DCF Review - Mater Lakes

Preschool Appropriate Practices: DCF Review

Read each question carefully, and choose the best response.

1. All children are expected to perform the same tasks and achieve the same

skills at the same time.

A- True B- False

2. Practicing Gross motor skills involves using large muscles instead of small


A- True B- False

3. The most serious playground injuries occur while running.

A- True B- False

4. By getting down to the child’s eye level, you are showing respect by

listening to what he/she has to say.

A- True B- False

5. Cognitive development theory believed that play is the child’s way of

expressing meaning.

A- True B- False

6. Axons are specialized nerve cells that make up the central nervous system.

A- True B- False

7. Children become more rational in their thinking between ages 7-11.

A- True B- False

8. Open-ended questions stimulate the child’s thinking.

A- True B- False

9. The negative affects of poverty are cumulative but they decrease with age.

A- True B- False

10. Ringing a bell is an effective way to have children quiet down and get

their attention.

A- True B- False

11. Some examples of Prosocial behavior are:

A. helping/comforting C. cooperating

B. sharing D. all of the above

12. Which is NOT a building block of the brain?

A. Neurons C. Paridite

B. Axons D. Dendrites

13. What kind of music improves math skills later in life?

A. Blues C. Rap

B. Jazz D. Classical

14. Which is NOT a main part in creating a developmentally appropriate learning environment?

A. clean bathrooms C. learning centers

B. room arrangement D. daily routine

15. Who do children bond with the most?

A. mother, father and caregiver C. no one

B. the other children D. all of the above

16. What is one way to make parents feel at ease about leaving their child with you?

A. tell them to go away. C. make sure the child is at ease

B. tell them they are in safe hands D. show that the child is afraid

17. Aggressive children are often reared by __________ adults.

A. polite C. suicidal

B. aggressive D. caring

18. An example of hazardous foods is:

A. soup C. Gerber food

B. mashed foods D. popcorn

19. The 4 stages of Play development are solitary, parallel, cooperative and:

A. Observational C. Associative

B. Productive D. Social

20. What is Emergent literacy?

A. reading C. writing words

B. understanding of written words D. writing sentences

21. What is the number one way to defend against diseases?

A.-Washing your hands C- Not sharing your cup with others

B- Keeping hands and feet to yourself. D- All of the above

22. What is the term used when a child plays by themselves?

A- parallel C-associative

B- cooperative D-solitary

23. Popcorn can be considered a

A- treat C- reward

B- choking hazard D- I don’t know

24. Parent conferences are a part of what strategy?

A. Parent involvement strategies

B. Separation and trust strategies

C. Parent strategies

D. I don’t care strategies

25. What are the four stages of the Cognitive Development Theory?

A. Trust, Autonomy, Initiative, industry

B. Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational

C. Physical, safety and security, self esteem.

D. None of the above

26. Observations are critical because they show the growth and the development of a child.



27. What are two things that you will observe as a caregiver?

A- Children and adults C- Adults and environment

B- Environment and Children D- Adults and children

28. Neuron is a specialized nerve cell that makes up the central nervous system?

A. True

B. False

29. Teachers should promote all of the following EXCEPT

A- emotional C- social

B- intellectual D- popular

30. ______________ is when a child plays around other children but does not engage in play with the other children.

A. Parallel

B. Associative

C. Cooperative

D. Solitary

31. A ______________ is one who fosters a child’s sense of self through encouragement.

A Discipliner

B. Nurturer

C. Caregiver

D. Teacher.

32. We are born with billion cells and will not grow anymore.

A. True

B. False

33. What are some examples of prosocial behavior in children?

A. Helping

B. Fighting back

C. Sharing

D. A and C

34. Which of the following is NOT a cause of misbehavior?

A. stress

B. changes at home

C. poor role models

D. positive reinforcement

35. What are some resources that can be used for inexpensive craft/ toy items?

A. Carpet store for samples

B. Camera shop for film containers

C. Appliances stores for large boxes

D. All of the above

36. About 12-21% of children are in child care arrangements that are unsafe.

A. True

B. False

37. Autism is when a child gets over-stimulated easily.

A. True

B. False

38. How are events recorded in a running record?

A. In chronological order

B. In a separate sentence

C. In a list

D. Both A and B

E. Both A and C

39. Where would large hollow blocks be located?

A. Housekeeping (Dramatic play)

B. Block (Construction)

C. Art (Creative expression)

D. Carpentry (Woodworking)

40. Anecdotal observation is a running account of everything a child does for a certain amount of time.

A. True

B. False

41. What do gross-motor skills do?

A. Control large muscles

B. Control the head

C. Control small muscles

D. All of the above

42. What do fine motor skills do?

A. Control the brain

B. Control large muscles

C. Control small muscles

D. Controls brain and small muscles

For the following questions, match the stage of the developmental theory to its description:

Jean Piaget (Cognitive Development Theory – 4 Stages):

43. Sensorimotor (birth to about 2 years)

44. Preoperational (2-7 years)

45. Concrete Operational (7-11 years)

46. Formal Operational (11 years and beyond)

a. Children begin to use symbols (on thing that represents another). For example, using sand to make a cake

b. Stage of cognitive development in which thinking becomes very abstract. Children think beyond the present and think about ideal situations.

c. Children learn through sensory perception and motor activity.

d. Children become more rational in their thinking. For example, realizing that Santa Claus probably doesn’t exist.

For the following questions, place the correct stage of need in Maslow’s Hierarchy pyramid.

a. self actualization – fulfill one’s life with purpose meaning, being all that one is able to be

b. self-esteem – adequacy, confidence, importance

c. belongingness and love (social) – belonging, love, attention, acceptance

d. basic (physical) – air to breathe, shelter to protect, water to drink, food to eat, clothes to wear

e. safety and security (comfort needs) – safety, security, stability








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