Veterans Affairs

QUESTIONS WITH GOVERNMENT PROVIDED ANSWERSWe would need to know the downstream pressure with maximum gas flow – approximately 8200 CFH.? Normally we provide the filter and regulator on VA jobs.? We need to know the pressure in either case. We assume the vendor is talking about gas downstream pressure, but downstream of what? The existing regulators? The downstream pressure would need to match whatever is required by the burner manufacturer, it shouldn’t matter what we have today. Do they mean our upstream/supply pressure into the building? Gas pressure coming into the building appears to be 10 psi. ?Note 1A on the schedule indicated normal oil pressure to the Burner of 40 PSIG.? The Boilers require oil at 80-100 PSIG.? If we provided the oil pumps they would be rated at about 120 GPH each.? The burn rate is about half that but we need to allow for recirculation.? If the existing pumps can provide oil at this pressure and capacity (per Boiler), we do not need to provide oil pumps with the Boilers.? Otherwise, they are required, can you clarify?Please supply new oil pumps that meet the requirements of all boilers. The 80-100 PSIG plant air atomization pressure is adequate; however, the spec calls for an air compressor furnished with the Burner, and the oil schematic shows it as optional.? We can provide one or the other, or both, if desired.? Please include a new plant air compressor that meets the pressure and capacity requirements for all boilers. The solicitation says the due date/time is 31 May 19 @ 1400.? The pre-sol and the FBO posting indicate the due date is 12 Jul 19.? We believe the actual due date/time is as stated in the solicitation but would like your confirmation. It is due on the date the solicitation states.? The pre-solicitation notice is just a guess on when we may post the actual solicitation.Reference solicitation page 5 of 53, paragraph 6a. and 6.b., and page 7 of 53, Volume II - General Offer and Price Proposal, paragraphs i. and ii.:? These paragraphs in the first reference give very specific guidance on how to format the entire proposal.? The paragraphs in the second reference are very similar, but not the same.? Can you please indicate which reference takes precedence? The two sections should offer the same guidance.? Please indicate what you need clarification on specifically and we will clarify. We recommend giving everything that is requested, no matter what paragraph it is located in.Reference solicitation page 7 of 53, Volume II - General Offer and Price Proposal, paragraphs iii. and vi.:? Can you please clarify the difference for these two points of contact? They reference the same individual.Reference solicitation page 6/7 of 53, Volume I - Technical Proposal, paragraph b.iii. and pages 7 & 8, Volume I – Technical Evaluation Factors:? The first reference specifies we must submit “Past Performance of the Prime Contractor” and we are provided with a Past Performance Questionnaire, but the evaluation factors do not include an evaluation of past performance.? Can you please clarify if we are to provide PPQs? As stated on page 9 of 53 of the solicitation, past performance and EMR will be reviewed and ratings assigned to determine if a vendor is responsible prior to award.?This is not an evaluation factor. Reference solicitation page 8 of 53, Factor 2:? Project Schedule, 3rd bullet:? How do you want us to indicate on the schedule if work is being self-performed or subcontracted?? Further, knowing the particular subcontractor that will perform the subcontracted work is not typically known until the very last moment.? Inclusion of the specific subcontractors in both the hard copy and electronic copy will be very difficult, at best.? Can you eliminate both the requirement to identify the subcontracted work on the schedule and the requirement it identify specific subcontractors’ names? The Government does require to know in advance who the subcontractors are. ???Reference solicitation, page 1, SF 1442, Block 13.a and 36C26319R0078-004.docx (Past Performance Questionnaire), page 1, Instructions to Reference Contact:? The proposal due date in the first reference is established as 5/31/19 while the second reference states that the PPQs are to be returned by 6/26/19.? Can you please clarify the requirements for the PPQs? Questionnaires should have stated they are due by 5/31/19 (the same as when the proposal is due). However, amendment A0001 was posted that extended the due date to June 11, 2019 at 4pm CT. That is also when the questionnaires will be extended to.Can you tell me if there is a preferred burner control package for this project????? The existing burner control package on the new boiler (Boiler #1) is by ‘Preferred Utilities’ out of New Jersey.? The technician for this boiler must come from Connecticut to service it. ?Would prefer local technicians as much as possible or integrated burner packages direct from the boiler manufacturer. Also, what are we going to do about port-o-potties for this project?? Will the contractor be required to provide any? ?Typically so.? I did not see this language in the drawing reviews or the specs. ?The boiler plant only has one bathroom and I do not think the workers want to share it with ‘strangers.’Contractor to provide. 7M501 | Please advise on which manufacturer was used as the basis of design boiler. Please confirm there is no sole-source justification to utilize the basis of design boiler. Please confirm any manufacturer can be utilized as long as they meet the solicitation document requirements. Several can meet specs; CB, Hurst, Superior; much depends on the business climate for the manufacturer. ?Please confirm this project should include NE state/local sales tax.Federal construction work in Nebraska should be tax exempt. ? Please provide a single-line document for the proposed temporary boiler solution (which indicates all required mechanical piping, supports, insulation, and appurtenances, as well as electrical requirements). Please confirm barricades and/or fencing will be required around the temporary boiler(s).We don’t have a single line document for the temporary boiler. Yes, a fence and barricades are required around the temporary boiler and associated piping. 23 09 23 & 7M501 | Specification section 230923 was not included in the contract documents, however 7M501 indicates the boiler control panels and SCADA workstation integrate with a JCI Network Control Engine. Please provide said spec and indicate what points shall be monitored by JCI.Clarified in attached addendum; No SCADA, JCI Integration.Please confirm the Project Superintendent can also serve the role as Quality Control Manager and SSHO.We do not want all 3 positions under 1 person. The SSHO and the Quality Control Manager can be the same individual, but the Project Superintendent should not have other active work on the job site besides their primary responsibility as project superintendent as they are responsible for supervising all employee and subcontractor work. Therefore, the Project Superintendent cannot be the Quality Control Manager or the SSHO.01 91 00 1.7-B.1 | Please confirm the Government is hiring the CxA direct.The commissioning agent is contracted through the A/E during construction period services. 23 05 10 & 23 52 39 | An inspector certified by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels Inspectors is required by 230510 1.6-B.4 (Government), 2.8-G & K (Contractor), 235239 3.3-D (Contractor) and H (Government).? Please confirm the Government has these costs covered for the Government required Inspector requirementsWe would expect the contractor to cover these initial inspection and certification costs. We don’t have a complete and usable piece of equipment ready to run until it’s inspected and certified. 01 91 00 Operation & Maintenance Training Requirements | Please verify if this section will be enforced as part of this solicitation. Is it the Government's intention that the contractor engage in the commercial production of a compilation of professional training videos as detailed.The commissioning agent will be in charge of assembling all training materials. 23 21 11 2.29 Piping Support System | Please confirm these engineered documents (delegated design) are required (outside of the current plans).Reference deleted from specifications in addendum22 05 11 & 23 05 10 Layout Drawings | 23 05 10 1.4-C requires complete consolidated and coordinated layout drawings for all new systems, and for existing systems that are in the same area. Please advise if the Government requires these drawings in a certain format (e.g., AutoCAD, AutoDesk Revit, etc.).Please provide in AutoCAD 2017. 23 09 11 Stainless Steel Tubing | Please confirm that the stainless-steel tubing requirements (as outlined in 230911) are COMPLETELY depicted on the drawings. We assume that all the mechanical details and P&ID’s on the drawings outline the extent of the stainless-steel tubing requirements.No change to specifications23 09 11 | Please confirm that the controls series drawings depict the complete extent of required interconnecting conduit and wiring as required for a complete system (as outlined in 230911) – including, but not limited to, the Automatic Boiler/Burner Control System, Burner Management System with Safety Interlocks and Accessories, Boiler/Burner Control Panels, Computer Workstation, Flue Gas Oxygen Analyzers, Flow Meters, Pressure Sensors and Transmitters, Boiler Draft Gages, Temperature Sensors and Transmitters, Recorders, and Boiler Plant Building Dangerous Gas Detection System.Clarified on addendum; no interface of gas detection to work stationPlease confirm the Government will update the existing air permit to reflect the new burners on B2 and B3.The Government will update the operating permit; if any construction permits are required, they will be the contractor’s responsibilitySeismic is referenced over a dozen times in the specification, however there is no Div. 13 specification. Please confirm seismic design/calcs. (delegated design) is not required.Clarified on addendum; no seismic requirementsThe drawings do not indicate the boilers are grounded. Please provide a grounding detail if required.Drawings indicate groundingPlease confirm B1 does NOT require any controls upgrades (e.g., new boiler control panel, new devices, etc.).Boiler 1 controls will be upgraded as a separate project. Please confirm that Safety Testing (per the BEI VHA 5th Edition) is ONLY required on B2 and B3 (and not B1, deaerator, surge tank, etc.).Grand Island Maintenance will handle Safety Device testing for boiler #1, deaerator, and surge tank. Please advise if lightning protection is required for the new stacks and vent piping. If so, please include a specification.No lightening protection specified7A101 | Demolition of existing control is called out. There is no reference to replacement of control room. Please advise if this is correct.The secondary control room will be demolished to assist in the removal and installation of new boilers. It will not be replaced. 23 09 11 2.5.A | 2.5.A States that individual boiler plant controllers will operate their individual systems. If the Boiler Plant Master Control Panel is being removed and not replaced, please advise what control entity will be controlling Main Plant Steam Pressure and Boiler Plant Optimization.Boiler panel at each boiler7A101 & 7MP101 | 7A101 references that the 'Office' is NIC while 7MP101 references new work in that space. Please advise.Mechanical plan indicated where contractor is to locate work stationPre-Proposal Meeting | In order to coordinate 23 09 11, please provide the Sales Engineer contact information from Johnson Controls.Darin Deterding from Johnson Controls, Inc., (308)-236-9110, 2106 Hwy 30, Kearney, NE 68847. Pre-Proposal Meeting | It was mentioned that additional shoring would be required in the material handling path of the boilers. Not knowing the existing structural constraints, can the government provide guidance for temp shoring.The Government isn’t sure what additional shoring is being referred to in the question. The Government personnel have no recollection of this conversation during the site visit. ?7A101 | Demolition of existing control and various devices. Typically there are additional monitoring points/alarms from the hospital (Medical Gas Alarm, O2 Tank, etc.) that come back to the boiler plant. These alarms are not listed on the drawing package. Can the government confirm if any additional alarms will have to be removed and re-installed other than the few shown on the drawings?No additional. Section 23 09 11, pg 1, pp1.1.D specifies “Provide new boiler plant control system to manage boiler lead/lag operations.”, but further section 2.2.A.4.c on page 10, specifies that “VA boiler Plants PROHIBIT any boiler to automatically or remotely started and lead lag control systems are prohibited within VA boiler plants….”.? Additionally VA Directive 1810 also prohibits the use of boiler lead/lag control in VA plants.? Please confirm intent on 23 09 11, pp 1.1.D and that Lead/Lag control is not required. No lead/lag control for work station; starting of boilers is manual at each boiler panel.Section 23 09 11 specifies new boilers 2 & 3, and existing boiler #1 controls are to be connected to the existing JCI Boiler Plant Control station using BACnet MS/TP via new computer workstation.? Can you provide information such as manufacturer, model, and communication protocols available of Existing boiler #1 controls that will need to be integrated?Please see updated Spec Section 23 09 11Computer workstation section of 23 09 11, pg 34, pp 2.5.B.2 specifies Intel Xeon processor.? The Xeon processor is a “Server” class processor and does not perform well in the graphics intensive environment of the SCADA workstation.? The Intel core i7 is better suited to this environment with higher clock speeds.? Most SCADA software packages such as Wonderware & GE Cimplicity only utilize 1-2 processor cores which makes the i7 a better choice.? Will a workstation utilizing the i7 processor be acceptable?Delete languageDevices/signals listed in spec 23 09 11, section 2.5.C.18.a, & b list signals from boiler mounted devices that are not listed on a drawing schedule or boiler points list.? Are these devices present on boiler #1, and if not, will they be required to be added on this project?Devices for new boilers same as existingSection 2.3 “Main Instrumentation and Control Panel” of specification 23 09 11 only requires a touchscreen to be provided, no controller or panel.? Is it the intent of this project to add a HMI touchscreen to an existing Mater Control panel, or will a new Mater Control Panel be required?NoDevices and signals listed in Spec 23 09 11, section 2.5.C.20.d.1-thru 21 contain alarms that typically would be wired a master control panel for monitoring and alarming, by the computer workstation, including but not limited to high and low Natural Gas header pressure, High and low steam header pressure.? Are these signals present in an existing Plant Master system, or will a new Plant Master System be required to be supplied?Revised in 23 09 11 re-issue. Section 2.15 “Boiler Plant Building Dangerous Gas Detection System” of specification 23 09 11, item A. states “Gas detection panel existing and does not have capability for remote alarm status to a computer workstation.? Interface is not required to computer workstation.”.? This statement is in conflict with item 2.5.C.20.d.17 which requires alarm points in computer workstation for Carbon Monoxide (CO) or combustible gas in building.? Which one takes precedence???? Clarified on addendum; no gas detection interface to work stationStatement of work item 1.1.6 states “Include steam meter, water meter, and natural gas meter for each new boiler. Meters shall interface with the existing Johnson Control Metasys EMCS. The capability to totalize and store data points for each of the meters is required.”? Specification section 23 09 11 pp2.7 “Flow Meters” only require the vortex meters (Steam Flow) to have BACnet communications for connection to Johnson Controls Metasys control system.? Water Flow Meters, Fuel Oil Meters, and Turbine are only specified to communication with the computer workstation (SCADA system).? Please clarify which takes precedence, Statement of work, or the written specification.Follow the specifications.Spec Section 23 09 11, paragraph 2.1.J, defines the spare parts requirements but lists master control pressure transmitter as spare.? Section 23 09 11-pg16, paragraph 2.1.K. also defines master control. Is master control a requirement and are master steam pressure transmitters required?Yes, it is required. On drawing 7M501 under Steam & Gas Flow Transmitter, Element Schedule, it is listed as Boiler 1 existing Gas flow meter is Thermal Mass flow technology, but new flow meters to be supplied for Boilers 2 & 3 gas flow are to be turbine type.? Mixing technologies does not allow for equal comparison between boilers and may causing efficiency readings using these comparisons to not be accurate.? Please Clarify if Thermal Mass Flow meters for Boilers 2 & 3 will be required in place of turbine meters. Clarified on the addendum; turbine meters per VA standardsSpecification section 23 09 11, pp 2.5.C.18.b. & pp 2.5.C.20.d lists signals and alarms to be displayed on SCADA workstation, but are not listed in project.? These signals include, DA Tank Level, Condensate Tank Level, Pumps in Operation, Chemical feeders in operation, feed water deaerator steam pressure, natural gas header pressure, & Boiler feed water header pressure.? Section 2.5.D further states to provide as necessary to satisfy programming requirements.? Do these transmitters exist and are they wired into an existing control that can be monitored by the SCADA, or will the transmitters and monitoring control be required to be supplied?Clarified on the addendum ................

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