Parent Handbook JCPS Early Childhood

JCPS Early Childhood Parent Handbook

Revised August 2018


Our mission is to challenge and engage each learner to grow through effective teaching and meaningful experiences within caring, supportive environments.


Our mission is to cultivate classrooms of excellence, empower families, prepare students for kindergarten, and improve our community.


A Description of Programs Offered Attendance Birth Certificate Changes of Information Communication Court Orders & Child Custody Education Education - Components of Activities in the Classroom Family Support Staff Field Trips Food Service Health Requirements Home Visits Hours / Instructional Time Late Pick-Up of Car Riders Medication for Students Parent and Family Engagement Parent Concerns / Problem Solving Registered Sex Offenders School Cancellation / Inclement Weather Smoking Student Illness Guidelines Toilet Training

2018-19 Early Childhood Student Calendar Transportation Guide

For school-specific policies/handbooks, please contact the school office.

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A Description of Programs Offered

Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Early Childhood offers a variety of programs for eligible children ranging from three (3) to four (4) years of age. All children and families must be residents of Jefferson County to participate in any of the Early Childhood programs. Early Childhood programs include: State Funded Preschool and Tuition-Based Preschool. Although programs differ in program funding, all share a common curriculum and goals.

All Early Childhood Programs are designed to prepare children socially, physically, emotionally, and educationally for elementary school. All programs are based on eligibility guidelines accordingly. Some programs are free to income-eligible families while others are tuition-based.

State Funded Preschool Students participating in State Funded Preschool are enrolled in Early Childhood's state funded preschool program through the Kentucky Department of Education. State-funded Preschool serves income eligible children who are four (4) by August 1 of the program year or children three (3) or four (4) years of age with disabilities. Students attend classes Monday through Friday and transportation is available according to the program's ability to transport.

Tuition Based Preschool The JCPS Early Childhood Program operates full day tuition preschool classes for Jefferson County residents. The tuition-based program is for students three (3) and four (4) years of age by August 1 of the program year. Parents pay tuition for preschool services and must provide their own transportation to these locations. Before- and after-school childcare is provided by the YMCA Child Care Enrichment Program (CEP), at most full-day locations. Enrollment is limited, and a registration fee is due at the time of registration. Tuition Preschool parents please refer to the Tuition-Based Handbook Addendum for additional guidelines and procedures.

Special Services The philosophy of Early Childhood is to offer services to serve the special needs of children within their natural environment with other children their age. Some children need special assistance in order to be successful in their preschool placement. The following services are available when an educational need is identified by JCPS:

Educational preschool Speech and language therapy Physical therapy Occupational therapy Special education itinerant educators Family support services Special equipment Transportation Other assistance as needed


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Testing Free screenings are available at selected sites in Jefferson County. In addition, the Jefferson County Public Schools operates a fully staffed Early Childhood Diagnostic Center. Children can receive a variety of tests to assess the following areas:

Speech and language development Gross and fine motor development Hearing Vision Social development Self-help

Testing and test interpretation are provided at no charge to parents.

Referral Procedures Anyone can refer a child that is suspected of having a disability. Children 3-5 years old can be referred to Early Childhood Special Services. Upon receiving an appropriate referral, written permission for testing will be required from the parent or guardian. Once permission is secured, any needed assessment(s) will be scheduled. For referring a child or for more information, call the referral line at (502) 485-7677 x 2616.


The program expects your child to attend school on a daily basis. Daily attendance plays a critical role in every student's academic and future career success. Please ensure that your child comes to school every day and on time. It is understood that sickness and emergencies happen; use preventive measures to ensure your child is healthy and barriers that may keep your child from coming to school are discussed with school staff. For detailed health/illness guidelines, please visit the JCPS Health Services webpage.

Attendance is taken daily and students are marked as present or absent by 10:15 a.m.

Doctor's note or parent written note is required after an absence. Attendance contracts will be developed for students with excessive absences.

Absences Please notify your child's school if he/she is going to be absent. Students will receive an excused absence for the following reasons: illness, medical appointments, family service appointments, and for a death in the family with documentation.


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Students should be kept at home until they are free from fever, diarrhea, or vomiting for 24 hours.

Documentation can include:

Doctor's office note Parent written note

Chronic absences affect your child's success. If a child accumulates three (3) days of unexcused absences, the principal or associate principal will contact you for intervention and support. For a child who accumulates six (6) days of unexcused absences, a referral will be made to comprehensive services staff, FRC, or counselor and Early Childhood Central Office staff will work with the family. After nine (9) unexcused absences, a 2nd referral is generated and a Family Team Meeting is scheduled with the comprehensive services staff to develop an Attendance Plan with the principal/designee. A child's classroom seat cannot be held for absences exceeding five (5) consecutive school days. Chronic absences of fifteen (15) or more accumulated days may lead to your child being withdrawn from the program.

Tardiness The program expects your child to arrive at school on time consistently every day. For late arrivals, you must sign in through the school/center office. When your child is tardy (15 minutes after the start of class), valuable instruction time is missed. If students accumulate six (6) tardies, you will be contacted in order to identify and assist in trying to get your child to school on time for his/her benefit. Chronic tardiness of fifteen (15) or more instances may lead to children being excluded from the program.

Birth Certificate

All children enrolled in the Early Childhood program must have an official birth certificate on file. Many families were accepted with a provisional certificate (one provided by the hospital) but you have 30 days from the first day of school to provide a copy of the original certificate. If you do not have an original certificate, you can request one online through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services web address: .

If you have additional questions regarding how to obtain a birth certificate you can contact:

Office of Vital Statistics 275 E. Main Street 1E-A Frankfort, Kentucky 40621 (502) 564- 4212


Changes of Information

All address changes must be submitted to the front office of your child's school/site. Proof of address is required in the form of a utility bill, lease, or notarized statement of residence and must be submitted before address changes are confirmed.

Submit all other changes such as phone, emergency contacts, health providers, health conditions, work/school schedule, family situations, or other pertinent information to your child's teacher when the change occurs. It is imperative that we are able to reach you or a designated adult at all times. Current information allows us to be supportive, empathetic, and understanding of your child's individual needs.

If you decide to drop your child from the program, this must be communicated directly to the Early Childhood Office at (502) 485-7677.


The program shares communication with families through a variety of methods. One specific form of communication is your child's backpack. For you to stay informed, please check your child's backpack daily for information and updates. Additional communication will be made to families through e-mail, telephone, text, and social media.

Court Orders & Child Custody

The school shall release the student or information concerning the student to either parent unless the school has been provided with evidence that there is a state law or court order signed by a judge governing such matters as divorce, separation, or custody, or a legally binding document which provides instruction to the contrary.


The Early Childhood Program is designed to meet every child's needs. Through the comprehensive Big Day for Pre-K curriculum, all children receive a variety of experiences to foster growth in gross motor, fine motor, intellectual, social and emotional areas. Their experiences are well planned to enable the children to continue to develop in areas where they need growth, as well as to challenge them to meet their potential. The Early Childhood Program is based on developmentally appropriate activities aimed to benefit preschool children. The program is designed with the Kentucky Department of Education's Early Childhood Standards and Benchmarks, Building a Strong Foundation for School Success.



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