Strongman's His NameII by Jerry Robeson

Strongman's His Name...II

Jerry Robeson

Biblical Answers to Spiritual Warfare QuestionsHave you ever wondered...Can Christians be demon-possessed?Are natural disasters the judgment of God?Why does it seem that my prayers are not being answered?Why do I have so much trouble with the Devil?What is the difference between God's voice and the Devil's voice?How do I overcome the spirit of jealousy, divination, bondage, and infirmity?Within the pages of this book are simple, no-nonsense, biblical answers that will help you to understand what it is to be one of God's warriors in these last days.

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Dictionary of Demons & Complete Deliverance: Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Powerful Spiritual Warfare Strategies for Effective Deliverance ... Breaking Demonic Curses, Cast Out Demons), Destroying the Spirit of Rejection: Receive Love and Acceptance and Find Healing, Goliath Must Fall: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants, Dangerous Prayers from the Courts of Heaven that Destroy Evil Altars: Establishing the Legal Framework for Closing Demonic Entryways and Breaking Generational Chains of Darkness, Obstacles to Deliverance: Why Deliverance Sometimes Fails, Monitoring Spirits: Hidden Mysteries, Dangerous Prayer Points and Declarations to Disarm and Expose Monitoring Spirits (Satanic and Demonic Spirits, Demonic ... Breaking Demonic Curses, Cast Out Demons), Evil Presence: Total Destruction of Demonic Possession & Oppression in Homes, Body Organs, Offices & Properties. Enough Is Enough (Satanic and Demonic ... Breaking Demonic Curses, Cast Out Demons), The Prophet's Manual: A Guide to Sustaining Your Prophetic Gift, Leviathan The Beast: Understanding and Defeating Satan's Emissary, Leviathan Exposed (Total Deliverance from Destructive Water Spirits, Conquering Defeating ... From Marine Spirit Exposed Book 4)

LawyerMommy, "Good read. This book is a great read. The first Strongman book clearly shows that the Bible teaches that Christians can have demons. Oh how many false doctrines will some churches fall for. The authors have compiled a list of all the Strongmen (ruling demons) that they found mentioned in the Bible in the first Strongman book. It's a good place to start the deliverance process. This book has a quite a few answers to lots of questions the authors must have fielded after publishing the first book. :)Do NOT Cast Demons Out of An Unbeliever - Salvation First:If you cast demons out of a non-believer, they will go out and later come back in with seven of their friends, each more evil than the state of the man will be much worse off than it was before. Luke 11:24-26 - "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house from whence I came out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept out and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first."Spirit Must Be in Control of Soul:Ask the Lord to restore the natural order of your being before beginning spiritual warfare by simply praying, "Lord, please put my spirit (part of us that is able to communicate with God) in control of my soul (mind, will, & emotions)." It is your spirit, using the authority provided believers by lawful use of the name of Jesus, that is warring will not be very effective trying to spiritually war with the soulish part of one's being. The spirit and the soul are two very different parts of our triad being. People have a body, a soul (mind, will, emotions), & a spirit (part of believers desires and is able to be in communication with God).Plead the Blood of the Lamb:First off, pray, "I plead the protective Blood of the Lamb over me, over (insert names of your family members here), and over my dwelling/property and

everything in it."Put on the Whole Amour of God:See Ephesians 6:10-18, Romans 13:12-14Forgiveness - Ask God to Forgive You for Known & Unknown Sin, Forgive All Others, Including Yourself:One also needs to be mindful to ask for forgiveness of ALL sins known and unknown (listing known) in the name of Jesus first AND be sure to forgive all others and ask God to forgive them too. Keep in mind, demons can see our spiritual states, and they have a right to stay and torment if there is so much as one person you have not forgiven for sinning against you. Upon asking for forgiveness, do not let a lying demon bring up past sin again. Stand firm in the knowledge that God has forgiven you upon you repenting and asking Him to, and rebuke that demonic thought in the name of Jesus. Demons have to have a sin to anchor them trying to make us doubt God's forgiveness of a sin is a desperate attempt to get us to sin so they aren't swept out of us by the order for them to go combined with the authority and power of the name of Jesus.Break Curses, Including Generational Curses:Be mindful to break all curses that might be upon your or another's life in the name of Jesus since some demons are specifically sent to fulfill curses spoken over us there due to our own idle words, or idle or purposeful words of others. Curses have to find sin in order to land, so asking for God's forgiveness before breaking curses in the name of Jesus is a must. Be sure not to forget to ask for forgiveness for the sins of your fathers (ancestors)...then ask God to release you from any generational curses in the name of Jesus.Use Discernment:Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, alter what you usually do anytime He tells you to so do, and be able to distinguish His voice from thoughts brought to your mind by your desperate demonic enemies.Order Demons Out In the Name of Jesus:Then get on to the part that this book deals mainly deals with, simply mean and say out loud, "In the name of Jesus and by the power of His precious blood, I bind up the spirit of (insert a strongman demon's name here) and all related, cooperative, and underling unclean spirits in the name of Jesus, and I order you all to get out right now in the name of Jesus." Be sure to tell them to get out like you mean it and be sure you use the name of Jesus. We don't have the legal right to throw them out, but Jesus does, so we must do so in His name. Demons are diabolical beings and expert lawyers...they will hold onto all technicalities and refuse to give up and leave unless beaten legally. Be angry upon encountering evil demonic trespassers since you as a believer have a right to be free because of what Jesus did at the cross for us. Be sure your voice is firm/authoritative when ordering unclean spirits to is okay to feel a swell of anger and have that in your voice. Show demons no mercy. The Word (Bible) is a sword that cuts demons. A good and easy to remember Sword to use against unclean spirits if they resist after telling them to get out is to say this out loud a few times, "By His (Jesus') stripes we are healed." There was not much distinction between healing and deliverance (forcing demons to get out of a person) in the New Testament...for a reason (think about who causes sickness, injuries, accidents, mental illness, torment, death & disease - satan and his demonic army).Sword verse to use against demons:Matthew 18:18-20 - "Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind (chain up; leave powerless) on earth (demons) shall be bound (chained) in heaven; and whatsoever (Holy Spirit, Gifts of Healing, etc.) ye shall loose (unleash God's power) on earth shall be loosed (unleashed) in heaven. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."Matthew 12:29 - "How can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house" (...demons call people their houses)2 Timothy 1:7 - "God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."Luke 11:21-22 - "When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace;

but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, overcome him, and taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils."James 4:7 - "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."Mark 16:17-18 - "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.Other Books to Put on Your "To Read" List:Once you read this book, these are other Scripturally sound books listed below to put on your "To Read" lists for jewels God taught each of these authors that they have shared with us all to aid in our own supernatural walks. Try asking the Lord to restore the natural order of your being before reading your Bible or other Christian teaching titles by simply praying, "Lord, please put my spirit (part of us that is able to communicate with God) in control of my soul (mind, will, & emotions)." You might find yourself blessed to be taking away more than just mere mental knowledge by so doing..."The Supernatural Christian" by Ken Wood"Secrets of a Prayer Warrior" by Derek Prince"Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose" by Derek Prince"3 Kinds of Faith for Healing" by Bill Banks"The Songs of Deliverance" by Bill Banks"Prayers and Proclamations" by Derek & Ruth Prince"The Gifts of the Spirit" by Derek Prince"Power in the Name" by Derek Prince"You Shall Receive Power" by Derek Prince"Rules of Engagement: Preparing for Your Role in the Spiritual Battle" by Derek Prince"The End" by Mark Hitchcock"Strongman's His Name What's His Game?" by Drs. Jerry & Carol Robeson"Alive Again" by Bill Banks"Overcoming Blocks to Healing" by Bill Banks"Bought with Blood" by Derek Prince"They Shall Expell Demons" by Derek Prince"Foundational Truths for Christian Living" by Derek Prince"Surprised by Healing: One of the Greatest Healing Miracles of the 21st Century" by Delores Winder"Entering the Presence of God" by Derek Prince"The Normal Supernatural Christian Life" by Aliss Cresswell"A Diary of Miracles" by Aliss Cresswell"Called to Conquer" by Derek Prince"Breaking Unhealthy SoulTies: Do Your Relationships Produce Bondage or Joy" by Bill & Sue Banks"Supernatural Experiences: Expect the Supernatural" by Sid Roth & Linda Josef"Stories of Supernatural Healings: Signs, Wonders, and Miracles" by Sid Roth & Linda Josef"Supernatural Healing" by Sid Roth & Linda Josef"Protection From Deception" by Derek Prince"You Matter to God" by Derek Prince"The Holy Spirit in You" by Derek Prince"Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting" by Derek Prince"How to Fast Successfully" by Derek Prince"Declaring God's Word: A 365 Day Devotional" by Derek Prince"

Gigi Roberson, "Awesome, Awesome. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome! I have the first Strongman book and the second one does an exceptional job of picking up where the first book left off.I am so thankful I have both of these. If you are battling anything in the spirit you need to purchase these books asap."

Apple Jacki, "It's a must read and I am still reading.... This book is being used right now in my Bible Study Class. It's amazing and full of power. I suggest you contact your pastor or elders and get this book in their hands and your now.Spiritual Warfare is real and why not get this book so you can be armed and ready. Sheild and full of the Holy Spirit. Learn how to unmask satan tactics and get closer to God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.The Robeson did a great job here. These are one of the books you will keep beside you. I remember reading Strongman's His Name...I and this is just as powerful and full of scriptures to help you in this warfare and christian walk."

Mackfan, "Easy to comprehend, scripurally based. This is the companion book to the first


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