
Unit Overview

Students will work in groups to create an informative multi-media presentation intended to be presented to a live audience. The idea is that within the Civil Rights movement there were famous heroes such as Dr. King, but that he stood on the shoulders of other heroes. These heroes were in certain situations, with proximity to important events and had connections in order to emerge as a hero. Groups will build a team of 3 heroes from different areas of the civil rights movement and place them in a setting to demonstrate their heroics (since the heroes may or may not have actual connections from the civil rights movement). They will research and choose a freedom rider, a Black Power figure, a child or other person who gave their life and an event to tie them altogether. The figures will not necessarily be connected to each other except by ideals and the times. It will be up to the groups to create a presentation where they can place their heroes and explain their heroics.

Items which may be used to support the presentations of the historical figures include (but are not limited to) speeches, quotations, books, or papers written by the chosen civil rights historical figures or written about the figures. Students will show how these figures and their combined actions have impacted the lives of people today. A different group of heroes will be chosen by each group. We will spend a good deal of time setting the scene for the times.

We will integrate literature, technology and community resources in this project. The class will prepare the basic informational groundwork in two days worth of lessons. Following this, the class will be broken into groups to find their heroes and find a way to present them in a multimedia presentation for the school.

We will watch a powerpoint to get a general overview of the civil rights movement of the 1950 and 60’s as well as to establish some vocabulary and vocabulary phrases. As a class we will create a basic timeline of the major events based on the powerpoint. Students will need to fill in some important events that were not on the timeline that will be given to them.

Also, as a class, we will construct a map with the location of 10 important events and the dates they occurred. Students will work in pairs to complete the map and get a feel for what the Civil Rights Movement was like in different parts of the nation.

After immersing ourselves in literature and some music concerning the civil rights movement, students will design an artistic background for their multimedia presentation.

We have arranged to meet with the senior citizens group in our town to interview people who lived through the civil rights movement and will ask questions which will add to the students presentations. The students will work in their groups to come up with the questions for the interview.

Lesson 1 introduces the students to the language specific to the Civil Rights Movement.

Lesson 2 will be the creation of the timeline of important events of the Civil Rights Movement

for advanced learners, a map will be created for the class to use showing where and when the events occurred

Lesson 3 will consist of reading short essays written by people who were involved in the Civil Rights Movement and a discussion of how things from the period we are studying affected our lives today. Topics such as segregated water fountains, bathrooms and places where black people were not allowed such as hotels and restaurants.

The essays will be chosen by the teacher from

From these essays, students will create backgrounds based on their impressions.

Lesson 4 will be an outing to the Senior Citizens group to interview people who were alive during the years of the Civil Rights Movement

The students will have created a survey type questionnaire to help them keep the conversation rolling.

Lesson 5 will be the beginning of selection of the group’s team of heroes

There will be assistance from the teacher in the form of a math worksheet. Various historic names from the 1950’s and 60’s Civil Rights Movement will be used and given various forms of information, the students will either have to figure out what year the person was born, how old they were when they died, what year they died, or how old they are today (if still alive).



|Topic: Civil Rights Heroes |Class: Grade 5 Social Studies |Date: March 2012 |

|Content Objectives: |Language Objectives: |

|SWBAT incorporate the language that was specific|SWBAT define various words and expressions used during the Civil Rights Movement |

|to the Civil Rights Movement | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary: |Materials (including supplementary and adapted): |

|This is a vocabulary lesson and the words will |Powerpoint presentation, worksheets, dictionaries, Google technology |

|be found in a powerpoint presentation, Google, |sec/socialstudies/btt/aahm/presentation/ |

|or through discussion |events_civil_rights_move.ppt |

| | |

| |Jeopardy game |

| | |

|Higher Order Questions: Why do certain events need to have their own vocabularies? |

| |

|Time: |Activities |

| | |

|1 class period |Building Background: |

| |Teacher reads words to "We Shall Overcome" and "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize" to stimulate conversation and act as an |

| |anticipatory set. |

| | |

| | |

| |Links to Experience: |

| |Teacher will choose 2 or three vocabulary words to discuss and see if students have any prior knowledge. Suggested words: |

| |segregation, boycott and sit-ins. Students will discuss what they think certain phrases or words mean with respect to the |

| |Civil Rights Movement. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Links to Learning: |

| |Powerpoint that contains the vocabulary will be shown to the entire class. Students will work together to find definitions|

| |of not only words, but phrases that were germaine to the Civil Rights Movement |

| | |

| | |

| |Key Vocabulary: |

| |freedom rider |

| |Harlem Renaissance |

| |Segregation |

| |School Desegregation |

| |Boycott |

| |Sit-ins |

| |Great Migration |

| |Jim Crow |

| |Poll Tax |

| |Plassy v Ferguson (1896) |

| |Brown v Board of Education of Topeka |

| |NAACP |

| |Ku Klux Klan |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson): |

| | |

| |Scaffolding: ( Modeling ( Guided ( Independent |

| | |

| |Grouping: ( Whole Class ( Small Group ( Partners ( Independent |

| | |

| |Processes: ( Reading ( Writing ( Listening ( Speaking |

| | |

| |Strategies: ( Hands-on ( Meaningful ( Links to objectives |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): |

| | |

| |Individual ( Group ( Written ( Oral ( |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Vocabulary: |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Content Concepts: |

| |Formative assessment: students can play short round of Jeopardy (pre-done by teacher) |

| | |



|Topic: Civil Rights Heroes |Class: Grade 5 Social Studies |Date: March 2012 |

|Content Objectives: |Language Objectives: |

|SWBAT place important events concerning the Civil Rights |SWBAT locate the dates of important events from the Civil Rights Movement from|

|Movement onto a classroom timeline |1948 to 2005 |

| | |

| |civilrightstimeline1.html |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary: |Materials (including supplementary and adapted): |

|Vocabulary from lesson 1 |Research Google |

| |NOTE: It will be necessary to be sensitive to student's feelings about |

| |children dying, and talk to the students about children who died as collateral|

| |damage in the Civil Rights Movement. |

| | |

|Higher Order Questions: |

|Give two reasons why it is important to know the dates of important events. |

|Time: |Activities |

|1.5 class periods | |

| |Building Background: |

| |Teacher again reads the words to "We Shall Overcome" (from Lesson 1) allowing students to sing along and perhaps create|

| |some verses of their own to show that they are developing an understanding of the times of the Civil Rights Movement. |

| | |

| |Links to Experience: |

| | |

| |There may be some informal class discussion as the students become more informed and interested in the topic of the |

| |Civil Rights Movement. They may have statements from parents or other relations that they want to share. |

| | |

| |Links to Learning: |

| |Advanced learners will use a map of the United States to pinpoint places where significant events took place. |

| | |

| |Key Vocabulary: |

| |teacher prepared list of events that need to go on the timeline. |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson): |

| | |

| |Scaffolding: ( Modeling ( Guided ( Independent |

| | |

| |Grouping: ( Whole Class ( Small Group ( Partners ( Independent |

| | |

| |Processes: ( Reading ( Writing ( Listening ( Speaking |

| | |

| |Strategies: ( Hands-on ( Meaningful ( Links to objectives |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): |

| | |

| |Individual ( Group ( Written ( Oral ( |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Vocabulary: |

| |Formative assessment of timeline |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Content Concepts: |

| |Who is emerging in the student's minds as heroes in the Civil Rights Movement? |


|Topic: Civil Rights Heroes |Class: Grade 5 Social Studies |Date: March 2012 |

|Content Objectives: |Language Objectives: |

|SWBAT identify and describe different types of individuals |SWBAT listen to or read short essays and create a short skit based on the |

|who were a part of the Civil Rights Movement |individual's experience with the Civil Rights Movement |

| | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary: |Materials (including supplementary and adapted): |

|Freedom Riders |Copies of essays from |

|NAACP | |

|SNCC | |

|Higher Order Questions: |

|How do personal recollections shape history? |

| |

|Time: |Activities |

|1.5 class periods | |

| |Building Background: |

| |Discussion about what a short essay is meant to convey with respect to our project. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Links to Experience: |

| |Students will be reminded of another assignment that involved interview role-playing done earlier in the year. As a |

| |class we will make a two column graphic organizer on the whiteboard as to what went well and what could be improved for|

| |this assignment. |

| | |

| | |

| |Links to Learning: |

| |Groups will use graphic organizer to collect information and perform an interview role-play |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Key Vocabulary: |

| |Freedom Riders |

| |NAACP |

| |SNCC |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson): |

| | |

| |Scaffolding: ( Modeling ( Guided ( Independent |

| | |

| |Grouping: ( Whole Class ( Small Group ( Partners ( Independent |

| | |

| |Processes: ( Reading ( Writing ( Listening ( Speaking |

| | |

| |Strategies: ( Hands-on ( Meaningful ( Links to objectives |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): |

| | |

| |I Individual ( Group ( Written ( Oral ( |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Vocabulary: |

| |segregation |

| |integration |

| | |

| |Review Key Content Concepts: |

| |What makes a hero? What does "being in the right place at the wrong time mean? |



|Topic: Civil Rights Heroes |Class: Grade 5 Social Studies |Date: March 2012 |

|Content Objectives: |Language Objectives: |

|SWBAT summarize information gained from interviews |SWBAT listen for key words in a discussion with Seniors and be able to retell |

| |the experiences in their own words |

| | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary: |Materials (including supplementary and adapted): |

|Unit has vocabulary words and phrases that will be introduced |Surveys developed as a whole class of questions that they can ask the Seniors |

|at any time in any lesson. |to answer. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Higher Order Questions: |

|How authentic or important can the answers to our questions be if the Civil Rights Movement happened 50 years ago? |

|Time: |Activities |

|1 class period | |

| |Building Background: |

| |Discuss other field trips that have been taken. Ask students what they are expecting from today's field trip to the |

| |Senior Center. Have students suggest ways that they can make this an even more positive experience both for the class |

| |and for the Seniors. we will practice interviewing in the classroom several times before going to the center. |

| | |

| |Links to Experience: |

| |Find out how many have been to the Senior Center or if they have grandparents or great grandparents who might go there.|

| |Ask them to visualize pictures they may have seen of older people when they were young. |

| | |

| |Links to Learning: |

| |This interview is crucial to the students making the connection between what they have been researching in that it will|

| |make it more real. Students need to be excited about finally getting to speak with someone who was there. |

| | |

| |Key Vocabulary: |

| |Sit-ins |

| |Freedom Riders |

| |Civil Rights Movement |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson): |

| | |

| |Scaffolding: ( Modeling ( Guided ( Independent |

| | |

| |Grouping: ( Whole Class ( Small Group ( Partners ( Independent |

| | |

| |Processes: ( Reading ( Writing ( Listening ( Speaking |

| | |

| |Strategies: ( Hands-on ( Meaningful ( Links to objectives |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): |

| | |

| |Individual ( Group ( Written ( Oral ( |

| |Review Key Vocabulary: |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Content Concepts: |

| |Students will need to journal about this field trip to be certain that they are making the necessary connections to |

| |complete this project. |



|Topic: Civil Rights Heroes |Class: Grade 5 Social Studies |Date: March 2012 |

|Content Objectives: |Language Objectives: |

|SWBAT locate three heroes from the Civil Rights Movement (a |SWBAT write three paragraphs explaining why they have chosen their heroes and |

|child who died, a Black Power figure and a freedom rider) |a fourth paragraph on how they think they will use their heroes lives in a |

| |multi-media presentation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Key Vocabulary: |Materials (including supplementary and adapted): |

|hero | |

|mulit-media presentation |and other online research or resources |

|Freedom Rider | |

|Black Power | |

| | |

|Higher Order Questions: |

|Why do we say that Dr. King "stood on the shoulders of those that came before him"? |

| |

|Time: |Activities |

|1 class period | |

| |Building Background: |

| |We have finally come to the exciting part of this project where the students will be choosing their heroes and |

| |beginning to formulate how they will present them as a multimedia presentation. |

| | |

| |Links to Experience: |

| |We have spent time writing and acting in historic plays, both historically factual and historically fiction. I will |

| |spend some formative assessment time with each group to make certain that they are on the right track and understand |

| |what the final outcome will be besides the product. |

| | |

| |Links to Learning: |

| |It is time for the students to begin thinking about how the Civil Rights Movement affected life today as seen through |

| |the eyes of their chosen heroes. It will be important for them to understand that freedoms that they enjoy today were |

| |won at a high cost to many people's personal lives of 50 years ago. |

| | |

| |Students will complete a math worksheet. Various historic names from the 1950’s and 60’s Civil Rights Movement will be |

| |used and the students will be given some pieces of information (year of birth, age and any time during the 1960's, year|

| |of death, etc.). The students will be asked question to either figure out what year the person was born, how old they |

| |were when they died, what year they died, or how old they are today (if still alive). For example, John F. Kennedy was |

| |43 when he was elected president of the United States in 1960. What year was he born? |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Key Vocabulary: |

| |hero |

| |mulit-media presentation |

| |Freedom Rider |

| |Black Power |

| | |

| |Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson): |

| | |

| |Scaffolding: ( Modeling ( Guided ( Independent |

| | |

| |Grouping: ( Whole Class ( Small Group ( Partners ( Independent |

| | |

| |Processes: ( Reading ( Writing ( Listening ( Speaking |

| | |

| |Strategies: ( Hands-on ( Meaningful ( Links to objectives |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): |

| | |

| |Individual ( Group ( Written ( Oral ( |

| | |

| | |

| |Review Key Vocabulary: |

| |hero |

| |mulit-media presentation |

| |Freedom Rider |

| |Black Power |

| | |

| |Review Key Content Concepts: |

| |Reflect upon how your chosen heroes who were in certain situations, with proximity to important events and had |

| |connections emerged as a hero. Begin thinking about why the actions of these heroes has importance today. |

Oral Presentation Assessment Rubric: A Team of Heroes


Teacher Name: Ms. Belinda

Student Name:     ________________________________________

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Enthusiasm |Facial expressions and |Facial expressions and |Facial expressions and |Very little use of facial |

| |body language generate a |body language sometimes |body language are used to |expressions or body |

| |strong interest and |generate a strong interest|try to generate |language. Did not generate|

| |enthusiasm about the topic|and enthusiasm about the |enthusiasm, but seem |much interest in topic |

| |in others. |topic in others. |somewhat faked. |being presented. |

|Preparedness |Students are completely |Students seem pretty |Students are somewhat |Students do not seem at |

| |prepared and have |prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear |all prepared to present. |

| |obviously rehearsed. |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was | |

| | |rehearsals. |lacking. | |

|Evaluates Members of Group|Fills out peer evaluation |Fills out almost all of |Fills out most of the peer|Fills out most of the peer|

| |completely and always |the peer evaluation and |evaluation and always |evaluation but scoring |

| |gives scores based on |always gives scores based |gives scores based on |appears to be biased. |

| |participation rather than |on participation rather |participation rather than | |

| |other factors (e.g., |than other factors (e.g., |other factors (e.g., | |

| |person is a close friend).|person is a close friend).|person is a close friend).| |

|Listens to Other |Listens intently. Does not|Listens intently but has |Sometimes does not appear |Sometimes does not appear |

|Presentations |make distracting noises or|one distracting noise or |to be listening but is not|to be listening and has |

| |movements. |movement. |distracting. |distracting noises or |

| | | | |movements. |

|Speaks Clearly |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or cannot be|

| |distinctly all (100-95%) |distinctly all (100-95%) |distinctly most ( 94-85%) |understood OR |

| |the time, and |the time, but |of the time. Mispronounces|mispronounces more than |

| |mispronounces no words. |mispronounces one word. |no more than one word. |one word. |

|Props (If Used) |Student uses several props|Student uses 1 prop that |Student uses 1 prop which |The student uses no props |

| |(could include costume) |shows considerable |makes the presentation |OR the props chosen |

| |that show considerable |work/creativity and which |better. |detract from the |

| |work/creativity and which |make the presentation | |presentation. |

| |make the presentation |better. | | |

| |better. | | | |

|Vocabulary |Uses vocabulary |Uses vocabulary |Uses vocabulary |Uses several (5 or more) |

| |appropriate for the |appropriate for the |appropriate for the |words or phrases that are |

| |audience. Extends audience|audience. Includes 1-2 |audience. Does not include|not understood by the |

| |vocabulary by defining |words that might be new to|any vocabulary that might |audience. |

| |words that might be new to|most of the audience, but |be new to the audience. | |

| |most of the audience. |does not define them. | | |

|Uses Complete Sentences |Always (99-100% of time) |Mostly (80-98%) speaks in |Sometimes (70-80%) speaks |Rarely speaks in complete |

| |speaks in complete |complete sentences. |in complete sentences. |sentences. |

| |sentences. | | | |

|Content |Shows a full understanding|Shows a good understanding|Shows a good understanding|Does not seem to |

| |of the topic. |of the topic. |of parts of the topic. |understand the topic very |

| | | | |well. |

|Collaboration with Peers |Almost always listens to, |Usually listens to, shares|Often listens to, shares |Rarely listens to, shares |

| |shares with, and supports |with, and supports the |with, and supports the |with, and supports the |

| |the efforts of others in |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |

| |the group. Tries to keep |group. Does not cause |group but sometimes is not|group. Often is not a good|

| |people working well |\"waves\" in the group. |a good team member. |team member. |

| |together. | | | |

|Analysis |Makes more than one |Makes at least one |Makes one connection |Does not make any |

| |connection between the |connection between the |between the influence of |connection between the |

| |influence of the events of|influence of the events of|the events of the Civil |influence of the events of|

| |the Civil Rights Movement |the Civil Rights Movement |Rights Movement and today |the Civil Rights Movement |

| |and today |and today | |and today |

|Appearance of Presentation|Background is appropriate |Background is appropriate |Background is somewhat |There is no background or |

| |and clearly contributes to|and contributes to the |appropriate and |it is not appropriate or |

| |the presentation. |presentation. |contributes to the |it does not contribute to |

| | | |presentation. |the presentation. |


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