JTF Guantanamo Regulation 25-1 Draft #1 as of 25 AUG 04




APO AE 09360

Effective: 15 AUGUST 2004

Information Management – General


policies and procedures

_____________________________________________________________________________________History. This is the initial printing of Joint Task Force Guantanamo Regulation 25-1.

Summary. This regulation prescribes policy and establishes procedures for staff coordination, preparing official correspondence and the use of email for coordinating actions related to development of staff packages and correspondence.

Applicability. This regulation applies to Headquarters, JTF Guantanamo and subordinate and supporting organizations or agencies assigned or attached in the Joint Operating Area.

Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation is prohibited without prior approval of the Secretary of the Joint Staff.

Interim Changes. Interim changes to this regulation are not official unless authenticated by the Chief of Staff, JTF Guantanamo. Users will destroy interim changes on their expiration dates unless sooner superseded or rescinded.

Suggested Improvements. The proponent of this regulation is the Secretary of the Joint Staff (SJS). Users are invited to send comments or suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 to the CoS. The Chief of Staff will conduct a review of the document with all Directors every December.

Proponent and Exception Authority. The proponent of this regulation is the SJS. The authority to approve exceptions to this regulation that are consistent with the controlling law and regulation is delegated to the SJS. The approval authority will coordinate all questions regarding the scope of authority to approve exceptions with the Chief of Staff.


Brigadier General, USA



/////Original Signed/////



Chief of Staff



Commanders, Direct Reporting Commands

Commander, U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Coordinating, Special and Personal Staff, Headquarters, JTF Guantanamo

Directors, Supporting Agencies

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Purpose, 1-1

References, 1-2

Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms, 1-3

Responsibilities, 1-4

Chapter 2 – General Correspondence Guidance

JTF-GTMO Letterhead, 2-1

Type Font and Sizes, 2-2

Identification of Originating Office, 2-3

Expression of Date, 2-4

Identification of Point of Contact (POC), 2-5

How to Send Correspondence to Higher Headquarters, 2-6

Email to CG, 2-7

Chapter 3 – Electronic Staffing and Electronic Submission of Command Correspondence, Administrative Publications and Operational Procedures

General Guidance, 3-1

Document Formats, 3-2

JTF-GTMO Form 1-E (Staff Coordination/Approval/Routing Sheet (SCARS), 3-3

Read Aheads, 3-4

Information or Point Papers, 3-5

Policy Letters, 3-6

Chapter 4 – Briefings, Conferences, and Meetings

Conference/Meeting Room Locations and Responsible JTF Offices, 4-1

Preparing Visual Aids, 4-2

Scheduled Command Element Briefings, 4-3

Appendix A

Section I

Required Publications

Section II

Related Publications

Section III

Formal Memorandum Format

One-Paragraph Memorandum Format

Command Element Signature Blocks

Chapter 1


Section I – General

1-1. Purpose

This regulation prescribes administrative policy and staff procedures for Headquarters, Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF GTMO). Additionally, this regulation establishes policies and procedures for the preparation and transmittal of correspondence and the use of electronic mail (email) within the Joint Task Force.

1-2. References

Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.

1-3. Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms

Joint Publication 1-02 contains abbreviations and terms used in this publication.

1-4. Responsibilities

a. The Secretary of the Joint Staff (SJS) has overall responsibility for management and administration of the staff action process and correspondence preparation.

b. Staff directors will supervise and manage the staff action process and preparation of correspondence in accordance with (IAW) this regulation.

c. Subordinate commanders and supporting agencies will follow applicable portions of this regulation when coordinating actions with the joint staff and when corresponding with this headquarters.

d. JTF Suspense Log.

(1) Located on the SIPRNET public drive is the automated JTF Suspense Log, an Access database to track the status of actions. The following hyperlink provides access:

SIPR/My Computer/W:drive/SJS/Task tracker

(2) The SJS is responsible for maintaining the Suspense Log. All with access to organizational mailboxes may make changes to the “status” and “task complete” sections.

(3) All suspense actions received from higher headquarters, assigned by the Command Element, or tasked out by the J-3 or SJS will be entered and tracked in the JTF Suspense Log.

(4) The SJS is the proponent of the JTF Suspense Log and can provide assistance in management of the database.

Chapter 2

General Correspondence Guidance

2-1. Letterhead Stationery

Use JTF Guantanamo stationery for all formal correspondence. Templates for JTF Guantanamo stationary letterhead are available in the Public Folders on the Local Area Network (LAN) NIPRNET systems.

a. To load the letterhead stationery (this is a one-time process) using MS Word.

b. Go to P: drive

c. Click on Command folder

d. Click on CEAC

e. Click on JTF GTMO Administration folder

f. Look for HQ JTFGTMO Letterhead

g. Save to your desktop

|[pic] | | |




| |APO AE 09360 | |

| | | |

JTF-GTMO-XX 21 September 2004

letterhead example.doc

2-2. Type Fonts and Sizes

a. Times New Roman character in 12-font is the JTF Guantanamo standard font for all correspondence (memorandums and letters).

b. Times New Roman character in 10-font is the JTF Guantanamo standard font for command publications (regulations, pamphlets, circulars).

2-3. Identification of Originating Office

a. Office symbols are used to identify the office of origin for military correspondence and electronically transmitted messages. Use the office symbol of the office preparing the correspondence, which may not be the same as the individual signing the correspondence. Use the office symbol when addressing or replying to military correspondence.

b. Office titles, not office symbols, are used on letters. The office title is used to make clear distinction of the origin of the correspondence.

c. Office symbols and office titles for JTF Guantanamo Staff and subordinate/supporting organizations and agencies are listed in Appendix I.

2-4. Expression of Date

a. Dates on military correspondence. Express dates on military correspondence in one of only two ways: 1 January 2003 or 1 Jan 03. If you abbreviate the month, abbreviate the year.

b. Dates on letters. Express dates on letters only as: January 1, 2003. Do not abbreviate dates or use date stamps on letters.

c. Date separation. When abbreviating a date, do not separate any of the three date elements (day, month, and year); keep the complete abbreviated date on one line. If spelling out the date, the only place you may separate any elements is between the month and year; do not separate the day and month.

2-5. Identification of Point of Contact (POC)

This information is placed in the last paragraph of correspondence and identifies the military rank or civilian prefix, last name, telephone number, and if appropriate, facsimile (FAX) number and email address. If Defense System Network (DSN) is not available, list the international access country code and commercial telephone number; when in doubt, use both.

a. Use: “For additional information contact Major Sample, DSN 660-XXXX, FAX 660-XXXX,” or “If you have questions or need additional information contact Major Sample, DSN 660-XXXX,”

b. POC statements will not normally be included on correspondence signed by CJTF going to CINCSOUTH or higher.

6. How to Send Correspondence to Higher Headquarters

Once a member of the Command Group has signed or initialed your action the SJS office will scan the document and the SJS will personally send it electronically to the SJS of the Higher Headquarters. The SGS will also “CC” the POC on the memo and instruct him to make distribution to the appropriate action officers at the higher headquarters.

The SJS will make distribution via snail mail to the higher headquarters of the document and will send a copy back to the originating staff section.

It is the responsibility of the staff section/action officer that originated the correspondence to make distribution to any person or command designated CF on the memo.

The SJS will begin asking for the status of correspondence within a minimum of 2 weeks after its been sent higher. Resolution of correspondence that requires a decision by another headquarters isn’t complete until we receive a signed memorandum in reply. Calls from the action officer or emails are fine to update the status, but the SJS will continue to ask you about your memo until you show him a signed response from the headquarters we sent it to.

Once a week at the Chief of Staff meeting, the SJS will show what he believes is the current status of all correspondence outside the headquarters. Be prepared to discuss any outstanding correspondence at that time.

7. Constructing an Email to the CG

J1: Coord

J2: Coord

J3: Coord

J4: Coord

J6: Coord

J8: Coord

SJA: Coord Concur Capt Russell G. Leavitt, Assistant SJA, on 28 August and 3 September.

JVB: Coord

PAO: Coord

CE: Coord

CSM: Coord

IG: Coord

JDOG: Coord

JIG: Coord

____________________*Cut Here after “e-signature at bottom”*_______________

SJS: Coord

CoS: Coord

DCG: Coord

CG: Coord

SUBJECT: Savings Deposit Program E-Mail, COS -Sep-81


PURPOSE: To provide the CG with a draft e-mail message and e-mail address of the DFAS Director.

RECOMMENDATION: The CG should use the draft e-mail message at Tab A to craft and send a collegial message to the DFAS Director.


1. On 21 September, action officer presented a COS-directed STU on the Savings Deposit Program (SDP) to the CG. The CG desires that JTF military personnel have the opportunity to participate in the SDP.

2. DFAS-Cleveland staff requested a decision from DFAS Headquarters on JTF eligibility to participate in this program.

3. The CG directed that J-8 draft an e-mail message to the DFAS Director. The CG's intention was to use this draft to craft a personalized message to the DFAS Director, Mr. Zack E. Gaddy, requesting an expedited favorable decision on JTF participation in the SDP. This draft appears in the space below Tab A. The e-mail address for the DFAS Director is

4. Biographical summaries of the DFAS Director and Senior Military Advisor to the DFAS Director are included at Tabs C and D. They are attached for information only.



A - Draft E-Mail to DFAS Director

B- eScars Comments LTC, MS, USAR

D - Bio on DFAS Director Deputy J-8

E - Bio on Senior Mil Advisor to

DFAS Director


Tab A

Dear Mr. Gaddy:

I'm Jay Hood and I command Joint Task Force Guantanamo in Cuba. I'm contacting you personally because I'd like your assistance in making my troopers eligible to participate in the Savings Deposit Program (SDP). Currently, my 2200 plus folks don't qualify for this worthwhile program even though our mission is in direct support to the GWOT.

When I asked my staff to look into the eligibility requirements for SDP they identified 3 requirements for participation:

• Member is serving outside the United States

• In support of Operation Enduring Freedom

• Served at least 30 consecutive days … in an area that has been designated as a combat zone or in direct support of a combat zone.

Military personnel assigned to the JTF-GTMO clearly meet the first two requirements. The feedback I have gotten from our combatant commanders and our senior leadership in the Defense Department indicates they also meet the third.

I want to thank your staff for their assistance thus far in this matter. They have been terrific. Please extend to them my thanks for all they are doing. SDP is a great program that everyone deployed in support of the GWOT should have as a benefit.


Jay Hood


Tab B



Tab C



Tab D


Chapter 3

Electronic Staffing and Electronic Submission of Command Correspondence, Administrative Publications and Operational Procedures

3-1. General Guidance

The electronic staffing procedures described below apply to correspondence, administrative publications and operational procedures, unclassified/non-sensitive, unclassified/sensitive, and classified up to Secret. When conducting functional coordination, proponents will use electronic staffing via the Internet/Intranet or email to the maximum extent possible and practical as the primary method for distribution. Proponents will adhere to the format procedures prescribed in this regulation. Proponents will ensure that proposed new or revised correspondence, administrative publications and operational procedures are staffed with appropriate JTF organizations and agencies. Proponents will –

a. Provide email notification to each appropriate staff element, organization and agency that a document is available for review and comment.

b. Unless otherwise instructed by the CoS or SJS, address email notifications to the Organizational Mailbox (OMB) of the staff element, organization or agency to ensure that notification of documents released for staffing are being dispatched. The proponent may provide a courtesy copy to the functional action officer within each staff element, organization or agency.

c. Attach JTF GTMO Form 1-E (SCARS) to the email notification that clearly identifies the organization, office, individual, DSN phone, and email information of the action officer and release authority of the document for staffing.

d. Attach the draft manuscript document or the document link to the email.

3-2. Document Formats

Draft manuscripts released for staffing will be prepared in at least one of the following formats to ensure accessibility by a wider range of target audience:

a. Word processing software (MS Word 6.0 or higher).

b. Rich text format (RTF).

c. Portable document format (PDF).

d. Presentation software (MS Power Point).

3. JTF GTMO Form 1-E (Staff Coordination/Approval/Routing Sheet (SCARS). JTF GTMO Form 1-E accompanies Command Element correspondence whether for information, signature, or approval. The Form 1-E ensures staff actions are tracked, provides an official record of approvals/disapprovals, and copies are retained by the SJS/CEAC in official files. Pay special attention to the preparation of the Form 1-E. It is more than just an administrative tool to track, record, and file. The Form 1-E should be well thought out so it enables the CG, DC, or CoS to quickly review a summary of details they need to know at their level before taking the action being requested on the Form 1-E. A well-prepared Form 1-E will increase your success rate in getting actions through the Command Element and signed without questions. See appendix D for instructions on completing JTF GTMO Form 1-E.

JTF GTMO Form 1-E (example)

-------------------------------------------cut here---------------------------------------------------------------

J1: Coord Concur, Concur w/ comments or Non-Concur, rank, name, date

J2: Coord

J3: Coord

J4: Coord

J6: Coord

J8: Coord

SJA: Coord

JVB: Coord

PAO: Coord

CE: Coord

CSM: Coord

IG: Coord

JDOG: Coord

JIG: Coord

____________________*Cut Here after “e-signature at bottom”*_______________

***SJS will determine Command Group routing***

SJS: Coord

CoS: Coord

DCG: Coord

CG: Coord

SUBJECT: E-SCARS Tasker, COS 08-012, 9 Aug

Action Officer: Lt Col Dan Nickerson, J6, 3079

J-Staff/Unit Coordination: J1 cl 8 Aug; J2 ml, 8 Aug; J4 rp, 8 Aug; JDOG, bg, 8 Aug

JTF GTMO Form 1-E (example) con’t

PURPOSE: To get staff coordination of new e-SCARS format and initial paperless staff processes.

RECOMMENDATION: Concur on attached process documents and procedures to provide initial paperless staff foundation


1. E-SCARS developed to address CoS request: “Give me a Paperless Staff, Danny” (CoS meeting, 4 Aug).

2. Sample e-SCARS format and description at Tab A. This will be used to push all taskers through the staff with "shotgun coordination" to eliminate lost paperwork, improve tasker on-time rate, improve tasker tracking.

3. e-SCARS Comment Matrix template attached at Tab B. This will be used to provide comments back to the action officer (me in this case). Comments should be returned to the JTFGTMO-J6 organizational mailbox (OMB).

4. The rules for using the new SJS Tasker Database are at Tab C. The database will be operational on Wed, 18 Aug, and further instructions on your access and shortcuts to this database will be sent at that time.

5. The guide for using OMBs is at Tab D. Use of OMBs are essential to the paperless staff concept and will be used for the official correspondence via e-mail. They will also be used to keep official staff calendars. Not all OMBs have been set up, but the rest will be completed by Wed, 18 Aug. This e-SCARS is being sent to existing OMBs also. Currently, the Director and deputy were given read, write, modify access to these accounts. The Director or deputy can call the Helpdesk at 3532 to request additional personnel have these permissions.

6. The guide for using OMB calendars is at Tab E. OMB calendars will be used to set up/schedule official appointments or meetings. OMB calendars are a subset of the OMB, and not all OMBs have been set up yet. Currently, the Director and deputy were given read, write, modify access to these accounts. The Director or deputy can call the Helpdesk at 3532 to request additional personnel have these permissions.

7. Coordination. Only coordinated within J6 and with SJS. Once approved, updated process will be incorporated into the JTF GTMO Reg 25-1, and an on-line Staff Handbook will be put on the JTF GTMO Home Pages for easy access and use of guides and templates for all products.


J6 A. Sample e-SCARS

B. e-SCARS Comment Template

C. Tasker Database Use Guide

D. OMB Use Guide

E. OMB Calendar Use Guide


Tab A



Tab B

JTF GTMO Form 1-E (example) con’t



Tab C



Tab D



Tab E


***Saving the SCARS with text as a document. You may save the SCARS with your text as a Microsoft Word document by clicking on and , and then entering a unique name for the document. Once you have saved your SCARS as a document, you can open the existing document and replace old information with new information (if there is not a lot to change). If you need to generate a new SCARS with different information, recommend you start a “New” document and use the blank SCARS template.

3-4. Read Aheads (RAs). RAs are a special type of staff action forwarded with JTF GTMO Form 1-E. Normally tasked and submitted on short notice (less than five working days) and requiring immediate action, RAs prepare the CJTF for trips, visits of civilian or military dignitaries, or briefings. As such, the completeness of a RA is critical to the success of each of the CJTF’s calendar events. READAHEADS MUST FOCUS THE CJTF’S THOUGHTS; NOT JUST COVER BACKGROUND INFORMATION. Include only essential items, using the key points that you believe the CJTF should know before the meeting; make sure all pertinent issues are covered succinctly and to the point in the Executive Overview. See appendix E on procedures for preparing RAs.

3-5. Information or Point Papers

a. Information or point papers do not establish or implement policy; only formal memorandums and Command administrative publications establish and implement policy and/or procedures.

b. Use an information or point paper to provide information for a general or large audience on a particular subject area. Use enclosures if required. Use the information or point paper to provide information to the Command Element. The information or point paper can be used as a handout at a planning session or conference. The information or point paper is not self-routing. Route them using an informal memorandum or JTF GTMO Form 1-E (SCARS).

c. Limit information and point papers to one page; be clear, concise, and complete. If necessary, staff section chiefs can approve expansion of the paper to two pages.

d. Format.

e. Example





| |3 |JTF-GTMO-XX (DATE) |

| |1 | |

| |2 |SUBJECT: Preparation and Format for Information Paper |

| |1 | |

| |2 | |

| |3 |1. PURPOSE. State the purpose for providing the information paper. |

| | | |

| | |2. POINTS OR FACTS. |


|Provide essential background information, | |a. Use an Information Paper to give the reader access to facts in a clear and concise format. Use |

|facts, and assumptions made. | |short concise sentences. Use one-inch margins and Times New Roman 12-font. |

| | | |

| | |b. Information Papers are self-explanatory and will not refer to enclosures except for tabular |

| | |data, charts or photographs. |

|NOTES: | | |

|1. Information Papers are limited to one | |c. Information Papers can serve as fact sheets, background papers or read ahead documents. |

|page, are concise and complete. If | | |

|required, staff section chiefs have | |d. Include only essential facts concerning the subject and develop them in a logical sequence. |

|approval authority to expand the paper to | | |

|two pages. | |e. Information Papers will not contain a recommendation or a request for decision. A JTF GTMO Form|

| | |1-E (SCARS) or Decision Memorandum is used when requesting a decision or approval of an action. |

|2. Information Papers do not establish or | | |

|implement policy. | |f. The Information Paper is designed to be used as a handout or an enclosure. It does not contain |

| | |routing information. An Information Paper must be routed by an Informal Memorandum or JTF GTMO |

|3. If a previously prepared paper is still| |Form 1-E. |

|valid, the staff section chief may add a | | |

|REVIEWED BY and DATE block to the existing| |3. CURRENT STATUS. This paragraph is optional. Use it when you want to discuss the status of a |

|Information Paper and affix their initials| |program or action. |

|and current date. | | |

| | |4. COMMAND/STAFF POSITION. This paragraph is optional. Use it to specify the approved command or |

| | |staff position. Omit paragraph if a position is not stated. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Encl MAJ Jones/DSN 660-XXXX |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |1 | |

| |2 | |

| |3 | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




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| | | | |

3-6 “How to” Write Policy Letters.

How To Write a Policy Letter for Chief of Staff or CG Signature

1. Staff officers considering drafting a policy letter ask themselves if the CG or CoS really need to put out a policy on this subject, or do higher guidance and/or regulations provide what units need to execute. Specifically, ask these questions:

• "What do you want the CG to sign that is not already in DoD, DA, FORSCOM or other directives?"

• "What is it you want to add under the CG's signature, and why?"

• "What is the message you want the CG to send his command and does it require him to do so under his signature?"

• "Do you want the CG to sign a TTP, SOP or directive so you can use his name to make your section's life easier?" If so, "is that the best way to do it?"

2. If a staff officer/section has a nomination for a policy letter that hasn’t been specifically asked for by the CoS or CG generate a 1-E through the Paperless Office that outlines the purpose of the policy letter and why the policy letter is necessary. Ensure you route the 1-E through the SJS who has overall responsibility for policy letters. If the CoS or CG concurs with your recommendation you can begin the staff work to draft and coordinate the policy letter.

3. After staffing (at a minimum always staff it with the SJA) submit the draft policy letter as a paperless action with a new 1-E to the Paperless Office for command group mark up/approval. The SJS has the format for Policy Letters and can provide it to you. The length of the policy should be limited to one page; two pages are okay; and three pages require some justification.

4. The SJS will notify you when your policy letter has been approved. His office will post the policy letter to the P: drive.

Chapter 4

Briefings, Conferences, and Meetings

4-1. Conference/Meeting Room Locations and Responsible JTF Offices

a. SJS is responsible for scheduling briefings/meetings held in the JTF Conference Room, JTF Headquarters, Building AV29 and preparing the ECR for events involving the CG.

b. SJS is responsible for scheduling briefings held in the conference room. JVB, in coordination with the SJS, is responsible for preparing the conference room for scheduled Distinguished Visitor (DV) events involving the CG. This includes the preparation of a seating chart upon receipt of attendee information.

c. J-3 is responsible for scheduling briefings or meetings held in the J-3 Conference Room, JTF Headquarters, Building AV29.

d. JIG is responsible for scheduling briefings or meetings and VTCs held in the SCIF.

e. Any staff member can call the Help Desk to schedule the JIIF Conference Room (CDC)

f. See Table 6-1 for conference or meeting facilities and point of contact telephone numbers.

|Facility |Location |Coordinating Office |Seating Capacity |Facility Clearance |Equipment Capability |

|Executive Conference |Bldg AV29, |SJS |14 |Secret |Plasma screen w/SVTC |

|Room |First floor |x 5044 | | | |

|J-3 Conference Room |Bldg AV29, |J-3 |15 - 20 |Secret |None in standard setup |

| |Second floor |X 5065 | | | |

|SCIF Conference Room / |SCIF |JIG |25 |Top Secret |Studio 1 TV w/VCR, STE |

|Video Teleconference | |x 3119 | | |Studio; JWICS VTC |

|Center | | | | | |

|JIIF Conference Room |Bldg N-329 |J-6 |30 |Secret |Single screen w/Proxima|

| | |x 3532 | | |overhead proj. |

Table 6-1. Conference/Meeting Facilities

To find if a conference room is available on the date you request, follow the directions below:

JTF Conference Room

a. Open Microsoft Outlook

b. Click on Public Folders in your folder list (the last option in the list)

c. Click “All Public Folders”

d. Click “JTF GTMO HQ Conference Room Reservation Calendar”

e. Click the date you’d like to schedule

*** the SJS maintains this calendar. If a meeting with greater priority coincides with your meeting, you will be notified by the SJS to find an alternate location.

JIIF Conference Room

Open Microsoft Outlook

Click on Public Folders in your folder list (the last option in the list)

Click “All Public Folders”

Click “J6”

Click “JIIF Conference Room Schedule”

Find the date and time you’d like to reserve and call the Help Desk (3532) to block the time.

Battle Rhythm

|Event/Frequency |Whom |Responsible Staff Section |Explanation |

|CSM Meeting |CSM, SGM, 1SG, NCOIC for every organization |CE |Tuesdays at JTF Conference |

| | | |Room @ 0900 |

|Commanders Meeting |CG, DCG, CoS, JIG, JDOG, JMG, NAVBASE, PSU |CE |Tuesdays at JTF Conference |

| | | |Room @ 1100 |

|Command Huddle |CG, DCG, CoS, SJS, Aides, Executive Office NCO |SJS |Wednesdays in CG’s office @ |

| | | |0800 |

|CoS Meeting |CoS, SJS, J1, J2, J3, J4, J6, J8, PAO, JVB, SJA, |SJS |Wednesdays in JTF Conference |

| |Medical, Commissions, Chaplain, HHC Cdr, IG | |Room @ 0930. |

|Command and Staff |CG, DCG, CoS, NAVBASE, CSM, Staff Principles, JDOG, |SJS |Fridays in CDC Conference Room|

| |JMG, SJS, PSU, FBI, CITF | |(JIIF) @ 0800 |

|Interrogation Strategy Meeting|CG, DCG, CoS, J2, J3, J6, Detainee Hospital, JDOG |JIG |Fridays at SCIF Conference |

| |Cdr, JDOG S2, CTC, FBI, CITF, Psyops, IO, JIG section| |Room @ 1500 |

| |leaders | | |

4-2. Preparing Visual Aids

The following format is required for ALL briefing slides.


***Slides for weekly Chief of Staff and Command and Staff meetings are due to SJS NLT 1200 Tuesday of every week.

4-3. Scheduled Command Element Briefings


Special Topic Updates (STUs) are updates to the Commanding General on topics that he has expressed interest in or that the staff requires guidance and/or a decision. The CoS approves all STU topics.

-STU topics come from three main sources.

The SJS derives the STU topic from email traffic, the CoS priority list, or oral guidance he

receives from the CG or CoS. The CG or CoS directs a STU on a particular topic. A staff principal contacts the SJS and nominates a topic.

-STUs are generally in the CG’s office at the long table in front of his desk. (If the audience exceeds 5

then the SJS will schedule the STU in the JTF Conference Room.

-All STUs require a pre brief to the CoS no less than 2 working days prior to the date the CG will receive

the STU. Coordinate pre-briefs directly with the SJS.

- If the CG requires a read ahead for his STU. Ensure that his staff has the read ahead no less than 2 working days prior to the STU. The two best techniques to get a read ahead to the CG is to immediately deliver a copy to the CG’s staff after your pre brief to the CoS (if the CoS has approved your brief), or submit the read ahead via paperless office, so the CoS can review and approve in time to forward to the CG via paperless office within the 2 working days prior limit.

-STU lengths are determined by the SJS based on his estimate and consultation with the staff section presenting the STU. General lengths are 30 or 60 minutes. Be concise and organized so that you finish within your allotted time period. A good read ahead will help the CG zero in on the questions/decisions he has and will speed the whole process.

-Make color copies for the CG only and print multiple slides per page (as long as the slides are readable) for all others who need a hand out.

-The SJS will notify respective sections if they have a STU. Pay attention to the date time group on the document. STUs move often and new topics are constantly being added. It is the staff officer’s responsibility to ensure he/she knows the current STU schedule.

-The SJS is the gatekeeper to escort the briefer(s) into the CG’s office or the JTF Conference Room. If you are first to brief, show up with your entire party 10 minutes prior to the first STU (briefer(s) that are 2nd or later in the order of march should send at least one member of their party), so the SJS can take a head count, and gage when subsequent briefers need to be ready to go. The standard is we go from brief to brief with just enough time to unload one party and usher in the next party. We don’t make the CG wait on a briefer.

-If your STU is in the JTF Conference Room, ensure your brief is on a disk. If you are doing it in the CG’s office you can give him the color copy or use a desk side briefing stand-your choice.

-All Special Topic Updates must include the following:

-Begin with Task and Purpose of the briefing.

-State the any Previous Guidance you may have received on the subject.

-Describe all Work Done to Date on this project

CG Guidance about STUs to keep in the front of your mind: “Be on time, be brief, and make sure I understand the Task and the Purpose.”

STU Example Slides




STU example.ppt

Appendix A


Section I

Required Publications

Joint Publication 1-02

Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

AR 25-30

The Army Publishing and Printing Program

AR 25-50

Preparing and Managing Correspondence

AR 380-5

Department of the Army Information Security Program

USSOUTHCOM Regulation 25-2

Preparation and Management of Correspondence in USSOUTHCOM

Section II

Related Publications

AR 25-400-2

The Modern Army Recordkeeping System (MARKS)

Department of the Army (DA) Pamphlet 600-67

Effective Writing for Army Leaders

USSOUTHCOM Regulation 525-22

Reporting Procedures

Section III


Formal Memorandum Format

One-Paragraph Memorandum Format

Command Element Signature Blocks

Memo template

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| |APO AE 09360 |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 |JTF-GTMO-XX (Date) |

| | |

|1 | |

|2 |MEMORANDUM FOR Headquarters, U.S. Southern Command, ATTN: SCJ2, 3511 NW 91st Avenue, Miami, FL 33172-1217 |

|1 | |

|2 |SUBJECT: Formal Memorandum Format |

|3 | |

| | |

| |1. Prepare correspondence using Times New Roman 10-pitch type. When using Microsoft Word software, this equates to the 12-points font. |

| | |

| |a. Single-space the text of the memorandum; double-space between paragraphs. Do not use hanging indents in paragraphs; when using |

| |Microsoft Word software, ensure the hanging indent function is disabled so paragraphs extend from left margin to right margin. |

| | |

| |b. If there is a subparagraph “a,” there must be a “b.” There must be at least two subparagraphs. |

| | |

| |(1) Designate second subdivisions by numbers in parentheses, for example (1), (2), etc. |

| | |

| |(a) Designate third subdivisions by letters in parentheses, for example (a), (b), and (c). |

| | |

| |(b) However, do not indent any further than the second subdivision. |

| | |

| |(2) Do not subdivide beyond the third subdivision. |

| | |

| |2. Describe enclosures in the body of the text or list enclosures in the enclosure block. Use “as” for “as stated” in the enclosure |

| |block only when needed for clarity when listing multiple enclosures. If there are copies of the memorandum being furnished to other |

| |offices, indicate whether or not each copy furnished addressee will receive a copy of the enclosures. |

| | |


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| | |

|1 |2 Encls JOHN A. HADJIS |

|2 |1. Memo, USSOUTHCOM, COL, AR |

|1 |10 Jun 02 Chief of Staff |

|2 |2. Msg, USARSO, 15 Jun 02 |

|3 | |

|4 | |

|5 | |

| |[pic] |

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| |APO AE 09360 |

| | |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|1 | |

|2 |JTF-GTMO-XX (MARKS File Number) (Date) |

|3 | |

| | |

|1 |MEMORANDUM FOR Headquarters, U.S. Southern Command (SCJ3), 3511 NW 91st Avenue, Miami, FL 33172-1217 |

|2 | |

| |SUBJECT: Preparing a One-Paragraph Memorandum with Subparagraphs and Continuing the Subject Line |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 |Use single spacing when a memorandum contains only one paragraph, regardless of the length of the paragraph. Limit paragraphs to a |

| |maximum of 10 lines. When a memorandum has only one paragraph but contains subparagraphs, prepare as shown in this example. Do not |

| |number a one-paragraph memorandum. Identify subparagraphs by using a, b, c, etc. |

| | |

| |a. Indent the subparagraphs as shown in this example. |

| | |

| |b. A memorandum with a single paragraph should not contain more than one subdivision. |

| | |

| |c. When more than one line is needed for the subject, begin the second line flush with the left margin as shown above. |

| | |


|1 | |

|2 | |

|1 | |

|2 | |


|4 |LTC, MP, USA |

|5 |J-3 |

| | |

| |CF: |

|1 |CDR, Joint Detention Operations Group (JTF-GTMO-JDOG-S3) (w/encl) |

|2 |CDR, Joint Interrogation Group (JTF-GTMO-JIG-3) (w/o encl) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

| | | |

| |Memorandum Signature Block |Letter Signature Block |

| | | |

| | | |

|Commanding General |JAY W. HOOD |Jay W. Hood |

| |Brigadier General, USA |Brigadier General, United States Army |

| |Commanding |Commanding General |

| | | |

| | | |

|Deputy Commander – Operations |MARTIN J. LUCENTI |Martin Lucenti |

| |Brigadier General, USA |Brigadier General, United States Army |

| |Deputy Commander for Operations |Deputy Commander for Operations |

| | | |

| | | |

|Deputy Commander – Support |LESLIE J. MCCOY |Leslie J. McCoy |

| |CAPT, USN |Captain, United States Navy |

| |Deputy Commander for |Deputy Commander for Support |

| |Support | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Chief of Staff |JOHN A. HADJIS |John A. Hadjis |

| |COL, AR |Colonel, United States Army |

| |Chief of Staff |Chief of Staff |

| | | |

| | | |

|Command Sergeant Major |ANGEL FEBLES |Angel Febles |

| |CSM, USA |Command Sergeant Major |

| | |United States Army |

Figure I-1. JTF Guantanamo Signature Blocks


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