Andhra Pradesh for grading Ghee.The agricultural Produce meant for exporting outside India must bear a seal called AGMARK.‘AGRMARK’ seal will be issued by Agricultural Marketing Advisor of DMI.The agency concerned in giving “AGRMARK” seal for export oriented agricultural produce is Directorate of Marketing and Inspection.The head office of Directorate of Marketing and Inspection is located at Faridabad, ernment Started ‘Provincial Marketing Depots’ regards the use of standard weights and measures in the markets in the year 1934.‘Weights and measure Department’ was started to supervise the strict implementation of standard weights and measures in the markets in the year 1935.‘Standard of weights Act’ was passed regarding the use of Tola and Ton in the country in the year 1939.‘Weights and measure Act’ was passed regarding the strict implementation of standard weights and measures in the markets in the year 1948.‘Metric Weights Act’ was passed regarding the use of ‘Grams’ and ‘Litres’ as standard weights and measures in the country in the year 1956.‘Standards of weights and Measure Act’ was passed regarding the strict implementation of ‘Grams’ and ‘Litres’ as standard weights and measures in the country in the year 1958.The directorate of Marketing and Inspection has started an ‘Extension Cell’ to render trainings to the farmers in the field of agricultural marketing in the year 1990.Indian society of Agricultural Marketing is located at Nagpur.Assembling refers to bringing buyers, sellers and commodity at a common place to ensure marketing process.It is estimated that, nearly 65 % of agricultural produce is marketed in the villages itself.Itinerant traders traders are the merchants, who don’t have own shop, but they will purchase the produse in one village market and transport the produce through bullock carts and sell the produce in other village markets.The important market functionary in secondary assembling is Commission agent.Equalization refers to adjustment between demand and supply of commodities to attain an equilibrium price.Any single activity of the marketing process which facilitates the movement of produce from the producer to the final consumer is called Marketing function.The first and foremost important marketing function in the process of marketing is Packaging.Packaging is a part of Packing.Packaging is a part of packing of goods.Packing refers to wrapping of goods in metallic tins or wooden boxes before their final transportation to consumer markets.Packaging refers to placing the goods in grass or mica sheets to avoid direct damage to the goods.Transportation is an indispensable marketing function in the transaction of agricultural commodities.Transportation accounts for 50 % of the total cost of marketing of agricultural commodities.The transportation costs per unit of produce will Decrease with increase in the volume of the produce.When compared to volume of produce, Distance is the major influential factor for transportation costs.Holding and preserving the commodities or products from the time they are produced till they are needed for consumption is called Storage.The act of directing all marketing activity towards the satisfaction of the consumer is called the Doctrine of consumer sovergnity.Consumer sovereignty is recognized in the market place through the implementation of a business philosophy called Marketing concept.Processing is an important marketing function which changes the form of the commodity.Processing function adds value to the commodity/product in the marketing chain.Due to processing function, added value in case of rice and wheat is 7 %.Due to processing function, added value in case of cotton is 79 %.Due to processing function, added value in case of tea is 86 %.Standardization refers to determination of various standard to the commodities based on quality specifications laid down.Grading refers to separation of homogeneous lot of produce from an heterogeneous lot based on quality specification laid down for produce.Grading follows standardization.Grading is the sub-function of standardization.If grade specifications do not vary over time and space, it is called Fixed/ Mandatory grading.If grade specifications vary over time and space, it is called Variable/ Permissive grading.Fixed grading is otherwise called as Mandatory grading.Variable grading is otherwise called as Permissive grading.The grade standards of agricultural commodities were issued by Agricultural Marketing Advisor of DMI.If DMI directly controls the grade specifications of commodities in various markets, it is called Centralized grading.If state agricultural marketing Boards /Departments play an important role In determining the grade specifications of commodities in the markets, is called Decentralized grading.In centralized grading, quality specifications will be down based on Physico-chemical properties.In decentralized grading, quality specifications will be down based on physical properties.Grading done by the farmers or at the farmers’ level is called Kaccha grading.Grading done by the traders or at the traders’ level is called pucca grading.When compared to Kaccha grading, pucca grading is on scientific lines.Inspection refers to verifications of graded goods to study whether grading and standardization is done on citify lines or not.Central AGMARK laboratory is located at Nagpur.Whole spices grading laboratory is located at Mumbai.Wool testing (houses) grading laboratory is located at Mumbai and Jamnagar.Sunhemp analysis unit (grading laboratory) is located at Varanasi.Tobacco testing (grading) laboratory is located at Guntur.The graded produce/products meant for export must bear a seal called AGMARK.The agricultural produce (Grading and Marketing)Act was passed in the year 1937.The expansion for ‘AGMARK’ is Agricultural Marketing.The grading and marketing of goods for domestic consumption was first started for Ghee, in the year 1938.AGMARK label was made compulsory fir exportable commodities was first started for Sun hemp, commodity in the year 1942.DMI came into existence in the year 1935.Bureau of Indian Standards is the new name given to Indian Standard Institute since 1987.ECO Mark scheme of BIS certifies the products as environment friendly products.International Organization for Standardization (ISO) came into existence in the year 1947.Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), an international food safety grading system came into existence in the year 1963.The products standardized by the CAC are called Codex Alimentarius Commission.HACCP is the food safety management system administered by the CAC.Model price refers to the common price at which the commodity is largely transacted in the market.Market intelligence refers to the information pertaining to market arrivals and prices of commodities over a period of time.Market news refers to the information pertaining to market arrivals and prices of commodities in the current period.When compared to the market news, Market intelligence is of historical in nature.To strengthen the market information system in the country, The Government has appointed a committee under the chairman ship of P.N.Thapar.Market Planning and Design Centre was started by the Government in each market, so that each market will announce the price trends of fruits and vegetables in advance to the farmers and traders.The MPDC was first started in Nagpur market.Buying refers to purchase of right commodity at righy place at right time at right price in right quantity in the market.Selling refers to offering right commodity at righy place at right time at right price in right quantity in the market.Demand creation is the sub function of Selling.Sale under cover of cloth method of sale is otherwise called as Hatha method of sale.Sale under cover of cloth/Hatha method of sale is disadvantageous to Sellers.In Dara method of sale, good quality and poor quality produce is mixed and sold as single lot.The method of sale which involves verbal understanding between buyer and seller regarding the transaction of commodity is Moghum sale method.Open auction method of sale offers more competitive price of the farmers.Open auction method of sale is more common in the regulated markets in India.Open auction method of sale is Buyers market.Open auction method of sale is more common in the regulated markets of Coastal Andhra and Telangana regions of Andhra Pradesh.Closed tender method of sale is more common in the regulated markets of Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh.Closed tender method of sale is Sellers market.The Open auction method of sale, which is more common in India is Roster bid system.According to Hardy, Risk is nothing but uncertainty about cost, loss or damage.Hedging refers to selling the commodities in the futures market.Speculation refers to purchasing the commodities, when the prices are low in the market and selling the Produce at times when prices rise in the market.If speculation is done by a professional person it is called Speculation proper.If speculation is done to create artificial scarcity of goods and thereby burdening the customers, it is Called Speculation improper/Illegitimate Speculation.Hedging refers to sale and purchase of commodity in the futures market accompanied by purchase or Sale of commodity in the cash market.Hedging is a trading technique of transferring price risk.The main objective of speculation is Profit.The main objective of hedging is Transferring price risk.With reference to Speculation v/s Hedging, the produce will be stored only in case of Speculation.With reference to Speculation v/s Hedging, the quantity of produce purchase and sold will be same in case of Hedging.With reference to Speculation v/s Hedging, the sale the purchase activity are always in opposite direction in case of Hedging.Merchant middlemen are those marketing middlemen who take title to the goods/produce.Wholesaler are those merchant middlemen who purchase and sale the produce in large quantities.Retailers are those merchant middlemen who purchase and sale the produce in large quantities.Retailers are those merchant middlemen who are considered as produce personal representive to the consumers.Agent middlemen are those marketing middlemen who do not take title to the good produce.In regulated markets, commission agents are also called as A class traders or arhatiyas.The commission agents, who render service on behalf of the farmers, are called Kaccha Arhatiyas.The commission agents, who render service on behalf of the traders, are called Pucca Arhatiyas.The charge received by the commission agent for the service rendered by him in the regulated market is called Cominication.In regulated markers, there is only one class of commission agents called A Class traders.In unregulated market, brokers are the middlemen, who negotiate between farmers and mission agents or arhatias & brokers are the middlemen completely absent in regulated markets.The charges received by the brokers for the service rendered by him in transacting the commodities are called, brokerage.Unlike commission agents, do not have permanent existence in the market yards, brokers.The marketing middlemen, who purchase the produce at times of low prices and sell the prices when the prices are high, are called Speculators.The marketing middlemen, who specialize in risk taking, are called Speculators.Speculative middlemen are profit motive.Facilitative are the marketing middlemen, who assist in the marketing process without involving in selling/buying activities.Hamalas are the marketing middlemen involved in loading and unloading the produce in the market yards.The first regulated market established is in karanjia cotton market in 1886.The Berar cotton and Grain Market Act was passed in the year 1897.Royal Commercial on Agriculture was started in the year 1828.Hyderabad Agricultural Market Act(HAMA) was passed in the year 1930.Madras Commercial Crops Agricultural Market Act (MCCMA) was passed in the year 1933.Hyderabad Agricultural Market Act (HAMA) was passed in the year Telangana act.Madras Commercial Crops Agricultural Market Act (MCCMA) is otherwise called as madras act.The Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets Act was passed in the year 1966.Collective marketing of farm produce by the farmers, so as to enjoy the benefits of large scale marketable surplus is called Cooperative marketing.Cooperative marketing of agricultural produce is called Welfare.First Cooperative Marketing Societies Act was passed in the year 1912.First Cooperative Marketing Society was established at Hubli in India.In1945, Vijya raghava Charya committee recommended that, at least 25% of marketable surplus should be transacted be transacted through Cooperative Marketing Societies.AIRCSC committee identified the dismal performance of cooperative marketing societies.National level cooperative society, NAFED came into existence in year 1958.National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDE) was established in the year 1963.In 1965, committee recommended the membership of cooperative marketing societies should be restricted to farmers only and not to traders Mirdha.Dantiwala committee stressed the importance of strengthening the cooperative marketing societies in IndiaThe cooperative marketing society, which deals with only one commodity, is called Single commodity cooperative marketing society.The cooperative marketing society, which deals with more than one commodity, is called Multi commodity cooperative marketing society.The cooperative marketing society, which not only deals with commodities, but also in providing credit and inputs to the beneficiaries is called Multi commodity and purpose marketing Multi society.District Cooperative Marketing societies are located in Secondary wholesale markets.Primary Cooperative Marketing Societies are located in Primary wholesale markets.The membership of cooperative marketing societies,which include only farmers and allows them in the decision making process of the society is called Ordinary membership.The membership of cooperative marketing societies,which include farmers and traders and will not allow traders in the decision making process of the society is called Nominal membership.An apex cooperative marketing institution at national ievel is NAFED.A meeting of the “trade ministers” of the member countries of WTO is called Ministerial.The head office of NAFED is located at New Delhi.State cooperative marketing federation and NCDC and are the member of NAFED.The intervention of state/government in the marketing of agriculture commodities is called State grading.The main objective of state is to overcome Black marketing.State trading Corporation (STC) came in to existence in the year 1956.The share capital of STC is Rs 5 crores.The type of state trading in which the purchase and sale of commodities will be entirely undertaken by the state/government or its agencies is Complete state trading.The type of state trading in which the purchase and sale of commodities will be done both by the state/government or its agencies and traders is Partial state trading.The type of state trading in which both government and traders co-exist is partial state trading.The type of state trading followed, when there is acute shortage of commodities complete state trading.The government announces Administered prices to intervene in the marketing mechanism of agricultural commodities.The Administered prices will be recommended by CACP.The Administered prices will be announced by Government of India.The earlier name of CACP is APC.APC came in to existence in the year 1965.APC came in to existence based on the recommendations of L.K Jha committee.The name of APC was changed to CACP in the year 1985.MSP is the administered prices announced just before the sowing season of crops.MSP is the administered prices serves as a support to the farmer in cultivating the crops.MSP is the administered prices serves as a price guarantee to the crops.The MSP was given statutory status in case of Sugarcane crop.The statutary status of MSP in case of sugarcane is due to oligopsony market situation.MSP is lower than procurement price.In general, MSP is lower than market price.The price at which the government procures the produce from the farmers/traders to maintain sizable buffer stocks is called procurement price.Procurement price is the administered prices announced just before the harvesting season of crops.Procurement price is Higher than MSP.In general, procurement price is lower than market price.In open market type of procurement both government and traders co-exit. In pre-emptive procurement type of procurement both government and traders co-exist, but government will have the first right in procuring the produce.In monopoly type of procurement, government is the sole agency involved in procuring the produce.The main objective of procurement of agriculture produce is to maintain buffer stock.The main advantages of maintaining buffer stock is attain stability in prices.Issue prices administrated prices at which the agricultural commodities are offered to the poor section of society through fair price shops.In general, Issue price is lower than MSP.In general, Issue price is lower than PP.In general, Issue price is lower than market price.The single largest agency in India, responsible for procuring, Storing and distribution of food grains in the country is FCI.FCI came into existence in the year 1965.FCI is regarded as efficient manager of food economy in the country.In 1969; FCI has taken over the functions of Director General of food.To supervise the activities of regulated markets and market committees, Government established State agriculture marketing boards.To supervise the activities of State Agricultural Marketing Boards, government established an apex body called Council of state agricultural marketing boards.Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards came into existence in the year 1988AIRCSC committee recommended the strengthening of warehousing in India .Agricultural Produce (Development and Warehousing) Corporation Act was passed in the year 1956.National Cooperative Development and Warehousing Board (NCOWB) was established in 1956.Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) was established in 1957.State Warehousing Corporation (SWC) was established in 1956-58.National Cooperative Development Corporation Act was passed in the year 1963.The Warehousing Corporation Act was passed in the year 1962.In Rythu bazaar the produce moves directly from the farmers to the consumers.Rythu Bazar is also called as apni mandi.Rythu Bazars are similar to Saturday markets in USA and UK.The first Apni Mandi or Rythu Bazar was established in Punjab in 1987 year.The route through which the agricultural produce moves from the farmers to the ultimate consumers is called Marketing channels.The difference between the price paid by the consumer and price received by the farmer for an equivalent quantity of farm produce is called Price spread/Farm retail spread.Price spread is also called as Farm retail spread.Price spread includes both Marketing costs and marketing margins.The expenditure incurred by the farmers and various market intermediaries in transacting the produce is called Marketing costs.The price difference between one agency and another agency in transacting the produce is called marketing margins.The profits realized by the various market intennediaries in transacting the produce is called marketing margins.The ratio between farmers' net selling price and consumers purchase price and expressed in percentage is called Producers share in consumer’s Rupee.Total marketing coast incurred in transacting the produce through a marketing channel include Marketing costs and marketing margins.The upper limit of the tariff that a country can levy on a particular good, according to its Commitments under the GATT and WTO is called Bound duty/tariff.The effectiveness or competence with whim the market performs its designated functions is called Marketing efficiency.Concurrent margin refers to price differences at successive stages of marketing at a given point of time.In Lagged margin the time elapsed between purchase and sale of commodities is not taken into consideration.Lagged margin refers to price difference between the price received by the seller at a particular stage of marketing and price paid by him in the preceding stage of marketing during an earlier period.In Lagged margin the time elapsed between purchase and sale of commodities is taken into consideration.Physical efficiency is otherwise called as Operational/Technical efficiency.Marketing efficiency is said to be increased when the marketing cost/product is red used in the marketing process.The system in whim the farm products are allocated over time, space, among traders, processors and consumers in such a way that, no other method of allocation will make both the producers and consumers better off is called Allocative/Pricing efficiency.Market research refers to collection, compilation and analysis of information or data pertaining to marketing aspects.Market research refers to analysis of information and facts collected by the researchers that help in proper designing of marketing management.The multiplicative model for time series monthly data is T x C x S x I.The additive model for time series monthly data is T + C + S + I.The multiplicative model for time series yearly data is T x C + I.The additive model for time series yearly data is T + C + I.Trend fluctuations refer to price behavior of a commodity over a long period of time.Cyclical fluctuations refer to long term fluctuations in prices of commodities.Seasonal fluctuations refer to fluctuations in price of commodities due to seasonality of production.Irregular fluctuations refer to fluctuations in price of commodities due to extreme natural factors and no generalizations can be made for such fluctuations.To make the farm commodities available from producers to consumers, the processes involved are assembling, equalization and Distribution.The most common method of sale in the regulated markets of India is open auction method.The price that is mainly aimed at protecting the fanners against price fall during periods of surplus production is anized sale of farm produce on a non-profit basis to the organization, but in the interest of the producer is known as Cooperative marketing.FCI stabilizes the prices of agricultural commodities in the economy through Procurements Operations.Market information refers to reception or communication of knowledge.Adequate market finance avoids the Distrees sales of produce.Marketing function encompasses the broad functions of Assembling and Distribution/Dispersion.With the intervention of marketing middlemen, the producers' share in consumers' rupee Decreases.Regulated markets narrow down the Price differences between the producer and consumer.At national level, the apex body of Cooperative marketing is NAFED.A market in which goods are exchanged for money immediately after the sale is called Cash market.A market in which buyers and sellers are drawn from the whole world is called International market.Standardization refers to determination of Quality specifications to the commodities.Sorting out of goods according to fixed standards is called Fixed or Mandato grading.Sorting out of goods according to variable standards is called Variable or permissive grading.Food grain markets and fruit markets are examples for Regional markets.The agency engaged in building large scale warehouses at the national level Is Central warehousing corporation.The warehousing scheme was launched as per the recommendations of AIRCSC.The agency that advises the Government regarding price policy of agricultural commodities is CACP.The process of bringing the commodity to a common place to help in realizing the competitive price is called Assembling.Market structure refers to those organizational characteristics of a market which influence the nature of competition and pricing and affect the conduct of business.Market structure refers to those characteristics of a market, which affect the trader’s behavior and their performances.Market structure is the formal organization of the functional activity of a marketing institution.The component of market structure measured in terms of number and size of firms existing in the market is Concentration of market power.The market structure determines both market conduct and market performance.Market conductrefers to the patterns of behavior of firms, especially in relation to pricing and their practices in adapting and adjusting to the market in which they function.Market performance refers to the economic results that flow from the industry as each firm pursues its particular line of conduct.Branding refers to me practice of giving a specified name to a product or group of products from one seller.An association of firms that attempts to regulate industry output and prices through mutual agreement is termed as Cartel.Consumerism can be defined as a movement or social force designed to protect consumers' interest in the market.Consumerism can be defined as a form of protest of consumers against unfair business practices and business injustices.The practice whereby firms develop separate marketing programmers for different target customer groups is known as Differentiated marketing.Farmers Terms of trade refers to the ratio between indices of prices received to the indices of prices paid by the farmers.A market with no Government intervention in marketing mechanisms is called Laissez fair market.As per the Law of One price same price will price for the same commodity at the same time in a perfect competitive market situation.Marketing process refers to the sequence of actions or events that coordinate the flow of goods and the value adding activities in the marketing system.The marketing technique of developing separate products and marketing programmes to appear to different consumer classes is called Market Segmentation.Raj Krishna has pointed out that, the elasticity of the marketable surplus is not negative, so long as the substitution effect is non-zero.In case of food grains, the demand for seed retention is 5%.5% is the market situation in which two buyers exists.In case of food grains, the wastgen accounts for 2.50%.In case of food grains, the demand for seed, feed and wastage accounts for 12.50%.Transportation cost account for 50 %of total cost of marketing.70-75% of marketable surplus arrive at secondary assembling markets.Katcha grading done at farmers level is also called crude ernmental policies like movement restriction, imposition of high tariffs constitute Institutional risk.First cold storage unit was established at Kolkata in 1982.The idea of establiment of regulated markets in India was established from Great Britain.The larger the volume or bulk of the produce, the produce, the lesser the per unit transportation cost.In regulated markets, the markets finance is given to the farmers under Pledge loan.II. Underline the Correct Answer.1. In regulated markets, _________are regulated.(a)Prices (b) Farmers’ behavior(c)Traders behavior (d) Marketing practices2. Price determining forces are (a)Marginal cost and marginal returns (b) Demand and supply(c)Marginal cost and opportunity cost (d) All3. A marketing function which tends to regulate the supply of a product and provide a stable market price is(a)Transporting (b) Processing(c)Storing (d) Grading4. Which of the following has NO direct impact on the production costs of a certain product? (a)Consumer demand (b) Amount of input used (c)Production methods (d) Size of the operation5. One would you expect the greatest price rise in a product when(a)Demand increases and supply increases (b)Demand increases and supply decreases(c)Demand decreases and supply increases (d) Demand decreases and supply decreases6. The commission for Agriculture costs and Price (CACP) has called for allowing export of food grains as government stocks are above the buffer norm. Which of the following statement is/are correct? I. Buffer norm for wheat is 7 million tones II. Buffer norm for rice is higher than wheat III. Stocks of both rice and wheat on April 1, 2011 are more than double the buffer norm(a) I only (b) I and II only (c) I, II and III (d) I and III only7. Which of the following marketing intermediary is closest of the consumer in a marketing channel for paddy?(a)Farmer (b) Rice miller (c)Wholesaler (d) Retailer8. Which of the following marketing intermediary is more common in regulated markets?(a)Farmer (b) Commission agent(c)Retailer (d) Broker9. The other name for ‘local market’ is(a)Regulated market(b)Primary wholesaler market(c)Sea board market(d)Village market10. If a tomato cultivating farmer is marketing his produce ‘direct’, which of the following is most likely to be the farmer’s customer(s)?(a) Consumers visiting rythu bazaars and restaurants(b) Produce wholesaler(s)(C) Processor(d) Local cooperative11. To get large orders, Indian exports try hard to cut their own costs by(a)Reducing cost of raw materials(b)Cutting labour cost(c)Reducing electricity cost(d)Reducing advertising and marketing cost12. Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between accounting profit and economic profit and economic profit when a competitive industry is in long-run equilibrium?(a)Accounting profit may vary among firms, but economic profit will be zero for all firms(b)Accounting profit will equal economic profit(c)Both accounting profit and economic profit must be zero(d)Economic profit will vary among firms, but all firms will report the same accounting profit13. After some level of output, marginal cost begins to rise because(a) Total costs always increase(b) Poorer quality inputs are hired as output expands(c) Marginal product eventually decreases(d) Average variable costs eventually increase14. A positive production externality, if not addressed by the government, will cause a market to(a)Produce more than is socially desirable(b)Produce the socially desirable level of output (c)Either (a) or (b)(d)Produce less than is socially desirable15. A future trader who has bought futures and thus is under contract to take delivery is said to be:(a)Short(b) Bearish(c)Bullish (d) Long16. In_______market, future sale and purchase of commodities will place at current time(a)Forward(b) International(c)Perfect(d) Spot17. In the futures market, a certain item of news is considered ‘bearish’ if it is expected to:(a)Have a strengthening influence on prices(b)Have a depressing influence on prices(c)Stabilize prices(d)Have an upward tendency in prices following a decline18.Once who trades in the futures market and attempts to anticipate price changes and market activities to make a profit but does not hold the physical commodity is a:(a) Speculator(b) Hedger(c) Buyer(d) Broker19. What is economic term used to describe product sales to a foreign country?(a)Imports(b) Currency(c)Export(d) Tariffs20. If you want the right to sell a futures contract, you should:(a)Buy a put option(b) Buy a call option(c)Sell a call option(d) Sell a put option21. If a farm firm leases machinery, it:(a) Buys machinery on contract(b) Borrows money to repair machinery(c) Loans machinery to another producer(d) Rents machinery22. A farmer profit will be greatest if each unit of land, labor, and capital is used:(a)In such a manner that will add the most to net returns of the farm business(b)On the enterprise in which the farmer has the greatest interest and ability(c)On the enterprises where he will realize the greatest yield per acre or animal unit(d)In such a manner that it will add the most to gross returns of the farm business23. A trader with a long position in the futures market(a) Profits when prices to go down; loses when price go up.(b) Profits when prices go neither up nor down.(c) Cannot lose money(d) Profits when prices go up; loses when prices go down.24.For a trader who is short in the market, a standing order to buy should the futures price move above a certain level is called a(a)Limit order(b) Stop order(c)Permanent block (d) Hedge 25. The spread between local cash price and the price of the near term future contract is called:(a) Margin (b) Bid(c) Basis (d) Commission26. Marketed surplus of produce include(a)Traded produce only(b) Stocked produce only(c)Tradable produce(d) none27. Marketable surplus of produce include(a)Traded produce only(b) Stocked produce only(c)Tradable produce(d) none28. Which of the following falls under facilitative middlemen category in the regulated agricultural markets?(a)Broker(b) Commission agent(c)Wholesaler(d) Hamali29. Inwhich of the following markets, farmer ensures cent percent share in the consumers’ rupee paid towards the purchase of produce?(a)Unregulated market (b) Regulated market’(c)Apni mandi(d) Sea board market30. In which following markets, the buyers and sellers participate in large number?(a)Local market(b)Primary wholesale market(c)Secondary wholesale market(d) Terminal market31. In which of following states, no Acts pertaining to market regulation are enacted?(a)Andhra Pradesh(b) Kerala(c)Bihar(d) Tamil Nadu32. Which of the following is not the function of National cooperative Development Corporation?(a)Production of commodities(b)Exports and imports of commodities(c)Storage of commodities(d)None33.The sorting of goods according to the size, quality and other contents on the basis of prescribed standards once laid down is termed as(a)Variable grading(b) Invariable grading(c)Fixed grading(d) none34. The sorting of goods according to the size, quality and other contents on the basis of standards prescribed year after year is termed as(a)Variable grading(b) Invariable grading(c)Fixed grading(d) none35. An apex organization of the cooperative marketing structure was found in the year(A) 1956(b) 1958(c) 1937(d) 196236. Which of the following is the leader in the field of cooperative marketing within the country as well as in the export markets?(a)NCDC(b) NAFED(C)AGMARK(d)FCI37.Support prices of agricultural commodities are recommended by(a)NAFED(b) ICAR(c)SAU(d) CACP38.Market prices are settled by pressing the fingers under cover of piece of cloth in________method of sale(a)Sale by sample(b) Hatha system(c)Closed tender system(d) Moghum sale39.The Indian Institute of Packaging is located at(a)Delhi(b) Kolkata(c)Chennai(d) Mumbai40.The Indian Institute of Packaging is established in(A) 1962(b) 1963(c) 1964(d) 196641.National Cooperative Development Corporation was established in the year(A) 1960(b) 1961(c) 1962(d) 197242.The administered price below which it is illegal to purchase agricultural commodities by buyers from producers is(a)Parity price (b) MSP(c)Reserve price(d) Statutory MSP43.The first type of cooperatives societies in India are_____societies.(a)Credit(b) Farming(c)Marketing(d) None44.If marketed surplus is greater than marketable surplus, then the situation is known as (a) Market efficiency (b) Market integration(c)Distress sale(d) Duoploy market45.The marketed surplus may be greater than or equal to or less than marketable surplus depending upon the condition of the farmer and the crop. This sentence is(a) True(b) 50% true(c)False(d) 75% true46.Sorting out the goods according to the size, quantity and other characteristics which are of fixed standards is known as(a) Standardization(b) Permissive grading(c)Variable grading(d) Mandatory grading47.Market demand curve is faced by(a) Competitive firm(b) Monopolist(c) Oligopolistic firm(d) Duopolistic firm48.A market in which the sale of commodity takes place at time ’t’, but the exchange of commodity after ‘t+1’, then the market is termed as(a)Forward market(b) General market(c)Cash market(d) Spot market49.Agricultural sector is the main source of supply of(a) Wheat and rice(b) Food and Fodder(c) Oilseeds and sugarcane (d) Rice and poultry50.The market functionaries, who take risk in the marketing of products is(a)Merchant middlemen(b) Agent middlemen(c)Facilitative middlemen(d)Speculative middlemen51.Price of the commodity influences marketable surplus (a) directly (b) inversely (c) both (a) and (b) (d) None52.Risk arising out of a change in the Government’s policy is known as (a) Price risk (b) Quality risk (c) physical risk (d) Instiutional risk 53.Procurement price is greater than (a) Market price (b) Floor price (c) both (d) none54.The agent of the Government for purchase, sale, store and distribution of agriculture commodities and input is (a) NAFED (b) FCI (c) SCB (d) PACS55. Markets in which the marketing costs and practice are regulated are called (a) Secular market (b) perfect market (c) cash market (d) none56. Buyer’s market denotes where, (a) supply exceeds demand (b) supply recedes demand (c) supply and demand are equal (d) none 57. Export-Import bank was established on 1”January (a) 1980 (b) 1982 (c) 1981 (d) 198358.In which method of sale, price are fixed by mutual agreement? (a)Dara sale (b) Moghum sale (c) private negotiations (d) closed tender system59. Indiviuals who do not have physical control on the product, but render personal services are known as (a) Speculative middlemen (b) commission agents (c) brokers (d) Wholesalers 60. Individuals who specialize in performing various marketing functions and rendering their services are (a) Producers (b) consumers (c) Middlemen (d) none 61. The market in which permanent and durable goods are traded is (a) long period market (b) short period market (c) secular market (d) all the above 62. Persons who expect the prices will go down in future are (a) Bulls (b) Bears (c) Retailers (d) wholesalers 63. persons who expect the prices will go up in future are (a) Bulls (b) Bears (c) Retailers (d) wholesalers64. Those individuals granted board power by those who purchase are known (a) Brokers (b) Commission agents (c) speculative middlemen (d) wholesalers65. The specified price at which the option may buy or sell the commodity is the: (a) Option price (b) call price (c) put price (d) strike price 66. which of the following is not true about open auction method of sale? (a) It disposes the market supply promptly (b) A wide variety of goods are available to the consumers (c)The buyers of small lots are at disadvantageous compared buyers of large lots (d) payment of sales proceeds be done immediately67. The Government established TRIFED in (a) 1985 (b) 1987 (c) 1990 (d) 200068. Match list 1 with list 2 and select the correct answer using the codes given below List 1 List 2Minimum support price 1.FarmerRefinance 2. GovernmentPrice taker 3. NABARDMarketable surplus 4. Actually marketed Marketed surplus 5. Surplus left over to get marketed Codes: (a) ABCDE(b) ABCDE 23154 23514 (C) ABCDE(D)ABCDE 32145 3251469. Which one of the following method is widely used to determine MSP(a) parity formula (b) Moving averages(c) Cost of production (d) None 70. Change in price level between one agency and other agency is called(a) Marketing cost (b) Marketing margin(c) Brokerage (d) Commission71.which of the following is having negative relationship with marketable surplus?(a) size of holding (b) price(c) production(d) size of family72. warehousing corporation was established to(a) Undertake scientific storage(b) construct warehouse(c) subscribe share capital of SWC (d) all the above 73. The act of holding and preserving the farm commodities from the time of harvest till their final consumption is known as(a) Processing (b) Grading(c) Storage (d) Assembling 74. The extent of village sales of cash crops is _____ than food grains(a) Less (b) more(c) Equal (d) None of above 75. In the futures market,a “bear” is one who believes: (a) Prices are headed higher (b) Prices are headed lower(c) Prices will stabilize(d) Prices will decline after an upward swing76. A sales tax imposed on the retail sale of goods is called a (a) Consumer tax (b) property tax(c) vender tax (d) progressive tax 77. The markets which deal with a particular commondity are called(a) Wholesale market (b) Retail market (c) Spcialized market (d) regulated market78. The total amount of depreciation deducted over an asset’s useful life is equal to:(a) Book value (b) cost plus salvage value (c) Cost(d) salvage value 79. Wholesalers and retailers fall under ________ middlemen(a) Merchant(b) Agent(c) Facilitative(d) Speculative80. The price that is aimed at protecting the farmers against price fall during periods of surplus production is (a) procurement price(b) MSP(c) Normal price (a) Issue price81. Traders are the main participants in these markets (a) Local markets (b) primary markets(c) secondary wholesale market (d) None82. Market are classified into wholesale and retail markets based on (a) price spread(b) Time(c) Competition (d) Volume of business83. The difference between price paid and price received by a given market intermediary of a commondity is known as (a) price spread(b) Marketing cost (c) Marketing margin (d) None84. Market finance is the finance given to the farmer at time of (a) Harvesting (b) processing (c) Grading (d) Storage85.The price below which the farmer would find it uneconomical to sell the produce is (a) Wholesale price (b) MSP(c) Issue price `(d) Floor price 86. Warehousing corporation was established based on the recommendations of(a) CRAFICARD(b) AIRCSC(c) AIRCRC(d) ARDC87. The largest food grain procurement ageny at national level is (a) FCI(b) NAFED(c) NABARD(d) Warehousing corporation88. In market finance, _______ % of value of produce is given as loan amount to the beneficiary(a) 25(b) 60(c) 75(d) 8589. AGMARK seal is compulsory for _______ produce (a) Food grains(b) Imports(c) Exports(d) edible oils90.The Government will announce the MSP for the crops at time of (a) Just before sowing season (b) During crops growth(c) When produce reached the market (d) At the time of harvesting 91. The type of marketing middlemen who assist in the process of marketing but do not involve in buying or selling activities are _______ middlemen(a) Merchant(b) Agent(c) Faciliative(d) speculative92. Which of the following middlemen take the title of the goods in the market?(a) Merchant middlemen (b) Agent middlemen(c) facilitive middlemen(d) all the above93. adjustment of demand and supply bof commodities on the3 basis of time, place and quantity is known as (a) Assembling(b) Dispersion(c) Equalization(d) Distribution94. Marketable surplus increases with increase in(a) Market size(b) family size(c) Farm size(d) all the above 95. AGMARK Act was passed in the year(a) 1966(b) 1937(c) 1933(d) 194796. Hedgers and speculators in the futures market differ in that (a) speculators always want the price to decrease (b) Hedgers are more at risk(c) ) speculators do not produce a product to sell(d) All the above 97. In Andhra pradesh, cooperative marketing societies have _____ tier structure(a) Three(b) Two(c) four(d) five98. The organization, which advise the Government of India regarding agricultural price policy is(a) NABARD (b) RIB (c) CACP(d) FCI99. Which of the following is correct?(a) Grading follows standardization(b) standardization follow grading(c) packing is part of packaging (d) none of the above 100. The main objective of estabishingrythu bazaars in India is (a) To avoid strong of the produce (b) To reduce processing cost to farmers(c) To increase producers’ share in consumers’ rupee101. The quantity of produce, which the farmer actually sells in the market irrespective of his requirements, is known as (a) Marketable surplus (b) marketed surplus (c) Producers’ surplus (d) All the above 102. The quantity of produce, which the farmer desires to sell in the market after meeting his requirements is known as (a) Marketable surplus (b) Marketed surplus (c) Dumping(d) All the above 103. Any activity performed in moving the produce from production point to the ultimate consumer is known as(a) Assembling (b) Marketing function ? Equalization (d) Distribution 104. A market in which buyers and sellers are drawn from the whole world is (a) Village market (b) Ragulated market (c) International market (d) spot market 105. Current information about market arrivals, demand, changes in market conditions etc., refers to(a) Market information (b) Market news (c) Orders (d) Acts106. Market which are permanent in nature are called (a) Long period market v(b) short period market (c ) spot market (d) secular market 107. sorting out of goods based on fixed standards is called(a) standardization(b) Mandatory grading(c) Variable grading(d) permissive grading 108. The price at which the Government purchase the produce, so as to maintain sizeable buffer stock is known as(a) MSP(b) Procurement price (c) Issue price (d) Floor price 109. which of the following is the correct sequence (a) Issue price < Procurement price < MSP(b) Issue price >Procurement price > MSP(c) Issue price < MSP > Procurement price(d)Issue price < MSP < Procurement price110. Correcting disorderly marketing is known as(a) Regulation (b) Cooperative marketing(c) Contract farming (d) None111. At time of distress sales, marketed sur4plus is _______ to/than marketable surplus (a) Lower (b) Higher(c) Contract farming (d) None112.Distress sales of marketing refers to (a) selling price < MSP(d) selling price > MSP(c) Selling price < cost of production(d) Selling price > cost of production113. The agency engaged in constructing large scale warehouses at national level is (a) NAFED(b) SWC(C) CWC(d) PCI114. “Market is not any particular place, where the goods are brought and sold, but the whole of any region” i.e., Market is defined taking the ‘region’ into consideration by(a) cournot(b) Jevons (c) chapman(d) Chamberlin115. “Market as a’ public’ defined by (a) cournot(b) Jevons (c) chapman(d) Chamberlin116. Speculators in the futures market (a) Cause confunsion in the market (b) Make a profile if price increase(c) Accept the price risk the hedgers are seeking to avoid (d) Should not be allowed 117. Market mechanisms are unlikely to provide (a) prices(b) supply and demand(c) Non-rival goods efficiently (d) None of the above 118. The market which are meant for exporting the produce (a) Village market (b) Regulated market (c)Wholesale market (d) Sea board market119. ______ market are closest to consumers (a) Sea board market (b) wholesale market (c) Regulated market (d) retail market 120. The market which deals with durable goods is (a) (a) Sea board market (b) wholesale market (c) Regulated market (d) Secular market121. Which of the following statement is correct with respect to monopolistic competition?(a) Infinite number of buys and sellers dealing with homogenous goods (b) Infinite number of buys and sellers dealing with heterogenous goods(c) Large number of buyers and sellers dealing with homogenous goods(d) Large number of buys and sellers dealing with heterogenous goods122. In Andhra Pradesh, the market surplus for gram is (a) High(b) Low (c) Zero(d) Infinity123. Motor vehicles Act was passed in the year (a) 1928 (b) 1948(c) 1939 (d) 1959124. In Andhra Pradesh, grading station was established in 1956 for grading (a) Chilies (b) Oranges(c) Ghee (d) cotton 125. A tool used in analyzing only change in the farm operation and the potential change in net income is called: (a) Cash flow projection (b) Enterprise budget (c) Partial budget (d) Total farm budget126. Statement of projected cost and returned associated with none production process, usually for one production period called:(a) Partial budget (b) Total farm budget(c) Cash flow projection (d) Enterprise budget127. The agency located at national level to fix the grading standards for the commodities on scientific line is (a) NIAM(b) DMI(c) FCI(d) COSAMB 128. Indian society of Agricultural marketing is located at(a) New Delhi(b) Faridabad (c) Nagpur (d) Visakhapatnam129. The important market functionary in secondary assembling is (a) New Delhi(b) Commission agent(c) Wholesaler(d) Grader130. ______ are the traders who do not have any shop in the village, but they purchase the produce in one village market and sell the produce in other market (a) Processors (b) Itinerant traders(c) Wholesalers (d) Commission agents131. An example of agro-processing is:(a) Producing jam from fruit (b) The manufacture of new fertilizers(c)ploughing the land (d) The butchering of domestic livestock 132. The effective exchange rate is (a) A bilateral exchange rate(b) The same as the real exchange rate (c) A multilateral exchange rate against a basket of foreign currencies(d) The actual exchange rate that international transactions take place 133. Which of the following is included under physical functions of marketing?(a) Buying (Assembling)(b) processing (c) Risk bearing(d) selling134. Which of the following included under exchange functions of marketing?(a) Buying (Assembling)(b) processing (c) Risk bearing(d) selling135. Which of the following is the major factor influencing transportation cost of farm produce?(a) Distance (b) Volume of produce(c) Road condition (d) None136. Which of the following marketing function is gaining more importance in India in the context of export trade of agricultural commodities?(a) Transportation (b) storage(c) Processing (d) Method of sale 137. The markets are classified as farmers markets, cooperative markets and General market on the basis of(a) Number of commodities transacted(b) Stage of marketing (c) Type of population served (d) Market functionaries and accrual of marketing margins138. Which of the following represents the correct sequence of functional growth of marketS?(a) General market-Specialized market – Dealing with samples – Dealing with grades (b)Specialized market – General market – Dealing with samples – Dealing with grades(c) General market-Specialized market– Dealing with grades – Dealing with samples (d)Specialized market – General market– Dealing with grades – Dealing with samples139Which of the following is/are the components of market structure?(a)Concentration of market power (b) Degree of integration(c) Degree of product at differentiation (d) All the above140. Market conduct includes (a) Marketing sharing and price setting policies(b) policies aimed at coercing rivals(c) Policies towards setting the quality of products (d) All the above141. Which of the following correspond to perfect competitive market situation?(a) Low of comparative advantage (b)Low of absolute advantage(c) Low of one price(d) Low of reciprocal advantage142. Which of the following correctly represents the marketable surplus?(a) Marketed surplus – marketing cost(b) Marketed surplus + marketing cost(c) Total production – Total requirements(d) Gross returns – cost of cultivation143. At time of distress sales(a) Marketed surplus >Marketing surplus(b) Marketed surplus + Marketing surplus(c) Marketed surplus = Marketing surplus(d) Zero Market surpluses144. For perishable goods(a) Marketed surplus > marketable surplus(b) Marketed surplus < marketable surplus(c) Marketed surplus = marketable surplus(d) Zero Market surplus145. For durable goods, under normal pricing conditions(a) Marketed surplus > marketable surplus(b) Marketed surplus < marketable surplus(c) Marketed surplus = marketable surplus(d) Zero Market surpluses146. In Punjab, the marketable surplus of rise is (a) High(b) Low(c) Infinity (d) None147. Compared to paddy, the marketable surplus of cotton is(a) High(b) Low(c) Infinity (d) zero148. Which of the following id NOT characteristic of ideal marketing system?(a) No Government interference in free market transactions(b) Price determination based on demand and supply forces(c) Should generate employment(d) Lead to the economy on modern lines149. Which of the following is not marketing function?(a) Assembling(b) Insurance(c) Risk taking (d) Spatial integration150. Which of the following marketing function help in widening the markets?(a) Storage (b) Transportation(c) Insurance (d) None151. Transport of agricultural produce by bullock or camel carts account for _____ % of total produce arriving in the primary markets(a) 25(b) 40(c) 65(d) 10152. The transport of agricultural produce by tractor-trolleys account for ____ % of total produce arriving in the primary market(a) 25(b) 40(c) 65(d) 10153. The transport of agricultural produce by truck account for ____ % of total producearriving in the primary market(a) 25(b) 40(c) 65(d) 10154. The cost transportation by bullock cart per quintal _____ compared to any other mechanized mean of transportation (a) High(b) Low(c) Zero(d) None155. Bullock cart is used widely for transporting agricultural produce to primary market because(a) It is cheap conveyance for small quantity of produce(b)Its time is so adjusted that, no opportunity cost is involved (c) It can be used even on katcha roads(d) All the above156. In centralize grading standard for system, _____ plays an important role in implementing standards for the produce(a) DMI(b) State marketing authorities (c) Regulated markets (d) None157. In decentralized grading standard for system, _____ plays an important role in implementing standards for the produce(a) DMI(b) State marketing authorities (c) Regulated markets(d) None158. Which of the following is included under facilitating of market?(a) Risk bearing(b) Processing(c) Selling(d) buying (Assembling) 159. Which of the following is an international organization engaged in standardization of agricultural products?(a) ISI(b) BIS(c) CAC (d) None160. International Organization for standardization (IOS) came into existence in the year(a) 25th Feb, 1989 (b) 25th Feb, 1947 (c) 25th Feb, 1975 (d) 25th Feb, 1951161. Codex Alimentarius Commission was established in (a) 1955(b) 1975(c) 1963(d) 1985162. The words Codex Alimentarius in latin means(a) Grading standards(b) Food low or Food code(c) Sanitary standards(d) None163. Which of the following falls under small scale storage structures?(a) PAU bin (b) Pusa bin(c) Hapurtekka(d) All the above164. Which of the following falls under large scale storage structures?(a) CAP storage(b) Warehouse(c) silos(d) All the above165. Which of the following storage structures developed by FCI?(a) CAP storage (b) Warehouse(c) silos(d) PUA bin166.Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute is located at (a) Hapur(b) Ahemednagar(c) pune (d) Saharanpur167. Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute functions under the supervision of (a) Ministry of Agriculture (b) Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and public Distributions (c) Ministry of Food processing Industries(d) None of above168. In _____ system of sale, where the heaps of different qualities are sold at flat rates without indulging in weighment .(a) Dara system(b) Moghum sale (c) Hatta system (d) Open auction system 169. which of the following is not one among the four As of marketing?(a) Access(b) Availability(c) Affordability(d) Acceptability170. Which of the following is considered as ‘protector of National wealth?(a) Processing unit(b) Transportation (c) Warehousing (d) Market information171. _____ are of the scientific storage structure especially constructed for the protection of both and quantity of agricultural products(a) Warehouse(b) Processing unit (c) Grading unit (d) None of the above172. ____ warehouses are specially constructed at air port or sea port and accept imported goods for storage till the payment of customs by the importer of goods.(a) Public ware houses(b) Bounded warehouses(c) Private ware houses(d) General warehouses173. Entrepot trade refers to (a) Re-export of imported goods (b) Rejecting a countrys' exports (c) Dumping of goods into foreign nation(d) None of the above174. In cold storages,the temperature range is between(a) -1.1C to 10 C (b) -1 C to +1C (c) -11C to 20 C (d) -0.1C to 1.1C175. The first cold storage structure was established in india in 1892 at(a) Hyderabad (b) Delhi(c) Kolkata (d) Chennai176. Value addition by processing function in India is to the tune of _____%(a) 2 (b) 4(c) 7 (d) 21177. Value addition by processing function in china is to the tune of ____%a) 2 (b) 4c) 7 (d) 23178. Value addition by processing function in Phillippines is to the tune of ____%a) 29 (b) 45c) 7 (d) 21179. Value addition by processing function in UK is to the tune of ____%a) 29 (b) 46c) 117 (d) 188180. Which of the following is the self-interest of the farmer in the marketing process ?a) Low purchase price ,high quality (b) High purchase price ,high qualityc) Maximum price, unlimited quantities(d) High purchase price, low quality181. 'Agricultural Marketing' journal is published a) Yearly(b) Half-yearlyc) Quarterly (d) Bi-monthly182. 'Agricultural Marketing' journal is published by a) Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (b) Half-yearlyc) DMI (d) ICAR183. 'Agricultural Marketing' journal is published from a) New Delhi (b) Mubaic) Hyderabad (d) Faridabad184. Which of the following is not the sub-function of buying ? a) Planning the purchase of goods (b) Contractual function c) Demand creation(d) Final transfer of goods185. Agricultural Marketing is an area for the ____ of green revolution problems a) First generation (b) Third generation c) Second generation (d) None186. AGMARKNET (, is being implemented jointly by is a) DMI and ICAR (b) DMI and NIC c) DMI and ISNAR (d) DMI and ISAM187. The data pertaining to daily prices and arrivals of agricultural commodities are shown through a comprehensive national-level database at ___portal a) ( (b) () c) ( (d) ( The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation introduced a central sector scheme, the 'Grameen Bhandaran Yojana; in_____ a) March 2001 (b) March 2002c) January 2000 (d) January 2005189. The market information pertaining to market arrivals,prices,demand for the commodities etc., in the past period refers to a) Market news (b) Market intelligencec) Communication (d) Market extension190. The market information pertaining to market arrivals,prices,demand for the commodities etc., in the current period refers to a) Market news (b) Market intelligencec) Communication (d) Market extension191. The longe the gestation period in the production programme,the ____the risk involved in agri-businessa) Lesser (b) Greaterc) No(d) None192. If speculators make profits in the business through creating artificial scarcity of commodities, it is called_____a) Speculation proper (b) Hedgingc) Forward trading(d) Illegitimate speculation193. If speculators make profits in the business through analyzing the price trends of commodities, it is called_____a) Speculation proper (b) Hedgingc) Forward trading(d) Illegitimate speculation194. ____is a trading technique of transferring price riska) Speculation proper (b) Hedgingc) Forward trading(d) Illegitimate speculation195. In which of the following purchase and sale of commodities are always oposite in direction ?a) Speculation proper (b) Hedgingc) Forward trading(d) Illegitimate speculation196. In which of the following trading techniques,storage of commodities will not rise ?a) Speculation proper (b) Hedgingc) Forward trading(d) Illegitimate speculation197. In which of the following it is obligatory regarding purchase and sale of commodities in the same quantitiy ?a) Speculation proper (b) Hedgingc) Forward trading(d) None198. The main objective of speculation trade is a) Maximization of profits (b) Minimization of price riskc) Reduction in transaction costs(d) None of the above199. The main objective of hedging is a) Maximization of profits (b) Minimization of price riskc) Reduction in transanction costs(d) None of the above200. The forward Markets Review Committee was set up by the Government under the Chairmanship of a) Prof.V.m Dandekar (b) M.L.Dantwalac) B.K Hazare(d) L.K Jha201. Mashakores are a) Commission agents in regulated markets(b) Big retailers or small wholesalersc) Itinerant traders(d) Brokers in unregulated markets202. Arhatiyas are a) Commission agents in regulated markets(b) Big retailers or small wholesalersc) Itinerant traders(d) Brokers in unregulated markets203. Kacha arhatiyas function on behalf of a) Farmers(b) Tradersc) Brokers(d) All the above204. Pucca arhatiyas function on behalf of a) Farmers(b) Tradersc) Brokers(d) All the above205. " A class trader " is seen in a) Regulated market (b) Unregulated marketc) Local market (d) Export market206. Which of the following is correct with reference to " A class trader " in a regulated market ? a) Broker (b) HamaliC) Speculative middleman(d) Commission agent207. Which of the following acts as facilitative middlemen ina regulated market ? a) Broker (b) HamaliC) Speculative middleman(d) Commission agent208. Which of the following is not a marketing institution ? a) CCI (b) LAMPSC) RAJFED(d) TRIFED209. The first Apni Mandi/Kisan Mandi is started in ____in 1987a) Andhra Pradesh (b) HaryanaC) Punjab (d) Rajasthan210. Rythu Bazars are popular in_____ state in the field of direct marketing a) Andhra Pradesh (b) HaryanaC) Punjab (d) Rajasthan211. Farmer-Processor linkages can best had from a) Regulated markets (b) Cooperative marketingC) Contract farming(d) Direct Marketing212. _____ refers to an arrangement between a farmer and an agri-business firm to produce certain pre-agreed quantity and quality of produce at a particular price and time a) Regulated markets (b) Cooperative marketingC) Contract farming(d) Direct Marketing213. The COSAMB, an apex of the state Marketing Boards was established in the year a) 1980 (b) 1988C) 1995(d) 2000214. In 1992, a High Powered Committee on Agricultural Marketing was established under the chairmanship of a) Prof.V.M Dandekar (b) M.L DantwalaC) Shankarlal Guru(d) L.K Jha215. The Expert Group on Agricultural Marketing was established under the chairmanship of a) Acharya(b) M.L DantwalaC) Shankarlal Guru (d) L.K Jha216. High Level Committee on Long Term Grain Policy was established under the chairmanship of a) Jain (b) M.L DantwalaC) Shankarlal Guru(d) L.K Jha217. High Level Committee on Long Term Grain Policy was established under the chairmanship of a) Abhijit Sen (b) M.L DantwalaC) Shankarlal Guru(d) L.K Jha218. The intervention of Govenment in supplying the essential commodities to the people is called a) Regulated marketing (b) Cooperative marketingC) Contract farming(d) State trading 219. The type of state trading ,where Government remains the sole purchaser and distributor of essential commodities to the people is called a) Partial state trading (b) Complete state tradomgC) Contract farming(d) Direct marketing 220. The type of state trading ,in which both public and private sectors co-exists for supply of essential commodities to the people is called a) Partial state trading (b) Complete state tradingC) Contract farming(d) Direct marketing 221. The department of Agriculture and Cooperation introduced a central sector scheme, the ' Grameen Bhandaran Yojana' in March 2002 and is related to a) Establishment of processing units in rural areas (b) Construction of rural godowns C) Provision of grading facilities in rural markets (d) Strengthening of market information network 222. The main function of FCI is a) Procurement (b)StorageC) Market information (d) Grading 223. ISI- Indian Standards Institution was set up in a) 1950 (b) 1947c) 1965 (d) 1987 224. ISI- Indian Standards Institution was renamed as Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in the yeara) 1950 (b) 1947c) 1965 (d) 1987 225. The food safety system to be followed by india is in the context of export trade is a) CAC (b) HACCPc) ISI (d) BIS 226. ECOMARK scheme came into existence in the year a) 1950 (b) 1947c) 1991 (d) 1987227. ECOMARK logo is given to the product which is a) Highly pure (b) Cost -effectivec) Environment-friendly (d) Meant for export only228. ECOMARK logo combines a) BIS mark and ECO logo (b) HACCP mark and ECO logo c) BIS mark and HACCP logo (d) BIS mark and FPO Mark229. FPO Mark (an inverted V shaped mark )is seen on the packed containers of ___ products a) Edible oils (b) Meat products c) Processed products of fruits and vegetables(d) Marine products 230. FPO Mark (an inverted V shaped mark )is seen on the packed containers of processed products of fruits and vegetables is issued by a) Ministry of Agriculture b) Ministry of Food Processing Industries c) Ministry of Consumer Affairs,Food and Public Distribution(d) None 231. The present Chairman of CACP is a) Mahendra Dev (b) Kapil Sibal c) Finance Minister(d) Central Agricultural Minister232. Which of the following offers a sort of price guarantee on the part of farmers to cultivate the crop ? a) Procurement price(b) Issue price c) Equilibrium price(d) MSP233. Which of the following administered price is announced by the Government just before the sowing season of crops?a) Procurement price(b) Issue price c) Equilibrium price(d) MSP234. For which of the following crops,MSP is given statutory status?a) Paddy(b) Cottonc) Sunflower (d) Sugar cane235. Statutory status is given for MSP of sugarcane because a) The market is monopoly(b) The market is monopsonyc) The market is oligopsony(d) The market is duopsony236. FCI aims at procurement of produce from the farmers/traders mainly for a) Stabilizing the prices (b) Exporting the producec) Maintaining buffer stocks (d) Scientific storage of produce237. In general, farmers and traders do not show interest to supply the produce to FCI for its procurement because a) MSP >Procurement price(b) Procurement price> Market pricec) Procurement price <Market price(d) Procurement price < Issue price238. Presently, the Government is announcing MSP for ___ commodities a) 15(b) 20c) 25(d) 30239. For which of the following ,MSP is not announced?a) Jute(b) Sunflowerc) Cotton (d) Chillies240. For horticultural and other perishable commodities, the price support is in the form of a) MSP(b) Procurement Pricec) Market intervention Scheme(d) NoneName:Kumbhar Dashrath K.Roll no:21241. The support under MSP policy is decided by a) Central Government on the recommendations of CACP (b) State Govenment on the recommendations of CACPc) Both Central and State Governments on the recommendations of CACP (d) None of the above242. The support under MIS policy is decided by a) Central Government (b) State Governmentc) Both(d) None243. MSP policy differs from MIS policy in respect of a) It deals with fixed number of commodities b) The support prices are regularly announced by Central Government c) It is applicable in all the markets through out the country Both\(d) All the above244. Price fluctuations will benefita) Farmer (b) Importerc) Exporter(d) Consumer245. ____ refers to controlling the demand of the consumers and keeping the rise in demand under check by allotting a limited quantity per capita per time a) State trading (b) Rationing c) Procurement (d) None246. When whole of the population is covered under rationing of commodities, it is called a) Statutory rationing (b) Modified rationing c) Both (d) None247. When only a section of population is covered under rationing of commodities,it is called a) Statutory rationing (b) Modified rationing c) Both(d) None248. Which of the following is a private sector agency in the field of agricultural marketing ?a) CCI(b) JCIc) APENDA(d) ITC249. Cotton Corporation of India came into existence in the yeara) 1965(b) 1970c) 1975(d) 1980250. Cotton Corporation of india will function under the a) Ministry of Agriculture (b) Ministry of Commerce c) Ministry of Consumer Affairs,Food and Public Distribution (d) None251. Cotton Corporation of India entered the domestic market in the yeara) 1960-61(b) 1971-72c) 1975-76(d) 1981-82252. Jute Corporation of India came into existence in the year a) 1965(b) 1970c) 1981(d) 1971253. APEDA came into existence in the year a) 1966(b) 1976c) 1986(d) 1956254. APEDA will function under thea) Ministry of Agriculture (b) Ministry of Commerce c) Ministry of Consumer Affairs,Food and Public Distribution(d) None255. MPEDA came into existence in the year a) 1962(b) 1972c) 1982(d) 1952256. NDDB came into existence in the year a) 1965(b) 1975c) 1985(d) 1955257. NDDB is located at a) Anand(b) Chennaic) Ahmednagar(d) Shaharanpur258. North East Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation (NERAMC) came into existence in the yeara) 1962(b) 1972c) 1982(d) 1992259. Himachal Pradesh Horticultural processing and Marketing Corporation (HPHPMC) came into existence in the year a) 1964(b) 1973c) 1983(d) 1953260. Tea Board came into existence inthe yeara) 1963(b) 1973c) 1983(d) 1953261. Coffee Board came into existence inthe yeara) 1960(b) 1970c) 1940(d) 1950262. Rubber Board came into existence inthe yeara) 1967(b) 1977c) 1957(d) 1947263. Tobacco Board came into existence inthe yeara) 1966(b) 1956c) 1986(d) 1976264. SpicesBoard came into existence inthe yeara) 1966(b) 1976c) 1956(d) 1986265. Cardamom Board came into existence inthe yeara) 1966(b) 1976c) 1986(d) 1956266. Which of the following states have not yet enacted any Agricultural produce Marketing (Regulation) Act?a) Andhra Pradesh(b) Karnatakac) Gujarat(d) Kerala267. Cooperative marketing in India has___ tier structurea) Two (b) Threec) Single(d) None268. The base level institution functioning under Cooperative marketing structure in India is a) PACS (b) SCMFc) PAMS(d) None269. Cooperative marketing organizations are the organizations of a) Farmers (b)Traders c) Processors(d) None270. The advantages of Cooperative marketing includea) The farmers can enjoy the benefits of large scale marketalble surplus(b)The farmers are safe guarded from higher marketing costs and margins c) To act as an agent to the Government for the procurement of food grains (d) All the above 271. The first Cooperative Marketing Societies Act was enacted in a) 1910(b) 1912c) 1915(d) 1904272. The first Cooperative Marketing Society established for cotton marketing in a) Hubli(b) Chennaic) Guntur(d) Bhubaneshwar273. National Cooperative Development Corporation(NCDC) was set up ina) 1953(b) 1963c) 1973(d) 1983274. ___Serves an apex organization of marketing cooperatives in Indiaa) MARKFED(b) TRIFEDc) RAJFED(d) NAFED275. Which of the following is not a measure employed to study the market structurea) Concentration ratio (b) Advertising intensity c) Herfindahl-Hirschman Indes(d) Gini ratio 276. The head office of NAFED is at a) Chennai(b) Mubaic) Delhi(d)Bangalore277. The members of NAFED includea) State level marketing Federation and NCDC(b) NCDC and RAJFEDc) NCDC and TRIFED(d) NCDC and CCI278 TRIFED was established in the yeara) 1977(b) 1987c) 1967(d) 1997279.Which of the following is not a measure empoloyed to study the market conducta) Concentration ratio (b) Advertising intensity c) Herfidahl-Hirschman Index (d) Gini ratio 280. What is Tilam Sangh in Rajasthan? a) Cooperative farming society(b) A cooperative credit society c) A cooperative marketing society d) A milk cooperative society281. Tilam Sngh in Rajasthan represents a cooperative marketing society for a) Fruits b) Vegetablesc)Oilseeds (d) Milk 282 RAJFED was established in the yeara) 1950(b) 1957c) 1967(d) 1977283 ____ refers to the expansion of firms by consolidating additional marketing functions and activities under a single managementa) Market integration (b) Marketing efficiencyc) Price spread(d) Technical efficiency284 When one firm gains control over other firm performing similar type of functions, it is called_____a) Conglomeration(b) Vertical integrationc) Horizontal integration(d) Spatial integration285 Which of the following is an example of horizontal integration ?a) Cooperative farming(b) A wholesaling function assuming the function of retailingc) Ramoji group of industries(d) Activities performed by Britannia company 286 ___integration occurs when a firm performs more than one activity in the sequence of marketing processa) Conglomeration(b) Vertical integrationc) Horizontal integration(d) Spatial integration287 Which of the following is an example of vertical integration ?a) Cooperative farming(b) A wholesaling function assuming the function of retailingc) Ramoji group of industries(d) All the above288 if one firm assumes another function of marketing,which is close to consumption process,it is called____ type of vertical integration a) Conglomeration(b) Forward integrationc) Horizontal integration(d) Backward integration289 Which of the following is an example of forward integration ?a) Cooperative farming(b) A wholesaling function assuming the function of retailingc) Ramoji group of industries(d) Activities performed by Britannia company 290 If one firm assumes another function of marketing,which is close to combination of sources of supply of produce, it is called ____type of vertical integrationa) Conglomeration(b) Forward integrationc) Horizontal integration(d) Backward integration291 Which of the following is an example of backward integration ?a) Cooperative farming(b) A wholesaling function assuming the function of retailingc) Ramoji group of industries(d) A wholesaling function assuming the function of assembling the produce292 If one firm assumes several functions/activities under unified management, which are not directly related to each other ,it is calleda) Conglomeration(b) Forward integrationc) Horizontal integration(d) Backward integration293 Which of the following is an example of Conglomeration ?a) Cooperative farming(b) A wholesaling function assuming the function of retailingc) Ramoji group of industries(d) A wholesaling function assuming the function of assembling the produce294 Two markets are said to be spatially integrated, if the price difference of commodities between the two markets is ____a) Less than transportation cost(b) Less than storage costc) More than transportation cost(d) More than storage cost295 Two markets are said to be temporally integrated, if the price difference of commodities between the two ,markets is a) Less than transportation cost(b) Less than storage costc) More than transportation cost(d) More than storage cost296 Two markets are said to be integrated, if they sell different forms of products, when price difference of commodities is ___a) Less than Processing cost(b) Less than storage costc) More than Processing cost(d) More than storage cost297 ___ defined the interrelationship between price movements in two markets as market integrationa) Nerlove(b) Uma Lelec) Acharya (d) L.K Jha298 The ratio of market output to market input is known is known as a) Market integration(b) Marketing efficiencyc) Price spread (d) None299 The aspect of efficiency pertaining to the cost of performing an operation is a) Technical effciency (b) Pricing efficiencyc) Allocative efficiency (d) None300 The aspect of efficiency pertaining to the allocation of farm products over time,space,among traders,processors etc, isa) Technical effciency (b) Pricing efficiencyc) Physical efficiency (d) Operational efficiency301 Pricing efficiency is said to be achieved among spatially separated markets,whena) Price difference is less than transportation cost(b) Price difference is less than storage cost c) Price difference is more than transportation cost(d) Price difference is more than storage cost 302 Pricing efficiency is said to be achieved when product is sold at different times in a year ,whena) Price difference is less than transportation cost(b) Price difference is less than storage cost c) Price difference is more than transportation cost(d) Price difference is more than storage cost 303 Pricing efficiency is said to be achieved if product is sold in two different forms,whena) Price difference is less than transportation cost(b) Price difference is less than storage cost c) Price difference is more than transportation cost(d) Price difference is more than storage cost 304 The marketing cost of processed product is ___ than raw product a) Lower(b) Higherc) Equal (d) Non305 The marketing cost of goods sold in lean season is ____than in peak season a) Lower(b) Higherc) Equal (d) None306 The difference between price paid by the consumer and price received by the producer for and equivalent quantity of commodity is called ___a) Technical effciency (b) Pricing efficiencyc) Allocative efficiency(d) Price spread307 Price spread includesa) Marketing costs (b) Marketing marginsc) Both (a) and (b)(d) None308 _____refers to the price differences between successive stages of market at a given point of timea) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread309 Price differences between farmers' selling price and retail price on the same date refers to a) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread310 ___refers to the price differences between successive stages of marketing during different periodsa) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread311 The differences betweenf purchase price of a commodity by an intermediary on 20-4-2009 and his selling price on 24-9-2009 refers to a) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread312 Which of the following indicates the length of time the intermediary has held the product during his transation in the marketing process?a) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread313 Which of the following do not take into consideration the time that elapses between purchase and sale of commodity in the market ?a) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread314 Which of the following takes into consideration the time that elapses between purchase and sale of commodity in the market ?a) Concurrent margine(b) Lagged marginec) Marketing cost(d) Price spread315 FAO organized workshop on the " Improvement of Agricultural Marketing Training in Asia " in 1979 ina) India(b) USAc) Thiland(d) UK316 National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) is located at a) Jaipur (b) Hyderabadc) Bangalore(d) Cochin317 National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) was established ina) 1980(b) 1988c) 1995(d) 2000318 Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) was established ina) 1980(b) 1986c) 1995(d) 2000319 Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) publishes a journal called a) Indian journal of Agricultural Marketing(b) Agricultural Marketingc) Indian journal of Marketing(d) Agricultural Situation in India 320 Which of the following aims at developing 'Centre of Excellence' in the field of agricultural marketing by establishing liaison with internatiional organizations ?a) Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing(b) National Institute of Agricultural Marketing c) Indian Council of Social Science Research(d) National Council for Applied Economic Research321 Which of the following refers to the buyer who agrees to accept the goods as they come,provided they are shipped initially in good conditiona) Tale Quale(b) Dumpingc) Imprt quota(d) Rye Terms322 Grain and Free Trade Association (GAFTA) is seen in a) USA (b) Switzerlandc) UK(d) None323 ____means that the condition of goods on arrival is guaranteed by the seller a) Tale Quale(b) Dumpingc) Imprt quota(d) Rye Terms324 The stock of food grains maintained by the Government to ensure its supply at times of emergency situations to the needy population is called ___a) Buffer Stock(b) Storagec) Marketable surplus(d) None325 In which of the following methods of procurement the first right to purchases the grains in the open marketa) Pre-emptive purchases (b) Open marketc) Monopoly procurement (d) Levy on millers326 In which of the following methods of procurement Government is the purchaser of grains from the farmers ?a) Pre-emptive purchases (b) Open market purchasesc) Monopoly procurement (d) Levy on millers327 In which of the following methods of procurement Government competes with traders to purchase the grains in the open market and no procurement price is announced before hand?a) Pre-emptive purchases (b) Open market purchasesc) Monopoly procurement (d) Levy on millers328 Revamped public Distribution system was launched in ____a) 1982(b) 1992c) 1995(d) 2000329 The first SWC was established in 1956 in a) Punjab(b) Haryanac) Gujarat(d) Bihar330 The National seed project was launched by World Bank ina) 1982(b) 1976c) 1995(d) 2000331 The National Seed Project was funded by a) ICAR(b) World Bankc) The Royal Netherlands Embassy (d) None332 Which of the following is a sub-function of standardization?a) Grading (b) Processingc) Storage(d) Markting333 Which of the following grading is not on scientific lines ?a) Kuccha Grading (b) Pucca grading c) Variable grading (d)None334 The grading and marking of goods for domestic consumption was frist started for ___ commodity a) Oranges (b) Tobaccoc) Ghee (d) Sun hemp335 AGMARK label was made compulsory for exportable commodities and was first started for ___commoditya) Oranges (b) Tobaccoc) Ghee (d) Sun hemp336 Grading supervisor's Trainining Centre is located at a) Jaipur (b) Hyderabadc) Nagpur(d) Cochin337 ___price refers to the price at which the commodity is transacted more frequently in the marketa) Minimum price(b) Maximum pricec) Model price(d) Equilibrium price338 To strengthen the market information system in the country, the Government appointed a committee under the chairmanship of ___a) P.N Thapar(b) Dantwalac) L.K Jha(d) None339 The Government has started ____ so that each market can communicate price trends of fruits and vegetables to the farmers in advancea) Market planning and Design Centre(b) Rythu Seva Kendramc) Rythu Bazars(d) None340 Market planning and Design Centre was first started by the Government in a) Delhi(b) Hyderabadc) Nagpur(d) Chochin341 Open auction method of sale is considered as a) Buyers'market(b) Sellers marketc) Both (a) and (b)(d) None342 Which of the following is not a facilitative middlemen?a) Hamali(b) Speculatorc) Grader (d) Auctioner343 Agricultural price commission was established in 1965 (renamed as commission for Agrecultural Costs and Prices ) was recommended by ___ committeea) Bal Raj Mehta(b) J.N Gadgilc) Planning Commission of India (d) L.K jha344 Which of the following is not a measure employed to sudy the market performance a) Return on sales after tax (b) Advertising intensity c) Herfindahl-Hirschman Index(d) Gini ratio 345 If a poor and subsistence farmers sell that part of the produce which is necessary to enable them to meet their cash obligations, means marketed surplus greater than marketable surplus, the situation is known as a) Market efficiency (b) Market integrationc) Distress sale (d) Disabled market346 The term 'Hypothecation' means a) Leading agency sanction loan directly to borrowers(b) Lending agency sanction loan to borrowers and the owner of implements will remain on the names of bank and borrowerc) Lending agency sanction loan to borrowers and the owner of implements will be borrower(d) None of the above347 What will be the effect when price spread is greater in a marketing system?a) Market will be efficient(b) More marketable surplusc) More marketed surplus(d) Large number of market intermediaries348 Which of the following price represents the maintenance of public distribution system by the Government ?a) Minimum Support Price(b)Procurement pricec) Market price (d) Shadow price349 Government imposes levy on traders when?a) Farmers are unable to supply food grains for maintaining buffer stock(b)Farmers are able to supply food grains for maintaining buffer stock c) FCI has sufficient quantity of food grain(d) To restrict traders privacy350 The individual in a market who always think the price of the commodity will increase in the near future is a) Stockist(b) Shareholderc) Bulls(d) Bear351 The term issue price means,a) The price at whichbuffer stock is given to public(b)The price at which FCI issues food grains to PDSc) The price at which Govenment procures buffer stock(d) The price at which buffer stock is maintained in the FCI godaowns352 The term buffer stock meansa) Food stock stored for consumption(b)Food stock imported into country c) Both (a) and (b) (d) The food stock made available to population at times of emergency353 The difference between price received by the agency at a particular stage of marketing and price paid by the same in the earlier period is calleda) Lagged margin(b) Concurrent marginc) Price spread (d) Marketing cost354 In which of the following commodities perfect competition is not exist ?a) Cigarette market (b) Automobile market c) Wheat market (d) Fish market355 The market for gold and silver refers to a) Bullion market (b) Secular marketc) Wholesale market(d) Retail market356 For small farmers, the marketed surplus is ___a) Higher(b) Lowerc) Zero (d) None357 The Indain Institute of Packaging (IIP) is located at a) Mumbai(b) Kolkatac) Delhi (d) Hyderabad358 The rate of fluctuation in prices is higher in a) Procurement price (b) Minimum Support pricec) Retail price (d) Wholesale price359 Wholesale price prevailing during the harvest season (6-8 weeks ) in the assembling market is a) Farm harvest price(b) Harvesting pricec) Maximum price(d) Minimum price360 The economic phrase 'Laissez Faire' refers to a) Other things remains same(b) Giffen goodsc) Government interference(d) No Government interference361 ___ is the local term used for big retailers or small wholesalers dealing fruits and vegetables a) Brokers(b) Arhatiyac) Hamali(d) Mashakhores362 ___ is the adhoc price support scheme for horticultural productsa) MSP (b) Procurement Pricec) MIS (d) Issue Price363 Grading facilities exists for ___% of country's regulated marketsa) 50(b) 5c) 13(d) 90364 Indian Grain Storage Institute is located at a) Mumbai(b) Ludhianac) Hapur(d) Bapatla365 Indian Grain Storage institute was established in a) 1963(b) 1958c) 1982(d) 1987366 Indian Grain Storage Institute was renamed as Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute in a) 1996(b) 1958c) 1982(d) 1987367 Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute is located at a) Mubai(b) Ludhiana c) Hapur(d) Bapatla368 First cold storage stucture is located at a) Mubai(b) Ludhiana c) Hapur (d)Kolkata369 The commodity that was mostly stored in cold storage structures in India is a) Potato(b) Fishc) Meat(d) Milk370 Rural Electrification Corporation was established in the year a) 1969(b) 1958c) 1982(d) 1987371 National Seed Corporation was estalished in the yeara) 1963(b) 1958c) 1982(d) 1987372 Rythu bazaars in Andhra Pradesh or Apni Mandi in Punjab are similar to ___ in Tamil Nadua) WTO cell(b) Market depotsc) Ration shops (d) Uzhavar sandhai373 The marketing channel for brinjal in Rythu bazaar is a) Farmer->Local wholesaler --> Retailer --> Consumer(b) Farmer --> Commission agent-->Local wholesaler --> Retailer--> Consumerc) Farmer --> Cosumer(d) Farmer --> Processor --> Retailer --> Consumer374 Rythu Bazars started functioning in Andhra Pradesh in the yeara)1963(b) 1958c) 1999 (d) 1987375 Cosumer Education and Research Centre (CERC) is located at a) Mumbai (b) Ludhianac) Ahmedabad (d) Bapatla376 Closed tender method of sale, an important method in some regulated markets in India, has almost the similar features of a) Moghum sale method(b) Sale based on samples c) Open auction method(d) Sales through negotiations377 According to Directorate of Marketing and Inspection,___% may be taken as maketing margin for all food grains in INdiaa) 10(b) 15 c) 20(d) 25378 Food retailling account for ___% of all retail outlets in India a) 20(b) 40 c) 60(d) 80379 When marketed surplus is more than marketable surplus,the sale is term asa) Forced sale (b) Distress salec) Both (a) and (b) (d) None380 Prices of industrial goods fluctuate____ than prices of farm products a) Less (b) Morec) Both (d) None381 The latest information about agricultural markets is collected and published by thea) Food Corporation of India(b) National Council of Applie Economic Researchc) Directorate of Economics and Statistics (d) IASRI382 The term AGMARK is associated with thea) Quality of vegetables production (b) Quality of agricultural products c) Quality of eggs production (d) Quality of milk production383 The bonded warehouses are those,which area) Hired by andy agency (b) Hired by cooperativesc) Hired by Government (d) Hired by private traders 384 Which of the following corresponds to Market structure ?a) Concentration ratio (b) Collusionc) Pricing efficiency (d) Allocative efficiency385 The new base year under consideration to comput WPI and CPI is a) 1981-8 (b) 1990-91c) 1999-00(d) 2001-02386 Which amoung the following duties is applied by a Government to control the exports of a commodity, so that the commodity can be used by the local markets than in foreign countries ?a) Custom duty (b) Excise Duty c) Anti dumping duty (d) Dumping Duty387 Arbitrage is a) Buying and selling in two markets simultaneously (b) A rate of interest c) A Fee (d) Arbitrage is a dispute388 The cause of rise in prices of goods, in the market is ____a) Rise in money supply (b) Increase in cost of production c) Increase in stocks of goods and black marketing (d) All of the above389 Changes in the prices of goods in India is measured by which of the following index numbers ?a) Wholesale price index (WPI) (b) Consumer Price index (CPI)c) Both of above (d) None of these 390 Which of the following remedies are adopted to control price rise in the economy?a) Monetary measures (b) Fiscal measuresc) Administered price mechanism(d) All of the above391 The term " Evergreen Revolution" has been used for increasing agricultural production in India by ___a) Norman Barlogue (b) Raj Krishna c) M.S Swamnathan (d) R.K.V Rao392 Euro is a ____a) Currency (b) Cityc) Group (d) River393 Which one of the following is the corredct sequence in the decreasing order of contribution of different sectors to the Gross Domestic Product of India ?a) Services-Industry-Agriculture (b) Services-Agriculture-Industryc) Industy -Services-Agriculture (d) Industry-Agriculture-Services 394 Which one of the following is the AGMARK related to ?a) Agricultural products (b) Gems and jewelleryc) Capital goods (d) None of the above395 The tax on import and export is known as _____a) Income tax (b) Trade taxc) Custom duty (d) None of the above396 Invisible export means export of ____a) Services (b) Prohibited goods c) Unrecorded gooods (d)Goods through smuggling 397 The out come of devaluation of currency is ____a) Increased export and improvement in balance of payment (b) Increased export and foreign reserve deficiency c) Increased import and improvement in balance of payment (d) Increased export and import398 In marketing,what is the term for the usefulness of a product that is a consequence of its creation from raw materials ?a) Place utility (b) Possession utilityc) Price utility (d) Form utility399 Which of the following is a difference between merchant middlemen and agent middlemen? a) Agent middlemen acquire ownership of the products they sell,while merchant middlemen don not (b) Merchant middlemen sell products directly to the consumerc) Agent middlemen have no control over production processes (d) Merchant middlement acquire ownership of the procducts they sell,while agent middlemen do not 400 The market in large town catering to the needs of villages and towns is known as ___a) Local market (b) Regional market c) National market (d) Global market401 Which of the following corresponds to Market conduct ?a) Concentration ratio (b) Pricing efficiency c) Collusion (d) Allocative efficiency 402 Exchange rates are kept same in all the parts of market by using which one of the following ?a) SDRs (b) Arbitragec) Hedging(d) Speculation403 Which of the following is transacted in Rythu bazaara) Paddy (b) Cottonc) Wheat (d) Brinjal404 Which of the following corresponds to market performance ?a) Allocative efficiency (b) Pricing strategy c) Collusion (d) Concentration ratio405 For India,fertilizers are :a) Imported,but not exported (b) Exported,but not imported c) Neither imported not exported (d) Exported and imported 406 A farmer who prefers to produce all his crop under contract farming would be considered a) Risk averse (b) Risk neutralc) Risk loving (d) Risk indifferent 407 Govenment of india started TARGETED PDS in the year a) 2001 (b) 1995c) 1997(d) 1991408 Govenment of india started Revamped PDS in the year a) 2001 (b) 1995c) 1997(d) 1992409 For which of the following commodity,there is al together a different marketing function in a marketing channel ?a) Brinjal (b) Maizec) Fruit jam(d) Green gram410 A trader who sells goods directly to the consumer is known as a _____a) Wholesaler (b) Retailerc) Processor (d) Farmer411 The enterprises which are concerned with the production and processing of goods are ____a) Public enterprises (b) Private enterprisesc) Industrial enterprises (d) All the above412 The industries which are connected with extraction,producing and processing of natuaral resources are ___ industries a) Primary (b) Secondaryc) Cottage (d) All the above413 The trade carried on within the boundaries of a country is a) Inter-regional trade (b) Import tradec) Retail trade (d) International trade414 The trade which relates to the purchasing of goods from other countries is known as ___a) Inter-regional trade (b) Import tradec) Retail trade(d) International trade415 Provides scientific storage facilities to producers a) Transporter (b)Warehousekeeper c) Banker(d) All the above416 It is an agreement between two parties wher by one agrees to protect the other against a lossa) Insurance (b)Warehousing c) Transport (d) All the above417 It finances internal and external tradea) Insurance Company (b) Bankc) Transport company(d) All the above418 The fact that services are sole, produced, and consumed at the same time refers to which of the following service characteristics ?a) Intangibility (b) Inseparabilityc) Variability (d) Perishability419 When producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system, they comprise a :a) Conventional marketing system (b) Power-based marketing system c) Horizontal marketing system (d) Vertical marketing system420 An over-valued currency in the foreign exhange market will have which one of the following impacts in India ?a) Make imports costlier and Exports cheaper (b) Will have noe effect on cost of imports c) Give protection to domestic oindustry agianst foreign competition (d) Make imports cheaper and exports costlierWRITE THE FORMULAE FOR THE FOLLOWING1. Marketable Surplus: - Total Production-consumption –Requirements2. Net returns due to storage-(pt-po)-C3. The percent margin from storage-[{pt-po)-C}/(po+C)]*1004. Marketing costs-Si-(PPi+MCi)5. Marketing margin-MMi=Si-(Pi+MCi)6. Producers’ share in consumers’ rupee-(Farmers’ selling price/consumers’ purchase price)*1007. %margin of ith middle man-[{si-(Pi+MCi)}/si]*1008. Abosolute margin of ith middle man- MMi=Si-(Pi+MCi)9. Percentage make up of ith Middle man –[Si-(pi+MCi)/Pi)*10010. Producers’price-Farmers’ selling price-Marketing costs incurred by the farmers11. Marketing efficiency index-(V/I)-1EXPAND THE FOLLOWING 1. APC-Agricultural Price Commission2. AERC-Agro Economic Research Centre3. AFMA-Association of food Marketing Agencies in Asia and the pacific4. AMA-Agricultural Marketing Advisor5. AGMARK-Agricultural Marketing6. APEDA-Agricultural and processed Food Products Export Development Authority.7. ADC-Agricultural Development Council8. ADB-Asion Development Bank9. AMS-Aggregate Measurement of Support10. TGCP-Tree Growers Cooperative Project11. AAp-Agricultural and Allied Products12. AGMARKNET-Agricultural Marketing Information Network13. AEZ-Agri-Export Zone14. APL-Above Poverty Line15. APMC-Agricultural Produce Market16. AAy-Antyodaya anna Yojana17. BPL.Below Poverty Line18.BIS-Bureau of Indian Standard19. CAP-Cover and Plinth20. CAC-Codex Alimentarius Commision21. COSAMB-Council of State Agricultural Marketing Board22. CWC-Central Warehousing Corporation23. CBEC-Central Banking Enquiry Committee 24. CCI-Cotton Corporation of India25. CEC-Commodity Export Council26. CACP-Commision for Agricultural costs and Prices27. CERC-Consumer Education and Research centre28. CMIE-Centre for Monitaring Indian Economy29. CIF-Cost, Insurance And Freight30. DMI-Directorate OF Marketing and Inspection31. EAS-Electonic Auctioning System32. FAQ-Fair Average Quality33. FAO-Food and Agricultural Organization34. FCI-Food Corporation of India35. FOB-Free Board Price36. FOR- Free on Rail Price37. FP-Floor Price38. GMM- Gross Marketing Margin39. GMO-Genetically Modified Seeds40. GATT-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade41. HPHPMC-Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Processing and Marketing Corporation42. HACCP-Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points43. ISO-International Organization for Standardization44. ISI-Indian Standards Institute45. IGSI-Indian Grain Storage Institute46. IGMRI-Indian Grain Storage Management and Research institute47. IT-Information Technology48. ICT-Information and Communication Technology49. ISAM-Indian society of Agricultural Marketing50. Ijam-Indian Journal Of Agricultural Marketing51. ICSSR-Indian Council of Social Science Research52. WPI-Wholesale Price Index53. IGSI-Indian Grain Storage Institute54. OGMRI-Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute55. JCI-Jute Corporation of India56. LOOP-Law of One Price57. MPEDA-Marine Products Exports Development Authority58. MARKFED-The Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Marketing Federation Limited59. MEI-Marketing Efficiency Index60. MC-Marketing Costs61. MM-Marketing Margin62. MME-Modified Measure Of Marketing Efficiency63. MEP-Minimum Export Price64. MIP-Minimum Import Price65. MFN-Most Favored Nation66. MNCs-Multi National Corporation67. MPDC- Market Planning and Design Centre68. MSP-Minimum Support Price69. MIS-Market Intervention Scheme70. NAFED-National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation71. NCDWB-National Cooperative Development and Warehousing Board72. NCDB-National Cooperative Development Corporation73. NGOs-Non-Governmental Organization74. NHB-National Horticulture Board75. NIAM_National Institute Of Agricultural Marketing76. NERAMAC-North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation77. NDDB-National Dairy Development Board78. NCAER-National Council for Applied Economic Research79. NMM-Net Marketing Margin80. NPC-National Productivity Council81. NTGF- National Cooperative Tobacco Growers Federation82. NCCF-National Consumers Cooperative Federation83. NCAP-National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research84. NSP-National Seed Project85. NPSS-Non-Product Specific Support86. NIC-National Informatics Centre87. NSP-National Seed Project88. NSC-National Seed Corporation89. NICNET-National Informatics Centre Network90. PSS-Product Specific Support91. PDS-Public distribution system92. PBR-Plant Breeders Rights93. PBM-Parity Bound Models94. QRs-Quantitative Restrictions95. REP-Replenishmebt Licensing96. RP-Reserve Price97. RAJFED-Rajeshthan State Cooperative Marketing Federation98. RPDS-Revamped Public Distribution System99. REC-Rural Electrification corporation100. SWC-State Warehousing corporation101. SGCS-Save Grain Campaign Scheme102. SAMB-State Agricultural Marketing Board103. SHGs-Self –Help Groups104. SAU-State Agricultural Universities105. SEZ-Special Economic Zones106. SPS-Sanitary and phyto-Sanitary Standards107. STC-State Trading Corporation108. SSC-State Seed Corporations109. SFCI-State Farms Corporation OF India110. SMSP-Statutory Minimum Support Price111. TRIFED-Trible Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India112. TRIPS-Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights113. TBT-Technical Barriers to Trade114. TL seeds-Truthfully Labeled Seeds115. TRIMs-Trade Related Investment Measures116. TPDS-Targeted Public Distribution System117. TSDC-Tarai Seeds Development Corporation118. TRES- Total Rural Employment Scheme119. UNDP-United Nations Development Program120. UNO-United Nations Organization121. WTO-World Trade Organization122. XGS-Exports of Goods and Services123. WTA-World Trade Agreement124. MRTP-Monopolies Restrictive Trade Practices125. AoA-Agreement on Agriculture126. FICCI-Federation of Indian Chamber Of Commerce and industry5.WRITE THE YEAR OF PASSING OF ACTS/ESTABLISHMENT OF ORGANIZATION/COMMITTEE/CORPORATION/ORDERDirectorate of Marketing and Inspection – 1935Motor Vehicles Act – 1939Provincial Marketing Depots – 1934Weights And Measures Department – 1935Standards of Weights act – 1939Weights and Measures act – 1948Metric Weights Act – 1956Standards Of Weights and Measures act – 1958The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing)Act – 1937Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) – 1963International Organization For Standardization (ISO)- 1947ISI/BIS – 1987(BIS)The Berar Cotton And Grain Market Act – 1897Royal Commission on Agreeculture – 1928Hyderabad Agricultural Market Act(HAMA) – 1930Madras commercial Crops Agricultural Market Act(MCCMA)-1933The Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Live Stock) Markets Act-1966First Cooperative Marketing Societies Act – 1912Multipurpose Cooperative Credit Societies Act – 1945NAFED-1958National Cooperative Development Corporation(NCDC) – 1963State Trading Corporation(STC)- 1956APC-1965CACP – 1985FCI – 1965Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards- 1988Agricultural Produce (Development and Ware housing) Corporation Act- 1956National Cooperative Development And Warehousing Board (NCDWB)-1956Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)-1957State Ware housing Corporation (SWC) -1956-58Agricultural Produce (development and Ware housing) Corporation Act- 1956National Cooperative Development Corporation Act- 1962The Warehousing Corporation Act- 1962Central Banking Enquiry Committee-1931/1933Foodgrains policy Committee- 1943Prices sub-Committee Of the Policy Committee on Agriculture Forestry And fisheries – 1948Indian Standards Institution(Certification marks)Act – 1952The Prevention Of Food Adulteration Act- 1954The Essential Commodities Act- 1955The Fertilizer (Control) Order – 1957The Fertilizer (Movement Control) Order-1973The Indian Seeds Act- 1966Sees Control Order- 1983The Seeds Act-1966The seeds Policy- 1988The Fruit Products Order-1955The Export(Quality Control and Inspection) Act-1963The Vegetable Oil Products(control)Order-1967The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practice Act-1969(Amended in 1978)The meet Food Products Order-1975Solvent Extracted oil,De-oiled meal and Edible oil (control) Order-1967Vegetable oil Products (Standard of quality)Order-1975Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks ) Act-1952The Drugs And Cosmetics Act-1940The Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act-1950CCI-1970 JCI-1971APEDA-1986MPEDA-1972NDDB-1965NHB-1984NERAMAC-1982HPHPMC-1974The consumer Protection Act-1986,1991,1993,2002The Rubber Board Act-1947The National Cooperative Development corporation Act-1962The Food Corporation India Act-1964The Cotton Corporation Of India Act-1970 The jute Corporation Of India Act-1971The Horticultural Processing And Marketing Corporation Act-1974Sugarcane Control order-1966Sugar Control Order-1966Cotton Control Order-1986 Indian Coffee Market Expansion Ordinance-1940Tea Act-1953Tobacco Board Act-1975Spices Board Act-1986The Bureau of Indian Standard Act-1986The Packaged Commodities Order-1975The Trade And Merchandise Marks Act-1958The Standards of Weights and Measures(Packed goods)Act-1977The Cold Storage Order-1964 and 1980The consumers protection Act-1986The Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks)Act-1952The Insecticides Act-1968Bureau of Indian Standard Act-1986VI. MACH THE FOLLOWINGMatch the following AnsWholesale market(4) (1) Immediate transaction of product after paymentRegulated market (8) (2) Multiplicity of marketing margins Spot market (1) (3) Specific products are transactedShort period market (7) (4) Deals with commodities in large quantitiesUnregulated market (2) (5) Wide variety goods are transactedGeneral market (5) (6) ProducUransaction at a later date after agreementRetail market (10) (7) Perishable goodsSecular market (9) (8)Systematized market practices and costFuture market(6) (9) Durable goodsSpecialized market (3) (10) Deals with commodities in small quantitiesMatch the following AnsPackaging (7) (1) Form utilityStorage (10) (2) Information about pricesTransportation (6) (3) Possession utilityGrading (8) (4) Imperfect know ledgeMarket finance (9) (5) Specifications of goodsProcessing (1) (6) Place utilityMarket intelligence (2) (7) Wrapping of goodsRisk (4) (8) Sub-function of standardizationStandardization (5) (9) A void Distress salesBuying and selling function(3) (10) Time utilityMatch the following AnsAgent middleman (5) (1) Sale under Cover of cloth by twisting fingersDa ra sale method (8) (2) RetailerSpeculative middleman(10) (3) Buyers' marketMoghum sale method of sale (9) (4) Negotiating priceOpen auction method of sale (3) (5) Broker Hatha system (1) (6) HamaliQuotations of samples taken by (4) (7) Sellers' marketcommission agent Merchant middleman (2) (8) Good quality produce mixed with Poor qualityClosed tender method of sale (7) (9) Verbal understanding between buyer and sellerFacilitative middleman (6) (10) Profit motiveMatch the following Ans Regulated market (6) (1). Direct sale CA (8) (2) Labeling Environmental friendly products Cooperative marketing (10) (3) Food Safety management system FPO (7) (4) Support the farmers against distress Sale ECO Mark scheme. (2) (5) Indian Standards Institute HACCP (3) (6) Reduce number of middlemen BIS (8) (7) Quality indicator of processed fruit and vegetable products AGMARK (9) (8) International Food Safety Standards Rythu bazars (1) (9) Export oriented agro productsAdministered prices (4) (10) Benefit of sale of scale marketable surplus Match the following AnsMinimum Support Price (6) (1) Long run equilibrium priceInternational Price (10) (2) Distribution of food grains to BPL population Statutory Minimum (8) (3) Short run equilibrium priceSupport PriceFloor price (7) (4) Accounting priceIssue price (2) (5) Price support scheme for horticultural productsMarket price (3) (6) Announced before the sowing season of cropsProcurement price (9) (7) Price below cost of production of commodity Shadow price (4) (8) purchase of produce below announced price is illegalNormal price (1) (9) Announced before the harvest season of crops Market Intervention Scheme (5) (10) Perfect market competitiveMatch the following AnsMandatory grading (6) (1) FaridabadAGMARK label (5) (2) Under close supervision by DMIDMI (1) (3) Grading at producers’ levelDecentralized grading (9) (4) NagpurPucca grading (8) (5) Purity and quality of the productKaccha grading (3) (6) Fixed grade standardsPermissive grading (10) (7) Codex Alimentarious CommisionInternational Organization (7) (8) Grading at traders’ levelEngaged in standardizationof agro-productsCentralization grading (2) (9) Under close supervision by State Marketing AuthoritiesCentral AGMARK laboratory (4) (10) Variable grade standardMatch the following AnsGrading (6) (1) Holding and preserving of goods Marketing AuthoritiesMarket news (3) (2) Demand creationStorage (1) (3) Current information about market prices, arrivalsHelding (7) (4) TO overcome distress salesMarket intelligence (9) (5) Profit motiveSpeculation (5) (6) Quality and purity of goodsSelling (2) (7) To overcome price riskProcessing (10) (8) Indispensable marketing functionMarket finance (4) (9) Historical information about market prices, arrivalTransportation (8) (10) Value additionH.Match the following AnsMotor Vehicle Act (6) (1) FaridabadDMI (1) (2) NagpurCodex Alimentarius (7) (3) MumbaiCommissionCentral Warehousing (8) (4) 1938CorporationTobacco Testing Laboratory (9) (5) KolkataIndian Institute of Packaging (3) (6) 1939International Organization (10) (7) 1963For StandardizationCentral AGMARK laboratory (2) (8) 1957First grading station (4) (9) GunturFirst cold storage structure (5) (10) 1947I.Match the following AnsApni Mandi (6) (1) Apex cooperative marketing agencyCOSAMB (8) (2) Mutual agreement between buyers and sellersHorizontal integration (5) (3) Wholsaling firm assuming the function of retailizingContract farming (2) (4) Ramoji group of industriesFCI (9) (5) Cooperative farmingBackward integration (10) (6) Direct saleNAFED (1) (7) Dal mills of an area making mutual agreement on priceConglomeration (4) (8) Apex body to supervise State marketing boardsForward integration (3) (9) Food grain procurement agencyContract integration (7) (10) Wholeseling firm assuming thefunction of assemblingJ.Match the following AnsNAFED (6) (1) 1992NCDC (4) (2) 1987ISO (10) (3) 1957ECOMARK (7) (4) 1963FCI (9) (5) 1935COSAMB (8) (6) 1958BIS (2) (7) 1991CWC (3) (8) 1988RPDS (1) (9) 1965DMI (5) (10) 1947K.Match the following AnsISO (6) (1) 1970RPDS (8) (2) 1986CCI (1) (3) 1972JCI (7) (4) 1965APEDA (2) (5)1982MPEDA (3) (6) 1947NHB (10) (7) 1971NDDB (4) (8) 1992NERAMC (5) (9) 1987TRIFED (9) (10) 1984L.Match the following AnsAPC (4) (1) 1976Apni Mandli (7) (2) 1957NSP (1) (3) -02NSC (9) (4) 1965NPHPMC(6) (5) 1928RAJFED(2) (6) 1974REC(8) (7) 1987Rythu bazaars (10) (8) 1969RCA (5) (9) 1963AEZ (3) (10) 1999M.Match the following AnsNIAM(7) (1) RajasthanADDB (6) (2) FaridabadNAFED (10) (3) PunjabGhee grading station (8) (4) MadrasCERC (9) (5) Andhra PradeshApni Mandi (3) (6) AnandDMI (2) (7) JaipurRAJFED (1) (8) GunturSathgudi oranges grading station (4) (9) AhmedabadRyhthu Bazar (5) (10) New DelhiN.Match the following AnsDirectorate Marketing and (9) (1) 1937InspectionMotor Vehicles Act (10) (2) 1963Provincial Marketing Deport (5) (3) 1939BIS (7) (4) 1956Standards of Weight Act (3) (5) 1934Weights and measures Act (8) (6) 1958Metric Weight Act (4) (7) 1987Standards of Weight and (6) (8) 1948Measures ActThe Agricultural Produce (1) (9) 1935(Grading and Marking)Codex Alimentarius (2) (10) 1939Commission (CAC)O.Match the following AnsWeights and Measures Department (8) (1) 1945The Berar Cotton and Grain Market Act (5) (2) 1933Royal Commission on Agriculture (6) (3) 1966Hyderabad Agricultural (10) (4) 1963Market Act(HAMA)Madras Commercial Crops (2) (5 ) 1897Agricultural Market Act(MCCMA)The Andrapradesh (3) (6 ) 1928(Agricultural Produce andLivestock) Markets ActFirst Cooperative Marketing (9) (7) 1958Societies Act Multipurpose Cooperative (1) (8) 1935Credit Socities Act NAFED (7) (9) 1912National Cooperative Development (4) (10) 1930Corporation (NCDC) P. Match the following State Treading Corporation (STC) (6) (1 ) 1948 APC (5) ( 2) 1988 CACP (10) ( 3) 1933 Food grains Policy Committee (9) (4) 1962Council of State Agricultural (2) (5 ) 1965 Marketing Boards Prices sub-committee of (1) (6) 1956the Policy Committee on Agricultural Forestry andFisheriesCentral warehousing (8) (7) 1956-58Corporation(CWC))State Warehousing (7) (8) 1957Corporation(SWC)The Warehousing (4) (9) 1943Corporation ActCentral Banking Enquiry (3) (10) 1985CommitteeQ. Match The Following AnsIndian Standards Institution (7) (1) 1983(Certification marks)ActThe Prevention Of Food (10) (2)1943Adulteration ActThe Essential Commodities Act (9) (3) 1988The Fertilizer(Control) Order (6) (4) 1966The Fertilizer (Movement (8) (5)1966 Control) orderThe Indian Seeds Act (4) (6)1957Seed Control Order (1) (7).1952The Seeds Act (5) (8) 1973The Seeds Policy (3) (9) 1955Food grains Policy committee (2) (10) 1954R. Match The Following AnsThe Fruit Products Order (6) (1)2002The Export(Quality Control (10) (2)1950And Inspection)ActThe vegetable oil Products (9) (3) 1940(Control) OrderThe Monopolies and (8) (4) 1952Restrictive Trade Practices ActThe Meat food Products Order (7) (5) 1966The Consumer Protection Act (1) (6) 1955Sugar cane Control Order (5) (7) 1975Indian Standards Institution (4) (8) 1978(Certification marks)ActThe Drugs and Cosmetics Act (3) (9) 1967The Emblems And Names (2) (10) 1963(Prevention of Improper Use)ActS. Match The Following AnsThe Rubber Board Act (9) (1) 1986The National Cooperative (7) (2) 1953Development corporation ActThe Food Corporation Of (6) (3)1974India ActThe Cotton Corporation Of (10) (4)1940India ActThe Jute Corporation Of (8) (5)1966India ActThe Horticultural Processing (3) (6)1964And Marketing Corporation Act Tea Act (2) (7)1962Sugar Control Order (5) (8)1971 Cotton Control Order (1) (9)1947Indian Coffee Market (4) (10)1970Expantion OrdinanceT.Match The Following AnsTobacco Board Act (8) (1)1966Spices Board Act (7) (2)1980The Prevention Of Food (10) (3)1968Adulteration Act The Essential Commodities Act (6) (4)1977The Trade Merchandise (9) (5)1952Marks ActThe Standard Of Weights (4) (6)1955And Measures (packed goods)ActThe cold Storage Order (2) (7)1986The Indian Seeds Act (1) (8)1975The Indian Standards (5) (9)1958Institution (certificationMarks)ActThe Insecticides Act (3) (10)1954U.Match The Following AnsChannels of Distribution and (2) (1) Middle man/IntermediaryPhysical DistributionProducer to Consumer (4) (2) Components of place-mixPerson / Agent Between (1) (3) Perishable goodsManufacturer & ConsumerWarehouses With Cold (3) (4) Direct ChannelStorage ArrangementsV. Match The Following AnsIssue Price (4) (1) Export CompetitivenessMSP (10) (2) Above This Price only farmer Transact The ProduceReserve Price (2) (3) Domestic CompetitivenessInternational price (1) (4) Food grain prices at fair price shopsWholesale Price (3) (5) Long run priceMarket period price (7) (6) Environment – Friendly productsNormal Price (5) (7) Very Short Run priceAGMARK (9) (8) Food Quality Management SystemECOMARK (6) (9) Quality of The Product meant for ExportHACCP (8) (10) Announced before the crop sowing Season ................

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