Sequim Community Church



Session 8: John 4:4-26

Getting Started:

Can you remember a time when you had a really strange or awkward conversation? What happened?

What makes a conversation good or bad? Who is your favorite person to sit down and talk to? Why?

Searching the Scriptures

John 4:4-14

A. Why do you think Jesus had to travel through Samaria? What was strange about this? How might the woman have felt having a conversation at the town well?

B. Did you notice that the well Jesus went to had a historical meaning? Later he talked about living water with a Samaritan woman. Read the original reference in Genesis 33:18-19. How might this location help legitimize or even spiritualize this conversation?

C. The Samaritan woman and Jesus had two different ideas about “living water.” What were they? Why was the living water Jesus described attractive to the woman?

John 4:15-26

D. Jesus made a telling statement about the Samaritans: “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews” What does he mean by saying this?

E. What is worshiping in Spirit and in Truth? Who are true worshippers? How do the religious categories promoted by Jews and Samaritans fit with this new reality that “is coming and has now come”?

F. What did Jesus say and do to open this woman’s heart?

Application of the Scriptures:

A. What would be an equivalent “Samaritan” in today’s religious and cultural system? Would you have trouble associating with this person?

B. What did you learn from Jesus method of maneuvering around tangential comments to get his point across?

C. How does the metaphor of “living water” speak to you or affect you?


Close your group time in prayer by praying specifically for any needs that surfaced during your discussion. Pray that group members would look only to Christ for fulfillment and purpose and would be bold enough to share the gospel with those who need to hear it.

For further insight about these questions and a commentary, please refer to the Session 8 helps posted with this study at small-groups


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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