Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 158, 31-37

Департман за хеми?у (научни резултати у периоду 2013-2016.) nau?nog rada?asopis, volumen, godina, straneKategorizacija rezultata, prema kriterijumima MPNTRNau?na oblast1A. Zarubica, M. Vasic, M.D. Antonijevic, M. Randjelovic, M. Momcilovic, J. Krstic, J. NedeljkovicDesign and photocatalytic ability of ordered mesoporous TiO2 thin filmsMATER. RES. BULL. 57 (2014) 146-151M21Hemija2I. Vukoje, T. Toma?evi?-Ili?, A. Zarubica, S. Dimitrijevi?, M. Budimir, M. Vranje?, Z. ?aponji?, J. Nedeljkovi?Silver film on nanocrystalline TiO2 support: Photocatalytic and antimicrobial abilityMATER. RES. BULL. 60 (2014) 824-829M21Hemija3M. Randjelovic, M. Purenovic, B. Matovic, A. Zarubica, M. Momcilovic, J. PurenovicStructural, textural and adsorption characteristics of bentonite-based compositeMICRO. MESOP. MATER. 195 (2014) 67-74M21Hemija4M.Z. Momcilovic, M.S. Randjelovic, A.R. Zarubica, A.E. Onjia, M.J. Kokunesoski, B.Z. Matovic,SBA-15 templated mesoporous carbons for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid removalCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 220 (2013) 276-283M21Hemija5Mina M. Medi?, Marija Vasi?, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Lidija V. Trandafilovi?, Goran Dra?i?, Miroslav D. Drami?anin, Jovan M. Nedeljkovi?Enhanced photoredox chemistry in surface-modified Mg2TiO4 nano-powders with bidentate benzene derivativesRSC Advances 6 (2016) 94780–94786M21Hemija6Marija Prekajski, Aleksandra Zarubica, Biljana Babi?, Bojan Joki?, Jelena Panti?, Jelena Lukovi?, Branko Matovi? Synthesis and characterization of Cr3+ doped TiO2 nanometric powdersCeramics International 42 (2016) 1862–1869M21Hemija7Biljana Babic, Aleksandra Zarubica, Tamara Minovic Arsic, Jelena Pantic, Bojan Jokic, Nadica Abazovic, Branko MatovicIron doped anatase for application in photocatalysisJournal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 2991–2996M21aHemija8J. Zagorac, D. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, J.C. Sch?n, K. Djuric, B. MatovicPrediction of possible CaMnO3 modifications using an ab initio minimization data-mining approachACTA CRYST. B 70 (2014) 809-819M22Hemija9Marija B. Vasi?, Marjan S. Randjelovi?, Milan Z. Mom?ilovi?, Branko Z. Matovi?, Aleksandra R. ZarubicaDegradation of crystal violet over heterogeneous TiO2-based catalysts: The effect of process parametersProcessing and Application of Ceramics 10 (3) (2016) 189-198M22Hemija10M.?Ran?elovi?, M.?Mom?ilovi?, M.?Purenovi?, A.?Zarubica, A.?Boji?The acid–base, morphological and structural properties of new biosorbent obtained by oxidative hydrothermal treatment of peatEnviron Earth Sci 75 (2016) 764DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5242-0M22Hemija11Svetlana Dmitrovic, Bojan Jokic, Marija Prekajski, Jelena Pantic Danica Zmejkoski, Aleksandra Zarubica, Branko MatovicSynthesis and characterization of spider silk calcite compositeProcessing and Application of Ceramics 10 (1) (2016) 37–40M22Hemija 12R.D. Micic, M.D. Tomic, M.Dj. Simikic, A.R. ZarubicaBiodiesel from rapeseed variety “Banacanka” using KOH catalystHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, 67 (4) (2013) 629-637M23Hemija13S. Randjelovic, D. Kostic, A. Zarubica, S. Mitic, M. MiticThe correlation of metal content in medicinal plants and their water extractsHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, 67 (4) (2013) 585-591M23Hemija14A. Zarubica, M. Randjelovi?, M. Mom?ilovi?, N. Stojkovi?, M. Vasi?, N. Radulovi?The balance between acidity and tetragonal phase fraction in the favorable catalytic act of modified zirconia towards isomerized n-hexane(s)OPTOELECTRONICS and ADVANCED MATERIALS - RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 7 (1-2) (2013) 62-69M23Hemija15D.V. Bojic, M.S. Randjelovic, A.R. Zarubica, J.Z. Mitrovic, M.D. Radovic, M.M. Purenovic, A.Lj. BojicComparison of new biosorbents based on chemically modified Lagenaria vulgaris shellDESALINATION and WATER TREATMENT, 51 (34-36) (2013) 6871-6881M23Hemija16A. R. Zarubica, M.S. Randjelovic, M.Z. Momcilovic, N.S. Radulovic, P.S. PutanovN-hydrocarbons conversions over metal-modified solid acid catalystsRUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 87 (13) (2013) 2166-2175M23Hemija17R.B. Ljupkovic,?R.D. Micic, M.D. Tomic, A.Lj. Bojic, M.M. Purenovic, A.R. ZarubicaReduction of Emission of Nitrogen and Carbon Oxides of Different Oxidation States by Using Biodiesel Produced over CaO CatalystOXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS 36 (4) (2013) 1232-1247M23Hemija18Lj.N. An?elkovi?, M.M. Purenovi?, M.S.Ran?elovi?, D.B. Mili?evi?, A.R. Zarubica, M.P. Miti?, S. Tomovi?Synergy of hydromechanical and hydrochemical parameters in formation of solid deposits in geothermal and other watersCHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING QUARTERLY, 20 (2) (2014) 197-206M23Hemija19J. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, A. Radosavljevic-Mihajlovic, D. Zagorac, B. MatovicStructural study of nanosized yttrium-doped CaMnO3 perovskitesBULL. MATER. SCI. 37 (2014) 407-416M23Hemija20R. Ljupkovic, R. Mi?i?, M. Tomi?, N. Radulovi?, A. Boji?, A. ZarubicaSignificance of the structural properties of CaO catalyst in the production of biodiesel: An effect of the reduction of greenhouse gases emissionHEM. IND. 68 (4) (2014) 399-412M23Hemija21Nikola Stojkovic, M. Stojkovic, M. Marinkovic, G. Chopra, D. Kostic, A. ZarubicaPolyphenol content and antioxidant activity of Anthemis Cretica L. (asteraceae)OXID. COMM. 37 (1) (2014) 237-246M23Hemija22M. Momcilovic, M. Randjelovic, A. Onjia, A. Zarubica, B. Babic, B. MatovicStudy on the efficient removal of Clopyralid from water using resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon cryogelJ. SERB. CHEM. SOC. 79 (4) (2014) 481-494M23Hemija23Milica Petrovi?, Miljana Radovi?, Milo? Kosti?, Jelena Mitrovi?, Danijela Boji?, Aleksandra Zarubica, Aleksandar Boji?A novel biosorbent Lagenaria vulgaris shell - ZrO2 for the removal of textile dye from waterWATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 87 (7) (2015)?635-643M23Hemija24A.R. Zarubica, D. Mili?evi?, A. Lj. Boji?, R.B. Ljupkovi?, M. Trajkovi?, N.I. Stojkovi?, M.M. Marinkovi?Solid base – catalyzed transesterification of sunflower oil: An essential oxidation state/composition of CaO based catalyst and optimisation of selected process parametersOXID. COMM. 38 (1) (2015) 183-200M23Hemija25A. ZarubicaModified nanostructured titania based thin films in photocatalysis: kinetic and mechanistic approachREACTION KINETICS, MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS 115 (1) (2015) 159-174M23Hemija26Sofija M. Ran?i?, Sne?ana D. Nikoli?-Mandi?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?, Sne?ana M. ?ori?-Veljkovi?, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Predrag Lj. Jankovi?Application of the reaction system methylene blue b-(NH4)2S2O8 for the kinetic spectrophotometric determination of palladium in citric buffer mediaHEM. IND. (accepted), 2016 OnLine-First (00):80-80, DOI:10.2298/HEMIND140821080RM23Hemija27Milos Marinkovic, Nikola Stojkovic, Marija Vasic, Radomir Ljupkovic, Tijana Stamenkovic, Marjan Randjelovic, Aleksandra ZarubicaKI/Al2O3 as heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel preparation: K+ key factor for catalyst efficiencyOxidation communications 39 (3A) (2016) 2606-2617M23Hemija28Milos M. Marinkovic, Nikola I. Stojkovic, Marija B. Vasic, Radomir B. Ljupkovic, Sofija M. Rancic, Boban R. Spalovic, Aleksandra R. ZarubicaSynthesis of biodiesel from sunflower oil over potassium loaded alumina as heterogeneous catalyst: the effect of process parametersHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA (2016) DOI:10.2298/HEMIND150807001MM23Hemija29Vasic Marija B., Randjelovic Marjan S., Mitrovic Jelena Z., Stojkovic Nikola I., Matovic Branko Z., Zarubica Aleksandra R.Decolorization of crystal violet over TiO2 and TiO2 doped with zirconia photocatalystsHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA (2016) DOI:10.2298/HEMIND160521036VM23Hemija30Marjan S. Ran?elovi?, Milovan M. Purenovi?, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Milo? M. Kosti?, Radomir B. Ljupkovi?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Dobijanje biosorbenata hemijsko-termickom modifikacijom treseta i primena u preciscavanju vodaZbornik radova Tehnolo?kog fakulteta u Leskovcu, 20 (2011), 44–51, ISSN 0352-6542, UDK 622.331:541.183:628.161.2M52Hemija31Dragana Z. Markovi?, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Goran S. Nikoli?Novi eko-kompoziti za imobilizaciju biosorbenata – tehnolo?ki procesi i testiranjaSAVREMENE TEHNOLOGIJE 3 (2) (2014) 116-134M52HemijaAleksandra ZarubicaSurface properties and memory effect – key factors in determining the catalytic efficiency of sulfated zirconiaADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 4 (1) (2015) 16-25.M52HemijaT. Stamenkovic, M. Petrovic, T. Andjelkovic, A. ZarubicaPesticidi - Fotoliza i fotokatalizaHEMIJSKI PREGLED 54 (3) (2013) 66-74M53HemijaZarubica Aleksandra R., Randjelovi? Marjan S., Stojkovi? Nikola I., Vasi? Marija B., Marinkovi? Milo? M.Photocatalytic decomposition of selected organic dye with TiO2 and M-modified TiO2 catalystsSOE DAAD Annual Meeting, From molecules to Functionalized Materials, Cluj-Napoca, October 2013M32HemijaA. Zarubica, Radosav Mi?i?, Aleksandar Boji?, Marjan Randjelovi?, Milan Mom?ilovi?, Radomir Ljupkovi?Biofuel from rapeseed oil by using homogeneous catalysisInternational Science Conference, Reporting for Sustainability, 7th – 10th May, 2013, Be?i?i, Montenegro, 149 – 153M33HemijaA. Zarubica, M. Vasic, M. Marinkovic, N. Stojkovic, J. NedeljkovicPhotocatalytic decolorisation of selected organic dyes by mesoporous TiO2 thin films12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, 22-26 September 2014, C-16-P, 280-283M33HemijaMarinkovi?, Milo? M., Stojkovi?, Nikola I., Vasi?, Marija B., Randjelovi?, Marjan S., Zarubica, Aleksandra R.The influence of various reaction parameters over alumina as support with base promoter on the activity in the transesterification reaction of sunflower oilSOE DAAD Annual Meeting, From molecules to Functionalized Materials, October 2013, Cluj-Napoca, (CD ROM)M34HemijaStojkovi?, Nikola I., Vasi?, Marija B., Marinkovi?, Milo? M., Randjelovi?, Marjan S., Zarubica, Aleksandra R.Influence of different parameters on the activity of sulfated zirconia catalyst in the reaction of transesterification of sunflower oilSOE DAAD Annual Meeting, From molecules to Functionalized Materials, October 2013, Cluj-Napoca, (CD ROM)M34HemijaM. Randjelovic, M. Purenovic, J. Purenovic, A. Zarubica, M. Momcilovic, B. MatovicInfluence of microalloying elements on the surface acidic-base and structural characteristics of ceramics obtained by sintering of aluminosilicate based composite particles2nd Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society, 5-7 June, 2013, Belgrade, P-28, 76M34HemijaJ. Zagorac, D. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, B. MatovicInvestigation of possible tilt systems in CaMnO3 perovskite using an ab initio approach2nd Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society, 5-7 June, 2013, Belgrade, P-49, 93M34HemijaB. Babic, A. Zarubica, T. Minovic Arsic, J. Pantic, B. Jokic, N. Abazovic, B. MatovicSynthesis, characterization and application of nanostructured iron-doped titania3rd Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 15-17 June, 2015, Belgrade, P-6, 81M34HemijaS. Dmitrovic, A. Zarubica, B. MatovicSpider silk based materials3rd Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 15-17 June, 2015, Belgrade, P-32, 103M34HemijaJ. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, D. Zagorac, M. Rosic, B. MatovicDoping effect on coordination number in CaMnO3 perovskites3rd Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 15-17 June, 2015, Belgrade, P-59, 128M34HemijaVasi?, Marija B., Stojkovi?, Nikola I., Marinkovi?, Milo? M., Randjelovi?, Marjan S., Radulovi?, Niko S., Zarubica, Aleksandra R.Process parameters affecting TiO2 photo-catalytic activity6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection, EnviroChem, May 21-24, 2013, Vr?ac, Serbia, 344-345, ISBN: 978-86-7132-052-8M63HemijaNikola Stojkovic, Marko Andjelkovic, Aleksandra Radovanovic, Aleksandra Zarubica, Blaga RadovanovicEnergetic potential of grape by-productsEnviroChem, June 9-12, 2015, Palic, Serbia, 366-367M63HemijaNikola Stojkovic, Marko Andjelkovic, Vladimir Radovanovic, Ana Milenkovic Andjelkovic, Blaga Radovanovic, Aleksandra ZarubicaThe use of grape waste for obtaining antioxidant and antimicrobial agentsEnviroChem, June 9-12, 2015, Palic, Serbia, 368-369M63HemijaNikola Stojkovic, Marija Vasic, Milos Marinkovic, Aleksandra Radovanovic, Aleksandra Zarubica, Blaga RadovanovicPhotocatalytic decolourisation of selected dyes by TiO2 thin filmsEnviroChem, June 9-12, 2015, Palic, Serbia, Appendix, 3-4M63HemijaE. T. Peceva-Marinkovic, Z. M. Grahovac, S. S. Mitic, A. N. Pavlovic, A. S. Miletic, I.D.R. MisicDevelopment and validation of kinetic spectrophotometric method for herbicide bromacile determination in baby juice samplesOxidation Communications 37(4), 975–984 2014.M23HemijaJovana N. Veljkovi?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Jelena M. Brcanovi?, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovi?, Milan N. Miti?Differentiation of black, green, herbal and fruit bagged teas based on multi-element analysis using inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometryChemical papers 70 (4) 488–494 (2016)M23HemijaIvana Ra?i? Mi?i?, Gordana Mileti?, Sne?ana Miti?, Milan Miti?, Emilija Pecev-Marinkovi?A simple method for the ampicilin determination in pharmaceuticalsn and human urineChem. Pharm. Bull., 61(9), 913-919, 2013M22HemijaMilena Nikolic, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Snezana Mitic, Snezana Tosic, Emilija Pecev Marinkovic, Miodrag ?or?evic and Ruzica MicicOptimization and validation of an inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry method for macro- and trace element determination in berry fruit samplesAnalytical Methods, 8, 4844-4852,2016M22HemijaSne?ana B. To?i?, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Dragan S. Velimirovi?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovi?Elemental composition of edible nuts: fast optimimization and validation procedure of an ICP-OES methodJournal of Science,Food and Agriculture, 95(11), 2271-2278,2015M21HemijaIvana Rasic Misic, Emilija Pecev-MarinkovicLead-a preanalytical/analytical variable in clinical chemistryFacta universitatis, Series Physics, Chemistry, Technology Vol 12, issue 1, 2014, 73-86M52HemijaAna S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Milan B. Stojkovi?,Kinetic spectrophotometric determination od 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid based on its inhibitory effect the oxidation of sulfanilic acid by hydrogen peroxideAdvanced Technologies, 4(1), 78-83, 2015M52HemijaAna S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Ivana D Ra?i? Mi?i?Development and validation of kinetic and HPLC method for herbicide atrazine determination24th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 52, September 11-14, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.M34HemijaAna S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Snezana B. Tosic, Ivana D Ra?i? Mi?i?Kinetic-spectrophotometric method for herbicide dicamba determination24th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 51, September 11-14, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of MacedoniaM34HemijaMilena Nikoli?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Milan Miti?, Emilija Pecev-Marinkovi?, Ru?ica Mici?Quantitation of antocyanins in strawberries24th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 96, September 11-14, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of MacedoniaM34HemijaAna S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?Development of Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Co(II) ions in the system para-nitrophenol-hydrogen peroxide23nd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 49, October 8-11, 2014, Ohrid, Republic of MacedoniaM34HemijaAna S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Ivana Ra?i? Mi?i?, Milan Miti?Determination of p-nitrophenol by kinetic method of analysis in water7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection, Book of Abstracts, 245-246, Jun 9-12, 2015, Pali?, Serbia.M34HemijaEmilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Ana S. Miletic,Development of kinetic-spectrophotometric method for determination herbicide bromacil6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection, Book of Abstracts, 330-331, May 21-24, 2013, Vr?ac, Serbia.M34HemijaEmilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Ana S. MileticRazvoj i validacija kineti?ko-spektrofotometrijske metode za odre?ivanje insekticida diflubenzuronaZbornik radova, 210-214, banja Luka, 2013.M34HemijaAna Miletic, Emilija Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora Grahovac, Sne?ana Miti?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?Тhe development and validation of kinetic-spectrophotometric method and HPLC method for herbicide 2,4-D detrminationBook of apstract, 105, 11th Symposium ?Novel Technologies and Economic Development“, Book of Abstract, 105, Leskovac, 23 i 24. October, 2015.M64HemijaEmilija Pecev-Marinkovic, Ana Miletic, Zora Grahovac, Sne?ana Miti?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Ivana Ra?i? Mi?i?Kinetic-spectrophotometric method for herbicide bromfenoxim determination in baby fruit juices11th Symposium ?Novel Technologies and Economic Development“,Book of Abstract, 87, Leskovac, 23 i 24. October, 2015.M64HemijaMilena Ivanovi?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Milan Miti?, Emilija Pecev-Marinkovi?, Jovana Krsti?, Jelena Mrmo?aninDetermination of total and industrial anthocyanins in raspberries grown in South SerbiaXXI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, Zbornik radova, Vol 21(23), 263, ?a?ak, Mart 11-12, 2016.M64HemijaM. Stankovi?, N. Krsti?, I. Slipper, J. Mitrovi?, M. Radovi?, D. Boji?, A. Boji?Chemically modified Lagenaria Vulgaris as an biosorbent for the removal Cu(II) from water.Australian Journal of Chemistry, 66(2) (2013) 227-236M21HemijaMaja N Stankovi?, Nenad S Krsti?, Jelena Z Mitrovi?, Slobodan M Najdanovi?, Milica M Petrovi?, Danijela V Boji?, Vladimir D Dimitrijevi?, Aleksandar L Boji?Biosorption of copper (II) ions by methyl-sulfonated Lagenaria vulgaris shell: kinetic, thermodynamic and desorption studies40(3), (2016) 2126-2134M21HemijaR.S. Nikoli?, N.S. Krsti?, G.M. Nikoli?, G.M. Koci?, M.D. Caki?, D.H. An?elkovi?Molecular mechanisms of beneficial effects of lipoic acid in copper intoxicated rats assessment by FTIR and ESI-MSPolyhedron, 80, (2014) 223-227M22HemijaR.S. Nikoli?, J.M. Jovanovi?, N.S. Krsti?, G.M. Koci?, T.P. Cvetkovi?, N. Radosavljevi?-Stevanovi?Monitoring the toxic effects of Pb, Cd and Cu on hematological parameters of Wistar rats and potential protective role of lipoic acid and glutathione.Toxicology and Industrial Health, 31(3), (2015), 239-246M22HemijaN.S. Krsti?, R.S. Nikoli?, M.N. Stankovi?, N.G. Nikoli?, N.V. Radosavljevi?-Stevanovi?Coordination compounds of M(II) biometal ions (Cu, Zn, Co, Mn) with anti-inflammatory drugs of the acid types as ligands - A ReviewTropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 14 (2), (2015) 337-349M23HemijaR.S. Nikoli?, G.M. Koci?, D.A. Kostic, G.M. Nikoli?, J.M. Jovanovi?, N.S. Krsti?A study of the protective role of lipoic acid in the case of acute heavy metal intoxication (Cd, Pb, Cu) through the activity of the DNase in the liver and kidneysOxidation Communication, 37(4) (2014) 1103-1110.M23HemijaR.S. Nikoli?, N.V. Radosavljevi?-Stevanovi?, T.D. An?elkovi?, M.N. Stankovi?, N.S. Krsti?The migration of some biometal ions in the system mineral tissue of teeth-soil and teeth-water mediumsJournal of Serbian Chemical Society, 79(11) (2014) 1395-1404M23HemijaR.S. Nikoli?, D.A. Kosti?, N.S. Krsti?, A. Trajkovi?, N. Stojanovi?A multidisciplinary approach to teaching metals as part of the elementary school curriculum in SerbiaNew Educational review,36(2) (2014) 95-103M23Hemija?.M. Jovanovi?, R.S. Nikoli?, G.M. Koci?, N.S. Krsti?, M.M. Krsmanovi?Glutathione protects liver and kidney tissue from cadmium- and lead-provoked lipid peroxidationJournal of Serbian Chemical Society, 78(2) (2013) 197-207 M23HemijaS.M. Stamenkovi?, T.Lj. Mitrovi?, V.J. Cvetkovi?, N.S. Krsti?, R.M. Bao?i?, M.S: Markovi?, N.D. Nikoli?, V.Lj. Markovi?, M.V. CvijanBiological Indication of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Areas of Donje Vlase and Cerje (Southeastern Serbia) Using Epiphytic Lichens.Archives of Biological Sciences, 65(1) (2013) 151-159M23HemijaM. Ne?i?, N. Krsti?, R. Nikoli?Bakar u ?ivom svetuHemijski pregled, 56(1) (2015 ) 17-22M53HemijaN. Krsti?, R. Nikoli?, M. Krsti?Biolo?ki zna?aj manganaHemijski pregled, 55(6) (2014) 154-157M53Hemija18.D. Milojkovi?, N. Krsti?, R. Nikoli?Biolo?ki zna?aj kalcijumaHemijski pregled, 55(3) (2014) 63-68M53M53HemijaNS Krsti?, RS Nikoli?Biolo?ki zna?aj magnezijumaHemijski pregled 56(4) (2015) M53HemijaVD Dimitrijevi?, NS Krsti?, MN Stankovi?, I Arsi?, RS Nikoli?Biometal and heavy metal content in the soil-nettle (Urtica dioica L.): System from different localities in SerbiaAdvanced Technologies 5 (1), (2016) 17-22M53HemijaMN Stankovi?, RS Nikoli?, DM ?or?evi?, NS Krsti?, MG ?or?evi?, JM Jovanovi?The application of micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in biomedical sciences: The investigation of biological mineral tissues and histopathological materialsAdvanced Technologies 4 (2), (2015) 53-59M53HemijaM. N. Stankovi?, N. S. Krsti?, V. D. Dimitrijevi?, R. S. Nikoli? and A. Lj. Boji?Adsorption of copper into sulfonated Lagenaria vulgaris shell – Preliminary studyProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 26–30 (2016).M33HemijaV. D. Dimitrijevi?, N. S. Krsti?, M. N. Stankovi?, R. S. Nikoli?, D. M. ?or?evi? and A. Lj. Boji?The preliminary biosorption investigation of copper ion by urtica dioica l. biomass materialProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 26–30 (2016).M33HemijaVladimir D. Dimitrijevi?, Nenad S. Krsti?, Ru?ica S. Nikoli?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?, Jelena Z. Mitrovi?, Biomass Urtica dioica L.-material as a potential biosorbent for heavy metal ions.IV Me?unarodni kongres "In?enjerstvo, ekologija i materijali u procesnoj industriji", Jahorina 4-6. mart 2015, 849-854.M33HemijaN.S. Krsti?, R.S. Nikoli?, M.N. Stankovi?, M.G. Nikoli?Spectroscopic characterization of the products of interaction of lactic acid and M(II) biometal ions: Cu and Co.Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 22–26 (2014) 156-159.M33HemijaM. Stankovi?, A. Miti?, N. Krsti?, D. ?or?evi?, R. Nikoli?, A. Boji?Preparation of cellulose acetate-montmorillonite composites for waste water treatmentProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 22–26 (2014) 937-940.M33HemijaN. Krsti?, R. Nikoli?, I. Kosti?, N. Nikoli?Ibuprofen and M(II) d-metals: Cu, Co, Cd microquantities interaction analysisEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50 Suppl. 1, 55-56, PP040 (2013)M33HemijaR. Nikoli?, N. Krsti?, V. Dimitrijevi?, I. Arsi?, J. Jovanovi?, M. Nikoli?, Essential biometals (Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn, K) in the tea mixtures for the treatment of nutritional anemia in the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia).European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50 Suppl. 1, 23-24, PP007 (2013)M33HemijaR. Nikoli?, T. An?elkovi?, N. Krsti?, A. Trajkovi?, N. Stojanovi?, S. Mi?i?, Multidisciplinary approach to teaching chemistry in elementary school.Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Develepment, 4-5 October 2013, Uzice, Serbia, 4-1 – 4-2M33HemijaJ.M. Jovanovi?, R.S. Nikoli?, G.M. Koci?, N.S. Krsti?, M.M. Krsmanovi?, G.V. Sredojevi?-Dugali?, Monitoring the effect of chronic copper intoxication through indicators of lipid peroxidation in tissues of internal organs.Proceedings of the 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16-19 October,2013, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 401-404.M33HemijaM.N. Stankovi?, N.S. Krsti?, J.Z. Mitrovi?, M.D. Radovi?, M.M. Kosti?, R.S. Nikoli?, A.Lj. Boji?, New method of chemical modification of Laganaria vulgaris biosorbent for improvement of sorption capacity.Proceedings of the 3nd International Congress Engineering, Ecology and Materials in the Processing Industry, Jahorina March 04 to 06, 2013. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 124-127.M33HemijaR. Nikoli?, N. Krsti?, V. Dimitrijevi?, I. Arsi?, G. Nikoli?, Comparative determination of toxic metals in plant species Thymus serpyllumm at different locations in the vicinity of Ni?.6. simpozijum Hemija i za?tita ?ivotne sredine – EnviroChem2013, Vr?ac 21 - 24. maj 2013, 336-337.M33HemijaLj. Rundi?, D.M. ?or?evi?, M.N. Stankovi?, M.G. ?or?evi?, N.S. Krsti?, Lower Miocene terrestrial sediments from the Vrdnik formation near Beo?in (Fru?ka Gora Mt., Serbia) – A preliminary geochemical data.The 5th International workshop on the Neogene from the central and south-eastern Europe, 16-20 May, 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. 53-54.M33HemijaM. Kosti?, J. Mitrovi?, M. Radovi?, R. Ljupkovi?, N. Krsti?, D. Boji?, A. Boji?, Biosorption of Pb(II) ions using xantated Lagenaria vulgaris shell.Proceedings of the International science conference Reporting for Sustainability, 7th – 10th May, 2013, Be?i?i, Montenegro.M33HemijaKocic Gordana M, Pavlovic Radmila M, Nikolic Goran M, Veljkovic Andrej R, Panseri S Chiesa LM, Andjelkovic Tatjana D, Jevtovic-Stoimenov, Tatjana M Sokolovic, Dusan T Cvetkovic, Tatjana P Stojanovic, Svetlana R Kocic H, Nikolic Ruzica SEffect of commercial or depurinized milk on rat liver growth-regulatory kinases, nuclear factor-kappa B, and endonuclease in experimental hyperuricemia: Comparison with allopurinol therapyJOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, (2014), vol. 97 br. 7, str. 4029-4042M21aHemijaMitic Zarko J Najman Stevo J Cakic Milorad D Ajdukovic Zorica R Ignjatovic Nenad L Nikolic Ruzica S Nikolic Goran M Stojanovic Sanja T Vukelic Marija Dj Trajanovic Miroslav DSpectroscopic characterization of bone tissue of experimental animals after glucocorticoid treatment and recovery periodJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, (2014), vol. 1074 br. , str. 315-320M23HemijaKostic Ivana S Andjelkovic Tatjana D Nikolic Ruzica S Cvetkovic Tatjana P Pavlovic Dusica D Bojic Aleksandar LjComparative study of binding strengths of heavy metals with humic acidHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, (2013), vol. 67 br. 5, str. 773-779M23HemijaAndjelkovic Darko H Nikolic Ruzica S Markovic Dejan Z Andjelkovic Tatjana D Kocic Gordana M Todorovic Zoran B Bojic Aleksandar LjA study of chromium interaction with O-donor humic-like ligands using electrospray-ionization mass spectrometryJOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, (2013), vol. 78 br. 1, str. 137-154M23HemijaSlavoljub C. ?ivanovi?, Ru?ica S. Nikoli?, Goran M. Nikoli?The Influence of Mg(II) and Ca(II) Ions on Rutin Autoxidation in Weakly Alkaline Aqueous SolutionsActa Facultatis Medicae Naissensis. Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 163–171, ISSN (Online) 2217-2521, DOI: , October 2016M53 ?HemijaDjordjevic Dragan M??Radivojevic Aleksandar R??Pavlovic Mila A??Djordjevic Milos G??Stankovic Maja N??Filipovic Ivan M?Filipovic SI?Preliminary geochemical investigation of karst barre from eastern Serbia Sokobanja basinBULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), vol. 46 br. 4, str. 771-776M23HemijaMiric Mladen??Djordjevic Dragan M??Djordjevic Milos G?Thermodynamic Properties of Environmental Gold Solders for Use in GoldsmithingREVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE, (2015), vol. 60 br. 4, str. 349-355M23HemijaMiladinovic Dragoljub L??Ilic Budimir S??Nikolic Dejan M??Markovic Marija S??Nikolic Nikola D??Miladinovic Ljiljana C?Miladinovic Marija D?Volatile constituents of Euphrasia strictaCHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, (2014), vol. 49 br. 6, str. 1146-1147M23HemijaMiladinovic Dragoljub L??Ilic Budimir S??Najman Stevo J??Cvetkovic Olga G??Sajnovic Aleksandra M??Miladinovic Marija D??Nikolic Nikola D?Antioxidative responses to seasonal changes and chemiluminescence assay of Astragalus onobrychis leaves extractCENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, (2013), vol. 11 br. 2, str. 123-132M23HemijaM.N. Stankovi?, V.D. Dimitrijevi?, S.B. To?i?, M. Cvetkovi?, R.S. Nikoli?, D.M. Djordjevi?Chemical characterization of electrode waste remaining after hot dip galvanizationIV International Congress “Engineering, environment and materials in processing industry”, 04-06. mart 2015, Jahorina, Bosnian and Hercegovina, p. 587-590M33HemijaZlatkovic, Dragan; Radulovic, Niko S.Reduction of Biginelli compounds by LiAlH4: a rapid access to molecular diversityRSC Advances, 2016,DOI: 10.1039/C6RA24535HM-21HemijaMladenovic, Marko Z.; Radulovic, Niko S.The essential oil of Achillea ageratifolia (Sm.) Boiss. subsp. serbica (Nyman) Heimerl (Asteraceae) revisited: the stereochemical nomenclature issues, structural elucidation and synthesis of (new) sabinyl estersFlavour and Fragrance Journal, 2016,DOI: 10.1002/ffj.3338M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Nesic, Milan S.Diverse acetals from stoichiometric amounts of aldehydes and alcohols under very mild conditions: a new twist to PPh3-CCl4 reagent combinationRSC Advances, 6(95), 2016, 93068-93080.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Djordjevic, Miljana R.; Blagojevic, Polina D.Structural revision of aristol: a fresh look at the oxidative coupling of thymol under iodination conditionsRSC Advances, 6(73), 2016, 69067-69082.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Filipovic, Sonja I.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Djordjevic, Miljana R.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Mitic, Katarina V.; Jevtovic-Stoimenov, Tatjana M.; Randjelovic, Vladimir N.Immunomodulatory pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Porellaceae): the "new old" furanopinguisanol and its oxidation product exert mutually different effects on rat splenocytesRSC Advances, 6(48), 2016, 41847-41860.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Dordevic, Miljana R.; Dekic, Milan S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.Chemical composition of the essential oil and diethyl ether extract of Trinia glauca (L.) Dumort. (Apiaceae) and the chemotaxonomic significance of 5-O-methylvisamminolChemistry & Biodiversity, 13(4), 2016, 403-415.M-22HemijaVukicevic, Dusan R.; Stevanovic, Dragana D.; Gencic, Marija S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.Essential oil constituents and alkanes of Cephalaria ambrosioides Roem. & Schult. (family Caprifoliaceae, subfamily Dipsacaceae) and (chemo)taxonomic discernment of the subfamilies Dipsacaceae and MorinaceaeChemistry & Biodiversity, 13(2), 2016, 198-209.M-22HemijaGlisic, Biljana Dj.; Hoffmann, Marcin; Warzajtis, Beata; Gencic, Marija S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Milos I.Selectivity of the complexation reactions of four regioisomeric methylcamphorquinoxaline ligands with gold(III): X-ray, NMR and DFT investigationsPolyhedron, 105, 2016, 137-149.M-22HemijaStojanovi?, Nikola M.; Radulovi?, Niko S. Randjelovi?, Pavle J.; Laketi?, DarkoAntinociceptive Properties of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Other Hypericum SpeciesNatural Product Communications, 11(11), 2016, 1741-47.M-23HemijaRadojevi?, Ivana; Vasi?, Sava M.; Deki?, Milan S.; Radulovi?, Niko S.; ?eli?, Gorica T.; ?ur?evi?, Jelena S.; ?omi?, Ljiljana R.Antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects of extracts from, Trapa natans L., evaluation of total phenolic flavonoid contents, and GC-MS analysisActa Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 73(6), 2016, 1565-74.M-23Hemija,Farmakologija i farmacijaIlic Ivan R; Djordjevic Nebojsa P; Randjelovic Pavle J; Stojanovic Nikola M; Radulovic Niko S; Ilic Ratko SSeven-year survey of classical and pleomorphic invasive lobular breast carcinomas in women from southeastern Serbia: Differences in clinicopathological and immunohistochemical featuresJournal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology, 21(5), 2016, 1113-1120M-23OnkologijaIlic Ivan R; Ilic Ratko S; Stojanovic Nikola M; Mihajlovic Marina N; Randjelovic Pavle J; Radulovic Niko SEvaluation of pathological parameters and morphometric data of desmoplastic lobular breast carcinomaIndian journal of pathology & microbiology, 59(4), 2016, 463-468M-23PatologijaStojanovic Predrag; Stojanovic Nikola; Stojanovic-Radic Zorica; Arsic Arsenijevic Valentina; Otasevic Suzana; Randjelovic Pavle; Radulovic Niko SSurveillance and characterization of Candida bloodstream infections in a Serbian tertiary care hospitalJournal of infection in developing countries, 10(6), 2016, 643-56M-23Infektivne bolestiRadulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Stojkovic, Milan B.; Blagojevic, Polina D.New volatile sulfur-containing compounds from wild garlic (Allium ursinum L., Liliaceae)Food Research International, 78, 2015, 1-10.M-21Hemija,Nauka i tehnologija hraneDekic, Milan S.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Randelovic, Vladimir N.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.; Veljkovic, Bojana P.Essential Oils and Diethyl Ether Extracts of Serbian Xeranthemum cylindraceum and X. annum: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial Activity, and Chemotaxonomic ImplicationsChemistry & Biodiversity, 12(9), 2015, 1378-1397.M-22HemijaPinheiro, Mariana Martins Gomes; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Abdul-Wahab, Ikarastika Rahayu; Boylan, Fabio; Fernandes, Patricia DiasAnti-inflammatory activity of Choisya ternata Kunth essential oil, ternanthranin, and its two synthetic analogs (methyl and propyl N-methylanthranilates)PLoS One, 10(3), 2015, e0121063/1-e0121063/21.M-21Hemija,Multidisciplinarne naukeGencic, Marija S.; Radulovic, Niko S.Lanthanide-induced shift reagents enable the structural elucidation of natural products in inseparable complex mixtures - the case of elemenal from Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae)RSC Advances, 5(89), 2015, 72670-72682.M-21HemijaBlagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Skropeta, Danielle(Chemotaxonomic) implications of postharvest/storage-induced changes in plant volatile profiles: the case of Artemisia absinthium L. essential oilChemistry & Biodiversity, 12(8), 2015, 1237-1255.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Ilic, Ivan R.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Stojkovic, Milan B.; Ilic, MirjanaEffect of two esters of N-methylanthranilic acid from Rutaceae species on impaired kidney morphology and function in rats caused by CCl4Life Sciences, 135, 2015, 110-117.M-22Hemija,Farmakologija i farmacijaMiltojevic, Ana B.; Radulovic, Niko S.Structural elucidation of thermolysis products of methyl N-methyl-N-nitrosoanthranilateRSC Advances, 5(66), 2015, 53569-53585.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica; Stojanovic, Predrag; Stojanovic, Nikola; Dekic, Vidoslav; Dekic, BiljanaA small library of 4-(alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarin derivatives with potent antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal pathogensJournal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 80(3), 2015, 315-327.M-23HemijaPejovic, Anka; Danneels, Barbara; Desmet, Tom; Cham, Ba Thi; Nguyen, Tuyen Van; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.; D'Hooghe, MatthiasSynthesis and Antimicrobial/Cytotoxic Assessment of Ferrocenyl Oxazinanes, Oxazinan-2-ones, and Tetrahydropyrimidin-2-onesSynlett, 26(9), 2015, 1195-1200.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Dekic, Milan S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.Toxic essential oils. Part IV: The essential oil of Achillea falcata L. as a source of biologically/pharmacologically active trans-sabinyl estersFood and Chemical Toxicology, 80, 2015, 114-129.M-21Hemija,ToksikologijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Cakic, Nevenka D.; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Zivanovic, Ana V.Aboriginal bush foods: A major phloroglucinol from Crimson Bottlebrush flowers (Callistemon citrinus, Myrtaceae) displays strong antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activityFood Research International, 77(Part_2), 2015, 280-289.M-21Hemija,Nauka i tehnologija hraneMinic, Aleksandra; Stevanovic, Dragana; Damljanovic, Ivan; Pejovic, Anka; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.Synthesis of ferrocene-containing six-membered cyclic ureas via α-ferrocenyl carbocationsRSC Advances, 5(32), 2015, 24915-24919.M-21HemijaStevanovic, Dragana; Pejovic, Anka; Damljanovic, Ivan; Minic, Aleksandra; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.Ferrier rearrangement promoted by an electrochemically generated zirconium catalystCarbohydrate Research, 407, 2015, 111-121.M-22HemijaIlic-Tomic, Tatjana; Gencic, Marija S.; Zivkovic, Milena Z.; Vasiljevic, Branka; Djokic, Lidija; Nikodinovic-Runic, Jasmina; Radulovic, Niko S.Structural diversity and possible functional roles of free fatty acids of the novel soil isolate Streptomyces sp. NP10Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(11), 2015, 4815-4833.M-21Hemija,Biotehnologija i primenjena mikrobiologijaGlisic, Biljana Dj.; Warzajtis, Beata; Radulovic, Niko S.; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Milos I.Gold(III) complexes with phenazine and quinoxaline: The role of molecular symmetry in intra- and intermolecular interactionsPolyhedron, 87, 2015, 208-214.M-22HemijaBugarcic, Zorica M.; Divac, Vera M.; Kostic, Marina D.; Jankovic, Nenad Z.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.Synthesis, crystal and solution structures and antimicrobial screening of palladium(II) complexes with 2-(phenylselanylmethyl)oxolane and 2-(phenylselanylmethyl)oxane as ligandsJournal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 143, 2015, 9-19.M-21HemijaStanojevic, Ljiljana P.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Djokic, Tatjana M.; Stankovic, Biljana M.; Ilic, Dusica P.; Cakic, Milorad D.; Nikolic, Vesna D.The yield, composition and hydrodistillation kinetics of the essential oil of dill seeds (Anethi fructus) obtained by different hydrodistillation techniquesIndustrial Crops and Products, 65, 2015, 429-436.M-21aHemija,AgronomijaMitrovic, T. L.; Stamenkovic, S. M.; Cvetkovic, V. J.; Radulovic, N. S.; Mladenovic, M. Z.; Stankovic, M. S.; Topuzovic, M. D.; Radojevic, I. D.; Stefanovic, O. D.; Vasic, S. M.; ?omi?, L.; ?ekli?, D.; Obradovi?, A.; Markovi?, S.Contribution to the knowledge of the chemical composition and biological activity of the lichens Cladonia foliacea Huds. (Wild.) and Hypogymnia physodes (L.)Oxidation Communications, 38(4A), 2015, 2016-2032.M-23HemijaMihajilov-Krstev, Tatjana M.; Denic, Marija S.; Zlatkovic, Bojan K.; Stankov-Jovanovic, Vesna P.; Mitic, Violeta D.; Stojanovic, Gordana S.; Radulovic, Niko S.Inferring the origin of rare fruit distillates from compositional data using multivariate statistical analyses and the identification of new flavour constituentsJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(6), 2015, 1217-1235.M-21HemijaTopuzovic, Marina D; Radojevic, Ivana D; Vasic, Sava M; Comic, Ljiljana R; Dekic, Milan S; Radulovic, Niko S; Licina, Braho ZPhytomedical investigation of Najas minor All. in the view of the chemical constituentsEXCLI journal, 14, 2015, 496-503M-22Hemija,BiologijaMiltojevic, Ana; Radulovic, Niko plete assignment of 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra of anthranilic acid and its hydroxy derivatives and salicylic acid and its amino derivativesFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 13(2), 2015, 121-32M-51HemijaPejovic, Anka; Denic, Marija S.; Stevanovic, Dragana; Damljanovic, Ivan; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Kostova, Kalina; Tavlinova-Kirilova, Maya; Randjelovic, Pavle; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Blagojevi?, Polina; D'hooghe, Matthias; Radulovi?, Niko S.; Vuki?evi?, Rastko D.Discovery of anxiolytic 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones exerting GABAA receptor interaction via the benzodiazepine-binding siteEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 83, 2014, 57-73.M-21HemijaWarzajtis, Beata; Glisic, Biljana Dj.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Milos I.Gold(III) complexes with monodentate coordinated diazines: An evidence for strong electron-withdrawing effect of Au(III) ionPolyhedron, 79, 2014, 221-228.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.Synthesis of small libraries of natural products: New esters of long-chain alcohols from the essential oil of Scandix pecten-veneris L. (Apiaceae)Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 29(4), 2014, 255-266.M-21HemijaSosic-Jurjevic, Branka; Filipovic, Branko; Wirth, Eva Katrin; Zivanovic, Jasmina; Radulovic, Niko; Jankovic, Snezana; Milosevic, Verica; Kohrle, JosefSoy isoflavones interfere with thyroid hormone homeostasis in orchidectomized middle-aged ratsToxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 278(2), 2014, 124-134.M-21Hemija,Farmakologija i farmacijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan; Dekic, Milan; Stojanovic-Radic, ZoricaFurther antibacterial Geranium macrorrhizum L. metabolites and synthesis of epoxygermacronesChemistry & Biodiversity, 11(4), 2014, 542-550.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Mitic, Katarina V.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.Synthesis, spectral characterization, cytotoxicity and enzyme-inhibiting activity of new ferrocene-indole hybridsPolyhedron, 80, 2014, 134-141.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Ilic-Tomic, Tatjana; Senerovic, Lidija; Nikodinovic-Runic, JasminaCytotoxic effect of Reseda lutea L.: A case of forgotten remedyJournal of Ethnopharmacology, 153(1), 2014, 125-132.M-21aHemijaPinheiro, Mariana Martins Gomes; Radulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Boylan, Fabio; Dias Fernandes, PatriciaAntinociceptive esters of N-methylanthranilic acid: Mechanism of action in heat-mediated painEuropean Journal of Pharmacology, 727, 2014, 106-114.M-22Hemija,Farmakologija i farmacijaRadulovic, Niko S.; ?ordevic, Miljana R.Chemical Composition of the Tuber Essential Oil from Helianthus tuberosus L. (Asteraceae)Chemistry & Biodiversity, 11(3), 2014, 427-437.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Stevanovic, Dragana; Vukicevic, Rastko D.Synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial evaluation of a small library of ferrocene-containing acetoacetates and phenyl analogs: the discovery of a potent anticandidal agentMolecular Diversity, 18(3), 2014, 497-510.M-21HemijaWarzajtis, Beata; Rychlewska, Urszula; Radanovic, Dusanka D.; Stanojevic, Ivana M.; Draskovic, Nenad S.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Djuran, Milos I.Carboxylato-bridged polymeric complexes of chromium(III) with the hexadentate (±)-1,3-pentanediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate ligand carrying different counter ions. Stereospecific6formation and crystal structures of Na[Cr(1,3-pndta)]*H2O, K[Cr(1,3-pndta)]*H2O and Ca[Cr(1,3-pndta)]2*4H2OPolyhedron, 67, 2014, 270-278.M-22HemijaMitrovic Tatjana; Stamenkovic Slavisa; Cvetkovic Vladimir; Radulovic Niko; Mladenovic Marko; Stankovic Milan; Topuzovic Marina; Radojevic Ivana; Stefanovic Olgica; Vasic Sava; Comic Ljiljana Platismatia glaucia and Pseudevernia furfuracea lichens as sources of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibiofilm agentsEXCLI journal, 13, 2014, 938-53M-22Hemija,BiologijaKramar Ana; Ilic-Tomic Tatjana; Petkovic Milos; Radulovic Niko; Kostic Mirjana; Jocic Dragan; Nikodinovic-Runic JasminaCrude bacterial extracts of two new Streptomyces sp. isolates as bio-colorants for textile dyeingWorld journal of microbiology & biotechnology, 30(8), 2014, 2231-40M-22Hemija,Biotehnologija i primenjena mikrobiologijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Blagojevic, Polina D.(Un)targeted metabolomics in Asteraceae: probing the applicability of essential oil profiles of Senecio L. (Senecioneae) taxa in chemotaxonomyChemistry & Biodiversity, 11(9), 2014, 1330-1353.M-22HemijaDamljanovic, Ivan; Stevanovic, Dragana; Pejovic, Anka; Ilic, Danijela; Zivkovic, Marija; Jovanovic, Jovana; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.The palladium(II) complex of N,N-diethyl-1-ferrocenyl-3-thiabutanamine: synthesis, solution and solid state structure and catalytic activity in Suzuki-Miyaura reactionRSC Advances, 4(82), 2014, 43792-43799.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.n-Octyl esters of long-chain fatty acids are not anthropogenic pollution markersEnvironmental Chemistry Letters, 12(2), 2014, 303-312.M-21HemijaDekic, Biljana; Samarzija-Jovanovic, Suzana; Jovanovic, Vojislav; Dekic, Vidoslav; Radulovic, Niko; Simonovic, Ranko; Marinovic-Cincovic, MilenaInfluence of the aryl substituent identity in 4-arylamino-3-nitrocoumarins on their thermal behaviorJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 115(2), 2014, 1619-1626.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Denic, Marija S.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.Synthesis of small combinatorial libraries of natural products: identification and quantification of new long-chain 3-methyl-2-alkanones from the root essential oil of Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae)Phytochemical Analysis, 25(1), 2014, 75-80.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.; Ilic-Tomic, Tatjana; Senerovic, Lidija; Nikodinovic-Runic, JasminaToxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)Food and Chemical Toxicology, 62, 2013, 554-565.M-21aHemija,ToksikologijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Novakovic, Sladana B.; Akhlaghi, HashemChemistry of spices: bornyl 4-methoxybenzoate from Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. (Apiaceae) induces hyperalgesia in miceFood & Function, 4(12), 2013, 1751-1758.M-21Hemija,Biohemija i molekularna biologijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Dekic, Milan S.Volatiles of Geranium purpureum Vill. and Geranium phaeum L.: Chemotaxonomy of Balkan Geranium and Erodium species (Geraniaceae)Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10(11), 2013, 2042-2052.M-22HemijaZarubica, A.; Randjelovic, M.; Momcilovic, M.; Radulovic, N.; Putanov, P.n-Hydrocarbons conversions over metal-modified solid acid catalystsRussian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 87(13), 2013, 2166-2175.M-23HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Jovanovic, Ivan; Ilic, Ivan R.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Miltojevic, Ana B.Methyl and isopropyl N-methylanthranilates attenuate diclofenac- and ethanol-induced gastric lesions in ratsLife Sciences, 93(22), 2013, 840-846.M-22Hemija,Farmakologija i farmacijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.The Last Decade of Antinociceptive Alkaloids: Structure, Synthesis, Mechanism of Action and ProspectCurrent Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 13(17), 2013, 2134-2170.M-21aHemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Boylan, FabioEffects of Methyl and Isopropyl N-methylanthranilates from Choisya ternata Kunth (Rutaceae) on Experimental Anxiety and Depression in MicePhytotherapy Research, 27(9), 2013, 1334-1338.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Blagojevic, Polina D.A low level chemotaxonomic analysis of the plant family Apiaceae: the case of Scandix balansae Reut. ex Boiss. (Tribe Scandiceae)Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10(7), 2013, 1202-1219.M-22HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.; Ilic, Ivan R.; Djordjevic, Vidosava B.Toxic essential oils. Part II: Chemical, toxicological, pharmacological and microbiological profiles of Artemisia annua L. volatilesFood and Chemical Toxicology, 58, 2013, 37-49.M-21aHemija,ToksikologijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.Average mass scan of the total ion chromatograms: A new gas chromatography-mass spectrometry derived variable for fast and reliable multivariate statistical treatment of essential oil compositional dataJournal of Chromatography A, 1301, 2013, 190-199.M-21aHemijaStevanovic, Dragana; Pejovic, Anka; Damljanovic, Ivan S.; Vukicevic, Mirjana D.; Dobrikov, Georgi; Dimitrov, Vladimir; Denic, Marija S.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.Electrochemical Phenylselenoetherification as a Key Step in the Synthesis of (±)-Curcumene EtherHelvetica Chimica Acta, 96(6), 2013, 1103-1110.M-22HemijaZarubica, A.; Randjelovic, M.; Momcilovic, M.; Stojkovic, N.; Vasic, M.; Radulovic, N.The balance between acidity and tetragonal phase fraction in the favorable catalytic act of modified zirconia towards isomerized n-hexane(s)Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 7(1-2), 2013, 62-69.M-23Hemija,Multidisciplinarna nauka o materijalimaRadulovic, Niko S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Miltojevic, Ana B.α-Linalool-a marker compound of forged/synthetic sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oilsJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(13), 2013, 3292-3303.M-21HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Denic, Marija S.Essential Oils from the Roots of Echinops bannaticus Rochel ex Schrad. and Echinops sphaerocephalus L. (Asteraceae): Chemotaxonomic and Biosynthetic AspectsChemistry & Biodiversity, 10(4), 2013, 658-676.M-22HemijaRadulovic, N. S.; Blagojevic, P. D.; Stojanovic-Radic, Z. Z.; Stojanovic, N. M.Antimicrobial plant metabolites: structural diversity and mechanism of actionCurrent Medicinal Chemistry, 20(7), 2013, 932-952.M-21aHemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.Simple and efficient one-pot solvent-free synthesis of N-methyl imines of aromatic aldehydesComptes Rendus Chimie, 16(3), 2013, 257-270.M-22HemijaDeni?, Marko; Sunari?, S. M.; Kesi?, Lj. G.; Mini?, I. Z.; Obradovi?, R. R.; Deni?, Marija; Petrovi?, M. S.RP-HPLC assay of doxycycline in human saliva and gingival crevicular fluid in patients with chronic periodontal diseaseJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 78-79, 2013, 170-5.M-21HemijaDenic, Marija; Blagojevic, Polina; Radulovic, NikoSynthetic approaches to coniine and other 2-alkyl piperidinesFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 1-26.M-51HemijaStojanovic, Igor; Radulovic, Niko; Cvetkovic, Vladimir; Mitrovic, Tatjana; Stamenkovic, SlavisaAntimicrobial activity of methanol extracts of four parmeliaceae lichen speciesFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 45-53.M-51HemijaBlagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.Multivariate statistical treatment of plant extract compositional data: average mass scan of the total ion chromatogram (AMS) approachFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 85-99.M-51HemijaDekic, Vidoslav; Dekic, Biljana; Radulovic, Niko1H and 13C NMR spectral assignments of an amino acid-coumarin hybridFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 101-107.M-51HemijaRadulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Ilic, Ivan R.; Miltojevic, Ana B.Influence of methyl and isopropyl N-methyl antranilates on carbon tetrachloride-induced changes in rat liver morphology and functionFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 67-73.M-51HemijaMitic Zorica S, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Jovanovic Snezana C, Stojanovic Gordana S, Marin Petar DGeographically Related Variation in Epicuticular Wax Traits of Pinus nigra Populations from Southern Carpathians and Central Balkans - Taxonomic ConsiderationsCHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY (2016) 13 (7): 931-942M22HemijaNikolic Nada C, Stojanovic Jelena S, Mitrovic Jelena, Lazic Miodrag L, Karabegovic Ivana T, Stojanovic Gordana SThe antioxidant activity and the composition of free and bound phenolic acids in dough of wheat flour enriched by Boletus edulis after mixing and thermal processingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(2016)51 (9) :2019-2025M22HemijaDjordjevic Aleksandra S, Jovanovic Olga P, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Stojanovic Gordana SChemical Composition of Ballotamacedonica Vandas and Ballotanigra L. ssp foetida (Vis.) Hayek Essential Oils - The Chemotaxonomic ApproachCHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY (2016) 13 (6):782-788M22HemijaSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Vesna P. Stankov Jovanovi?, Violeta D. Miti?, Jelena S. Cvetkovi?, Goran M. Petrovi?, Gordana S. Stojanovi?Bioaccumulation of HMW PAHs in the roots of wild blackberry from the Bor region (Serbia): phytoremediation and biomonitoring aspectsSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, (2016), 562: 561-570M21aHemijaJovanovi?, S. ?., Zlatkovi?, B. K., Stojanovi?, G. S.Chemotaxonomic approach to the Sedum species from central Balkan Peninsula based on distribution of triterpenoids in their cuticular waxesCHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY(2016): 13(4): 459–465M22HemijaJelena Stamenkovi?, Goran Petrovi?, Gordana Stojanovi?, Aleksandra ?or?evi?, Bojan Zlatkovi?Chaerophyllum aureum L. Volatiles: Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial ActivityRECORDS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS(2016) 10(2): 245-250M22Violeta Mitic, Vesna StankovJovanovic, Marija Ilic, Olga Jovanovic, Aleksandra Djordjevic, GordanaStojanovicDittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter essential oil-chemical composition, multivariate analysis and antimicrobial activityCHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY (2016) 13(1): 85-90M22HemijaCvetkovic Jelena S Mitic Violeta D Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Dimitrijevic Marija V Petrovic Goran M Nikolic-Mandic Snezana D Stojanovic Gordana SOptimization of the QuEChERS extraction procedure for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometryANALYTICAL METHODS, (2016) 8(7): 1711-1720M22HemijaTosic Snezana B, Mitic Snezana S, Velimirovic Dragan S, Stojanovic Gordana S, Pavlovic Aleksandra N, Pecev-Marinkovic Emilija TElemental composition of edible nuts: fast optimization and validation procedure of an ICP-OES methodJOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE (2015) 95 (11):2271-2278M21HemijaRandjelovic Sasa S, Kostic Danijela A, Arsic Biljana B, Mitic Snezana S, Rasic Ivana D, Mitic Milan N, Dimitrijevic Danica S, Stojanovic Gordana SChemometric Analysis of Grapes. Analysis of GrapesOPEN CHEMISTRY (2015) 13 (1):675-682M22HemijaJovanovic Snezana C, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Stojanovic Gordana SDistribution and Variability of n-Alkanes in Epicuticular Waxes of Sedum Species from the Central Balkan Peninsula: Chemotaxonomic ImportanceCHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY (2015) 12 (5):767-780M22HemijaDimitrijevic Marija V, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Cvetkovic Jelena S, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Stojanovic Gordana S, Mitic Violeta DScreening of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiradical activities of twelve selected Serbian wild mushroomsANALYTICAL METHODS (2015) 7 (10):4181-4191M22HemijaPaunovic Dusan D, Mitic Snezana S, Stojanovic Gordana S, Mitic Milan N, Stojanovic Branka T, Stojkovic Milan BKinetics of the Solid-Liquid Extraction Process of Phenolic Antioxidants and Antioxidant Capacity from Hop (Humulus lupulus L.)SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2015) 50 (11):1658-1664M22HemijaIlic Marija D, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Mitic Violeta D, Jovanovic Olga P, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Markovic Marija S, Stojanovic Gordana SComparison of chemical composition and biological activities of Seseli rigidum fruit essential oils from SerbiaOPEN CHEMISTRY(2015) 13 (1):42-51M22HemijaStojanovic Gordana S, Jovanovic Snezana C, Zlatkovic Bojan KDistribution and Taxonomic Significance of Secondary Metabolites Occurring in the Methanol Extracts of the Stonecrops (Sedum L., Crassulaceae) from the Central Balkan PeninsulaNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS(2015) 10 (6):941-944M22HemijaStamenkovic Jelena G, Stojanovic Gordana S, Radojkovic Ivana R, Petrovic Goran M, Zlatkovic Bojan KChemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Chaerophyllum temulum (Apiaceae)NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS (2015) 10 (8):1439-1441M22HemijaJovanovic Snezana C, Jovanovic Olga P, Petrovic Goran M, Stojanovic Gordana SEndemic Balkan Parsnip Pastinaca hirsuta: the Chemical Profile of Essential Oils, Headspace Volatiles and ExtractsNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS(2015) 10 (4):661-664M22HemijaMitic Violeta D, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Ilic Marija D, Simonovic Strahinja R, Stojanovic Gordana SChemical Composition of the Essential oil of Laserpitium latifolium from SerbiaNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS (2015) 10 (4):649-651M22HemijaJovanovic Olga P Zlatkovic Bojan K Jovanovic Snezana C Petrovic Goran Stojanovic Gordana S Composition of Peucedanum longifolium Waldst. & Kit. essential oil and volatiles obtained by headspaceJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, (2015), 27 (3):182-185M23HemijaKostic Danijela A Dimitrijevic Danica S Stojanovic Gordana S Palic Ivan R Djordjevic Aleksandra S Ickovski Jovana D Xanthine Oxidase: Isolation, Assays of Activity, and InhibitionJOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (2015), Article ID 294858, 8 pages Gordana S Jovanovic Snezana C Zlatkovic Bojan K Djordjevic Aleksandra S Petrovic Goran M Jovanovic Olga P Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Mitic Violeta D Hylotelephium Spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba x Telephium (L.) H. Ohba Leaf and Flower Extracts: Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity RECORDS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS,(2014), 8 (3): 272-276M22HemijaNikolic Nada C Lazic Miodrag L Karabegovic Ivana T Stojanovic Gordana S Todorovic Zoran B A Characterization of Content, Composition and Scavenging Capacity of Phenolic Compounds in Parsnip Roots of Various WeightNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), 9 (6) : 811-814M22HemijaGolubovic Tatjana D Palic Radosav M Kitic Dusanka V Stojanovic Gordana S Zlatkovic Bojan K Ristic Mihailo S Pavlovic Dragana R Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanol Extracts of Some Acinos Miller SpeciesNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), 9 (5): 731-735M22HemijaStojanovic Gordana S Stankovic Miroslava Stojanovic Igor Z Palic Ivan R Milovanovic Vesna Rancic Sofija M Clastogenic Effect of Atranorin, Evernic acid, and Usnic Acid on Human LymphocytesNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS(2014), 9 ( 4): 503-504M22HemijaSimonovic Strahinja R Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Mitic Violeta D Ilic Marija D Petrovic Goran M Stojanovic Gordana S Chemical Composition of Angelica pancicii Essential Oil Determined by Liquid and Headspace GC-MS TechniquesNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS(2014), 9 ( 2): 271-272M22HemijaStojanovic Gordana S Jovanovic Olga P Petrovic Goran M Mitic Violeta D Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Jovanovic Snezana C Composition of Headspace Volatiles and Essential Oils of Three Thymus SpeciesNATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), 9 (11): 1609-1612M22HemijaVelickovic Jasmina M Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Snezana S Mitic Milan N Randjelovic Sasa S Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Phenolic composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the extracts from Prunus spinosa L. fruitHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA,(2014), 68 (3): 297-303M23HemijaGrujic Slavica M Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Violeta D Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Dzamic Ana M Alimpic Ana Z Marin Petar D, Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Melittis Melissophyllum L. ExtractsARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, (2014), 66 ( 4): 1401-1410M23HemijaDimitrijevic Danica S Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Snezana S Mitic Milan N Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Phenolic composition, antioxidant activity, mineral content and antimicrobial activity of fresh fruit extracts of Morus alba L.JOURNAL OF FOOD AND NUTRITION RESEARCH (2014), 53 (1): 22-30M23HemijaMitic Violeta D Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Ilic Marija D Vasiljevic Perica J Zabar Andrea Lj Stojanovic Gordana S, The antioxidant, hemolytic and cholinesterase inhibition properties of Galium verum L. and Tragopogon pratensis subsp pratensisBULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,(2014), 46 (2): 269-276M23HemijaStojanovic Jelena S Lazic Miodrag L Stojanovic Gordana S Nikolic Nada C, Composition and Radical Scavenging Capacity of Phenolic Compounds in Wheat-Chickpea DoughINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES(2014), 17 (8):1861-1871M22HemijaDjordjevic Aleksandra S Palic Ivan R Stojanovic Gordana S Ristic Novica R Palic Radosav M, Chemical Profile of Satureja Kitaibelii Wierzb. Ex Heuff. Essential Oils: Composition of Satureja Kitaibelii Essential OilsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES, (2014), 17 (10): 2157-2165M22HemijaRandjelovic Sasa S Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Snezana S Mitic Milan N Arsic Biljana B Pavlovic Aleksandra N, Metals content of soil, leaves and wild fruit from SerbiaCENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, (2014), 12 (11): 1144-1151M22HemijaDimitrijevic Danica S Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Jovanovic Snezana C Kocic Gordana M, Superoxide Dismutase: Isolation Methods and Activity Determinations. a ReviewOXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), 37 (3): 755-773M23HemijaDjordjevic Aleksandra S Lazarevic Jelena S Smelcerovic Andrija A Stojanovic Gordana S, The case of Hypericum rochelii Griseb. & Schenk and Hypericum umbellatum A. Kern. essential oils: Chemical composition and antimicrobial activityJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS, (2013), 77: 145-148M21HemijaPavlovic Voja, Stojanovic Igor, Jadranin Milka, Vajs Vlatka, Djordjevi? Iris, Smelcerovic Andrija, Stojanovic Gordana,Effect of four lichen acids isolated from Hypogymnia physodes on viability of rat thymocytesFOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, (2013) 51: 160–164M21HemijaS. Lazarevi?, Aleksandra S. ?or?evi?, Du?anka V. Kiti?, Bojan K. Zlatkovi? and Gordana S. Stojanovi?Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. (Lamiaceae).CHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY (2013) 10(7): 1335–1349.M22HemijaStojanovi?, M. Stankovi?, O. Jovanovi?, G. Petrovi?, A. ?melcerovi?, G. Stojanovi?,Effect of Hypogymnia physodes extracts and their depsidones on micronucleus distribution in human lymphocytes,NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS(2013), 8(1):109-112M22HemijaSmelcerovic Andrija A Djordjevic Aleksandra S Lazarevic Jelena S Stojanovic Gordana S, Recent Advances in Analysis of Essential OilsCURRENT ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY(2013), 9 (1): 61-70M22HemijaJovana N.Veljkovi?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Gordana S. Stojanovi?, Biljana M. Kali?anin, Dalibor M. Stankovi?, Milan D. Stojkovi?, Milan N. Miti?, Jelena M. Brcanovi?Evaluation of individual phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of herbal and fruit tea infusions consumed in Serbia: spectrophotometrical and electrochemical approachesJOURNAL OF FOOD AND NUTRITION RESEARCH, (2013) 52(1): 12–24M23HemijaDanijela A Kosti?, Danica S Dimitrijevi?, Sne?ana S Miti?, Milan N Miti?, Gordana S Stojanovi?, Ana V ?ivanovi?,Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Morus nigra L. (Moraceae) Fruit Extract from Southeast SerbiaTROPICAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, (2013) 12(1): 105-110.M23HemijaG. Stojanovi?, A. ?or?evi?, A. ?melcerovi?,Do other Hypericum Species have medical potential as St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)?CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, (2013), 20(18):2273-2295M21aHemijaOlga P. Jovanovi?, Bojan K. Zlatkovi?, Strahinja R. Simonovi?, Aleksandra S. ?or?evi?, Ivan R. Pali?, Gordana S. Stojanovi?Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oils isolated from leaves and fruits of Peucedanum austriacum (Jacq.) W.D.J. KochTHE JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH, (2013) 25(2): 129-137.M23HemijaSunari? Slavica M.,? Petkovi? Milica,? Deni? Marko S.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? Pavlovi? Aleksandra N.?Determination of Ibuprofen in Combined Dosage Forms and Cream by Direct Uv Spectrophotometry After Solid-Phase ExtricaactionActa Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 70, 2013, 403-411M23HemijaMilenovi? Dragan M.,? Milo?evi? Sne?ana P.,? Djuri? Svetlana Lj.,? Naskovi? Danijela C?., Miti? Sne?ana S.Development and validation of an HPLC method for the determination of verapamil residues in supports of cleaning procedureJournal of Analytical Chemistry, 68, 2013, 545-551 M23HemijaMilan N. Miti?, Mirjana V. Obradovi?, Sne?ana S. Miti?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Jovana Lj. Pavlovi?, Branka T. Stojanovi?Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Phenolic Profile of Selected Serbian Red Fruit WinesRevista de Chemie, 64, 2013, 68-73M23HemijaVeljkovi? Jovana N.,? Pavlovi? Aleksandra N.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? To?i? Sne?ana B.,? Stojanovi? Gordana S.,? Kali?anin Biljana M.,? Stankovi? Dalibor M.,? Stojkovi? Milan B.,? Miti? Milan N.,? Brcanovi? Jelena M.?Evaluation of individual phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of black, green, herbal and fruit tea infusions consumed in Serbia: spectrophotometrical and electrochemical approachesJournal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52, 2013, 12-24 M23HemijaLaketi? T.J.,? Pavlovi? Aleksandra N.,? Savi? M.J.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? To?i? Sne?ana B.,? Djordjevi? M.S.,? Miti? Milan N.?Occurrence of Arsenic in Water in Semberija: Connection with Factors Affecting Arsenic MobilityOxidation Communications, 36, 2013, 820-830M23HemijaKosti? Danijela A.,? Veli?kovi? Jasmina M.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? Miti? Milan N.,? Randjelovi? Sa?a S.,? Arsi? Biljana B.,? Pavlovi? Aleksandra N.?Correlation Among Phenolic, Toxic Metals and Antioxidant Activity of the Extracts of Plant Species from Southeast SerbiaBulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 27, 2013, 169-178M23HemijaMiti? Sne?ana S.,? Pavlovi? Aleksandra N.,? To?i? Sne?ana B.,? Stojanovi? Branka T.,? Miti? Milan N.,? Stojkovi? Milan B.?Elemental Composition of Various Apple Cultivars Grown in SerbiaAsian Journal of Chemistry, 25, 2013, 6027-6032M23HemijaRan?elovi? S. S., Kosti? D. A., Zarubica A. R., Miti? S. S., Miti? M. N.The correlation of metal content in medicinal plants and water their extracts.Hemijska industrija, 67, 2013, 585-591M23HemijaMiti? S.S., Branka T. Stojanovi?, B.T., Pavlovi? A.N., Miti? M.N., Stojkovi? M.B.The Phenol Content, Antioxidant Activity and Metal Composition of the Serbian Vineyard PeachRevue Roumaine de Chimie, 58, 2013, 533-541M23HemijaMiti? S.S., Stojanovi? B.T., Stojkovi? M.B., Miti? M.N., Pavlovi?, J.Lj.Total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of different apple cultivarsBulgarian Chemical Communications, 45, 2013, 326-331M23HemijaVelimirovi? D. S., Miti? S. S., To?i? S. B., Kali?anin B. M., Pavlovi? A. N., Miti? M. N.Levels of Major and Minor Elements in Some Commercial Fruit Juices Available in SerbiaTropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12, 2013, 805-811 M23HemijaMiti? S.S., Paunovi? D.?., Pavlovi? A.N., To?i? S.B., Stojkovi? M.B., Miti? M.N.Phenolic Profiles and Antioxidant Capacity of Marketed Beers in Serbia Inernational Journal of Food Properties, 17, 2014, 908-922M22HemijaPaunovi? D.?., Miti? S.S., Pavlovi? A.N., Kosti? D.A., Miti?, M.N., Stojanovi? B.T.Multielement Determination and Characterisation of Beers Consumed in SerbiaOxidation Communications, 33, 2014, 605-618M23HemijaPecev‐Marinkovi? E.T., Grahovac Z.M., Miti? S.S., Pavlovi? A.N., Ra?i?-Mi?i? I.D., Miti? M.N.Determination of Herbicide Difenzoquat Methyl Sulfate in Citruses and Baby Juices by Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method and HPLC Method Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 61, 2014, 671-678M23HemijaMici? R.J., Miti? S.S., Pavlovi? A.N., Kosti? D.A., Miti?, M.N.Application of tartrazine for sensitive and selective kinetic determination of Cu(II) tracesJournal of Analytical Chemistry, 69, 2014, 1147-1152M23HemijaPavlovi? Aleksandra N., Laketi? Tamara J.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? Savi? Milenko J.,? To?i? Sne?ana B.,? Djordjevi? Miodrag S.?Multielement determination using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for metal characterization of water from artesian wells in Semberija region: Multivariate analysis of dataHemijska industrija 68, 2014, 247-256M23HemijaLali? Jelena,? Deni? Marko S.,? Sunari? Slavica M.,? Koci? Gordana M.,? Truti? Nata?a V.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? Jovanovi? Tatjana V.?Assessment of thiamine content in some dairy products and rice milk.Cyta-Journal of Food, 12, 2014, 203-209M23HemijaVeli?kovi?, J. M., Dimitrijevi?, D. S., Kosti?, D. A., Miti?, S. S., Miti?, M. M.Total phenol, flavonoid and heavy metal content and antioxidant activity of solvent extracts of Origanum vulgare L. Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 12, 2014, 47-54M51HemijaVeljkovi?, J.N., Brcanovi?, J.М., Pavlovi?, A.N., Miti?, S.S., Kali?anin, B.M., Miti?, M.NBagged Aronia melanocapra rea: Phenolic profile and antioxidant activityAccta facultatis medicae Naissensis, 31, 2014, 245-252 M52HemijaPaunovi?, D. ?., Miti?, S. S., Kosti?, D. A., Miti?, M. N., Stojanovi?, B. T., Pavlovi?, J. L.Kinetics ant thermodynamics of the solid-liquid extraction process of total polyphenols from barleyAdvanced technologies, 3, 2014, 58-63M52HemijaVeli?kovi?, J. M., Dimitrijevi?, D. S., Miti?, S. S., Miti?, M. N., Kosti?, D. A.The determination of the phenolic composition, antioxidative activity of Calendula officinalis L.Advanced technologies, 3, 2014, 46-51M52HemijaStojanovi?, B. T., Miti?, S. S., Miti?, M. N., Paunovi?, D. ?., Arsi?, B. B., Stojanovi?, G. S.The multielement analysis of the apple peel using ICP-OES methodAdvanced technologies, 3, 2014, 96-104M52HemijaPavlovi?, A.N., Miti?, SS., To?i?, S.B., Mici?, R.J., Ra?i?, I.D., Miti?, M.N., Miljkovi?, VThe determination of salicylic acid in wines using a ligand-exchanges reactionAdvanced Technologies, 3, 2014, 11-15M52HemijaMici? R.J., Miti? S.S., Arsi? B.B., Joki? A.B., Miti? M.N., Kosti? D.A., Pavlovi? A.N., Cekerevac M.I., Nikoli?-Bujanovi? Lj.N., Spalevi?, ?.Statistical characteristics of selected elements in vegetables from KosovoEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(6):article: 389. DOI:10.1007/s10661-015-4606-3, 2015M22HemijaMici? R.J., Simonovi? R.M., Miti? S.S., Kosti? D.A., Miti? M.N., Simonovi? S.R., Pavlovi? J.Development and Use of the Kinetic Method for Determination of Trace Amounts of Vanadium(V) in Water Samples From Objects of the EnviromentJournal of Water Chemistry and Technology, 37, 2015, 166-171M23HemijaPavlovi? A. N., Brcanovi? J. M., Veljkovi? J. N., Miti? S. S., To?i? S. B., Kali?anin B. M.,Velimirovi? D.S.Characterization of commercially available products of aronia according to their metal content.Fruits, 70, 2015, 385-393M21HemijaMi?i?-Ra?i? I., Mileti? G. ?., Miti? S. S., Kosti? D. A., Djordjevi? A. S.Kinetic-spectrophotometric determination of neomycinJournal of Analytical Chemistry, 70, 2015, 234-239M23HemijaRandjelovi? Sa?a S.,? Kosti? Danijela A.,? Arsi? Biljana B.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? Ra?ic Ivana D.,? Miti? Milan N.,? Dimitrijevi? Danica S.,? Stojanovi? Gordana S?Chemometric Analysis of Grapes. Analysis of GrapesOpen Chemistry, 13, 2015, 675-682, M23HemijaMrmo?anin, J.M., Pavlovi?, A.N., Veljkovi?, J.N., Miti?, S.S., To?i?, S.B., Miti?, M.N.The effect of storage temperature and thermal processing on catechins, procyanidins and total flavonoid stability in commercially available cocoa powersFacta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 13, 2015, 39-49. M51HemijaVeli?kovi? Jasmina M.,? Ili? Slavica B.,? Miti? Sne?ana S.,? Miti? Milan N.,? Kosti? Danijela A.?Comparative Analysis of Phenolic and Mineral Composition of Hawthorn and Blackthorn from Southeast SerbiaOxidation Communications, 39, 2016, 2280-2290M23HemijaS. Stojiljkovic, M. Stamenkovic, D. Kostic, M. Miljkovic, I. Savic, I. Savic, V. Miljkovic, B. Arsic, The Influence of Organic Modification on the Structural and Adsorptive Properties of Bentonite Clay and Its Application for the Removal of Lead,Science of Sintering, 45 (2013) 363-367M22 Material science, ceramicsVojkan Miljkovic, Biljana Kalicanin, Danijela Kostic, Gordana Kocic, Zoran Bojanic , Development and Application of Kinetic spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Metronidazole,Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research March 2014; 13 (3): 417-422M23Pharmacology & PharmacyStanisa Stojiljkovic, Milena Miljkovic, Danijela A. Kostic, Biljana Arsic, Ivana Savic, Ivan SavicThe influence of the addition of polymer on physico-chemical properties of bentonite suspensionsScience of sintering, 46, 2014, 65-73M22Material science, ceramicsMilan N. Miti?*, Danijela A. Kosti?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Danica S. Dimitrijevic, Jovana Veljkovic, , Effects of solvent extraction system on concentration and antioxidant activity of strawberry phenolicsAgro food industry high teach, 25(5), 2014, 24-29, M 23Food science and technologyM. N. MITIC*, D. A. KOSTIC, A. N. PAVLOVIC, S. B. TOSIC, B. T. STOJANOVIC, D. D. PAUNOVICDETERMINATION OF METALS IN WHITE AND RED WINES USING ICP-OES METHOD,Oxidation Communications 37, No 4, (2014),1074–1082 M23Chemistry multidisciplinaryG. Miletic , S. S. Mitic , D. A. Kostic , A. S. Djordjevic Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Determination of Neomycin ,Журнал Аналитической Химии, том 70, № 2, 2015, с. 210–215M23Chemistry analyticalG. Miletic , S. S. Mitic , D. A. Kostic , A. S. Djordjevic Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Determination of Neomycin ,Журнал Аналитической Химии, том 70, № 2, 2015, с. 210–215M23Chemistry analyticalRaki? Violeta P., Ota Ajda M., Skrt Mihaela A., Miljkovi? Milena N., Kosti? Danijela A., Sokolovi? Du?an T., Poklar-Ulrih Nata?a E. Investigation of fluorescence properties of cyanidin and cyanidin 3-o-β-glucopyranosideHEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, (2015), vol. 69 br. 2, str. 155-163M23Engineering, chemistryStojiljkovic Stanisa T?,?Stamenkovic Miodrag??,Kostic Danijela A,??Miljkovic Milena N,??Arsic Biljana B,??Savic Ivan ,M??Savic Ivana M? Investigations of the Changes in the Bentonite Structure Caused by the Different Treatments,SCIENCE OF SINTERING, vol. 47 br. 1, (2015), str. 51-59,M22Material science, ceramicsMiti? Milan N., Kosti? Danijela A., Pavlovi? Aleksandra N., Mici? Ru?ica J., Stojanovi? Branka T., Paunovi? Du?an ?., Dimitrijevi? Danica S.Antioxidant activity and polyphenol profile of Vranac red wines from Balkan regionHemijska Industrija, (2016), vol. 70 br. 3, str. 265-275M23Engineering, chemistryMitic Milan N?,?Kostic Danijela A?,?Dimitrijevic Danica S,??Stojanovic Branka T?, Paunovic Dusan D., ??Krstic Milos S?, Determination of monomeric anthocyanins in red wines based on their degradation with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Cu(II) (Article),AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH, (2015), vol. 26 br. 2, 57-60M 23Food science and technologyMitic Milan N??Kostic Danijela A??Pavlovic Aleksandra N??Micic Ruzica J??Stojanovic Branka T??Paunovic Dusan Dj?Dimitrijevic Danica S?Antioxidant activity and polyphenol profile of Vranac red wines from Balkan region Hemijska Industrija, (2016), vol. 70 br. 3, str. 265-275M23Engineering,chemicalArsic Biljana B??Kostic Danijela A??Randjelovic Sasa S??Radovanovic Blaga C??Sunaric Slavica M??Ilic Slavica B?Chemometric Analysis of Selected Medicinal Plants from Serbia ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS, (2016), vol. 21 br. 1, str. 11115-11125M23Biotechnology & Applied MicrobiologyAleksandra ?or?evi?, Jelena Lazarevi?, Goran Petrovi?, Bojan Zlatkovi?, Slavica Soluji?Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Hypericum maculatum Crantz Essential OilChemistry and Biodiversity, 11(1), 140-149, 2014M22HemijaI. Stojanovi?, S. Najman, O. Jovanovi?, G. Petrovi?, J. Najdanovi?, P. Vasiljevi?, A. ?melcerovi?Effects of Depsidones from Hypogymnia physodes on HeLa Cell Viability and GrrowthFolia Biologica-Prague, 60, 89-94, 2014M23HemijaAna Alimpi?, Dejan Pljevljaku?i?, Katarina Savikin, Aleksandar Kne?evi?, Milena ?ur?i?, Dragan Veli?kovi?, Tatjana Stevi?, Goran Petrovi?, Vlado Matevski, Jelena Vukojevi?, Sne?ana Markovi?, Petar D. Marin, Sonja Duleti?-Lau?evi?Composition and Biological Effects of Salvia ringens (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil and ExtractsIndustrial Crops and Products, 76, 702-709, 2015M21HemijaBiljana M. Kali?anin, Dragan S. Velimirovi?, and Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?Teeth–Saliva Migration of Fluoride Ions and Health ImplicationsFluorine: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, Chapter 11, 186-199, 2015.PM14 HemijaSne?ana To?i?, Sla?ana Alagi?, Mile Dimitrijevi?, Aleksandra Pavlovi?, Maja Nujki?Plant parts of the apple tree (Malus spp.) as possible indicators of heavy metal pollution AMBIO: A journal of the human environment, 45(4), 501-512, 2016. M21HemijaSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Sne?ana S. ?ebula, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Aleksandra N. Pavlovi?, Jelena V. Petrovi? Bioaccumulation of Arsenic and Cadmium in Birch and Lime from the Bor RegionArch. Environ. Con. Tox., 65(4), 671-682, 2013.M22HemijaSla?ana Alagi?, Sne?ana To?i? & Aleksandra Pavlovi? Nickel content in deciduous trees near copper mining and smelting complex bor (East Serbia)Carpath. J. Earth Env., 9(4), 191–199, 2014.M23HemijaMitic D. Violeta, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanovic, Snezana B. Tosic, Aleksandra N. Pavlovic, Jelena S. Cvetkovic, Marija V. Dimitrijevic, Snezana D. Nikolic-Mandic Chemometric approach to evaluate heavy metals’ content in Daucus Carota from different localities in SerbiaHem. Ind., 69(6), 643-650, 2015.M23HemijaKocic G., Pavlovic R., Nikolic G., Veljkovic A., Panseri S., Chiesa L.M., Andjelkovic T., Jevtovic Stoimenov T., Sokolovic D., Cvetkovic T., Stojanovic S., Kocic H., Nikolic R.Effect of commercial or depurinized milk on rat liver growth-regulatory kinases, nuclear factor-kappa B, and endonuclease in experimental hyperuricemia: Comparison with allopurinol therapyJournal of Dairy Science, 97 (7) (2014) 4029-4042.M21Хеми?аRu?ica S. Nikoli?, Nenad S. Krsti?, Goran M. Nikoli?, Gordana M. Koci?, Milorad D. Caki?, Darko H. An?elkovi?Molecular mechanisms of beneficial effects of lipoic acid in copper intoxicated rats assessment by FTIR and ESI-MSPolyhedron (2014) 80, p.223-227M22Хеми?аIvana Kosti?, Tatjana An?elkovi?, Ru?ica Nikoli?, Tatjana Cvetkovi?, Du?ica Pavlovi?, Aleksandar Boji?Comparative study of binding strengths of heavy metals with humic acidHem. Ind. 67(5) (2013) 773-779.M23Хеми?аKosti? Ivana S., An?elkovi? Tatjana D., An?elkovi? Darko H., Cvetkovi? Tatjana P., Pavlovi? Du?ica D.Determination of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in plastic medical devicesHem. Ind. 70(2) (2016) 159-164.M23Хеми?аIvana Kosti?, Tatjana An?elkovi?, Darko An?elkovi?, Ru?ica Nikoli?, Aleksandar Boji?, Tatjana Cvetkovi?, Goran Nikoli?Interaction of cobalt(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II) with humic-like ligands studied by ESI-MS and ion-exchange method J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 81 (3) (2016) 255–270.M23Хеми?аI. Kosti?, T. An?elkovi?, D. An?elkovi?, A. Boji?, T. Cvetkovi?, D. Pavlovi?Quantification of DEHP into PVC components of intravenous infusion containers and peritoneal dialysis set before and after UV-A treatmentBulg. Chem. Commun., 2, 49 pp. xx-xx (2017) (in press)M23Хеми?аJelena B. Zvezdanovi?, Sanja M. Petrovi?, Dejan Z. Markovi?, Tatjana D. An?elkovi?, Darko H. An?elkovi?Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry combined with the ultra high performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of in vitro formation of chlorophyll complexes with copper and zincJ. Serb. Chem. Soc. (2014) 79(6) p.689 – 706M23Хеми?аJelena Z. Mitrovi?, Miljana D. Radovi?, Tatjana D. An?elkovi?, Danijela V. Boji?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Identification of intermediates and ecotoxicity assessment during the UV/H2O2 oxidation of azo dye Reactive Orange 16Journal of Environmental Science And Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering 49 (5) (2014) 491-502.M23Хеми?аThe migration of some biometal ions in the system mineral tissue of teeth-soil and teeth-water mediumsJ. Serb. Chem. Soc. 79 (11) (2014) 1395–1404. M23Хеми?аEvaluation of a method for phthalate extraction from milk related to the milk dilution ratioJ. Serb. Chem. Soc.(2014) 80(8) p.983 – 996M23Хеми?аIbuprofen and M(II) d-metals: Cu, Co, Cd microquantities interaction analysisEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50 Suppl. 1, 55-56, PP040 (2013)M33Хеми?аDEHP leaching from medical devices used for peritoneal dialysis determined by GC-MS12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2014, Beograd, 2014. Proceedings p. 1153-1156.M33Хеми?аUV-A radiation influence on DEHP level in PVC medical devices13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, Beograd, 2016. Proceedings p. 499-502.M33Хеми?аDnBP extraction optimization in GC-MS determination13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, Beograd, 2016. Proceedings p. 889-892.M33Хеми?аMilk fat content influence on phthalate determination13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, Beograd, 2016. Proceedings p. 893-896.M33Хеми?аTatjana D. An?elkovi?, Darko H. An?elkovi?, Zoran S. Nikoli?The Impact of E-learning in Chemistry Education6th International Conference on e-Learning – "E-LEARNING" Belgrade, Metropolitan University, 2015, Proceedings p.116 – 120M33Хеми?аIvana S. Kosti?, Tatjana D. An?elkovi?, Darko H. An?elkovi?, Tatjana P. Cvetkovi?, Du?ica D. Pavlovi?, Milena D. Ivanovi?, Danica S. Milojkovi?Interaction between oxidative stress inducers: cobalt (II) and salicylic acid7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – "EnviroChem" Pali?, 09 – 12.06.2015, Book of Abstracts p.260 – 261M34Хеми?аDanica S. Milojkovi?, Darko H. An?elkovi?, Gordana M. Koci?, Ivana S. Kosti?, Milena D. Ivanovi?Effect of Temperature on the Migration of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate from Polyvinyl Chloride Dialysis Bags to Model Solutions7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – "EnviroChem" Pali?, 09 – 12.06.2015, Book of Abstracts p.214 – 215M34Хеми?аMilena D. Ivanovi?, Tatjana D. An?elkovi?, Darko H. An?elkovi?, Tatjana P. Cvetkovi?, Danica S. Milojkovi?, Ivana S. Kosti?Optimisation of Chloramphenicol Extraction from Water7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – "EnviroChem" Pali?, 09 – 12.06.2015, Book of Abstracts p.239 – 240M34Хеми?аTatjana D. An?elkovi?, Gordana M. Koci?, Darko H. An?elkovi?, Ivana S. Kosti?, Danica S. Milojkovi?The Signal Response Linearity in Phthalates Determination Using ESI-MS Method with the Loop Injection TechniqueAdvanced Technologies 4(1) (2015) 42–48.M52Хеми?аТ. Stamenkovi?, M. Petrovi?, T. An?elkovi?, A. Zarubica Pesticidi – fotoliza i fotokatalizaHemijski pregled, 54 (3) (2013), 66-74.M53Хеми?аTatjana An?elkovi?, Darko An?elkovi?, Ivana Kosti?, Tatjana Cvetkovi?, Du?ica Pavlovi?, Aleksandar Boji?Migration of phthalates from low density polyethylene infusion bottles into physiological saline solutions51st meeting of Serbian Chemical Society, Nis, 5–7 June, Serbia, 2014, Proceedings p. 74-77.M63Хеми?аDanica S. Milojkovi?, Darko H. An?elkovi?, Tatjana D. An?elkovi?, Ru?ica S. Nikoli?, Gordana M. Koci?, Natali R. Stojiljkovi?Determination of di-n-butyl phthalate and di-n-octyl phthalate in water samples by GC/MS51. Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society (2014, Ni? (Serbia), Proceedings p.78 – 81M63Хеми?аIvana Kostic, Tatjana Andjelkovic, Ruzica Nikolic, Danica Milojkovic, Aleksandar Bojic, Darko AndjelkovicThe interaction of Zn(II) ion with humic acid and humic-model ligands10th symposium ”Novel technologies and economic development”, Leskovac, Serbia, 22–23 October, 2013, Book of Abstracts, 110.M64Хеми?аT. An?elkovi?, D. An?elkovi?, R. Nikoli?, D. Milojkovi?, I. Kosti?, T. Cvetkovi?, G. Koci?ESI-MS Investigation of Interaction between Chromium(III) and Benzoic, Salicylic and Phthalic Acids as oxidative stress markers 6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – EnviroChem, Vr?ac, Serbia, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 192-193.M64Хеми?аT. An?elkovi?, D. An?elkovi?, I. Kosti?, R. Nikoli?, D. Milojkovi?, T. Cvetkovi?, D. Pavlovi?Investigation of interaction of lead(II) with salicylic acid as oxidative stress compound by ESI-MS6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – EnviroChem, Vr?ac, Serbia, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 194-195.M64Хеми?аDarko An?elkovi?, Tatjana An?elkovi?, Ivana Kosti?, Tatjana Cvetkovi?, Du?ica Pavlovi?Electrospray ionization – the mass spectrometry investigation of the interaction between Pb(II) and benzoic acid as oxidative stress inducers11th symposium ”Novel technologies and economic development”, Leskovac, Serbia, 22–24 October, 2015, Proceedings, 147-151.M64Хеми?аIvana Kosti?, Tatjana An?elkovi?, Darko An?elkovi?, Tatjana Cvetkovi?, Du?ica Pavlovi?The determination of the Pb-humate complex stability constant by Schubert’s method using a nonionic sorbent11th symposium ”Novel technologies and economic development”, Leskovac, Serbia, 22–24 October, 2015, Proceedings, 152-156.M64Хеми?аM. Juki?, A. ?or?evi?, J. Lazarevi?, M. Gobec, A. ?melcerovi?, M. AnderluhAntimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of some 2-amino-5-alkylidene-thiazol-4-onesMolecular Diversity, 17(4), 773-780, 2013.M21HemijaM. Juki?, A. ?or?evi?, J. Lazarevi?, M. Gobec, A. ?melcerovi?, M. AnderluhAntimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of some 2-amino-5-alkylidene-thiazol-4-onesMolecular Diversity, 17(4), 773-780, 2013.M21HemijaA.??melcerovi?, F. Miljkovi?, A. Kolarevi?, J. Lazarevi?, A. ?or?evi?, G. Koci?, M. AnderluhAn overview of recent dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors: Linking their structure and physico-chemical properties with SAR, pharmacokinetics and toxicityCurrent Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 15(23), 2342-2372, 2015.M21HemijaD. Yancheva,?E. Cherneva, M. Quick,?B. Mikhova, B. Shivachev, R. Nikolova, A. ?or?evi?, M. Untergehrer, G. Juergenliemk, B. Kraus,?A.??melcerovi? Synthesis, crystal structure and biological activity screening of novel N-(alpha-bromoacyl)-alpha-amino esters containing valyl moiety Acta Chimica Slovenica, 62(3), 689-699, 2015.M23HemijaV. Savi?, S. Savi?, V. Nikoli?, Lj. Nikoli?, S. Najman, J. Lazarevi?, A. ?or?evi?The identification and quantification of bioactive compounds from the aqueous extract of comfrey root by UHPLC–DAD–HESI–MS method and its microbial activityHemijska Industrija, 69(1) 1-8, 2015.M23HemijaA. ?or?evi?Chemical composition of Hypericum perforatum L. essential oil, Advanced Technologies, 4(1), 2015.M52HemijaV. Stankov-Jovanovi?, S. Simonovi?, M. Ili?, M. Markovi?, V. Miti?, A. ?or?evi?, S. Nikoli?-Mandi?Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Seseli pallasii Besser. (syn Seseli varium Trev.) essential oils?Records of Natural Products, 10(3), 277-, 2016.M23Hemija?. Gli?in, G. Petrovi?, B. Arsi?Organska sinteza: principi, koncepti, retroanaliza, sintoniPrirodno-matemati?ki fakultet, Ni?, 2013M31Hemija A. Radovanovi?, B. Jovan?i?evi?, B. Arsi?, B. Radovanovi?, Lj. Gojkovi? BukaricaApplication of non –supervised pattern recognition techniques to classify cabernet Sauvignon wines from Balkan based on individual phenolic compounds.Journal Food Composition and Analysis, 49 (2016) 42-48. M21Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryM. An?elkovi?, B. Radovanovi?, Milenkovi?-Andjelkovi?, V.? Radovanovi? Phenolic Compounds and Bioactivity of Healthy and Infected Grapevine Leaf Extracts from Red Varieties Merlot and Vranac (Vitis vinifera L).Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 70/3 (2015) 317-323M21Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryI. Savi?, V.? Nikoli?, I. Savi?-Gaji?, Lj.? Nikoli?, ?B. Radovanovi?, J. Mladenovi? (2015).?Investigation of properties and structural characterization of the quercetin inclusion complex with (2-hydroxypropyl)-beta-cyclodextrin.Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 82/3-4 (2015) 383-394M22Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryM. Andjelkovi?, A. Milenkovi?-Andjelkovi?, B. Radovanovi?, A. Radovanovi?Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phenols From Seeds of Grape PomaceActa Chimica Slovenica 61/4 (2014) 858-865.M22ChemistryA. S. Milenkovic An?elkovi?, M. Z. Andjelkovi?, A. N. Radovanovi?, B. C. Radovanovi?,V. Randjelovi?Phenol composition, radical scavenging activity and antimicrobial activity of berry leaf extracts,Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 48/1 (2016) 27– 32.M23ChemistryJ. Mladenovi?, A. Radovanovi?, R. Pavlovi?, B. Radovanovi?, J. Zdravkovi?, G. Acamovi? Djokovi?Cytotoxicity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Dausus carota L., Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and Capsicum annum LBulgarian Chemical Communication, 47/1 (2015) 38-44.M23Chemistry, A. Milenkovi?-Andjelkovi?, M. Andjelkovi?, A. Radovanovi?, B. Radovanovi?, V. Nikoli?Phenol composition, DPPH radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity of cornelian cherry (Corrnus mas) fruit and leaf extracts Hemijska industrija, 69/4 (2015) 331/337M23MultidisciplinaryA. Radovanovi?, B. Jovan?i?evi?, B. Radovanovi?, T. Mihajilov-KrstevAntimicrobial Effectiveness of Selected Vranac Wines Against Six Gram-Positive and Six Gram-Negative Bacterial StrainsTropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13/5 9 (2014), 819-824M23Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryB. Radovanovi?, A. Milenkovi?-Andjelkovi?, A. Radovanovi?, M. Anjelkovi?Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Polyphenol Extracts from Wild Berry Fruits Grown in Southeast SerbiaTropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12/5 (2013), 813-819M23Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryM. Andjelkovi?, B. Radovanovi?, A. Radovanovi?, A. Milenkovi?-Anjelkovi?Change in polyphenolic content and and antioxidant activity of Vranac red grape cultivar during grape ripening,South African of Enology and Viticulture 34/2 (2013) 147-155.M23MultidisciplinaryJ. Mladenovi?, B. Radovanovi?, R. Pavlovi?, G. Acamovi? Djokovi?Cytotoxicity and biological activity of natural compounds of Lycopersicon esculentum MillOxidation Communications, 37/1 (2014) 279-289.M23ChemistryB. Radovanovi?, J. Mladenovi?, A. Radovanovi?, R. Pavlovi?, V. Nikoli?Composition, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Properties of Allium porrum L. (Serbia) ExtractsJournal of Food and Nutrition Research, 3(9(2015)) , 564-569M24Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryV. Radovanovi?, B. Radovanovi?, S. Djeki?Management of value added by-products from winery industryThe Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Vol 2 (2013) 691-695.M24MultidisciplinaryA.Milenkovic Andjelkovi?, B. Radovanovic, M. Andjelkovic, A. Radovanovic, V. Nikoli?The anthocyanin content and bioactivity of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) and wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) fruit extracts from the vlasina regionAdvanced technologies 4 (2) (2016) 26-31 M52MultidisciplinaryV. Radovanovi?, B. Radovanovi?, D. Stefanovi?Influence of selective removal of grapevine leaves on quality of red wine.Journal on Processing and Energy Agriculture19/4 (2015) 215-218.M52MultidisciplinaryJ. Zvezdanovi?, D. Markovi?, S. Veljovi? Jovanovi?, B. Radovanovi?UV-induced oxygen free radicals production in spinach thylakoids,Advanced technologies (Serbia), 2(1) (2013) 45-50.M52MultidisciplinaryStankovic Nemanja S,?Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,?Mitic Violeta D, Jovic Jovana L, Comic Ljiljana Kocic, Branislava D, Bernstein NiritAntibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Traditional Medicinal Plants from the Balkan PeninsulaNJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, vol. 78, (2016), br. str. 21-28M21Agriculture, MultidisciplinaryMitic Violeta D?, Ilic Marija D?, Dimitrijevic Marija V, Cvetkovic Jelena S, Ciric Slobodan, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna PChemometric characterization of peach, nectarine and plum cultivars according to fruit phenolic content and antioxidant activityFruits, vol. 71, (2016), br. Str. 57-66M21HorticultureMitic Violeta, Stankov Jovanovic Vesna. Dimitrijevic Marija, Cvetkovic Jelena, Simonovic Strahinja, Nikolic Mandic SnezanaChemometric analysis of antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content ofselected wild and cultivated small fruit from SerbiaFruits, vol. 69, (2014), br. str. 413-422M21HorticultureVioleta D.?Mitic, Vesna P.?Stankov Jovanovic, Marija D.?Ilic, Snezana D.?NikolicMandicImpact of wildfire on soil characteristics and some metal content in selected plants species of Geraniaceae familyEnvironmental Earth Sciences, vol. 73, (2015), br. str. 4581-4594M22Environmental SciencesDimitrijevic Marija V,? Stankov-JovanovicVesna P,? Cvetkovic Jelena S,? Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Stojanovic Gordana S,? Mitic Violeta DScreening of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiradical activities of twelve selected Serbian wild mushroomsAnalytical Methods, vol. 7, (2015), str. 4181-4191M22Chemistry, AnalyticalMarija V. Dimitrijevic, Violeta D. Mitic, Jelena S. Cvetkovic, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanovic, Jelena J. Mutic, Snezana D. Nikolic Mandic,Update on element content profiles in eleven wild edible mushrooms from family BoletaceaeEuropean Food And Research Technology, vol. 242, (2016), br.str. 1-10M22Food Science and TechnologyStankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Simonovic Strahinja R, Ilic Marija D, Markovic Marija S, Mitic Violeta D,Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Nikolic-Mandic Snezana DChemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Seseli pallasii Besser. (syn Seseli varium Trev.) Essential Oils.Records of Natural Products, vol. 10, (2016), br.str. 277-287M22Chemistry (applied, medicinal), Plant SciencesV.D. Miti?, V.P. Stankov Jovanovi?, M.D. Ili?, S.?. Jovanovi?, S.D. Nikoli?-Mandi?Uticaj po?ara na sadr?aj te?kih metala u biljkama i zemlji?tuZa?tita materijala (materials protection, vol. 54, (2013), br.str. 75-82M24Engineering chemicalMihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Radnovic Dragan V, Kitic Dusanka V, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Mitic Violeta D, Stojanovic-Radic Zorica Z, Zlatkovic Bojan KChemical composition, antimicrobial, antioxidative and anticholinesterase activity of Satureja Montana L. sspmontanaessential oilCentral European Journal of Biology, vol. 9, (2014) br.str. 668-677M23BiologyLjiljana Jelenkovi?, Vesna Stankov Jovanovi?, Ivan Pali?, Violeta Miti? and Milanka Radulovi?In Vitro Screening of α-Amylase Inhibition by Selected Terpenes from Essential OilsTropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 13, (2014), br. str. 1421-1428M23Pharmacology and PharmacyGrujic Slavica M, Stojanovic Gordana S, Mitic Violeta D, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Dzamic Ana M, Alimpic Ana Z?. Marin Petar DEvaluation of antioxidant activity of Melittis melissophyllum L. extractsArchives of Biological Sciences, vol. 66, (2014), br. str. 1401-1410M23BiologyMitic V,? Stankov-Jovanovic V,? Cvetkovic J,? Dimitrijevic M,? Ilic M,? Nikolic-Mandic S?,Application of multivariate statistical approach to identify element sources in parsley (Petroselinum crispum),Toxicological And Environmental Chemistry, (2015), vol. 97 br. 6, str. 754-765M23Environmental sciences, TechnologyCvetkovic Jelena S,? Mitic Violeta D,? Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,?Dimitrijevic Marija V,? Nikolic-Mandic Snezana DElemental Composition of Wild Edible Mushrooms from SerbiaAnalytical Letters, vol. 48, 2015), br. str. 2107-2121M23Chemistry, AnalyticalTosic Svetlana M,? Stojicic Dragana D,? Stankov-JovanovicVesna P,? Mitic Violeta D,? Mihajilov-KrstevTatjana M?,Zlatkovic Bojan KChemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Micropropagated and Native Micromeria pulegium (Lamiaceae) ExtractsOxidation Communications, vol. 38, (2015), br.str. 55-66M23Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryJ. S. Cvetkovic, M. V. Dimitrijevic, V. P. Stankov-Jovanovic, V. D. Mitic,Analiza policikli?nih aromati?nih ugljovodonika u hrani I uzorcima Iz ?ivotne sredineHemijski pregled, vol. 54, (2013), br.str.13-16M53Chemistry multidisciplinaryМ. V. Dimitrijevic, J. S. Cvetkovic, V. P. Stankov-Jovanovic, V. D. Mitic,In vitro metode odre?ivanja antioksidativnih obina u uzorcima hraneHemijski pregled, vol. 55, (2014), br.str. 7-12.M53Chemistry multidisciplinaryMarija Ili?, Vesna Stankov Jovanovi?, Violeta Miti?, Marija Dimitrijevi?, Jelena Cvetkovi?, Sne?ana To?i?Toxic Metals Content And Safe Use Of Seseli Pallasii HerbSafety Engineering, vol. 6, (2016), br.str. 1-5M53уре?е?е, заштитa и кориш?е?е вода, зем?ишта и ваздухаMarija Ili?, Sne?ana Jovanovi?, Strahinja Simonovi?, Violeta Miti?, Vesna Stankov-Jovanovi?,Sne?ana Nikoli?-Mandi?Antioxidant characteristics of the plant extracts from traffic polluted and unpolluted areas“15th Frühjahrssymposium”, Berlin, Germany, (Mart 2013)M63Хеми?аMarija V. Dimitrijevi?, Jelena S. Cvetkovi?, Marija D. Ili?, Strahinja R. Simonovi?, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanovi?, Violeta D. Miti?, Sne?ana D. Nikoli?-Mandi?,Content of As, Cd, Pb and Sn in parsley (Petroselium crispum) from different districts in SerbiaCongress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Sarajevo Octobar 10th-12th, 2014, ?PP-AEC-19 Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina special issue page 45 Print ISSN:?0367-4444?Online ISSN: 2232-726M63Хеми?аLjiljana Jelenkovi?, Ivan Pali?, Violeta Miti?, MarijaIli?, Strahinja Simonovi?, Vesna Stankov Jovanovi?Screening of Amylase Inhibition by Selected Essential Oils Components as Potential Agents in Diabetes PreventionBook of abstracts 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southestern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Vlasina Lake, (2013): 82M64Хеми?аLjiljana Jelenkovi?, Ivan Pali?, VioletaMiti?, MarijaIli?, StrahinjaSimonovi?, Vesna Stankov Jovanovi?Influence of Selected Terpenes on Diagnostically Significant Enzymes,Book of abstracts 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southestern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Vlasina Lake, (2013): 98M64Хеми?аM. Dimitrijevi?, J. Cvetkovi?, V. Miti?, M. Markovi?, M. Ili?, V. StankovJovanovi?,Antioksidativne osobine nekih biljnih vrsta sa po?ari?ta na planini Vidli?.10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring regions, Vlasina, Book of Abstract, 2010, 93.M64Хеми?аKostic V Dj,Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,Sekulic Tanja M,Takaci Djurdjica BVisualization of problem solving related to the quantitative composition of solutions in the dynamic GeoGebra environmentCHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, (2016), vol. 17, br. 1, str. 120-138M21Education, Scientific DisciplinesStankovic Nemanja S, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M,Zlatkovic Bojan K,Matejic Jelena S,Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,Kocic Branislava D,Comic Ljiljana RComparative Study of Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils of Selected Aromatic Plants from Balkan PeninsulaPLANTA MEDICA, vol. 82, br. 7, str. 650-661, 2016.M21Chemistry, MedicinalM. Ran?elovi?, M. Mom?ilovi?, B. Matovi?, B. Babi?, J. BarekCyclic voltammetry as a tool for model testing of catalytic Pt- and Ag-doped carbon microspheresJournal of electroanalytical chemistry 757 (2015) 176–182M21hemijaJ. Purenovic, M. Randjelovic, B. Matovic, M. PurenovicApplication of Minkowski layer for intergranular fractal surfaces of multiphase active microalloyed and alloyed aluminium-silicate ceramicsApplied surface science, 332 (2015) 440-455M21hemijaM. Momcilovic, M. Randjelovic,?M. Purenovic, J. Djordjevic,? A. Onjia, B. MatovicMorpho-structural, adsorption and electrochemical characteristics of serpentiniteSeparation and purification technology, 163 (2016) 72-78M21hemijaJ. Purenovi?, V.V. Miti?, Lj. Koci?, V. Pavlovi?, M. Ran?elovi?, M. Purenovi?Intergranular area microalloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics fractal analysisScience of sintering, 45 (1), (2013) 117-126M23hemijaM. Mom?ilovi?, M. Ran?elovi?, M. Purenovi?, A. Onjia, B. Babi?, B. Matovi?Synthesis and characterization of resorcinol formaldehyde carbon cryogel as efficient sorbent for imidacloprid removalDesalination and water treatment, 52 (37-39) (2014) 7306-7316.M23hemijaRakic Violeta P Miljkovic Vojkan M Snajder Marko Miljkovic Milena N Poklar-Ulrih NatasaInfluence of Ph Value on Hue Angle and Visible Absorption Maxima of Cyanidin 3-O-Beta-Glucopyranoside in Aqueous SolutionNANO, BIO AND GREEN - TECHNOLOGIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, VOL I (SGEM 2015), str. 457-463M33HemijaMilena Miljkovi? N.,Vojkan Miljkovi? M., Violeta Raki?, Marija Petrovi?The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and 2in1 III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congres “Food Technology, Quality and Safety” Novi Sad, Serbia 25-27.10.2016. 321-325.M33HemijaMilena Miljkovi? N.,Vojkan Miljkovi? M., Violeta Raki?,Marija Petrovi?III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.The conten exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and 2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and 2in1III International Congres “Food Technology, Quality and Safety” Novi Sad , Serbia 25-27.10.2016. 139M34HemijaVojkan Miljkovic M, Goran Nikolic, Ljubisa Nikolic, Jelena Zvezdanovic, Novica Bojanic, Milena Miljkovic N.Vojkan Miljkovi? M.,Goran Nikoli?,Ljubi?a Nikoli?,Jelena Zvezdanovi?,Novica Bojani?,Milena Miljkovi? N.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents34th Balkan Medical Week Congress, Bucharest Romania, 7-8 October 2016.34th Balkan Medical Week Congress, Bucharest Romania, 7-8 October 2016. A68M34HemijaM. Miljkovi?, V. Paunovi?, V. Miljkovi?, M. Djoki?The qualitative analysis ofdyes in the picture ?Lunar phases” by the author Pe?a Milosavljevi?Zbornikizvoda radova, , XI Simpozijum ?Savremenetehnologije i privredni razvoj”, 23-24. Oktobar 2015., p. 119M34HemijaNaziri, E., Miti?, M.N., Tsimidou, M.ZContribution of tocopherols and squalene to the oxidative stability of cold-pressed pumkin seed oil (Cucurbita pepo?L.)European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 118 (6), 2016, 898-905M21HemijaMilo? Kosti?, Jelena Mitrovi?, Miljana Radovi?, Milo? ?or?evi?, Milica Petovic, Danijela Boji?, Aleksandar Boji?Effects of power of ultrasound on removal of Cu(II) ions by xanthated Lagenaria vulgaris shellEcological Engineering, 2016, 90, 82-86M21HemijaMilica M. Petrovi?, Ian J. Slipper, Milan D. Antonijevi?, Goran S. Nikoli?, Jelena Z. Mitrovi?, Danijela V. Boji?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Characterization of the Bi2O3 coat based anode prepared by galvanostatic electrodeposition and its use for the electrochemical degradation of Reactive Orange 4Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015, 50, 282-287M21HemijaMilica M. Petrovi?, Jelena Z. Mitrovi?, Milan D. Antonijevi?, Branko Matovi?, Danijela V. Boji?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Synthesis and characterization of new Ti-Bi2O3 anode and its use for reactive dye degradationMaterials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 158, 31-37M21HemijaMilenkovi? D., Boji? A., Veljkovi? V.Ultrasound-assisted adsorption of 4-dodecylbenzene sulfonate from aqueous solutions by corn cob activated carbonUltrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013, 20(3), 955–962M21HemijaDanijela Bojic, Milan Momcilovic, Dragan Milenkovic, Nena Velinov, Jelena Mitrovic, Predrag Bankovic, Goran NikolicCharacterisation of a low cost Lagenaria Vulgaris based Carbon for ranitidine removal from aqueous solutionsArabian Journal of Chemistry, 2016M22HemijaMilo? Kosti?, Miljana Radovi?, Jelena Mitrovi?, Milan Antonijevi?, Danijela Boji?, Milica Petrovi?, Aleksandar Boji?Using xanthated Lagenaria vulgaris shell biosorbent for removal of Pb(II) ions from wastewater,Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2014, 11 (2), 565–578.M22HemijaMilos M. Kostic, Ian Slipper, Milan Antonijevic, Jelena Mitrovic, Miljana Radovic, Danijela Bojic, Aleksandar BojicPreparation and characterization of xhanthated Lagenaria vulgaris shell biosorbentOxidation Communications, 2015, 4A, 2173-2188 M23HemijaDanijela V. Boji?, Goran S. Nikoli?, Jelena Z. Mitrovi?, Miljana D. Radovi?, Milica M. Petrovi?, Dragana Z. Markovi?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies of Ni(II) ions sorption on sulfuric acid treated Lagenaria vulgaris shellChemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2016, 22(3):235-247M23HemijaRadovi? Miljana D., Mitrovi? Jelena Z., Kosti? Milo? M., Boji? Danijela V., Petrovi? Milica M., Najdanovi? Slobodan M., Boji? Aleksandar parison of ultraviolet radiation/hydrogen peroxide, fenton and photo-fenton processes for the decolorization of reactive dyesHemijska industrija, 2015, 69 (6) 657–665M23HemijaMilica Petrovi?, Miljana Radovi?, Milo? Kosti?, Jelena Mitrovi?, Danijela Boji?, Aleksandra Zarubica, Aleksandar Boji?A novel biosorbent Lagenaria vulgaris shell - ZrO2 for the removal of textile dye from waterWater Environment Research, 2015, 87(7), 635-643M23HemijaMiljana D Radovi?, Jelena Z Mitrovi?, Danijela V Boji?, Milan D Antonijevi?, Milo? M Kosti?, Rada M Bao?i?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Effects of system parameters and inorganic salts on the photodecolourisation of textile dye Reactive Blue 19 by UV/H2O2 processWater SA,2014,?40(3) 571M23HemijaMilica Petrovic, Jelena Mitrovi?, Miljana Radovi?, Milo? Kosti?, Aleksandar Boji?Preparation and Characterization of Stainless Steel/Bi2O3 Anode and Its Dyes Degradation AbilityThe Canadian journal of chemical engineering, 2014, 92(6), 1000-1007M23HemijaPetrovi? M., Mitrovi? J., Radovi? M., Boji? D., Kosti? M., Ljupkovi? R., Boji? A.Synthesis of bismuth (III) oxide films based anodes for electrochemical degradation of reactive blue 19 and crystal violetHemijska industrija, 2014, 68(5), 585-595M23HemijaMilenkovic Dragan D, Milosavljevic Milutin M, Marinkovic Aleksandar D, Djokic Veljko R, Mitrovic Jelena Z, Bojic Aleksandar LjRemoval of copper(II) ion from aqueous solution by high-porosity activated carbonWater SA, 2013, 39 (4), 515-52.M23HemijaMilo? M. Kosti?, Miljana D. Radovi?, Jelena Z. Mitrovi?, Danijela V. Boji?, Dragan D. Milenkovi?, Aleksandar Lj. Boji?Application of new biosorbent based on chemicaly modified Lagenaria vulgaris shell for the removal of copper(II) from aqueous solutions: effects of operational parametersHemijska industrija, 2013, 67(4), 559-567M23HemijaRan?i? S., Nikoli?-Mandi? S., Boji? A.Analytical application of the reaction system phenyl fluorone-hydrogen peroxide for the kinetic determination of cobalt and tin traces by spectrophotometry in ammonia buffer mediaHemijska industrija, 2013, 67 (6) 989–997M23HemijaKosti? I., An?elkovi? T., Nikoli? R., Cvetkovi? T., Pavlovi? D., Boji? parative study of binding strengths of heavy metals with humic acidHemijska industrija,2013,?67(5):773-779M23HemijaRan?i? S., Nikoli?-Mandi? S., Boji? A.Analytical application of the reaction system methylene blue B-K2S2O8 for the spectrophotometric kinetic determination of silver in citric buffer mediaHemijska industrija, 2013, 67(6):989-997M23HemijaMarkovi? D.Z., Boji? D.V., Boji? A.Lj., Nikoli? G.S.The biosorption potential of waste biomass young fruit walnuts for lead ions: Kinetic and equilibrium studyHemijska industrija, 2015, 69(3)M23HemijaG. L. Filipovic, S. B. Tosic, P. N. Janosevic, Z. R. Ajdukovic, M. L. , Janosevic,Determination of Nickel Contents in the Saliva of Patients with Fixed Orthodontic AppliancesOxidation Communications, 37(3), 2014, 846-853M23Хеми?аSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Mile D. Dimitrijevi?, Milan M. Antonijevi?, Maja M. Nujki?Assessment of the quality of polluted areas based on the content of heavy metals in different organs of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv Tamjanika,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(9), 2015,7155-7175M21Хеми?аM. D. Dimitrijevi?, M. M. Nujki?, S. ?. Alagi?, S. M. Mili?, S. B. To?i?Heavy metal contamination of topsoil and parts of peach-tree growing at different distances from a smelting complexInternational Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,? 13(2), 2016, 615-630M22Хеми?аM. M. Nujki?, M. M. Dimitrijevi?, S. ?. Alagi?, S. B. To?i? and J. V. Petrovi?Impact of metallurgical activities on the content of trace elements in the spatial soil and plant parts of Rubus fruticosus L.Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 18(3), 2016, 350-360M22Хеми?аSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Mile D. Dimitrijevi?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Sne?ana M. Mili?, Maja M. Nujki?Sadr?aj gvo??a u plodovima jabuka i kupina koji prirodno rastu u neposrednoj blizini topionice bakra u BoruEcologica, 22(79), 2015, 503-507M51Хеми?аSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Mile D. Dimitrijevi?, Maja M. Nujki?Iron content in the fruits of the grapevines and peach trees growing near the mining and smelting complex Bor, east SerbiaFacta Universitatis,13(2), 2015, 99-107.M51Хеми?аSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Mile D. Dimitrijevi?, Jelena V. Petrovi?, Dragana V. Medi?The characterization of heavy metals in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cultivar Rkatsiteli and wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) from East Serbia by ICP-OES and BAFs. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2016.1225082M23Хеми?аKali?anin B, Velimirovi? D, To?i? S, Arsi? IMicronutrients in grains and grain products and their importance to human health6. Me?unarodni kongres "Ekologija, zdravlje, rad, sport", Zbornik radova 530-536, Banja Luka, 2013M33Хеми?аMile Dimitrijevi?, Sla?ana Alagi?, Sne?ana To?i?, Maja Nujki?Heavy metal distribution in the topsoil from different locations near copper smelter in Bor (East Serbia)46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy-IOC 2014,Bor, Serbia, Proceedings 273-276.M33Хеми?аNevena D. Pavlovi?, Sne?ana B. To?i?Determination of elements content in baby food using ICP-OES spectrophotometry51st Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society and 2nd Conference of the Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of Abstract, Ni?, jun 2014, HA P 03.M64Хеми?аSla?ana??. Alagi?,?Mile D. Dimitrijevi?,?Sne?ana B. To?i?,?Sne?ana?M. Mili?,?Maja M. Nujki?Sadr?aj gvo??a u plodovima jabuka i kupina koje prirodno rastu u neposrednoj blizini topionice bakra u Boru?ivotna sredina i adaptacija privrede na klimatske promene, Belgrade,?22-24.4.2015.,?Book of Abstracts,?185M34Хеми?аSla?ana Alagi?, Sne?ana To?i?, Mile Dimitrijevi?, Maja Nujki?, Tanja Petrovi?Ratio of copper concentrations between plant parts of the grapevine and peach tree as possible indication of copper pollutionThe 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor and Mininig and Metallurgy Institute Bor, September 28-October 01, 2016, Bor (Serbia), Proceedings, 100-103.M33Хеми?аSla?ana Alagi?, Mile Dimitrijevi?, Sne?ana To?i?, Maja Nujki?, Dragana Medi?Copper uptake by the grapevine and peach tree from the Bor region: a comparisonThe 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor and Mininig and Metallurgy Institute Bor, September 28-October 01, 2016, Bor (Serbia), Proceedings, 96-99. M33Хеми?аSla?ana ?. Alagi?, Dragana V. Medi?, Mile D. Dimitrijevi?, Sne?ana B. To?i?, Maja M. Nujki?Phytoremediation potential of the grapevine in regard to lithiumZa?tita materijala, LVII, broj 3, 371-377, Beograd 2016.M24Хеми?аMarjan Ran?elovi?, Aleksandra Zarubica, Milovan Purenovi?New Composite Materials in the Technology for Drinking Water Purification from Ionic and Colloidal PollutantsComposites and their applications, In: Ning Hu, Editor, Intechopen, Rijeka 295-322, ISBN: 978-953-51-0706-42012HemijaRu?ica S. Nikoli?, Jasmina M. Jovanovi?, Gordana M. Koci? and Nenad S. Krsti?Glutathione and Lipoic Acid Benefit Effects on Liver, Kidney, Brain and Pancreatic Tissue from Cd-, Pb- and Cu- Provoked Lipid Peroxidation Monitoring via MDA Content among Wistar RatsNova Science Publishers New York2015HemijaBiljana Arsi?, Danica Dimitrijevi?, Danijela Kosti?,Mineral and vitamin fortification, Chapter in book NutraceuticalsAcademic Press is an imprint of Elsevier2016hemijaV. Miljkovic, B. Arsic, G. Nikolic, Lj. Nikolic, B. Kalicanin, V. SavicInteractions of metronidazole with other medicines: a brief reviewDie Pharmazie, 2014, 69, 571-577M23Farmacija i farmakologijaV. M. Miljkovic, G. S. Nikolic, Lj. B. Nikolic, B. B. ArsicMorus species through centuries in pharmacy and as foodAdvanced Technologies, 2014, 3 (2), 111-115M52Hemija i srodne disciplineB. Arsic, A. Awan, R. Brennan, J. Aguilar, R. Ledder, A. J. McBain, A. C. Regan, J. BarberTheoretical and experimental investigation on clarithromycin, erythromycin A and azithromycin and descladinosyl derivatives of clarithromycin and azithromycin with 3-O-substitution as anti-bacterial agentsMedChemComm, 2014, 5(9), 1347-1354M22Medicinska hemijaBiljana Arsic, Jelena Djordjevic, Tatjana Trtic-PetrovicKompjuterske (konformaciona i doking) analize ciljanih pesticida/Computational (conformational and docking) analyses of targeted pesticidesTreca konferencija mladih hemicara Srbije/Third Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 24th October 2015, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 92M34HemijaBiljana Arsic, Richard Bryce, Jill BarberAnti-malarial activity of macrolide antibiotics: In silico study on the apicoplast ribosomal exit tunnel of Plasmodium falciparumJoliot-Curie Conference 2015, 16th-17th September 2015, Cambridge, United Kingdom, P11M34HemijaMladen Miric, Milos Djordjevic, Biljana Arsic, Dragan Djordjevic, Sasa Marjanovic, Svetlana IvanovApplication of principal component analysis in the investigation of Au alloys without AgThe 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 28th September-1st October 2016, Bor, Republic of Serbia, 81-84M33MetalurgijaP. K. Bhadra, A. Hassanzadeh, B. Arsic, D. G. Allison, G. A. Morris, J. BarberEnhancement of the properties of a drug by mono-deuteriation: reduction of acid-catalysed formation of a gut-motilide enol ether from 8-deuterio-erythromycin BOrganic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016, 14, 6289-6296M21Organska hemijaBiljana ArsicNew opportunities for macrolide antibiotics2nd Anglo-Croatian Medicinal Symposium on Macrocycles: medicinal chemistry and beyond-the-rule-of-five, 17th-18th October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia, 9Medicinska hemija ................

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