The History of The

United Rubber Workers ? United Steelworkers in

Gadsden, Alabama 1933-2015

By Gene Howard ? 1933-1983

The continuation of the history of The United Rubber Workers/ United Steelworkers Local 12 in Gadsden,

Alabama, 1983-2015

David Hayes, Local 12L President

Mickey Williams, former Local 12L President (retired)

Troy Word, former Local 12L Executive Board Member (retired)


1933 New labor organization chartered in Gadsden

1935 E. L. Gray arrested. First URW convention President Roosevelt asked Alabama Governor to restore the American Bill of Rights in Gadsden

1938 Union members walked out of plant demanding protection from violence

1940 NLRB ruled against Goodyear

1943 URW wins election First contract ? August 25, 1943

1945 4,000 worked at Goodyear

1947 First company-wide contract (Master Agreement)

1951 Family Savings Credit Union established

1952 Local 12 union hall built. Christmas party for exceptional children began. First one was held at Elliott Community Center

1954 First nationwide strike. First Pension, Insurance and Service Award Agreement won by Union.

1960 B&C Tire Organized

1967 Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) was negotiated

1970 Prescription Drug benefit was negotiated

1971 Division Chairman selection was changed from appointed to elected.

1973 Preferential Hiring was negotiated

Prescription Drug benefit negotiated for future retirees

1974 Prescription drugs extended to all retirees

1976 Longest nationwide strike in URW history. 60,000 URW members on strike COLA was negotiated. President E. L. Hayes negotiated massive expansion that brought radial tires to Gadsden

1979 Union wins "Shift Preference" language Chiropractic care negotiated

1983 First local union picnic (40th Anniversary) Local 12 Food Bank established for laid off members

1984 Continuous operations implemented (F Plan)

1985 Family Savings Credit Union organized E. K. Bowers Scholarship started Joint Process implemented

1986 Boaz Concessionary Agreement became effective April 20, 1987.

1987 Goodyear Medical Center opened

1988 Bias tire production reduced

1989 Tube plant shut down

1990 More bias tire production was idled resulting in 430 furloughs.

1991 Flaps Production shutdown.

1992 Final bias tire built. Radial light truck expansion completed. In April membership approved the 12-hour continuous operation Light truck radial production began

1993 50th Anniversary picnic

1994 Personal protective equipment negotiated. Fisher Industry organized A second vote was held at a membership meeting to determine if membership wished to change from 12-hour continuous to another continuous plan. Membership voted "no change". Goodyear hires production employees for first time in five (5) years "War of 94" in Rubber Industry Gadsden Local 12L issued negative vote on Master Agreement. Informational pickets at Local Union Headquarters Bridgestone/Firestone, General, Dunlop/Sumitomo, Yokahoma and others on strike. Striker replacements used at many locations.

1995 Goodyear Warehouse closed. URW merged with USWA (June 30, July 1 and 2, 1995). Local 12 change to Local 12L as part of the merger changes

1997 Goodyear Local 12L on 3-week company-wide strike Lead Hand Concept and Daywork Bonus System introduced into the local Goodyear Labor Agreement. Retirees Christmas party began.

1998 Bladder and sleeves operation shut down

1999 Goodyear announce acquisition of 75% of Dunlop N.A. Tire Complete discontinuation of tire production in Gadsden Plant announced in February Gadsden Staffing Agreement negotiated to continue tire production in October

2000 Reopener from the 1997 Agreement was successful

2001 Etowah Steelworkers Credit Union was amalgamated into Local 12L The Gadsden plant reverted back to eight (8) hour shifts resulting in the layoff of one (1) shift. Prior to this all members had been recalled from layoff and Goodyear was hiring production employees for the first time in five (5) years.

2002 Flex Schedule Agreement was approved by membership

2003 The "Institute for Career Development" was negotiated. Ethel Sheffield Celebrates 60 Years of Service

2004 Productivity Improvement Agreement (Tool Kit) E. K. Bowers was inducted into the Alabama Labor Hall of Fame Posthumous

2005 E. L. Hayes was inducted into the Alabama Labor Hall of Fame Posthumous Safety Structure Established

2006 Company-wide Strike

2007 Goodyear sold off associated products plants V.M.I. Expansion The "Institute for Career Development" implemented. Local 12L Safety Coordinator appointed

2008 Target Zero Safety Auditor Appointment

2009 Master negotiations

2010 Secretary Barbara Grady passed away. Local 12L hires Elaine Carter as secretary for Local 12L to work part time.

2012 Layoff

2013 Master Negotiations Recall of Laid Off Members Sidney Richardson recognized for seniority record of 70 years service

2014 Goodyear announced freeze of defined benefit pension. Defined benefit pension changed to a defined contribution pension.

Goodyear Gadsden plant wins Manufacturer of the Year Award for State of Alabama. USW Local 12L was recognized.




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