Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

DIRECTIONS: Respond to each question using complete sentences; include the question as part of your response. Support all responses where indicated with quotes from the novella (CD) + commentary (CM) + MLA citation. Be sure to include a SIGNAL PHRASE when introducing your quote. Use correct parenthetical citations for each embedded quote (one point off each error).


1. Some of the character names are nicknames, given to describe a characteristic, such as Slim (thin) and Crooks (crooked spine). Other names, however, seem to symbolize deeper meanings. Why do you think Steinbeck chose the names Curley, Whit, and Candy for his characters? Use examples from the novella to support your opinion. MLA + CITE. (the definition of “whit” means: a particle; a tiny bit)

2. Crooks is also very lonely, but how is his loneliness different from the others?

3. Why does Lennie become upset with Crooks? MLA + CITE.

4. Why does Crooks make Lennie believe that George will not come back for him? Describe how the theme of power is revealed for both characters.

5. How does Crooks explain to Lennie why he upset him?

6. How does Crooks respond to Lennie when Lennie describes George’s dream about the rabbits? Why do you think he responds in this way? MLA + CITE.

7. How is the idea of power and powerlessness developed at the beginning and in the final section of this chapter?

8. How does this chapter end? Explain the circular nature of the chapter and what it implies about Crooks.


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