Forensics Unit 1 Chp

Forensics Unit 1 Chp. 1-3 Review Sheet


____ 1. Testimonial evidence is generally much more reliable than physical evidence.

____ 2. In criminal law a person must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

____ 3. A forensic scientist must link evidence to a crime and to the suspects by identifying and comparing relevant material.

____ 4. Individual evidence has more probative value than class evidence.

____ 5. Class evidence can have probative value.

____ 6. Individual evidence can have probative value.

____ 7. A felony is considered a serious crime.

____ 8. An expert witness can give his/her opinion in a court of law.

____ 9. A forensic scientist must always work in a lab.

____ 10. All cities, regardless of their size, have their own crime labs.

____ 11. Fingerprints would be considered individual characteristics.

____ 12. Blood typing would be considered an individual characteristic.

____ 13. Junk science is allowed as evidence under the Daubert ruling.

____ 14. Crime scene investigation is based on the use of the scientific method, the Locard Principal, logic and forensic techniques.

____ 15. ADAPT is an acronym for the duties of the coroner or medical examiner at a crime scene.

____ 16. A crime scene sketch may have probative value if entered as evidence in a court of law.

____ 17. The first officer on the scene is responsible for taking crime scene photos.

____ 18. The crime scene investigator collects everything at the scene, not knowing what will be important later.

____ 19. Crime scenes are always searched in a grid to ensure that all potential evidence is found.

____ 20. The crime scene officer will analyze the evidence that is collected at a crime scene.

____ 21. There are several different methods of documenting a crime scene.

____ 22. If a crime scene investigator takes photos of a crime scene, it is not necessary to take notes.

____ 23. At a crime scene, the body is the property of the coroner or medical examiner’s office, and they collect the evidence found on it.

Multiple Choice

____ 24. The term that means that previous legal decisions are to be followed is:

|a. |stare decisis |c. |nolo contendere |

|b. |corpus delecti |d. |pro bono |

____ 25. Criminal law is sometimes referred to as:

|a. |civil law |c. |public law |

|b. |private law |d. |common law |

____ 26. Evidence is admissible if it:

|a. |addresses an issue |c. |is reliable |

|b. |is relevant |d. |all of the above |

____ 27. Evidence is

|a. |anything found at a crime scene |

|b. |anything that tends to establish or disprove a fact |

|c. |anything that is admissible in court |

|d. |something that can only be determined by the arresting officer |

____ 28. Forensic scientists may examine evidence dealing with:

|a. |criminal cases |c. |both civil and criminal cases |

|b. |civil cases |d. |neither |

____ 29. The right to remain silent and the right to an attorney is covered in:

|a. |the first amendment |c. |the fifth amendment |

|b. |the fourth amendment |d. |the Miranda rights |

____ 30. Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Daubert Ruling

|a. |it applies only to state courts |

|b. |a theory must be testable |

|c. |the rate of error must be given for evidence admissibility |

|d. |a theory must be subject to peer review |

____ 31. Which crime unit would analyze blood stains?

|a. |physical science |c. |firearms |

|b. |biology |d. |document examination |

____ 32. What would be considered the job of a forensic scientist?

|a. |to provide expert testimony |

|b. |to train or oversee others in collecting evidence at a crime scene |

|c. |to examine evidence found at a crime scene |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 33. Violations of civil law are punishable by:

|a. |fines |c. |up to three years in prison |

|b. |less than one year in prison |d. |could be any of the above |

____ 34. Which crime unit would analyze soil?

|a. |physical science |c. |document examination |

|b. |biology |d. |firearms |

____ 35. The effectiveness of an expert’s testimony is almost always dependent on:

|a. |the experience of the expert |

|b. |the educational background of the expert |

|c. |the ability of the expert to talk in clear, concise language |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 36. Testimonial evidence is:

|a. |a statement made under oath by a competent witness |

|b. |verbal statements made by the prosecutor to establish a fact |

|c. |used to determine the significance of class evidence |

|d. |the same as indirect evidence |

____ 37. The reliability of eye witness accounts can be affected by:

|a. |the type of crime |

|b. |the interviewing technique used by the investigator |

|c. |the time between the crime and the interview |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 38. The significance of the Ronald Cotton case:

|a. |it shows that a serial killer can be indicted 20 years after the crimes |

|b. |it demonstrates the fallibility of eyewitness accounts |

|c. |that a person can be convicted of murder, even without a body |

|d. |that a person can be convicted without individual evidence |

____ 39. Which is the following is NOT considered physical evidence?

|a. |fiber |c. |toolmarks |

|b. |testimony |d. |soil |

____ 40. If evidence has class characteristics, it

|a. |can link a suspect to a crime with certainty |

|b. |has more probative value than direct evidence |

|c. |can exonerate innocent suspects |

|d. |all of the above |

____ 41. The first step that an officer takes when approaching a crime scene is to:

|a. |begin to document the crime scene |

|b. |check the body if there is one, and get medical attention |

|c. |isolate possible witnesses |

|d. |observe the scene for possible evidence |

____ 42. Controls are collected from:

|a. |samples at the lab |c. |the crime scene |

|b. |known suspects or the victim |d. |all of the above |

____ 43. In addition to videotape, crime scene sketches

|a. |add detail |c. |contain a key or legend |

|b. |show scale and placement of evidence |d. |all of these are true |

____ 44. Which of the following would be considered individual evidence?

|a. |DNA |c. |paint |

|b. |soil |d. |blood type |

____ 45. Which of the following is NOT a form of documentation at a crime scene?

|a. |notes |c. |collecting evidence |

|b. |photography |d. |sketches |

____ 46. The characteristic ways that a criminal goes about a crime is called his/her:

|a. |modus operandi |c. |corpus delicti |

|b. |nolo contendere |d. |prima facie |

____ 47. A term that means supplying proof or evidence is:

|a. |material |c. |probative |

|b. |direct |d. |prima facie |

____ 48. Which of the following is NOT true about the value of physical evidence

|a. |it can prove that a crime has been committed |

|b. |it is always individual evidence |

|c. |it can link a suspect with a victim or crime scene |

|d. |it can allow investigators to reconstruct a crime |

|e. |b and d are not true |

|f. |none of these are true |

____ 49. Known or control sample could come from:

|a. |the crime scene |c. |the victim |

|b. |a known suspect |d. |all of the above |

____ 50. Which of the following is NOT true concerning evidence collection?

|a. |it should be carried out systematically |

|b. |it should always be done by one person |

|c. |it should be done thoroughly |

|d. |all of these are true |

____ 51. Evidence from a suspected arson must be packaged:

|a. |in an airtight container to prevent evaporation of possible fumes |

|b. |in a flame proof container |

|c. |in a rigid wood container |

|d. |frozen to prevent mold |


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