By Daiquiriya S. Martinez


Table of Contents


Authors Note

Chapter1- The Beginnings

Chapter2- Well Kept Secrets

Chapter3- We the People

Chapter4- The Arts

Chapter5- The New World

Chapter6- Numbers and Symbols

Chapter 7-Myths and Legends

Authors Note- This book is written as a reference. It is not meant to offend anyone’s religion, belief, ethnicity, or anything else.

Introduction- Every culture of the world has legends and myths in one form or another. These stories serve as explanations to the phenomena of the natural world. At one point these “myths” were part of the overall religious experience and other times they were a mnemonic device of tribal and/or cultural history. Today, they have become part of classical literature and make for good tales of adventure and sometimes morality or just for fun.

Most societies and cultures have organizations that play a status role in their community. Many of these are cults or clubs serve a religious or social function, and membership is usually exclusive. Ancient Egypt and Africa in general had such cults, usually called a brotherhood. These early fraternal organizations promised the neophytes some sort of arcane or even divine knowledge. Later the Greeks expressed their spirituality through eastern mystery cults. During the Crusades, medieval Europe received one of its first real doses of “Eastern” culture. This led to the formation of all types of knightly orders, such as the Templars. Even after the Templars were disbanded, other “organizations” flourished well into the Protestant Reformation. In the British Isles, during the Stuart dynasty, secret societies encouraged early scientific study. Finally, in the Napoleonic era, Egypt was explored and Freemasonry became well established in France, the rest of Europe, and eventually in the 13 Colonies (America).

All peoples of the world have history. History includes stories, myths, legends, society, community, culture, religion, etc. And in the field of history there is always an alternative view of how history should be presented. This book is a form of an alternative history of society.

Chapter 1

The Beginnings

Out of Africa- According to archaeology (and anthropology), the human race began on the continent of Africa. The earliest pre-humans and humans spread out from Africa to populate the rest of the world. Due to environment, human beings developed different skin and eye color and also various hair textures. According to current DNA studies, every single human being on the planet is a descendant of one African woman.

The Cradle of Civilization- Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia means “the land between two rivers”. This is a reference to the Tigris and Euphrates River Valleys (Iraq). Mesopotamia is considered to be the “cradle”, because some of the earliest civilizations such as that of Sumer began there. Sumer is considered to have been the first place that writing was first used. Other Mesopotamian civilizations include Babylon and Assyria.

Pangaea- The theory that all continents were once part of one large landmass.

Atlantis- The legendary sunken and lost city/continent. The story came from Egypt by way of the Greeks and down to our imagination. The legend says that Atlantis was a high civilization with technology beyond our own. They began to use a very powerful gem or crystal like a laser beam. The power became too great and catastrophe fell upon the city. Some of its inhabitants fled in waves across the world and Atlantis eventually sunk into the depths of the ocean and time. The immigrants from Atlantis are said to have brought their knowledge to Egypt, Mexico, Peru, and even India. One Mexican legend states that the origin of the Aztec people was in Aztlan. Some believe that Aztlan and Atlantis are one and the same.

Atlantis is supposed to be somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Some think that it is right in the Caribbean. Psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that parts of Atlantis would begin to resurface in the late 20th century. In the 1960's Bimini Island reappeared in the Caribbean Sea.

The Bermuda/Devil’s Triangle- In the Atlantic Ocean around the West Indies. Ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared from the triangle for centuries. The area may be a portal to another dimension or a wormhole in time. It could also be the gravitational pull of the sunken power crystal of Atlantis.

Lemuria- Lost continent situated between Madagascar and somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Possible the mother culture to the peoples of the Indian Ocean, parts of the Arabian Peninsula, and East Africa.

* The Indian Ocean is home to a variety of cultures and ethnic groups, such as the Negroids of the Andaman Islands called Negritos (= small black people)

Mu-A Legendary sunken landmass in the Pacific Ocean. It was supposedly another high civilization like Atlantis. The continent of Mu is responsible for the cultures of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and other high Pacific cultures.

The West- The word west is derived form the word wise. The continent of Atlantis was west of Eurasia and Africa. Atlantis is associated with knowledge and a higher civilization.

Atlantis-Pangaea- The continent of Atlantis was not a separate land mass at all it was the part of the Atlantic Ocean that was not water but dry land. According to legend the fabled city was past the Pillars of Hercules, which today would be the Straight of Gibraltar. When you past Gibraltar you end up in the Atlantic Ocean. This was when the continents were “connected”. Some catastrophe caused the water to rise and cover the area and fill it in entirely except for scattered islands. The resurfacing of Bimini Island in the 1960's shows that the islands are just parts of dry land. The rest is covered by water. The story of Noah and other flood stories are the memory of the rising water and people fleeing to different parts of the earth to find dry land. The people who lived there came from parts of “the Old World” and migrated back and forth across even to the “Americas”. Noah’s family ended up in Ararat (Armenia) and emerged from there as 3 races that would spread out to Africa, Europe, and Asia.

The Annals of History-

The ancient Roman culture plays a large part in the formation of western (European and American) civilization. The glory of Rome is still a fascination to many a mind. Yet, the period between the fall of Rome to the Renaissance was also an important period. Known as the Dark Age, the medieval period was not as backward as we are led to believe. The innovation of the period gave rise to a new learning, commerce, the birth of the middle classes, and finally a recovery of lost knowledge.

The Etruscans- The Etruscans were an Asiatic people that once inhabited the area of Italy now known as Tuscany. They were highly influenced by the Greeks. They borrowed the Greek alphabet and the Romans inherited it from them and modified into the Roman alphabet. The Etruscans were kings over the Romans until the last one named Tarquinius Superbus was overthrown by the Romans around the 6th century B.C. After about 500 years B.C., the Romans began to form a republic that would be ruled by aristocrats.

The Roman Legend- According to Roman myth and legend, the ancient Latins had semi-divine ancestry. One myth relates the tale of Aeneas and the last days of the Trojan War. Aeneas the son of the goddess Venus and a Trojan prince named Anchises. Venus fell in love with the young and handsome prince, but her power was too strong for him, and she drained him of his youth. Their son Aeneas fought in the Trojan War and was warned by the goddess to take his family and flee the city. He flees first to Carthage and then later to Italy and settled there and married in with the Latins.

-The other legend has the god Mars as the main ancestor of the Latins. The war-god Mars was said to have raped a vestal virgin named Rhea Silvia. She became pregnant and gave birth to twin boys. Out of shame or disgust she exposed them to the elements. They ended up being raised by a she-wolf, and then by a shepard named Faustos. The shepherd and his wife named them Romulus and Remus. As adults they returned to the place where the she-wolf found them, and decided to build a city there. They competed to see who would name the city. Romulus won the competition. Remus was enraged and bickered and taunted his twin. Romulus attacked and killed Remus. He went on to name his city Roma after himself.

Rome- The Romans are descendants of an Indo-European people called the Latins. The Latins arrived on the Italian Peninsula around 1500 years B.C. During the next few hundred years the Latins began to unite tribes and form settled villages. The villages established themselves near the river Tiber, which was surrounded by a group of seven hills. The Latins eventually fell subject to the Etruscan kings until about 509 B.C. After this the formed a republic. In the republican form of government, all free citizens have a right to vote and be represented in government. The government was divided into the Assembly made up of common citizens (plebeians) and the Senate (patricians). The patricians were aristocrats who were descended form the first original tribal leaders. Later tribunes were elected to protect the plebian votes and their rights in the Assembly. Instead of a king the Senate elected two men to be consuls to run the state. The power of Rome and population began to grow. By 300 years B.C. they began to move into the Greek speaking part of southern Italy called Magna Graecia. They defeated the Greeks and controlled the entire south. Feeling a since of pride and a need to protect the young republic the Romans ended up in a dispute against the Carthaginians of North Africa. The Romans called the Carthaginians Puni from the word for Phoenician. The Carthaginians were descendants of native Africans and Phoenician settlers. They fought 3 Punic wars against Carthage and finally won. This added new territory to the republic. Later they conquered Macedonia, Pergamum, Syria, parts of Asia Minor, the Iberian Peninsula and northern Italy. As the republic grew so did its decadence. The Romans value system brake down. There were masses of poor hungry people called the mob, who depended upon the government for bread and entertainment. Ruthless men vied for power. Eventually the impoverished patrician Julius Caesar rose to power. He was elected consul. He was considered to be a man of the people. As consul and a general he conquered Gaul and a part of Britain. Eventually he was elected as dictator. Some senators fearing his power stabbed him to death, on the Ides of March right on the senate steps. After Caesar died Roam was in Chaos until his young nephew Octavian came to power. He was renamed Augustus and became the first emperor of Rome. His rule ushered in what is called the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) which lasted for 200 years. After he Augustus there were some good emperors, but most of them were pretty horrible. The population continued to grow. In order to feed such a large population, there had to be more land added to the realm of the empire. About 500 years after the death of Augustus, Rome was divided. In 395 A.D. Theodosius divided the empire into the East (Byzantium) and West (Rome). The eastern half spoke Greek and Latin was spoken in the west. Eventually the west was weakened and Germans had to be recruited into the army. The Germanic tribes had been slowly infringing into Rome over the centuries. Aside from the Germans other peoples such as the Huns were also a threat. As Germans fell under Romans influence they began to earn rank in the army. Rome eventually fell to invading Germans in 476 A.D. The German Theodoric the Ostrogoth became king over Rome and the rest of Italy. The empire in the east continued to flourish.

The Early Middle Ages (the Merovingians and Carolinians)- The fall of Rome ushered in the Dark Ages. All forms of Romans government, learning, etc. were lost. Commerce slowed down or ceased altogether. A Germanic people known as the Franks were united by a rival leader named Clovis. He settled then in parts of the former Roman provinces of Gaul and Germania. He started a dynast of kings called the Merovingians after his grandfather Merovee. After his death his kingdom fell into decline. His descendants fought each other for control. A mayor of the palace named Charles Martel took control. Eventually his son Pepin became mayor of the palace and took control as the king of the Franks. The descendants of Pepin are called the Carolinians after Charles Martel. Pepins son was the great Frankish king known as Charlemagne (Charles the Great). Charlemagne came to power around the late 760's A.D. and ruled an empire modeled upon Rome. Pope Leo III invited Charlemagne to Rome in 800 and on Christmas, he crowned Charlemagne and called him “emperor of the Romans”. After Charlemagne died his empire fell into chaos and was divided between his three sons.

Feudalism- Feudalism was the form of society implemented in western Europe to replace the loss of Roman government, laws, etc. Feudalism was a way for individuals and families to protect themselves from roving outlaws and bandits. The system was made up of a series of obligations owed to various persons in a social hierarchy. The king was usually at the top. He would give out land to a vassal who owed him allegiance. The vassal would then parcel out some of his holdings to a noble beneath him, who would be his vassal and so on. The bonded poor were called serfs and worked the land of great manor lords. Nobles lived on manors or in castles. Castles were fortifications that served as means of protection from invasions. Knights were warlords who served the king and protected the castles. At first knights were crude warlords. But around the Languedoc region of France the idea of a knight took on a different meaning. A knight became more that just a soldier. He was supposed to defend the church, protect “damsels” in distress, be noble, loyal, courageous, and honorable. This code became known as Chivalry. Chivalry comes from the French word chevalier, meaning “horseman”, because in order to be a knight a horse was one of the requirements.

The Holy Roman Empire- Around 900 A.D. an old part of Charlemagne’s former kingdom was ruled by a line of Germanic people known as the Saxons. Around 936 one Saxon named Otto tried to unite the small kingdoms in Germany and northern Italy into one empire. With the approval of Pope in Rome Otto proclaimed himself the Holy Roman Emperor. The Holy Roman Empire lasted until 1450. The descendants of the Holy Roman Emperors were the Hapsburg family who ruled Spain in the 1600's.

Byzantium (East Rome)- As Rome fell in 576 A.D. the Greek speaking east continued to flourish Roman and Greek philosophy and knowledge was not lost. Although, much of its territory was lost over time Byzantium continued as a civilization and culture. Over time Slavs, Bulgars, and other Balkan peoples were influenced by the Greek Byzantine culture. The Russian Cyrillic alphabet is derived from Greek. In 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Turks.

Scholasticism- The medieval period was considered to be the Dark Age in Europe. Yet, all learning was not lost. The monks of the Roman Church preserved as many as manuscripts as they could. These manuscripts were copied down by trained scribes. During the Crusades Europeans came into contact with Arabic and Byzantine culture. They were able to get a chance to recover some works by Greek philosophers. These monks became known as scholastics. They began to train more young men as scribes and began to teach philosophy. As the amount of students grew, the scholastics began to develop the first universities such as Oxford University.

The Humanities- The Humanities are the study of the classical Greek subjects. These subjects are history, grammar, rhetoric, and poetry. The Humanities became popular toward the end of the Middle Ages, as people began to remember the stories about “golden age” of Greece and Rome. Students began to feel that the learning of the past was the ideal and it was the best way to conduct a society.

The Rebirth- The Crusades help to open up commerce again in Europe. Goods from the east flooded into Europe. Merchants began to prosper and cities began to from. These merchants would become part of the new growing middle class. Italy again became the center of the Mediterranean. This new prosperity led rich Italians to want to recover their Greco-Roman classical past. Education and literacy were very important in order to study the classics. The knowledge of the classical world was now open to most of Europe. Rich patrons and nobles sponsored artist such as Leonardo Da Vinci. This recovery in Italy and the rest of Europe was known as the Renaissance (rebirth).

Chapter 2

Well Kept Secrets

Hiram Abif- Hiram Abif is known as the first Freemason. He was an Egyptian architect. Some of his apprentices approached him and asked him to divulge the secrets of geometry to them. They were not worthy of the secret due to their status. They became enraged and murdered their master. The ritual act of his death is reenacted by some fraternal organizations.

The Eleusian Mysteries- The Eleusian Mysteries were a cult that reenacted the kidnaping of Persephone. The goddess Persephone was the daughter of the earth goddess Demeter (Ceres). *See myths and legends.

Hermes Trismegistus- Another name for the gods Hermes, Thoth, and Mercury. Hermes was associated with secrets, writing, magic, and knowledge. In esoteric circles he is considered to be have been a real person and the author of a book on magic called the Hermetica.

Egypt and Freemasonry- Egypt is considered to have been the birth place of freemasonry and secret societies, because of the advanced math and cosmological skills that it required to build the pyramids. The first builder was said to have been Imhotep and Hiram Abiff was the first mason. In the 18th century Napoleon went on campaign to Egypt. He rediscovered the Sphinx and the pyramids. At once he sent for scientist, antiquarians, etc., to the area. He wanted to find out all he could about Egypt and its great monuments. This created a trend across Europe and eventually America. At this time European freemasonry actually took its modern from.

Hugh de Payen- One of the first Knights Templars. He was the orders very first grand master. He was from the region of Champagne and was a vassal to Count Hugh de Champagne.

Jacques De Molay- The last grand master of the Knights Templar. He along with other Templars were rounded up on Friday the 13th, 1307 and accused of horrible acts and eventually burned at the stake.

The Knights Templar- The knights Templars was founded around 1118 A.D. by Hugh de Payen and eight other knights. They called themselves The Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. They petitioned to the European crusader king of Jerusalem to make the order official. Their duty was supposed to be to protect pilgrims on the roads in the Holy Land. They lived in the stables of Solomon’s temple and were supposed to have taken vows of poverty. They were different from other holy orders of monks, because they were actually monk/soldiers. Rumors began to float around about the Templars digging up something in the foundations of the stables. It is believed that they found treasures and/or documents that were of great value to the Catholic Church. After this the Templars became very rich and powerful. Their power spread all throughout Europe. They became the first bankers to establish lines of credit and something like travelers checks. The King of France, Philip the Fair, even owed them money. This eventually led to their demise. All types of accusations went around. The church and King Phillip claimed that the Templars held strange rituals and worshiped Satan and also a head called Baphomet. On Friday, October the 13th, 1307 Jacques de Molay the last grandmaster of the Templars and most Templars in Europe were rounded up and put on trail. Most were burned at the stake for heresy. No one ever knew how the Templars rose to power. Some claim that the documents that they found had something to due with Christ and his descendants. Or that they found other information that would bring about the fall of the Catholic Church and Christianity itself. This was used as an exchange with the pope for various power granted to them.

The Holy Grail the Holy Grail makes me think of King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and Camelot. Due to Arthurian legends most people think that the Holy Grail is the cup that Jesus drank from during the Last Supper. Also as the cup that was used to capture the blood of Christ in it during the crucifixion. The Quest for the grail is always about some knight searching for the cup as a means to resurrect the powers of Camelot, King Arthur, and the Fisher King.

The word Holy Grail comes from the French San (sainted/holy) Graal (Grail). This is a corruption of the word sang (blood) real (royal). The royal blood is a reference to the descendants of Jesus Christ (and Mary Magdalene) in France.

The Merovingians-The family usually associated with the “grail” bloodline is the Merovingian Dynasty. The Merovingians were known as the ‘long haired” kings. For some reason, like Samson (and Jesus) who was a Nazarite, the Merovingians did not cut their hair. The last real Merovingian king, Dagobert, was murdered. Another Merovingian king Childeric, had his hair cut publicly to shame him. He was then imprisoned by the pope and died a few years later. After this the Carolingians (ancestors of Charlemagne) usurped the throne. This was supposed to have been then end of the line. The line is still supposed to secretly exist. This secret was said to have been known to the Knights Templar and a more hidden group called the Priory of Sion.

Shrines, Temples, and Prophets- Various so called secret societies and/or fraternal organizations use names that are in reference to religion or Middle Eastern culture. The use of words such as shrine, for example, refers to a type of a place of worship that is usually used for relics. The term temple usually refers to a type of a church or even synagogue, and prophet refers to some type of a sage or seer who warns about things to come or also a religious leader.

Joan of Arc- St. Joan of Arc- b.1412 died 1431. The Maid of Orleans. Joan (Jeanne) was not from a town called Arc; she was from the county of Champagne. She lived during the era of the Hundred Years War (between France and England). This part of the war was caused by a claim of the English king to the French throne. Joan claimed that she heard voices that told her about the fate of France, how she must lead an army against the English, and help to crown the dauphin (heir to the throne of France). She eventually made her way to the court of the dauphin and presented herself there. She told her story and asked to speak with the heir to the French throne. The dauphin was in disguise and Joan recognized him anyway. It is said that she whispered some secret into his ear, and he sent her to theologians who deemed her to be legitimate. She was entrusted to lead 7,000 men. Joan was very successful at the Battle of Orleans where the English were defeated. After this she pushed for the crowning of the dauphin Charles VII. Her mission was completed and by this time she had predicted her own defeat. She was captured by the English and burned as a heretic in 1431.

Joan was said to be a simple peasant girl. Yet, she was able to find a way to get to the dauphin, disclose a secret to him, win a battle against the English, and included Rene de Anjou as one of her entourage. Joan was born in Champagne, the territory of Hugh de Champagne, who was a Knights Templar. Rene de Anjou is also associated with the Templars and also said to be a descendent of the Merovingians. Hugh de Payens the founder of the Knights Templar was also from Champagne as was Bernard of Clairvaux. Bernard of Clairvaux was responsible for making the Templars a legitimate order. The name Joan is the feminine of John (Jean in French). There are some that believe that she was either illegitimate royalty, part of a secret society, or both. Remember that Joan was not from Arc. The word arc means the same as arch and therefore refers to a bow, such as the rainbow. In Greek myth, Iris is the goddess of the rainbow, and is the messenger of the gods. The name Joan of Arc could have been a code name or pseudonym for some type of a messenger. She did whisper some secret message into the future kings ear. If she was really secretly a noble, then this would explain why she was given up to the English. She may have been a threat to the French throne.

Freemasons- A so called secret society. Freemasons are a fraternal organization that is supposed to work toward self improvement of the individual. The masons are not actually a secret, because their existence is in plain view and is not a secret. The earliest masons were actually builders. Then freemasonry developed into a way to actually “build” as better person.

Order of Golden Dawn- An esoteric organization founded in the late 19th century. Membership in Golden Dawn worked like that of a fraternal organization. There were different levels for the initiate to aspire to.

Ordo Templi Orientis- Also known as the “Order of the Temple in the East”. The “temple” is a belief system much like freemasonry. The goal is the spiritual development of the person. It is also associated with the philosophy of Thelema.

Thelema- Thelema is systems of beliefs based upon the tenets of “do what thou will”. This is associated with the Wiccan belief of “an ye harm no one do what thou wilt”. Yet, it only states “do what thou will” and does not mention the not harming anyone part.

The Silver Chalice- The Cup that held Christ’s blood. It is also associated with the Holy Grail. The Chalice is a cup; the Grail is the bloodline secret.

The Chalice Well- A sacred well in Glastonbury, England. The Silver Chalice is supposed to buried there.

The Spear of Destiny- The spear of the Roman soldier Longinus who stabbed Jesus in the side to prove he was dead. During the Third Reich, Nazi occultist and scientist searched for the spear. According to legend whoever possesses the spear will gain world power.

The Illuminati- The alleged secret society that is the head of all other secret organizations. The Illuminati are supposed to run world events from behind the scenes.

Notre Dame de Lumiere- Our Lady of the Light ( Illumination, Enlightenment, Lumination) who is worshiped in parts of France. Similar to Lady Liberty.

The Hellfire Club- The Hellfire club was an exclusive club for members of the upper classes and elites in England. The club was founded in the 1700's. The club was created for gentlemen of rank only and was a way for them to let loose. The club promoted hedonism. Their motto was “Do what thou will” just like that of Thelema and a little like Wicca. It was rumored that they practiced the occult arts.

Demi-Gods and “Lucifer’s Descendants”- In Greek mythology Zeus and the other gods regularly fell in love with mortals. From these unions came demi-gods and heroes, such as Perseus. In Genesis Ch.6:4. The sons of god saw the daughters of man were fair and took wives of all they chose...When the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown”. The sons of god, which means “the angels” including Lucifer were earth bound, became flesh, and copulated with human females and gave birth to a race of semi-divine heroes, rulers, etc. Does this also mean that demi-gods such as Hercules really existed?

The Crusades- The word crusade means “to take up the cross” or “path of the cross” and go to war to defend Christendom. During the Middle Ages anti-Semitism was rampant. Both Jews and Muslims were persecuted. The crusade was against the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Abraham. Yet, the Crusades brought back many innovations to Europe. At this time Europe became familiar with sugar, spices, various oils, incense, and fabrics such as silk and damask. Another introduction was the lost Greek learning that would eventually bring Europe out of the so called Dark Ages and into the Renaissance. Durinfg the Crusades, the Knights Templar were first formed.

The Black Dove- Christo = Christ -pherre/ferre = bearer or bringer

-Columba = black dove (Columbus). This is what the name Christopher Columbus means. Some think it was a pseudonym. It is up to the reader to judge the Columbus story (discovery, conquest, slavery... ).

Baphomet- The head that was supposed to have been worshiped by the Knights Templar. Some say that Baphomet is Satan or even the god Pan. Others say that the word comes from Abufihamat, meaning father of wisdom. The wisdom part is correct, but the father part is wrong. Baphomet is a corruption of Paphomet (Paphos= the temple of the love goddess Venus) and (Maat/Metis= goddess of wisdom). Paphomet means sexual wisdom as in hierosgamos which is the ritual union of male and female into one being.

The Priory of Sion- A group that claims that some or all of their members are the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The priory is supposed to be the ultra secret society. They are said to have been the real founders of the Knights Templars. Some of their members were supposed to have been Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, and Sir Isaac Newton.

The Tarot and Playing Cards- The cards are divided into Hearts (cups), Diamonds (pentagrams), Spades (swords), and Clubs/Clovers (wands). They can be interpreted as follows Hearts/Cups = the Holy Grail, Diamonds/Pentagrams = the treasures of the grail and also a goddess symbol, Spades/Swords = Knights (as in Templars) and battles such as the Crusades, Clubs/Wands = wisdom, wizardry, knowledge, alchemy. The playing cards which were once outlawed by nobility were a code for the Bloodline of Christ.

The Grail Kings- The descendants of the keeper of the Grail; Joseph of Arimathea. After the death of Joseph, a series of his descendants called Grail Kings took the job of safeguarding the vessel by building castles to protect it. The idea of the treasure hidden within may have spawned the stories about “sleeping” and imprisoned damsels in distress. Joseph of Arimathea was said to have fled to France with Mary Magdalene and the rest of their retinue.

Nostradamus- Michel de Notre Dame (Michael of Our Lady)- A physician and seer from a family of Jews converted to Catholicism (conversos). He was allegedly a dabbler in the occult and Kabala.

The Thule Society- A secret society founded in Nazi Germany. They promoted the reconnecting of Germany’s pagan past. The society merged Germanic (Teutonic and Scandinavian) mythology with occult practices. Some believe that their goal was to use the occult to create advanced secret weapons.

The St. Clairs - A family of French descent that are allegedly descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

The Sinclairs- Scottish descendants of the St. Clair family.

The legend of Brother CRC- (Kristen or Chrsitian Rosencreutz) Early founder of the Rosicrucian movement. According to legend he was a German Monk who traveled to the Middle and Near East, the Holy Land, and North Africa during the Middle Ages. He supposedly gained some type of esoteric knowledge and the wisdom of the ancient mystery religions. When he returned to Europe, he sought to REFORM the old philosophies and religion. He chose 3 disciples who would eventually move on and choose 3 of their own students and keep the teaching of Rosencreutz secret for 100 years. CRC died in 1484, 1 year after the birth of Martin Luther the German monk who became the Protestant Reformer. Some say that CRC was a German aristocrat who was raised in a monastery. CRC is a pseudonym. Upon his death he was buried in a secret tomb. His body was found about 120 years later and on his tomb the words “ I will appear after 120 years” were carved. As if he knew he would be found in that span of time. Martin Luther as I stated was born 1 yr. After the death of CRC and was also a monk, a German, and a reformer. His symbol was the ROSE-CROSS.

*Rosencreutz = rosycross.

The Fama Fraternitis- The story of Brother Christian Rosencreutz and his travels in the east and northern Africa. He was said to have received some esoteric teachings in Egypt. When he returns to Germany, he chose some other monks who became his students. They established a brotherhood and then they went out to heal the sick. They held annual meetings. After a period of time, each one would choose another student/monk to be his successor. Each brother called himself CR and had to keep their group a secret fro 100 years and then they could reveal it.

Imperial Descendants- There are alleged descendants of the last Roman emperor still alive today. Some of these imperial descendants were supposed to have held land and titles in and around Rome. In the late 1800's a united Italian army representing the Kingdom of Italy marched toward Rome and entered the Vatican and confiscated the Papal lands and property. The Roman nobility sided with the Pope. They are known as the Black Nobility and today they still hold noble titles conferred upon them by the Vatican. Another group known as the Black Nobility are alleged descendants of the Holy Roman Emperors. Both groups are said to be in control of banking, secret societies, etc.

Order of the Dragon (Drakul/Dracula)- Also known as Order of the Defeated Dragon.The dragon was defeated by St. George. According to legend a pagan kingdom was terrorized by a dragon, and a knight (St.George) defeated and slaughtered the dragon. The story is basically a tale of the coming of a new culture and religion to Celtic/Druid Britain. Typhon and Lucifer are mentioned in the Bible (Rev. 12:9) as the defeated Dragon. The orders symbol is the Oroubos, which is a serpent “eating” its tale in an endless circle, and also the flaming cross. Vlad Tepes (Drakula) was a Knight of the Order of the Dragon.

Uther pen Dragon- King Arthur of Camelot. The word Pen Dragon, means son of the Dragon. Pen, like the Semitic -ben, -ibn, -bar all mean son of. Arthur may have been a member of the Druidry, along with Merlin being like a high priest and advisor. He may have been one of the first grail kings. They may have been trying to protect Celtic religion and culture.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux-A nephew of Andre de Montbard, a Knights Templar founder. He was also a Cistercian monk. St. Bernard help to write the Templar rule. He also pushed and put the good word in for the Templars. If it were not for him, they may not have ever become an actual recognized order.

The Chinon Parchment- The parchment was a document absolving the Knights Templar of the accusations against them. Allegedly, Pope Clement V decided to clear the charges brought forth against the order. The document never reached the proper authorities to King Phillip’s advantage. The Chinon Parchment was lost to history and centuries later, found in the secret archives of the Vatican.

Berserker- A totemic pagan Germanic cult among the Vikings. They wore bear skin shirts, hence the name “ber serk”. During battles Berserkers went into a frenzied ecstasy and took on the personality of a bear and fought like mad. The Anglo-Saxon hero Beowulf may have been a berserker. The Beowulf means bear. Beo = bee Wulf = wolf, the “bee wolf” is a name for the hairy animal that goes around bees and eats their honey- the bear

Chapter 3

We the People

Deism- The belief that God was like a clockmaker who wound up the universe and watched it “tick” without interference. Some of the founding fathers of the U.S.A., were deist, as well as Freemasons.

E Pluribus Unum-“From Many Come One”. It is supposed to refer to the original 13 colonies, and how they became one united nation. Some believe that it refers to one world government.

The Statue of Liberty- Some say it represents America’s quest for liberty by way of freeing the slaves. Others say it is a monument to freedom in general. Libertas is the pagan goddess of freedom and enlightenment. Her symbols are the Illuminated or lit torch (to light the way to knowledge), the crown (the rays of the sun and/or the queen mother goddess), and the book ( knowledge).

The Pentagon- The 5 pointed shaped headquarters of the Dept. of Defense. 5 is the number of the goddess, as in the pentagram.

American Independence- the 4th of July is the eve of the rising of the star Sirius.

Annuit Coeptis- From the seal of the U.S.A. It is supposed to means “ announcing the birth” but it also means “annual birth”.

Novus Ordo Seclorum - U.S.A. seal. The new secular order. A new world order.

The Eye over the Pyramid- The American dollar. The eye is the Eye of Ra the sun god. The pyramid represents knowledge.

Benjamin Franklin- Discovered electricity. He was rumored to be a deist, freemason, alchemist, and nudist.

George Washington -The father of our country. The first president. A freemason.

U.S. Coins- All figures on American coins are facing the same direction. On the nickle, dime, and quarter all figures are facing the words “liberty” or “In God We Trust”, yet Abraham Lincoln is facing away from the words “liberty” on the penny. Lincoln was rumored to have been part Black, making him technically not white. Both he and the Indian Sacagaweya are facing the same direction.

Cleopatra’s Needle- The generic name for 3 different obelisks. All 3 obelisks have a pyramid atop of them. The “needles” are located in New York, London, and Paris. They were given as gifts by the Turkish Pasha of Egypt. Some believe that they are evidence of the influence of Freemasonry upon world history.

Chapter 4

The Arts

Medieval Art- Medieval art is also known as Gothic art. The style of the period is represented by flat figures painted without any perspective such as shortening. Shortening refers to the way the artist makes the persons arms, knees, etc., appear to bend or reach backward into space. Gothic architecture is also known as the Flamboyant style. Buildings and cathedrals appeared to reach upward, had arched vaults and windows that had a tracing around them that looked like flames. The word flamboyant is derived from the word flame. The Gothic style was first popular in France and then it spread to the rest of the west.

Gothic Art and the Templars- Prior to the forming of the Knights Templar, there was little or no representation of Gothic art in Europe. After the Templars returned from the Crusades, they allegedly brought the secret of arched vaults and other techniques to France and the rest of Europe.

Rosslyn Chapel- As strange chapel in Scotland. It was dedicated by a member of the Sinclair family. The chapel depicts all types of plants including ones from the Americas such as corn and aloe vera. The chapel was built in the early 1400’s, before Columbus came to America.

Rennes Le Chateau- A village in France. It is said that a priest Berringer Saunier found something secret there and became rich over night. The legend has it that he found some documents that were harmful to the church and was paid off to protect the secret.

The Sphinx- The Egyptian Sphinx is a mystery. It is supposed to be the image of the pharaoh Kaphre or Chephren. It is neither one. The Sphinx is the lion goddess Sekhmet. According to legend she is the daughter of the sun god Ra. She led a reign of terror upon the land until Ra stopped her by giving her a potion to make her sleep. Sekhmet represents the ancient pre-pharonic culture of the Nile. When this culture ruled by high priestesses was overthrown, the image of the goddess was carved into the face of a male and lost to history.

The Mona Lisa- The most famous painting by Leonardo (Da Vinci). There are various theories about the painting. Some believed it to be Leonardo in drag, some that it holds a message. The Mona Lisa is Isis. Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius. He was known for writing in codes, in reverse, etc. The word Mona is the Germanic word for moon, and also the Greek word for a solitary unit (monas), also meaning alone or solitary like our only satellite- the moon. Lisa is another name for the goddess Isis. Therefore Mona Lisa = moon Isis. Isis is sometimes associated with the moon and fertility. The Mona Lisa is the “lonely Madonna” without a child. She is the young goddess neither child nor consort. The strange barren landscape in the background is a testament to this solitude. If Leonardo was a mason, Rosicrucian, secret Templar or member of the Priory of Sion, then he would definitely hide his worship of the goddess. What a better way, then to hide it from the Church in an obvious place that other goddess worshipers would recognize or notice.

The Last Supper (by Leonardo )- Leonardo Da Vinci was an alleged member of the Priory of Sion and also allegedly of Merovingian descendent. There have been allegations that the figure next to Jesus is not John the Beloved, but Mary Magdalene. The name Mary has its origins in the Hebrew name Maryam and in turn is derived from the Egyptian name/word Mary/Meri, which means beloved. The languages of Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic are all derived from ancient Egyptian. Thus, what was John’s title? Could it have been John-beloved or Mary-John? Therefore, the Beloved (= the Mary/Meri) is either a female sitting next to Christ or an effeminate looking man named John the Mary (beloved) or John the Beloved (the Mary). This John is sometimes thought to be the author of the Gospel of St. John. This “author” refers to himself as the disciple that Christ loved.

*Beloved = someone who is greatly loved, close to the heart, to be loved.

The Birth of Venus (by Botticelli)-Art always has symbolism. Heretical beliefs had to be hidden from the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church or face excommunication. The Birth of Venus is supposed to depict the arrival of Venus on the shores of Cyprus or Cythera, by way of a large shell (a fertility symbol) with cupids (or angels) around her. I do not ever remember hearing any reference to Venus or Aphrodite as being red haired. The red haired woman in most Christian paintings is Mary Magdalene. The Birth of Venus is actually a symbol for the arrival of Mary unto the shores of Gaul.

-Botticelli was supposed to be a descendant of Rene de Anjou, who was the “king” of Jerusalem during the crusades. Rene de Anjou was also a descendant of Godfroi de Bouillon, who claimed descent from the Merovingians (lineage of Christ).

Beowulf- The Anglo-Saxon tale of Beowulf was written around 900-1000A.D. and is a reflection of the change from paganism to Christianity. Grendel represents the pagans, and his mother represents the goddess. Beowulf = Christianity and the move from the Viking pagan Germanic culture. The tale of Beowulf is similar to the tale told by Ahmad ibn Fadlan in the story known as “The Eaters of the Dead” and the movie “the 13 Warrior” based upon the book by Michael Crichton. In “Eaters of the Dead” the characters name is Buliwyf and he battles cave dwelling goddess worshipers who are left over from a more pre-historic time, before male deity worship and the coming of Christianity. The literary masterpiece Beowulf is a story of religion. The Vendol of Crichton’s book may be an early form of the word Vandal.

The Iliad- The Greek epic poem about the Trojan War. Troy was called Illium by the Greeks, hence the name Iliad. The Iliad is a tale of the clash between the infringing Greek cultures on the cultures of Asia Minor. Later Asia Minor and the Aegean became the focus of Greek colonization. The characters of the Iliad are the early Greek and Mycenaean people.

The Odyssey- The Odyssey is a tale of culture and society. Odysseus becomes king of Ithaca by marrying a queen Penelope. While he is away, suitors seek to marry his wife in order for one of them to become king. At that time Ithaca may have still been a matriarchal culture. Odysseus represents the Greeks who marry into the culture and introduce the worship of Zeus.

-The Scribe

The sacred writing- In most civilizations writing began as a sacred art reserved for the priesthood. The priests usually dwelled within a temple complex and practiced ritual, rites, “magic” and were also teachers. Writing usually started out as some form of record keeping. The priests were employed to keep records of transactions, treaties, and to keep track of stock (grain, animals, etc.) Writing was considered to be the work of the gods and also as a divine gift.

Scribes- Scribes were usually young men who were either priests or were trained in the temple to be a scribe in service to a king or other ruler.

The Temple- The temple was a place of worship and learning.

Cuneiform- The wedge shaped symbols invented by the Sumerians as a means of record keeping. Cuneiform is believed to have preceded Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Hieroglyphs- The term hieroglyph is a Greek word that means “priestly” writing or sacred signs. The Egyptians considered the hieroglyphs to be sacred writing invented by the god Thoth (Djehuti), who is the equivalent to the Greek god Hermes. Hieroglyphs stated out as simple signs with a basic meaning (pictograph), to signs that represent thoughts (ideographs) and then ones that represented a sound (phonogram).

Chinese Characters-The writing system of China and the system derived from it used by either East Asian cultures. Characters represent sound, ideas, and others are pictographic. The character system was born out of a form of divination.

The Oracle Bones- The Oracle bones are the earliest representation of the Chinese character system. The oracle bones began as a tool for fortune telling or divination. Various pictographs were carved into tortoise shell or bone. The “spiritualist” asked the question and cast the bones and read the outcome. These pictographs began to be used as a form of record keeping and/or communications, and became the system that has been in used longer than any other “alphabet” system in the world.

Arabic- Arabic is a writing system from the Afro-Asiatic family of languages. Arabic is related to Aramaic (the language of ancient Syria and the Levant). The calligaphy of Arabic is derived or closely related to the Egyptian hieratic script.

Phoenician- Also known as the Roman alphabet. The alphabet that the Phoenicians are credited for is not really there own invention. They were powerful mariners and explorers, who sailed throughout the Levant, North Africa, and the Mediterranean as far as Spain. What we consider to be our (western) alphabet derived from ancient Egyptian pictographs that the Phoenicians borrowed from various cultures that had come in contact with Egypt. The very first letter of our alphabet /A/ was developed from the symbol for the horns of an ox. It eventually went into Hebrew a aleph and Greek as alpha.

The Greek Alphabet- The Greek alphabet was borrowed from the Phoenicians, then later borrowed and reformed by the Latins.

The Latin Alphabet- Borrowed from the Greeks by way of the Phoenicians.

The Runes- The ancient writing and divination system of the Norse and Germanic cultures.

From Aleph to Alpha (A)- The earliest form of our (Roman) alphabet was derived from Egyptian and later “Phoenician” picture writing.

The letter /A/ began as a symbol for an oxen or cow’s horns.

B began as the word for the symbol -beth, meaning house.

The letters /C/ and /G/ were derived from the symbol for a camel (gimel in Hebrew).

D came from a triangular like symbol for a door.

The letter /E/ comes from the sound -he, that represented a ladder.

The letter /F/ came from an old Egyptian animal symbol. It was first used to represent the sound u (or oo as in shoe). Then it came to represent the Greek letter upsilon (Y). An ancient tribe neat Rome decided to use the Greek (Y) as upsilon and used (F) to make the fricative (F) sound.

H came from a symbol for a fence like structure.

The letter /I/ originated as an Egyptian symbol that looked like a backwards open number 4, and another symbol that looked like an arm.

J and I are the same letters.

K comes from symbols for hand and/or bowl.

The letter /L/ started off as a lion and was simplified to a stick and eventually as the letter that we know.

M came from a squiggly line that symbolized water.

N came from another squiggly line that represented a serpent.

The famous Eye of Horus or the eye, eventually came to represent the letter /O/.

P came from the symbol for hook or fish hook.

Q comes from the symbol for a monkey and represented the sounds /K/ and /G/.

The letter /R/ comes from the symbol for a head called -resh. It started off as a head, developed into a backwards number 9, and the a backwards closed number 4, and developed an extra line and became /R/.

S came from the symbol for teeth. It changed to look like a /w/, then it appears that the /w/ was lying on its side, which changed it to a /z/ and then an /s/.

The letter /T/ started of as a mark that looked like a crooked letter /x/ and then it became /t/.

The letters /U/, /V/, /W/, and even /Y/ are basically all the same letter. The come from the same symbol that the letter /F/ was derived from; upsilon.

X was not a part of the Egyptian system and was most likely related to the combined sound /ks/, which is /xi/ in Greek. I came from a symbol that looked like a square divided in four parts.

The letter /Z/ Came from the symbol for a tree and originally looked like the letter /I/.

Chapter 5

The New World

What’s Old is What’s New

-language ties......

Teo/Teotl - The word for god. The word comes from the Uto-Aztecan Nahuatl language. The languages of this family were spoken from Oregon to Central

Mexico, and even as far as Panama. The languages of the Old World supposedly do not have any affinity with the New World (the Americas). Yet -teotl (teo) seems to have a common root with the Indo-European -theo, teo, dios, deus, Zeus.

The Aztec were a nomadic people. They were sometimes called chichimecs, meaning something like lineage of the dog, and also called he whose face nobody knows. They actually arrived in Mexico by a tribal prophecy. They carried their god Huitzilopochtli ( a statue of him) on their shoulders and did not stop walking until the saw the sign. The sign was an eagle devouring a snake upon a cactus. This was the symbol of their usurpation of the ruling class in central Mexico.

Teo means god in Nahuatl. It can be found in the name Teotihuacan (the place of the gods or where the gods created man). Also in Ometeotl (duality god), Huehueteotl (old fire god), and in the Toltec word Ometecuhtli (two lord).

The connection between the two reaches back to the Old World origins of the American Indians. The Asiatic ancestors of Paleo-Indians may have originated in the Asian steppe area and then later in Siberia. They probably encountered

Indo-European tribesmen there or those Asiatics who went north and west, became “Indo-Europeans”. The Indo-Europeans must have borrowed words or developed them from the Asiatics. There is no evidence of any real Indo-European languages prior to about 3000 B.C. If the word can be traced to Hittite, then it is Asiatic. Native Americans were already in the Americas before the existence of any real Indo-European language. It has already been “proven” that American Indians have origins or connections to Asia and the Mongoloid race. Other similar words are the Chinese Teh(virtue), Tao/Dao (way), Tai (highest or most high) as in Tai Chih Chuan= most highest reach boxing, Dai (great/greatness/vast).

Recent findings in northwest China show evidence of Caucasian remains. They date to about 1000-2000 B.C. around the time when the first Indo-European languages began to appear.

Quetzalcoatl (The White God)- According to some Aztec legend, the god-king Quetzalcoatl ( the Plumed Serpent) was a white man. He was born in the year 1 Reed or Ce Acatl, which only occurs every 52 year cycle in the Aztec calendar. The Plumed Serpent is also associated with the 52 year cycle of 1 Reed. Quetzalcoatl was supposed to have introduced all types of innovations to the Valley of Mexico. He was eventually deposed and later disappeared toward the east. He was supposed to return again in the cycle. When Cortes reached the Aztec-Mexica Empire, some said that Montezuma thought that he was the returned god-king. The Spaniards arrived in 1519 which in the Aztec calendar was the latest cycle of Ce Acatl (1 Reed). If you count backward 52 years from 1519 and so on you will end up with years such as 1207 and 1155 A.D. the periods when the Templars were active. The white god-king could have been a shipwrecked knight who became a ruler and worshiped as a living god. He was said to wear a white smock and the cross was his symbol. Another cycle date is 947 A.D. in which the original god-king was supposed to have been born. The Vikings were still active at this time also. And he was said to have ridden on a floating serpent. The floating serpent sounds a lot like a Viking dragon boat/ship.

Chicomoztoc- The 7 caves from which the Mexica, Aztec, Toltec, etc., emerged from. The number 7 is associated with divinity as in the on the 7th day God rested.

Aztlan- The legendary ancestral homeland of the Mexica (Aztec) people. The actual location is unknown. The Aztecs said that it was somewhere to the east. The east would be the Atalantic Ocean. The world Aztlan is related to the name Atlantis. Atl in the Nahuatl language means water and aztlanti means clear water. The people of Atalntis were supposed to be of various races who had crossed over back and forth to the land that lie in between the Americas and “ the Old World”. When it was flooded the ancestors of the Aztecs may have crossed over into what became the American continents. Regardless if this is true, what is true is that the Aztec were not native to the Valley of Mexico.

Aztec- The name for the elite ruling class at Aztlan. Not to be confused with the Mexica, whom historians, etc., call the Aztec.

Aztec Exodus- The exodus from the legendary Aztlan. The Aztec were made up of a mixed multitude of Chichimecs and other peoples such as the Otomi, the Alcolhua, the Tepanec, and the Tenochca. When they arrived in the Valley of Mexico, their tribal deity Huitzilopochtli forbade them to call themselves Aztec (from Aztlan) anymore and told them to change their name to Mexica.

Tenoch- “Aztec” leader who founded Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)

The divided Aztec split into the kingdoms of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco, like the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

The fall of The Mexica (Aztec) Empire- The “Aztec” Empire began with an eagle and ended with an eagle. The last ruler was Cuautemoc, meaning “falling eagle”. What’s in a name??

Zarahemla- According to Mormon tradition, an ancient city of the Americas located around the Maya area.

Nahuatl- The people and language of the Nahuas, which include the Mexica (Aztec), Toltec, Alcolua, etc,. The word is derived from Nahui = 4 and Atl = water, meaning that they may have come from across the water (land bridge, Asia, Atlantis ?)

Chichimec- Lineage of the dog. Son of a dog. Many natives of the desert southwest USA and northern Mexico claim to have Chichimec ancestry. Chichi means dog in Nahuatl. This may refer to Sirius the Dog star and some type of divine “stellar” ancestry. The Nahua, Maya, etc, were somewhat obsessed with the heavens.

-Tona- Nahuatl word for sun. It also means life force.

Tonal-day, sun


Tonantzin- Our mother. Compare the suffix Tona to Sunna (Sona)

Tonatiuh- Sun, Sun god

The Nahuatl word for sun is Tona and seems to be related to the Indo-European Sonna , meaning sun. In the Germanic languages there is sonne, sonna, sunne, zon (Dutch), and in Latin Sol.

Sunna (Sona)- the ancient Germanic goddess of the sun. In most cultures the sun is depicted as a male deity and females were usually associated with the moon. Yet, Tonantzin and Sunna are both female solar or creator deities.

Maya- Indigenous peoples of southern Mexico and Central America, especially around the highlands and the Yucatan Peninsula. Maya in the Nahuatl language means “hunger”, Maya in Sanskrit means “desire, hunger, illusion, distraction”.

Xibalba- The underworld of the Maya. It is not hell. Xibalba was described as having trees, cities, its own lords, rulers, and gods.

Mextli-The Nahuatl word for moon. Notice that mextli (pronounced mesh-tlee) begins with the letter /m/ and means moon. In most Indo-European languages the words for month and moon usually begin with the letter /m/. For example, Latin- mesis(harvest), mensis(month), Serbo-Croation- mjesic, Lithuanian- menulis, Czech- mesic, German-monath=month, Gothic-mena, Spanish mes = month, Old English-mona Monad = a solitary unit

Jaredites- According to the Mormon tradition, the Jaredites are descendants of the Biblical Jared from the time before the dispersal at Babel. The tribe of Jared was supposed to have sailed across the ocean and founded a civilization. This civilization was supposed to be in ancient America.

Nephites- Descendants of Nephi. They are supposed to have been part of the tribes of Israel. They left the Middle East in ships and landed in either Mexico or Central America. They created a high civilization, but in time were conquered by the Lamanites.

Lamanites- Descendants of Laman. The Lamanites are also supposed to have been descendents of the tribes of Israel. They also came to the Americas. It is said that Jesus Christ appeared in the Americas after his death and resurrection, to the Lamanites.

Mulekites- Descendants of Mulek a son of Zedekiah. Zedekiah’s sons died during the desruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Another group of Hebrews that fled to the Americas, they founded Zarahemla.

The Jaredites, Nehpites, Mulekites, and Lamanites are all supposed to be Hebrews and/or Israelites that fled to the New World in ancient times. They are said to be the Asiatic-Semitic ancestors of the American Indians. This may be true. It may explain the reason why some Native American tongues may share an affinity with the Old World (*see teo/theos). The traditional theory has been that the ancestors of Native Americans came to the Americas by way of a “land bridge” from Asia. This bridge may have just been one route. Their ancestors may have also come by boats from southern Asia. All of these migrations are supposed to have happened in pre-historic times. Yet, according to Mormon beliefs, there were also migrations of Semites from Western Asia (Arabia) in ancient times. This migration could have been a route from the Mediterranean and Northwest African areas to the Atlantic.

The Star- In the Nahuatl tongue the stem word for star is -cit. The stem can be found in the names Citlali (star) and Citlalicue (star cloak). In the Indo-European Sanskrit citra and citrasena are associated with the terms star, bright, and shining.

(Nahua) citla = star, (Sanskrit) citra = star, bright, shining

Quetzalcoatl- The feathered serpent. To the Maya he was Kukulcan (feathered serpent).

-The God- The god Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican deity. He represents the 4 cardinal points. His adversary is Tezcatlipoca (smoking mirror/obsidian).

-The Man/legend- Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl (one reed, our prince, the feathered serpent) was born during the period of 1 reed. This is a cycle that only repeats itself every 52 years on the Mesoamerican calendar. He was born into a prophecy. He was said to have been a benevolent and pious ruler. He outlawed human sacrifice and civilization flourished under him. The priest of another faction opposed him. They were adherents to the god Tezcatlipoca, and sought a return to human sacrifice. When ever I hear the words smoke and mirrors (Tezcatlipoca=smoking mirror), I think of tricks and illusions. The priest of Tezcatlipoca used all types of tricks in order to get Quetzalcoatl to sin. Finally, he lost his power, fled, and vowed one day to return on another 52 year cycle. The legend says that he fled into Central America and was called Kukulcan. Some believe that the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes was the revenge or return that he spoke of. Cortes’ arrival in Mexico (and the Americas) coincides with the cycle of one reed (ce acatl).

Aztec chroniclers may have used the legend as a way to explain their defeat by the Spaniards. This does not mean that they believed Cortes to be Quetzalcoatl.

-The Islands of the New World

Melos- Melos is the Greek word for music and it also means melody. In Hawaiian mele means to sing.

Kauma-The Greek word meaning heat The Hawaiian equivalent to kauma is kau. Kauma is most likely related to the word -Kam(Cham) which also means heat and also black.

Mahina- The Hawaiian word for month and it may be related to the Greek word for moon, which is men. Compare to the Indo-European derived words for month and moon such as monath, mes, mjesic, mona, menulis.

Aloha- The Hawaiian word for hello, goodbye, peace, love, etc. Compare to the Hebrew word Eloha, Elohenu, and Elohim meaning god or deity.

Aeto- The Hawaiian word for eagle. The Greek word for eagle is aetos.

Chapter 6

Numbers and Symbols

The serpent- The serpent is found in many cultures. It is the symbol of knowledge, power, healing, and magic.

The Dragon- The dragon in many cultures is a symbol of health, power, knowledge, and fortune. In other cultures it is considered a diabolical symbol.

Santa Claus- Father Christmas. “Old St. Nick” is a combination of two legends/myths. 1) St. Nicholas was a wealthy young man who gave his money to charity, and eventually became the Bishop of Myra. He was said to have provided dowries for a poor man who had 3 daughters. He was born somewhere around Asia Minor (Turkey) and is not of European origin. 2) In Nordic legend he was a wizard or a magician who rewarded good children with presents, and punished bad ones. The two legends were merged to create our modern version called St. Nicholas/Santa Claus. St. Nick was martyred in the month of December. Hence the association with Christmas.

Jack O’Lantern- This goes back to Scotch-Irish legends about a trickster named “stingy Jack”. He was said to be a mean drunk, lazy, stingy, and one of the best tricksters that ever lived. He played tricks on people all of the time. He even tricked the Devil into climbing a tree, and put crucifixes all around so that the Devil was stuck in the tree. The devil pleaded to get down and made a deal with Jack. He wanted to keep his own soul when he died, and did not want to turn it over to the Devil. The Devil agreed, as long as he could get back to his normal “routine”. When Jack died, he met an angel at the gates of heaven, and was rejected. He went to hell, but the Devil sent him back, due to their deal. He had to walk around limbo forever in the dark. He pleaded with the Devil for light, and was tossed a spark from an ember. He placed it in a hollow pumpkin and kept as his lantern forever.

* the Irish originally used potatoes or turnips. They used pumpkins in America.

Ankh- Also called the Cruz Ansata and the Egyptian cross. This is the true cross. The ankh represents everlasting life. It is also known as the “Key to Life”. It is like a key that “opens” up knowledge for the true improvement of humanity.

Fleur de Lys- This is an ancient symbol, and is very popular in the French culture and other ones derived from the ( French-Canadian, Cajun, Creole, etc.). The word means flower of L’isa (Isis). The symbol can be traced back to lilies, which are another goddess symbol. The Fleur de Lis is also similar to the Egyptian Djet symbol.

The (Frankish) Merovingian Dynasty of France first used it as symbol of their royalty. They are the alleged family that is associated with the Holy Grail legends.

* The name Paris (as in Paris, France) comes from the original word Par-Isis or Parisidos and was named for the Egyptian goddess Isis.

Djet- Also known as the Buckle of Isis. It is similar to the ankh, yet the arms slant downward. It is also a representation of a type of a flower. It almost looks like an ancient version of the fleur de lis.

Caduceus- The winged staff that is associated with the god Mercury. Also a symbol for Asclepios, who was a human physician turned into a god. Because of this reason it is used as a symbol for doctors, medicine, hospitals, and healthcare. The staff also contains two intertwined serpents and wings. In esoteric circles, it represents Hermes or Thoth the god of magic, wisdom, science, and writing. Symbols such as this can be traced back to ancient Assyria, Mesopotamia, and ultimately, Egypt. They are usually symbols of knowledge, power, healing, and royalty. In many cultures the snake is a keeper of wisdom. In modern times snake venom has been used as anti-venoms and medicine. In some parts of Mexico, pulverized rattle snake is used as an all body healer.

Swastika- The ancient Indo-Aryan sun wheel. Represents the sun god. Also used by Native Americans.

Trident-The trident is a well known symbol in Greco-Roman mythology. The 3 pronged symbol of Neptune, Triton, and Poseidon. Trident- tri = 3 dent/dant/dont = teeth

The trident was once used as a symbol of Cristianity. Later, it became associated with the pitchfork of the devil.

Jolly Roger/Skull and Crossbones- An old Knights Templar symbol, that became associated with piracy.

Sphinx- The sphinx of Egypt has lions body and a human face. It was originally a whole lion representing the goddess Sekmet. When the earlier pre-pharonic culture of Egypt fell, the new civilization may have re-sculpted the face to depict its new ruler. As the new culture arose the worship of Sekhmet passed to her domestic sister Bastet the cat goddess.

Black cat/White cat-Black cats are usually considered bad luck. In reality it is not the cat who is bad luck, but the omen. The cat is there to warn you about something about to happen.

A white cat is a warning or a symbol of a spirit nearby.

Eye of Ra/Eye of God- The all Seeing Eye representing the sun during the day and the reflecting moon at night.

Rose- Goddess symbol. Fertility. Venus/ the Virgin Mary/ Isis.

Star-Goddess symbol. The pentagram. Same as the rose.

Hand of God/Hand of Fatima/Hemesh- A hand symbol prevalent in Middle Eastern (especially Jewish and Islamic) culture. According to Judaism it is the hand of God. According to Islam it is the hand of Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Mohammed. The Fatima hand is the hand of the Goddess replaced by a Judeo-Christian symbol for a male god. Fatima is also the place where the Virgin Mary ( the goddess) appeared to the children in Portugal.

The Ram- Virility. The Aries. The Sacrificial Lamb of God.

Three dots (tattoo)- Mi Vida Loca (My Crazy Life). At one time mostly popular with Chicano gang members. The symbol spread to other Latinos, members of teenaged urban clubs, cliques, gangs, etc,,.. of all races. Some say it means 666 or even KKK.

Comedy and Tragedy Masks (tattoo)- Known in the gang community as Smile Now/Cry Later. What it signifies is that you put on one face in front of your “homies” (peers), and show another more sensitive behind closed doors. It’s about not letting anyone know you cry, so you put on your other face.

Cross Tattoos- Usually associated with Chicano and later other Latin gangs. Yet, the tradition of tattooing crosses on the face, hands, and other body parts can be traced to Ethiopia and also southern Louisiana (especially around New Orleans).

The Horned Hand- A satanic symbol. The middle and ring finger bent, with the thumb holding them down. In high school friends of mine would “throw up” the symbol to show their appreciation for rock (esp. Heavy Metal) music. When formed by the left hand, it is an occult symbol.

The Moon Sign- The witches symbol. The index, middle, and ring finger bent. Thumb and pinky upward. Some use it to mean “hang loose” (surfers and locals from Hawai’i).

The Goat- Sexuality and wisdom.

Shamrock- From the Arabic word Shamrakh and the Gaelic word seamrog. The trefoil. Representing the mystical number 3, the triple goddess (Hecate) and later the Holy Trinity (according to St. Patrick). Similar to the Fleur de Lis.

Caves-The womb of the earth. Fertility rites and other rituals occur in caves. Opening to the center of the earth, the underworld.

Days- The days of the week also fall under the influence of planets and the gods.

Sunday- The first day of the week (not Saturday, check your calendar). Not the Sabbath. Named after the sun god (Sol=sun).

Monday- Named for the moon. The goddesses Luna/Selene/Artemis In Spanish= Lunes (from the Latin Luna=moon) French=Lundi.

Tuesday- Germanic origin. (Tiw’s Day). The god Tiw or Tyr (tower) a god of power and war. This day is also associated with the war god Mars. Spanish= Martes(Tuesday), French=Mardi (as in Mardi Gras= Fat Tuesday).

Wednesday- Germanic. Wodens (Odin) Day. Associated with the Greek god Hermes (Latin=Mercury),the god of communication. Spanish=Miercoles.

Thursday-Germanic/Scandinavian. Thors Day. Thor is the hammering god of thunder. He is also associated with the thundering god Zeus (Latin= Jupiter/Jove) Spanish=Jueves (Jove).

Friday- Germanic. Frigg’s Day. The goddess Frigg or Freya. Goddesses of love and fertility. Also associated with Venus. Spanish= Viernes (Venus).

Saturday- The original Sabbath. The 7th day of the week (check your calendar). Saturn’s Day. The god of time. Also known as Kronos/Chronos (as in chronology/time). Saturday in Spanish=Sabado. Notice the similarity to the word Sabbath.

Cards- Playing cards also have a mystical history in divination. Cartomancy is the official name for card divination. There was a period of time when the playing cards were outlawed. The nobility and the upper classes (in Europe), felt that they were corrupting the people. It is said that they did not want the common people to discover the hidden meanings and symbols of the cards. The cards are said to have come from Egypt by way of the Gypsies. Playing cards, have the same origin as the Tarot cards. The only leftover from the Tarot in the playing cards, is the Joker. The Joker is the Fool of the Tarot.

The Winter Solstice- Around December 21 the Sun is at its most southern point in the sky. During the solstice, the sun appears to “die” or stop moving. The sun is also followed or meets up with the 3 stars in Orion’s Belt, known as the 3 Kings. Orion is also known as the Hunter. Not very far from Orion, is Sirius (the Dog Star). After the sun dies in the constellation known as the Crux (the cross) around December 21-24th, it is reborn around December 24/25th and the star Sirius shows brightly in the eastern quadrant of the sky.

Solstice- Sol = sun Sistere = stand still Solstice means a time when the sun appears to stand still.

The Moon- The Earth’s only natural satellite. The moon affects the tides, weather, and also a womans menstrual cycle. The word lunatic is derived from the Latin word luna, meaning moon. In ancient times people were said to go crazy or to become wild during the full moon. Werewolves turn during the full moon. From our point of view, we only see one side of the moon. The side that we see is the “pock” marked face that is lit up by or reflects the light of the sun.

Look into the night sky and you will always see the same “rabbit” or “man in the moon” side. Strangely the other side does not reflect the sun. So when the moon appears not to be out, it really is. The dark side is turned toward the earth, so that it appears that the moon is not out at all. After the dark moon, the new moon appears.

666- The so called number of the beast. It was also the “address” of the Emperor Nero.

666 in numerology = 9 (6+6+6=18 1+8=9). Nine is the number for the war god Mars. You can also come to the number 9 by multiplying 666 (six cubed/6 to the 3rd power) and getting 216. 2+1+6=9. 9 is also the number of completion and totality. In ancient times it was rumored to be Nero’s address. Some believe that it represents a computer chip implant.

Numerology- A form of divination by using numbers. Numbers can allegedly tell about personality, auspicious days, years, etc,. Some periodicals feature a section on numerology. So the next time you read one, you’ll know how to add up your personal numbers.

In numerology you must add all of the digits and come up with a one digit number. Example- 23 would be 2+3=5. The number is 5. If your birthday is May 12, 1980 you would add it this way,

5(month of may) +12+19+80= 116 1+1+6=8 Or 5+1+2+1+9+8=26 2+6=8. Therefore, this individuals personal number would be 8.

Numbers are also said to have special powers.

The significance of each number is below.

Zero(0)- The unknown. Nothingness. From the void God created life. It is the basis for existence.

One (1)- One stands for totality. The oneness of god to man. The unity of existence. People born under this number are usually innovators and pioneers in some way. Usually very confident. The negative of this number is selfish and aggressive behavior.

2- Duality of male and female. Balance and harmony. Opposites. These people are usually protective and sensitive. Partnerships and relationships are important to this persons life. The negative side to this is a person who does not let go of anything easily, such as money, or even relationships.

3- The number of the trinity. Creativity. Associated with spring and regeneration. People born under the number 3 are usually very successful. Their negative side is arrogance and sometimes stubborn. The 3 is the number of trinities, the Maiden/Mother/Crone, and also the waxing/full/waning moon.

3 is a very mystical number.

Take any multiple of 3, such as 3, 6, 9, and add the various combinations and you will get the same numbers each time.

Ex: 3x9=27 2+7=9 333x3=999 9+9+9=27 2+7=9

6x9x3=162 1+6+2=9 6x3=18 1+8=9 3,639 x 9=32,551

3+2+7+5+1= 18 1+8=9

4-The cardinal points. The 4 seasons, 4 letter of God’s name, 4 letters (amino acids) that form DNA, and God uttered 4 words “let there be light” to create life. It represents the earth. Control. Structure. These people are also loyal and sensitive. They like stability and do not like to lose control. They can also be narrow-minded.

5- The number of the goddess. The pentagram. It stands for earth, air, fire, water, and spirit above all elements. The goddess (5) gives birth to man(6) who is made up of the elements (matter) and spirit (the divine).

People born under the number 5 are associated with activity. They do not like to be held back or restrained in any way. Also associated with education and communications. Yet, they are sometimes reckless and jump into things without thinking about them first.

6- The Hexagram. The number of man. The Sabbath (day of rest). Associated with feelings and emotions, love, and responsibility. Sometimes insecure, selfish, and jealous.

7- A holy and mystical number. God allowed man 6 days to work and a 7th to rest. 7 is the lords Sabbath (Saturday=Sabado in Spanish. Sabado’s root goes back to the word Sabbath). Seven is seen as a lucky number. The triple 7 (777) stands for the Holy Trinity. 3x7=21 2+1=3

This person may have psychic abilities or a strong intuition. The number of thoughts. They sometimes get their heads stuck in the clouds and let many good opportunities pass them by.

8-The octagon. A balance of material and spiritual. The octagon joins together the symbols of Earth (square) and heaven (circle).Success, attainment of the spiritual and material. Charming, wealth, social status, intelligence. Rebellious and domineering.

9- Completion. Order. Exploration. Perfection. These people are supposed to be very enthusiastic. They can sometimes be insensitive and impatient.

* special numbers are 11 and 12.

11- is the number of duality and regeneration.

12 - The number 12 is a double digit number that has a special history and meaning.

Chapter 8

Myths and Legends

-The Greco-Roman Culture

Gaea- The earth. The earth was the first of the created beings. She alone gave birth to the sky father, known as Uranus. Uranus and Gaea gave birth to the Giants, Monsters, and the Titans. Uranus hated his beastly looking children (the giants and monsters) and imprisoned them. Gaea waited for the time when one of her sons would usurp his fathers place and release her other children. The word Gaea is the root word for words such as geology, geometry, etc.

Uranus-Uranus is the sky. He was the consort of the earth. He heard of a prophecy that said that his son would destroy him.

The Titans- The children of the earth and sky. They were they first pre and early Greek gods.

Kronos and Rhea- The Titan children of Gaea. Kronos decapitates his father and becomes supreme ruler. He never releases his other siblings. Kronos' wife gives birth to 11 children and Kronos swallows them all up. He also fears that his son will murder him. While Rheaa is grieving and pregnant, Gaea tells her how save her last child. They plot to give Cronos a rock to swallow instead, while the infant is secreted away. Cronos swallow the “baby” and is content. His son is raised by a she-goat and grows to manhood. Zeus the son of Cronos returns and by way of an herb Cronos vomits up the 11 other siblings. They war against the Titans and the young gods win the battle.

The Olympians-

Zeus- The ruler of the Gods. Also known as Jupiter and Jove by the Romans.

Hera- The wife and sister of Zeus. She is the goddess of marriage. Known as Juno to the Romans. Juno was originally a separate goddess called Uni, borrowed form the Etruscans.

Ares- The god of war. Son of Zeus and Hera. Also known as Mars to the Romans.

Hermes- The messenger of the gods. He is known for being quick. His symbols were the winged sandals and caduceus. His counterpart in the esoteric world is Hermes Trismegistus. The Romans knew him as Mercury.

Poseidon- The god of the sea. The brother of Zeus. Known as Neptune to the Romans.

Hades- The god of the underworld. Known as Pluto to the Romans. His wife is the earth goddess Persephone.

Demeter and Persephone- Demeter is the sister of Zeus. She is an earth goddess. The Romans called her Ceres. The word cereal is derived from her name. Demeter had a daughter by Zeus named Persephone. She was alone one day and was kidnapped by Hades. He fell in love with her would not allow her to leave the dark abode. Demeter grieved, the crops began to die and spring never came. Demeter refused to allow spring to arrive as long as her daughter was hostage. Zeus finally gave in after he saw humanity starving and dying of cold. Zeus forced Hades to comply. Hades agreed, but on one condition. If Persephone ate anything while in Hades, she had to stay as long as many bites that she had taken. She ate 3 pomegranate seeds. She was released, but had to return to Hades 3 months out of every year (the winter).When she returns the earth is once again plentiful.

Mardi Gras- Mardi(Tuesday) Gras(fat/fleshly). Also known as Carnival in New Orleans. Carnival goes back to the Roman holidays and means “a farewell to the flesh”. Mardi Gras is the time to indulge in carnal pleasure before the advent of the Lent holiday. Mardi Gras is celebrated throughout the streets of New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana and other Gulf states. The various krewes who participate are considered by some to be secret societies, that practice rites and rituals. Most are benevolent associations. Yet, it is true that New Orleans is INUNDATED (flooded) with secret groups, societies, krewes,voodoo cults, cults, paganism and fraternal orders. Even some of their housing projects have classical pagan names, such as Calliope. According to Greco-Roman legends, carnival is also a time when the underworld is opened up and the goddess Persephone/Kore restores the earth to fertility/spring after the barren, harsh winter. Mardi Gras usually occurs after winter just before spring, as if to call the goddess back from the underworld. Therefore, Carnival is a time to party and indulge, while winter is time for self denial.

Artemis- The daughter of Zeus and the human female Leto. She is a moon goddess and also a huntress. Her twin is the sun god Apollo. She is Diana and Phoebe to the Romans. Also known as the virgin goddess.

Apollo- The young sun god. Son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis. Known as Apollo and Phoebus to the Romans .

Selene- The original Titan moon goddess. Known as Luna (moon) to the Romans.

Helios- The Titan sun god. Sol (sun) to the Romans.

Hyperion- The Titan sun god father of Helios.

Aphrodite- The goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite was supposed to be the daughter of Zeus and a Titan by the name of Dione. Later, she is the daughter of Zeus and sometimes Uranus. She arrived full born on the shores of Cythera near Cyprus. Aphros means born from the foam. She is called Venus by the Romans.

Eros- The god of love. The son of Aphrodite. He is known as Cupid to the Romans.

Athena- The goddess of wisdom and warfare. She was the daughter of Zeus and Metis. Metis was the goddess of wisdom and prudence. While Metis was pregnant Zeus swallowed her. He feared that she would have a son that would usurp him as he did to his father, and as his father did to Uranus. One day while dining at Olympus, his head began to throb uncontrollably. He begged for mercy, and asked for Hesphaestus to crack open his skull. Out sprang the goddess Athena full born. She had grey eyes and was wearing armor and a helmet.

Heracles- A demigod. He was half human and half god. He is the epitome of strength. He is known for his battles and labors that he performed. He is always depicted as wearing the skin of the Nemean lion that he slew. He was known as Hercules to the Romans.

Hephaestus- The god of fire and smith of the gods. Son of Zeus and Hera. He was crippled and walked around by way of two robotic creatures. He is known as Vulcan to the Romans.

Vesta- The goddess of the hearth. Hestia to the Romans.

Iris- Original Titan female messenger of the gods and goddess of the rainbow.

Dionysus- The earth god of wine. He is called Bacchus and Liber by the Romans. The word libation is derived from Liber.

-Legendary and mythological Africans

Ophren- The son of Abraham and Keturah. The African continent may be named after him. He is also known as the conqueror of ancient Libya.

Scota- According to legend, she was the daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh Necho. She married a Persian or Babylonian and settled in the British Isles. She is said to be the ancestress of the Scottish and/or the Irish people.

Kar- Black deity known across the world.Possibly associated with the Turkish word Qarah meaning Black. Sites such as Karnak in Egypt and Carnac in Europe are named for Kar. Kar is the root word for names such as Kore, corn, corazon (heart), etc. Kar may also be related to the name Kal or Kali, meaning black.

-related words

Qarah- (Turkish) black

Kali- Black goddess from India

Kalos- (Modern Greek) beautiful

Cali- black, hot, heat

Caliente- (Spanish) Hot

Calor- (Spanish) heat

Calidus (Latin) -hot

Kala- (Hindi) -black

California- Named for the Black Queen Kalifia (Califia).

Cham- another spelling for Khan (great ruler)

Cham/Kemet-Egypt, Ham the son of Noah

Chemes- Legendary settler and one of the founders of Egypt. The first alchemist.

Caledonia-An ancient name for Scotland. Remember that Scotland was supposed to have been found by a descendent of Ham named Scota. She was a princess from Egypt. Notice the prefix -cale, as in cali, kali, etc., meaning black.

Califia- Kalifia. Black Amazon queen of California. The legend of Calfia is based upon a story by Garcia Rodriguez de Montalvo written in about 1578. The story was called Las Sergas de Esplandian ( The Adventures of Esplandian). In the story, a race of black amazons live on an island called California. Many early conquistadores were intrigued by the story of the tribe and their riches. This led many an explorer to search for the mythical queen. Some believe that Califia really existed and was the head of a black tribe that live amongst American Indians in the Mojave Desert.

The name Califia is related to another name Kali, a goddess from India. The word Kali means the black one. It is coincidental that the Spanish author of the story would pick a name that correlated to the word black, as in Kalifornia and Kalifia the black queen.

* Some Spaniards reported seeing blacks already living amongst natives of the New World upon their arrival.

Danaus- Brother of Aegyptus (Egypt). He has 50 daughters called the Danaides. There uncle Aegyptus demanded that his nieces marry his sons. Their father rejected the offer and then changed his mind. He plotted with his daughters to kill their husbands. They all complied except for one of them, Hypermnestra. She married her cousin, and became the ancestor of Danae. Danae was the mother of Perseus, who married the Ethiopian princess Andromeda. Perseus is the ancestor of Perses, the legendary progenitor of the Persians.

Perses- The legendary ancestor of the Persians. He was the son of Perseus and the Ethiopian princess Andromeda

Aegyptus- A son of the Nile god according to Greek mythology. He was supposed to be black due to his proximity to the sun. His brother Danaus is the ancestor of the Greek hero Perseus. His son Lynceus married his cousin Hypermnestra and were the ancestors of the Greek Argives.

Colchis- Mythical city of wooly haired people who the Greeks mention in their myths. Colchis was supposed to be in the Caucus region around the country today known as Georgia. Georgia was once known as Iberia-Kartli.

Kar like Kal is a prefix meaning Black or dark.

Achaemenes- The ancestor of the Persians.

Persia- Persia was said to have been named after Parsu or Perses the son of Perseus and Andromeda. This would have given the Persians an Egyptian or Hamitic origin. Today Persia is known as Iran. The name Iran and the Farsi language show affinity to the Indo-Aryan language family. The original Persians became mixed with the Aryans who may have shown up in the area around 2000 B.C. Iran =Aryan

Tuatha da Danaan- A group of settlers who are said to be the ancestors of the Irish. The name Danaan can be associated to the Biblical Tribe of Dan and also with Danaus, brother of Aegyptus (Egypt).

King Juba- An African king. Juba was an associate of Octavian (Caesar Augustus). Upon the death of Cleopatra the 7th, he was married to her daughter, Cleopatra Selene. They ruled much of North

Africa, including what is present day Mauretania. He is said to have sent a fleet of ships out into the Atlantic Ocean to explore the region. His crew is supposed to have landed in the Americas centuries

before Columbus. This may be why some Spanish chroniclers reported seeing Blacks in the New World living amongst the Native American Indians.

*Mauretania (maur/Morris/Maurice/Moreno/morisco/Morocco/moro = Moor).

Moor= black, North African, Islamic West African, mixed Berber and Arabian.

Zwarte Pieter- From Norse and Germanic tradition. Zwarte, Schwartz, Schwarz, Schuartz and swarthy mean black. He is the Ethiopian companion to Santa Clause in Holland. He was slave that St. Nick freed from a market place auction. He was so grateful that he became his companion in delivering presents to good children.

Heth- The Hittites of Anatolia (Turkey/Asia Minor). From Genesis, a descendant of Ham.

Aesop (Aethiop)- Famous for his fables. Aesop is said to have been of African descent, hence the name Aesop (Aethiop/Ethiop=black faced).

Shabazz- An ancient African tribe, who is said to be the first tribe of humanity. Shabazz is also supposed the ancestral tribe of all African-Americans.

Sudan- The name Sudan comes from an Arabic word meaning “ land of the blacks” (bilead es sudan) also designating the land south of Egypt- Nubia. The word is therefore synonymous with “south” and “black”. The word “sud” can be found in a number of languages. For example in Spanish “South America” is properly called “Sudamerica” or “ Sud America” ( sometimes America del sur).This shows the Arabic influence upon the Spanish language. In Anglo-Saxon “south” is suth, in German suden and sud , Icelandic sudor, and Sanskrit surya = sun. Sud may trace back to the Egyptian swt/svt pronounced as sheut or seoot meaning shadow or shade = dark, which may be the root for words such as swarthy, and the Germanic svart, swart, schwartz, and suarte, which all mean dark or black and the German word schatten, meaning shadow.

Black Madonna’s- These are found all over Europe, especially in Poland and southern France. It is believed that the do not represent the Virgin Mary, but Mary Magdalene and St. Sarah (the Egyptian). The most famous is Our Lady of Czetechowa. These Madonnas are actually based on an ancient Egyptian prototype- Isis and the baby Horus. Isis is also a mother goddess.

Senior de Esquipulas- Image of a black Jesus worshiped in Guatemala. This image goes back to Maya times when one of its deities known as “the black man” was revered.

Tharbis- Moses’ Ethiopian wife.

Prester John- Mythological black Christian king of east Africa. He is supposed to be only legendary. Many European monarchs and explorers set out to find him to no avail. He may have really existed under a different name. It just happens to be a coincidence that East Africa (Ethiopia) was one of the early Christian kingdoms. Legend also has it, that Prester John may have been a descendent of one of the Magi that visited Jesus at the nativity.

Black god/kings of Mexico- The Olmecs. The Olmec heads of Mexico are supposed to represent kings or priest from a mysterious long gone era of early Mesoamerican history. They are considered the “mother” culture of Mexico, introducing hieroglyphs, the calendar, and advanced mathematics. They are always depicted with Negroid features. The heads have even been compared to various African statues. Some are even said to have tribal marks and “corn-row” style braids. Who ever they were, eventually these kings were overthrown around 1200 b.c. in some areas and later in others. Their statues were destroyed or vandalized by the native Indians of the area.

Ixlilton- Ix means black, shadow, or cloud in Nahua. Black god from ancient Mexico.

St. Elesban- King, hermit, and a saint from Ethiopia, who lived during the 6th century A.D.

Zeus Ethiops- A title of the Greek god Zeus. Ethiops means “black faced”. In Greek myths there are tales of Zeus vacationing with the Ethiopians. Also in the myths, Zeus and Io give birth to a son Epaphus who was born in Egypt. According to the Greeks, Egypt was a colony of Ethiopians. Epaphus was the ancestor of Danaus, an Arabian king.


1) Hamilton, Edith. Mythology:Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. 1969. Little, Brown and Company, Boston.

2) Ferguson, Wallace, K. and Geoffrey Bruun. A Survey of European Civilization, 4th edition. 1969. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

3) WWW.

4) Cavendish, Richard (editor) and Trevor O. Ling (consultant editor). Mythology: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. 1992. Little Brown and Company, UK.

5) Samoyault, Tiphaine. Alphabetical Order: How the Alphabet Began. 1998. Viking ( Penguin Books) New York.

6) Baigent, Michael, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. 1983. Dell Publishing. New York.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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