Graphic Design - Mr. Linn's Art Classes at GSHS

Graphic Design

Face Card Name___________________________

Objectives: be able to use fireworks tools to create the intricate patterning demonstrated by an authentic face card.


1. Image size W 8” x H 10.5” x 150 ppi

2. Card utilizes repetition extensively, like a real face card.

3. You may use, black, white, and 3 other colors of your choice.

4. 1st half of card is copied, and flipped vertically, then horizontally, to create a nearly symmetrical image when bisected by the X axis.

5. The card is recognizable as a king, queen, jack, or joker and includes the relevant letter and suit symbol.

6. Figure must be visible from waist up (not just a face), and include one arm/hand, which must be holding an item e.g. weapon, flower etc.

7. NO tracing or use of any graphics/photos from the Internet allowed.

8. No gradients, or prefab patterns from fireworks.

Standard 2: Students know and apply elements of art and principles of design.

|Advanced 4 |High Proficient 3 |Basic Proficient 2 |

|Design makes extensive use of intricate and|Design uses repeated patterns to add |More extensive or detailed patterning would add|

|detailed patterning to a degree comparable |interest, and could be pushed further to |interest to the design. |

|to that of a real face card. |match the level of intricacy of a real face|A tessellation is used but may appear forced or|

|A tessellation is planned and incorporated |card. |unnatural i.e. as an afterthought. |

|seamlessly in the design. |A tessellation is utilized, and/or may |Craftsmanship could be improved with more |

|Other elements e.g. face, hair, and hand |appear slight unplanned. |attention to detail in the other elements e.g. |

|demonstrate a level of detail and artistic |Other elements e.g. face, hair, and hand |face, hair, and hand. |

|sophistication consistent with that of a |exhibit detail. | |

|real face card. | | |

Be creative! Unique ideas and originality are encouraged.



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