Round 1 (U.S. / Domestic)

Capitol Hill Cleansingby Chris JeubThe same drama that has captivated Hollywood since the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault charges has now reached Capitol Hill. Judge Roy Moore of Alabama was pretty much a shoe-in until a wave of former girlfriends came forward with sexual assault accusations from encounters dating back 40 years. Sitting Senator from Minnesota and former Saturday Night Live star Al Franken was exposed groping women and joking about sexual assault and rape. A hearing on the Hill last week seemed to reveal that this is a common problem on Capitol Hill.I suspect that if you ask most extemp judges if the “cleansing” of sexual impropriety is good, they’d agree. I sure do. But will the politically powerful survive? Even if they do, will Capitol Hill clean up their act, or will the culture of sexual assault continue? Extempers this week get to explore answers to these questions.Questions this week go beyond “capitol hill cleansing” and includes Jeff Sessions, Joe Biden, Saad Hariri, President Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Elon Musk, Pope Francis, and other figures in the news.Extemp PrepNovember 20, 2017Directions: The following is a tournament worth of extemp questions. Take time to practice each, a simulation of current events at the time of this release, to keep you geared up for competition. Round 1 (U.S. / Domestic)Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions telling the truth about not knowing about contact between the Trump campaign and Russia?Will the Trump administration fulfill all judicial appointments by the 2018 election?Does Joe Biden stand a chance as the next Democratic Presidential candidate?Round 2 (World / International)Will Saad Hariri follow through with his resignation?Will the end of the Mugabe rule bring prosperity to Zimbabwe? Is the sale of missile defense systems to Saudi Arabia a good idea?Round 3 (Economy / Business / Tech)Will US manufacturing be able to keep its momentum even if Republicans fail to pass tax reform?Will a Hasbro-Mattel merger bring unfair dominance in the toy industry?Will Elon Musk’s electric semi make a significant impact in the transportation industry?Semi-finalsWill China fully support the economic sanctions against North Korea?Will the downfall of ISIS become a threat to Israel?Has Pope Francis pushed his political views too far?FinalsDo Congressional rules put the victims of sexual assault on the defense?Will Al Franken resign?Will Judge Moore become Senator Moore? ................

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