Junior Honors Seminar

Spring 2007

Islamic Holy War

Dr. Jeffery B. Cook

Office: 209 White Hall

Phone: 894.8943


IM: JefferyBCook (aol)

Dr. Curtis Horn

Office: 110 White Hall

Phone: 977.2011


Office Hours:

If the posted times are not convenient, please speak with us and we will try to set up a mutually convenient time.

Getting Information:

For your convenience, a web site has been established for this course at . The home page provides information about how to reach us. It also contains links you might find interesting and useful. It has a link to the course home page. This will give you access to the following:

The syllabus

Schedules and links

Other materials, including a working bibliography related to Islam, Terrorism, and US-Middle East Relations.

Course Description:

The seminar is a research based analysis of the role of the doctrine of Jihad in the Islamic religion. Students will examine the primary source documents of Islam, the life of Muhammad, and the history of the establishment of the Islamic empire to understand the role of peace and war in the Islamic religion. Additionally, students will compare and contrast the place of war and violence in the Old and New Testaments with that of Islam.

Prerequisite: None.


After successful completion this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify and describe the significance of the primary sources used in the study of Islam.

2. Describe the main outline of Muhammad’s life including the role of peace and violence in his life and teachings.

3. Describe the main outline of the spread of the Islamic empire and the role the doctrine of Jihad played in its establishment.

4. Describe the place of war and violence in the Old Testament and teaching of Jesus and articulate a biblical theology of war and violence.

5. Share more effectively the gospel of Jesus Christ with individual Muslims.

Student Responsibility:

Success in this course depends upon the completion of the reading assignments and participation in class discussion by the students. If you keep up with the readings it will enhance your enjoyment of the class. Remember, this is your chance to broaden your perspectives and widen your horizons. Seize it!


This is a junior level honors seminar. As such, it demands that you drive this course forward, in discussion of the assigned readings, presentations, and debates. Don't expect lectures. And don't expect to let others do all the talking; informed participation is integral to the course's success and to your grade.


1. Book Review: Each student must write one book review (Bernard Lewis, The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror). This review should be no less than 750 words no more than 1,250 words approximately three-to five-typewritten, doubled-spaced pages).

Deadlines: Papers are due in class on the assigned date! No excuses.

2. Presentation:

The presentation consists of two components: a 4-5 page report and a formal power point presentation (with Q&A session). The assignment is to research the assigned topic: Muhammad, sources, Christ and the New Testament, etc. Analyze each subject, answer fully the directed questions posed by the instructors, and give a power point presentation (20-25 minutes) on the main points of your research. This will better educate the class while serving

to construct the context for the daily seminar.

3. Class Participation:

The most subjective of categories includes faithful and attentive attendance and classroom interaction. All students are expected to come to class ready to participate in meaningful dialogue and discussion of the lecture and assigned readings. This category evaluates the level of effort put into this course rather than academic success. It also takes into the account the fact that the content of the course material is not merely academic, but also spiritual in nature and hence the overall goal is to apply it our lives in a way which pleases our Lord.

4. Debate:

Students will participate in one debate in class covering the following topic: Is Islam the religion of peace?

Teams should write a four-five page typewritten summary complete with bibliography and endnotes. At least ten different sources are required (Use no more than four Internet sources).

5. Oral Final Exam:

At the end of the semester, students will meet with one of the instructors for a 20 minute period. During these sessions, the instructor will ask individual questions and expect individual responses. The instructor reserves the right to ask about anything we have covered in the readings, movies, and discussions. Each person will be asked at least 2 questions and possibly 3. Each student will have 2-4 minutes to respond to the questions. Failure to show up for your appointment results in an F. Why are we doing this? In the real world you will be challenged to think on your feet whether it is in the business, law, policy, scientific, or academic communities. The exam prepares you for law and graduate school and many other careers you may choose.

Course Grade:

The grade for the course will be determined according to a weighted average of the course requirements:

Book Review (15%)

Presentation (35%)

Class participation (25%)

Debate (10%)

Oral Final Exam (15%)


Attendance Policy:


Plagiarism and Cheating:

Plagiarism is copying from a source without acknowledging it. It is academically dishonest and should not be tolerated in any course. Intentional plagiarism or any other form of cheating will result in an F for the course and referral to college authorities for further discipline, including expulsion from North Greenville University.


Dr. Cook has a license agreement with , a service that prevents plagiarism from Internet sources. We may be using this service in this class by either requiring students to submit their papers electronically to or by submitting questionable text on behalf of a student. If the student or the instructor submit part or all of your paper, it will be stored by in their database throughout the term of Dr. Cook’s contract with . If you object to this temporary storage of your paper, you must let the instructor know no later than two weeks after the start of this class. Note: If you object to the storage of your paper on , the instructor may utilize other services to check your work for plagiarism.


If you are learning, sensory, or physically disabled, and need assistance in lecture, testing, etc., please contact one of us as soon as possible. We will help you anyway we can and matters will be held in the strictest of confidence.

This Class:

You should take this class seriously. It assumes college-level reading and writing. It will require regular, thorough, and effective reading. But if you give it your best, you will have personal satisfaction, new insights into contemporary issues and even fun. For our part, we want to help you in every way possible.

Required Texts:

Lewis, Bernard. The Crisis of Islam. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2003.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. The Meaning of the Holy Quran. Beltsville, Maryland: Amana Publications, 2004.

Course Outline

Jan. 16 Introduction

Jan. 23 Film: “Inside Islam.”

Jan. 30 Film: “Islam: What the West Needs to Know.”

Feb. 6 Discussion: Bernard Lewis

Book Review is due

Feb. 13 No class meeting

Feb. 20 Sources of Islam presentation

Feb. 27 Muhammad presentation

Mar. 13 Spread of Islam presentation

Mar. 20 No class meeting

Mar. 27 Jesus and the New Testament presentation

Apr. 3 Old Testament presentation

Apr. 10 The Contemporary debate within Islam

Apr. 17 Class Debate

Apr. 24 Oral Exams


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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