|CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE |Institution: |The Scripps Research Institute> |


|NAME: Suzanne E. Peterson |POSITION: Research associate |


|Institution or Location |Degree |Year(s) |Field of Study |

|Scripps College, Claremont, CA |BA |1991-1995 |Biology |

|Lancaster University, England |N/A |1993 |Biology |

|University of Southern California, Los Angeles, |PhD |1998-2003 |Molecular Microbiology and |

|CA | | |Immunology |

|The Scripps Research Institute |N/A |2004-present |Neuroscience |


Positions of Employment

Summer 1992 Research Associate, Molecular Biology, San Diego State University

Summer 1993 Student Research Program in Molecular Biology, UCSD School of Medicine

Summer 1994 Research Assistant, Molecular Biology, City of Hope National Medical Center

1992-1994 Teaching Assistant, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Claremont Colleges

1995-1998 Research Specialist, Hematology and Oncology, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

2004 – present Research Associate, Dept. of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute

Honors and Awards

1991 Point Loma High School Valedictorian

1991-1995 James E. Scripps Scholarship recipient

1993 American Heart Association Student Research Program Award in Molecular Biology, UCSD School of Medicine

1995 Graduated Cum Laude with honors in Biology

1995 Phi Beta Kappa Academic Honor Society

2002 Children’s Hospital Los Angeles poster session award winner

2004 American Association for Cancer Research Scholar-in-Tranining

Award Recipient

2006. Neuroplasticity of Aging Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellowship


2007 American Parkinson Disease Association Postdoctoral


Professional Memberships

1998 – present American Association for the Advancement of Science

1995 – present Phi Beta Kappa academic honor society

2004 – present Society for Neuroscience

Teaching Experience

2006 and 2007 Childrens Hospital Orange County hESC training course

lecturer,“Aneuploidies in hESCs.”

2007 Burnham Institute for Medical Research hESC training course lecturer, “Aneuploidies in hESCs.”


1. Bogenmann, E., Peterson, S., Maekawa, K., and Matsushima, H. Regulation of NGF responsiveness in human neuroblastoma. Oncogene 17:2367, 1998.

2. Peterson, S. and Bogenmann, E. Osmotic swelling induces p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) expression via nitric oxide. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278:33943, 2003.

3. Peterson, S. and Bogenmann, E. The RET and TRKA pathways collaborate to regulate neuroblastoma differentiation Oncogene 23:213, 2004.

4. Rehen, SK., Kingsbury, MA., Almeida, BSV., Herr, DR., Peterson, SE., Chun, J. A new method of embryonic culture for assessing global changes in brain organization. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 158:100-108. 2006.

5. Kingsbury MA, Yung YC, Peterson SE, Westra JW, Chun J. Aneuploidy in the normal and diseased brain. Cellular and Molecular Life Science. 63, 2626-2641. 2006.

6. Peterson, SE., Rehen, SK, Westra, JW., Yung, YC., Chun, J. Spectral Karyotyping and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization. In Human stem cell manual: A laboratory guide, chapter 6, pp. 71-84. 2007. Elselvier.

7. Westra, JW., Peterson, SE., Yung, YC., Mutoh, T., Barral, S., Chun, J. Aneuploid mosaicism in the developing and adult cerebellar cortex. Journal of Comparative Neurology. In press.

8. Peterson, SE., Westra, JW, Paczkowski, CM., Chun, J. Chromosomal Mosaicism in Neural Stem Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology: Neural Stem Cells. Chapter16, pp. 197-204. 2008. Humana Press, In press.


1. Peterson, S. and Bogenmann, E. Neuroblastoma differentiation is regulated by cooperation of the RET and TRKA signaling pathways. AACR temporary abstract #4238. American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting, 2004.

2. Peterson, SE., Yang, AH., Westra, JW., Yung, YC., Mutoh, T., Rehen, SK., Chun, J. Non-unifor changes in mosaic aneuploidies of the developing cerebral cortex following caspase inhibition. #776.19 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, 2007.


One patent pending. “Selection, Propagation and use of mosaic aneuploid stem cells.”


2006. Neuroplasticity of Aging Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellowship

(NIH). NIH #5 T32 AG00216-13. “Functional consequences of neuronal aneuploidy”

2007 American Parkinson Disease Association Postdoctoral

Fellowship. “Contribution of chromosomal aneuploidy to disease pathology in sporadic Parkinson’s Disease”


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