Sequim Community Church



Session 9: John 4:27-42

Getting Started:

Who is the last person (or group of people) you told about what Jesus has done in your life? How did that go?

How would you reach out to someone who has been rejected by others?

Searching the Scriptures

John 4:27-30

A. How did the living water she found spur her to tell others about Jesus out of joy and compassion, rather than obligation? What can we learn about her urgency, given that she left her jar?

B. How would you describe the disciples’ attitude toward Jesus when they came back to Him? Why do you think they responded in that way?

John 4:31-34

C. Why did the disciples urge Jesus to eat? What does Jesus’ statement about food in verses 32 and 34 reveal about what truly satisfies, particularly in light of the previous discussion on living water?

D. Why is doing God’s will and finishing his work associated with food?

John 4:35-42

E. The statement about the fields must be seen in context with the crowds of Samaritans coming out to see Jesus. What is this story telling us about the fields we encounter?

F. Why did the Samarians believe? What was the process?

Application of the Scriptures:

A. What excuses do you typically make when confronted with the opportunity to guide someone to discover life in Jesus? How does Jesus’ teaching in this passage speak to those excuses? How do you discern interest in spiritual things in those you know?

B. In general, how does the woman at the well teach and challenge us about the gospel message? What hang-ups do we need to hand over to Jesus in order to be faithful witnesses?


Pray that in your relationships in family, work, and the community of our city, you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim God’s saving grace, spurring others toward a closer relationship with Jesus out of genuine love and compassion for those around you. Pray that as you do, God will be glorified as He carries out His plan to restore all people to Himself.

For further insight about these questions and a commentary, please refer to the Session 9 helps posted with this study at small-groups


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