Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering

Office of Dean (Research)

Research Publication for the period 2016-2017 (March 2016 - March 2017)

Department of Applied Chemistry

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |Baskar G, Narayanan V, Manimaran|Correlation of Piperdone Derivatives With Complete |Global Journal of Pure and Applied |

|1. |R and Veeramalini JB |Tripartite Graph Accepting Complete Monotonic Decomposition|Mathematics, Vol. 12, pp.70–79, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 2.4 |

| |Baskar G, Veeramalini JB, |Rigorous Mathematical Approaches To Piperdone Derivatives |Global Journal of Pure and Applied |

|2. |Narayanan V and Umayambika N |Based On Conceptual Analysis Of Complete Tripartite Graph |Mathematics Vol.12, pp. 75–79, 2016. |

| | |K1,2,M U {E} Accepts Continuous Monotonic Decomposition |Impact factor : 2.4 |

| |Baskar G, Narayanan V, Manimaran|Graph Theoretical Analysis Of Piperdone Derivatives With |Global Journal of Pure and Applied |

|3. |R and Veeramalini JB |Complete Tripartite Graph K4, M, N Does Not Accepting |Mathematics, Vol. 12, pp.414–417, 2016. |

| | |Complete Monotonic Decomposition |Impact factor : 2.4 |

|4. |Baskar G and Veeramalini JB |Cyclic Voltametric Study Of N-Hydroxy- 3,5-Dimethyl-2,6- |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol.13,|

| | |Bis(Pmethylphenyl) Piperidin-4- One Semicarbazone And The |pp.6088–6093. |

| | |Antibacterial Studies Of T |Impact factor : 1.8 |

| | |he Product | |

| 5. |Baskar G, Narayanan V and |Complete Tripartite Graph Accepting Continuous Monotonic |Applied Mathematics and Information |

| |Veeramalini JB |Decomposition Theorem For Evaluation Routing Of Reaction |Sciences, Vol.11, pp. 1-4, 2017. |

| | |Mechanism Of Piperdone Derivatives With Different Colour |Impact factor : 2.0 |

| | |Mobility Of Graph Labelling | |

|6. |Veeramalini JB and Basker G |Electrochemical behaviour of some alkyl substituted |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol. |

| | |N-hydroxy-2,6-diarylpiperidin-4- one thiosemicarbazone and |13, pp.6445–6455, 2017. |

| | |the antifungal studies of the products | |

| | | |Impact factor : 1.8 |

|7. |Thenmozhi Karnan and Stanly S |Biosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using rambutan (Nephelium|Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. |

| | |lappaceumL.) peel extract and their photocatalytic activity|1125, pp.358-365, 2016. |

| | |on methyl orange dye. |Impact factor : 1.78 |

Department of Applied Mathematics

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1. |Santhana Lakshmi C and Muthucumaraswamy R |Thermal radiation and chemical reaction effects on|International Journal of Engineering |

| | |exponentially accelerated vertical plate with |Sciences & Research Technology, Vol.5, |

| | |variable temperature and uniform mass diffusion. |pp. 321-332, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 4.116 |

|2. |Geetha E and Muthucumaraswamy R |Free convective heat and mass transfer induced by |International Journal of Advanced |

| | |a constant mass flux on a parabolic started |Scientific technologies in Engineering |

| | |vertical plate with variable temperature. |and Management sciences, Vol.2, pp. |

| | | |12-16, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 3.022 |

|3. |Lakshmi V and Muthucumaraswamy R. |Hall effects and magnetic field effects on flow |International Journal of |

| | |past a parabolic accelerated isothermal vertical |Multidisciplinary Research and |

| | |plate with uniform mass diffusion in the presence |Development, Vol.3, pp. 232-241, 2016. |

| | |of thermal radiation. |Impact Factor : 5.72 |

|4. |Lakshmi V and |MHD and thermal radiation effects on flow past a |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| |Muthucumaraswamy R |parabolic started infinite vertical plate with |Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, |

| | |variable temperature and mass diffusion |pp.1-17, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 4.557 |

|5. |Santhana Lakshmi C and Muthucumaraswamy R |Chemical reaction effects past an exponentially |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| | |accelerated isothermal vertical plate with uniform|Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, |

| | |mass diffusion in the presence of magnetic field |pp.1783-1808, 2016. |

| | |and Hall currents. |Impact Factor : 4.557 |

|6. |Sivakumar P and |First order chemical reaction on parabolic flow |International Journal for Innovation |

| |Muthucumarawamy R |past an infinite vertical plate with variable |and Scientific Research, Vol.25, |

| | |temperature and mass diffusion in the presence of |pp.466-477, 2016. |

| | |external magnetic field and thermal radiation |Impact Factor : 2.988 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|7. |Muthucumaraswamy R and Muthuracku Alias Prema K. |Heat and mass transfer effects on moving vertical |J P Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, |

| | |plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion|Vol.13, pp.161-181, 2016. |

| | |in the presence of Hall effect, |Impact Factor : 0.765 |

| |Muthuracku alias Prema and Muthucumaraswamy R |Exact solution of unsteady flow past an |International Journal of Applied |

|8. | |accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate |Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.5, pp. |

| | |with uniform mass diffusion, |43-54,2016.Impact Factor : 1.377 |

|9. |Muthucumaraswamy R and Muthuracku alias Prema |Hall effect on moving isothermal vertical plate |International Journal of Advanced |

| | |with variable temperature and mass diffusion in |Scientific Technologies in Engineering |

| | |the presence of rotating fluid. |and Management Sciences, Vol.2, |

| | | |pp.6-13, 2016. Impact Factor |

| | | |: 3.022 |

|10. |Muthucumaraswamy R and Jeyanthi L |Hall effects on MHD flow past an infinite vertical|Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| | |plate in the presence of rotating fluid with first|Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, |

| | |order chemical reaction,. |pp.648-661, 2016. Impact Factor : 4.557|

|11. |Muthucumaraswamy R and Jeyanthi L |First order chemical reaction and Hall effect on |International Journal of Advanced |

| | |MHD flow past an infinite vertical plate in the |Engineering, Management and Science, |

| | |presence of rotating fluid with variable mass |Vol.12, pp.1963-1969, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 3.022 |

|12. |Dhananjeyakumar VSA and Muthucumaraswamy R |Hall effects on isothermal vertical plate with |International Journal of Applied |

| | |uniform mass diffusion in the presence of rotating|mechanics and Engineering, Vol.22, |

| | |fluid and chemical reaction of first order |pp.111-121, 2017. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 1.35 |

|13. |Thilaka B, |Optimal Policy – Screening for Training and |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| |Janaki Sivasankaran and Udayabhaskaran S. |Promotion |Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, |

| | | |pp.629-641, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 4.557 |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|14. |Sivasankaran Janaki, |Decision support for Employee Engagement |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| |Thilaka B. |Initiatives: Cumulative value addition |Sciences and Humanities, Vol.6, |

| | | |pp.2136-2151, 2016. Impact Factor : |

| | | |4.557 |

|15. |Thilaka B and Janaki Sivasankaran |Stochastic Model for Policy Induced Human Resource|International Journal of Printing, |

| | |Depletion |Packaging & Allied Sciences, Vol. 5, |

| | | |2017. Impact Factor : |

| | | |2.78 |

|16. |Vijayalakshmi AR and Ravikumar J. |Analytical solution of vertical plate in a |International Journal of Applied |

| | |rotating fluid with variable temperature, uniform |Engineering Research, Vol. 11, |

| | |mass diffusion in the presence of MHD and thermal |pp.2343-2348, 2016. |

| | |radiation |Impact Factor : 1.823 |

|17. |Vijayalakshmi AR and Ravikumar J. |Exact Solution of Vertical plate in a rotating |Global Journal of Pure and Applied |

| | |fluid with variable Temperature and Mass Diffusion|Mathematics pp 364-368, Vol. 12, No.2, |

| | |in the Presence of Thermal Radiation |2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 2.4 |

|18. |Vijayalakshmi A R and M. SelvaJayanthi |Influence of Natural Convective Flow Past |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| | |anOscillating Semi-Infinite Vertical Plate with |Sciences and Humanities Vol. 7, No. 3 |

| | |VariableMass Diffusion under First Order Chemical |(2017), pp. 746-763. |

| | |reaction |Impact Factor : 4.557 |

|19. |Subbu (a) Suba; |A Novel Approach on Unsteady MHD Radiative |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

| |Saravanan B and |FlowPast an Impulsively Started Isothermal |Sciences and Humanities, 524-547, Vol. |

| |R. Muthucumaraswamy |Semi-infiniteVertical Plate with Uniform Mass Flux|7 No. 2, 2017. |

| | |in a RotatingSystem |Impact Factor : 4.557 |

|20. |S. Prabhu and |On Certain Topological Indices of Benzenoid |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol. |

| |M. Arulperumjothi |Compounds |13, pp.6406-6412, 2017. Impact Factor |

| | | |: 2.115 |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|21. |Kanagarajan K and |Runge-Kutta method for solving fuzzy differential |Computational and Applied Mathematics, |

| |Suresh R |equations under generalized differentiability, |Springer online first, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 0.802 |

Department of Applied Physics

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Details of the Journal |

|1 |Balamurugan N |Natural Population Analysis, Muliken analysis of |Spectroscopy and Spectral analysis |

| |Sampath Krishnan S and Charanya C |Atomic Charges of 2-((2,3- Dimethylphenyl) Amino} |Vol. 36, No 4 PP 1273-1276, 2016. |

| | |Benzoic Acid” Spectroscopy and Specreal analysis |Impact factor : 0.275 |

|2. |Charanya C, |Natural bond orbitial (NBO) , Natural Population |Spectroscopy and Spectral analysis |

| |Sampath Krishan S and Balamurugan N |analysis, Mulliken analysis of atomic charges of L|Vol.36,No.8,pp.2721-2724, 2016. |

| | |. Alaniuim Oxalates |Impact factor:0.275 |

|3 |Kumutha R, |Structural and spectral studies on benzoyl |Journal of Advances in |

| |Sampath KrishnanS, Rubarani.P.Gangadharan and |Thiourea based on DFT calculations |Chemistry,Vol.12, pp.4826-4844, |

| |Thirumalai Kumar M | |2016.Impact factor : 1.778 |

|4 |Kumutha R and SampathKrishnan S |Vibrational Spectra, Nbo, Homo-Lumo Analyses Of |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, |

| | |Furfural Semicarbazone |Vol.12, pp. 4845 -4859,2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 1.778 |

|5 |Rubarani.P.Gangadharan and Sampath Krishnan. S |”Corrosion inhibition studies and Solvation |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol |

| | |Analysis of Pyridine N-oxides by Polarizable |13, pp.6196-6201,2016. |

| | |Continuum |Impact factor : 1.778 |

|6. |Charanya C, |Quantum mechanical analysis, spectroscopic (FT-IR,|Journal of Molecular Liquids,Vol.231 |

| |Sampath Krishnan.S S and Balamurugan N |FT-Raman, UV-Visible) study, and HOMO-LUMO |pp.116–125, 2017. |

| | |analysis of (1S,2R)-2-amino-1-phenylpropan-1-ol |Impact factor : 2.740 |

| | |using Density Functional Theory | |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|7 |Sampath Krishnan S and Kalpana Rajan |effect of Gadolinium on the properties and photo –|Journal of Advances in Chemistry |

| | |catalytic application of ZnO nano Crystals |Vol.12,pp.4290-4294, 2016.Impact factor|

| | | |: 1.778 |

Department of Automobile Engineering

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1 . |N. Tamiloli and Venkatesan J, G. Mohammed Thalib|Study of Corrosion Behaviour of Tungsten |International Journal of Chem Tech |

| |Basha |Carbide, Aluminium Chromo Nitride Coated and |Research, Vol. 9, pp. 242-247. |

| | |Diamond Like Carbone Coated End Milling Insert |Impact factor : 0.598 |

|2 |S. Premnath,and |Optimization of combustion chamber along with |Oxidation Communications Book 3, Vol. |

| |G. DEVARADJANE, |injection parameters for jatropha biodiesel blends|39, pp. 2618-2629, |

| | |in a single cylinder diesel engine using grade |Impact factor : 0.489 |

| | |analysis and ANOVA | |

|3 |Premnath S, and Devaradjance GOBALAKICHENIN, |A Simulation study of airflow in different types |Thermal Science, Vol.20, pp. |

| |Kathivelu BASKAR and Shanmugasundaram Palaninathan |of combustion chambers for a single cylinder |1145-1151,Impact factor : 0.939 |

| | |diesel engine | |

| 4 | |Effect of injector nozzle on the performance, |International Journal of Advanced |

| |Premnath S, Devaradjance GOBALAKICHENIN |emission and combustion characteristics of single |Research Methodology in Engineering and|

| | |cylinder four stroke diesel engine |Technology, Vol.1, 2017. |

Department of Biotechnology

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1 |Sulochana Somasundaram, |In silico and in vitro study of Mimosa pudica and the |International Journal of Current |

| |Vishnupriya.S |bactericidal activity of its phytocompound mimosine against |Engineering and Research |

| | |methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureues (MRSA) | |

|2 |Akshaya.R, |Medicinal Properties of Abutilon indicum |International Journal of Medical Sciences &|

| |Subhasree.S S. Prabhu | |Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.1, pp. 73-81, |

| | | |2017. |

|3 |Bhargavi Narayanan, |A Review on Biogas Production from Tapioca Processing Industry  |International Journal of Current |

| |S. Prabhu | |Engineering and Scientific Research, Vol.4,|

| | | |pp.2393-8374, 2017. |

| |V. Ananad, |A review on biological properties of Aloe vera plant  |International Journal for Innovative |

|4 |S. Prabhu, | |Research in Science & Technology |

| | | |Vol.3,pp.2349-6010, 2017. |

|5 | Ashok Palaniappan |Bayesian Medicine: an approach towards systematic diagnosis. |CHC medical journal, Vol.5, pp.2-4, 2016. |

| | | |[perspective article] pISSN: 2277-8845 |

| | | |eiSSN: 2278-2044; |

|6 |Ashok Palaniappan |Computational studies of P-glycoprotein polymorphisms in |bioRxiv 095059; doi: |

| | |antiepileptic drug resistance mechanisms | |

|7 |Ashok Palaniappan, |Fourier analysis of conservation patterns of protein secondary |Computational and Structural Biotechnology |

| |Eric Jakobsson |structure |Journal, 2017. |

Department of Chemical Engineering

| |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|S.No | | | |

|1. |Mahendra Ch, Satya Sai P M|Different modes of Electrodeionization of Cesium form AMP-PAN |International Journal of Research in |

| |and Anand Babu | |Engineering and Techology,Vol.5, |

| | | |pp.30-34, 2016 |

| | | |Impact factor : 2.7 |

Department of Civil Engineering

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1. |Gopala Krishnan R and Chinnaraju |Durability of Alumina Silicate Concrete Based on Slag/Flyash |Materials and Technology, 2016, Vol.50, |

| |K |Blends Against Acid and Chloride Environments |No.6, PP. 929-937 Impact factor : 0.439 |

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1 |Subashchandar A and Jayakumar C |SSASD: Semantic and Syntax Aware Service Discovery for | International Science Press IJCTA, |

| | |Heterogeneous Application in Pervasive Computing |Vol.9, pp. 4163-4173, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 2.804 |

|2 |Subashchandar A and Jayakumar C |CICV: Cross Indexing and Cross Verification Algorithm Based |International Journal of Engineering and |

| | |Service Discovery in Pervasive Computing |Technology, pp.1712-1718, 2016. |

|3 |Mohammed Thaha M and |A self Intelligent Learner Identification to Increase |International Journal of u- and e- |

| |Jayakumar C |Self-Efficacy for Enhanced Learning Performance |service, Science and Technology,Vol.9, |

| | | |pp. 209-226, 2016. |

| | | | |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|4 |JanyShabu S L and |Detection of Brain Tumor by Image Fusion Using Genetic Algorithm |Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, |

| |Jayakumar C | |Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 0.35 |

|5 |Malathi K and Nedunchelian R |Detecting And Classifying Diabetic Retinopathy In Fundus Retina |ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied |

| | |Images Using Artificial Neural Networks-Based Firefly Clustering |Sciences, 2016. |

| | |Algorithm |Impact factor : 0.462 |

| |Kavitha R and Nedunchelian R |Study on Search Engine Optimization Technique in Health Care |Research Journal of Applied Sciences and |

| | |System using Cloud Data |Technology, Vol.13, pp.432-441, 2016. |

|5 |Regina B and Nedunchelian R |Detecting Breast Cancer From Mammogram Images Using A Haar Wavelet|Emerging Technologies in Networking and |

| | |Filter With Threshold-Based Segmentation |Security, 2016 |

|6 |Veeramani T and Nedunchelian R |An improved Wrapper Generation using Self Organizing Maps and Meta|Journal of Medical Imaging and Health |

| | |Heuristic Technique for Web based Biomedical Data Mining |Informatics, Vol 6, pp.1581-1584, 2016. |

| | | |(Annexure I)Impact factor : 0.877 |

| |Gayathri V M and Nedunchelian R |A Review of Mobile Adhoc Networks |Middle-East Journal of Scientific |

| | | |Research, Vol.24, pp.3485-3494, 2016. |

| |Merlin Monisha A and |Feature Based Opinion Mining of Customer Review with Entity |International Journal of Informative & |

| |Nedunchelian R |Chunking Technique |Futuristic Research. 2017. Impact |

| | | |factor : 1.781 |

| |Thivakaran TK and Jayakumar C |A New Proposed Hadoop Search (Hasear) Algorithmon Hadoop Framework|Middle-East Journal of Scientific |

| | |Using Data Warehouse |Research, Vol. 24, pp.3510-3514, 2016. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

|SNo |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |Thivakaran T K, Chnuukya PSVVN |Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Haer Based Wavelet Transform |Asian Journal of Information Technology, |

| |and Vijaybanu S |Over Other Techniques |pp. 323-328, 2016. |

| | | | |

| |Athithyaa Selvam, Balasubramanian|Mining Patterns from 9-1-1 Calls Dataset |InternationalJournal of Applied |

| |and | |Information Systems, |

| |Thivakaran TK | | |

| |Prabakaran K and Kumaratharan N |An Enhanced In-Packet LW-BF Coding Scheme for Estimating |International Journal of Printing, |

| | |Provenance and Attacks in WSN |Packaging & Allied Sciences”, Vol.4, pp. |

| | | |2063-2069,2016 |

| |PEpsiba and Kumaratharan N |A Study on Layered MSB-HoG Descriptor based Depth Map Compression |International Journal of Printing, |

| | | |Packaging & Allied Sciences”, vol.4, |

| | | |no.3, pp. 1820-1826,Dec.2016, ISSN: |

| | | |2320-4387 |

| | | |Impact factor : 2.78 |

| |Elaiyaraja G and |An enhanced algorithm for removal of noise in CT scan image and 3D|Biomedical Research, Vol. 28, pp.512-518,|

| |Kumaratharan N |abdomen color video sequence through trimmed based filter |2017, |

| | | |Impact factor : 0.226 |

| |Venmathi A R, Ganesh E N andN. |Kirsch Compass Kernel Edge Detection Algorithm for Micro |Middle-East Journal of Scientific |

| |Kumaratharan N |Calcification Clusters in Mammograms |Research, Vol. 24, pp. 1530-1535, 2016. |

| |Janani S, Kumaratharan N and |Blackhole Reduction using CBDA |International Journal of Advanced |

| |Balasubramanian D | |Computer Technology-Special Issue, |

| | | |pp.97-103,2016, |

| | | |Impact factor:3.3 |

| | Elaiyaraja G and Kumaratharan N |Removal of High-Density Salt-and-Pepper Noise in Medical Images |International Journal of Advanced |

| | |with an Decision-Based/Adaptive Median Technique Using |Computer Technology, pp.127-132, 2016, |

| | |Block-Matching and 3D Filtering |Impact factor : 3.3 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |Saranya R Kumaratharan N |Performance Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network Using Mobile |International Journal of Advanced |

| |and Balasubramanian D |Anchor Points |Computer Technology, pp.182-189, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 3.3 |

| |Gnanasekar JM Meiyappan D and |Face To Face and Online Mobile Learning System |The Online Journal of Distance Education |

| |Rajesh M | |and e-Learning, Vol. 4, pp. 33-41, 2016. |

| |Rajesh M and Gnanasekar JM |Path observation-based physical routing protocol for wireless ad |International Journal of Wireless and |

| | |hoc networks |Mobile Computing , Vol. 11, pp. 244-257, |

| | | |2016. |

| |Janarthanan P and RamachandranV |An Event Graph Based Document Representation for Information |Asian Journal of Information Technology, |

| | |Retrieval and Summarazing the Text Based on Events |Vol.15, pp.3531-3537, 2016. |

| |Manikandan SP, Manimegalai R and |Gene Selection from Microarray Data using Binary Grey Wolf |Current signal Transduction Therapy, |

| |Hariharan M |Algorithm for Classifying Acute Leukemia |Bentham Science, Vol.11, pp. 76-83, 2016.|

| |AnuInbaMozhi R.S. and Gayathri K |Probabilistic Relational Model based approach for Decision Support|International Journal of Control Theory |

| |S |Systems |and Applications Vol. 9, pp. 453-461, |

| | | |2016. Impact factor : 2.804 |

| |Gayathri K S, Easwarakumar K S |Probabilistic ontology based activity recognition in smart homes |Knowledge-Based Systems, pp.1-12, 2017. |

| |and Susan Elias |using Markov Logic Network |Impact factor : 3.325 |

| |Chandrakala S and Rajeswari N |Representation Learning based Speech Assistive System for Persons |IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and |

| | |with Dysarthria |Rehabilitation Engineering, 2016. |

| | | |Accepted |

| | | |Impact Factor: 2.583 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|S.No. |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |Rajeswari. N and Chandrakala S |Generative Model-Driven Feature Learning for dysarthric speech |Biocybernetics and Biomedical |

| | |recognition |Engineering, Elsevier publication Vol |

| | | |36,Iss:4, p 553-561. |

| | | |Impact Factor: 0.808 |

| |Amudha M andRajeswari. N |Speech Emotion Recognition using Global Alignment Kernel with |International journal of Advanced |

| | |Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifier |Engineering Technology, 2016. |

|7 |Sam Prabhakar Eand Srinivasan K |An Efficient Detection And Countermeasure Of A Jellyfish Attack |International Journal of Emerging |

| | |Using Dmpd Algorithm In Manet |Technology in Computer Science & |

| | | |Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353, |

| | | |April 2016. |

|8 |Shaheen Mariam N and Srinivasan K|Implementation of overlay routing based mutlicasting using SDN |International Journal of Emerging |

| | |controller in cloud |Technology in Computer Science & |

| | | |Electronics,2016. Impact Factor: 0.251 |

|9 |Umamagewari D and Kumanan K |Iterative Success Variety Method for joined words in tamil |International Journal of Engineering and |

| | |language |Computer Science, |

| | | |Vol.5,pp.1711317126,2016.Impact Factor: |

| | | |0.342 |

| |Nirmala B and Kumanan K |A Semantic Question Answering System For Multiple Languages Using |International Journal of Informative & |

| | |Statistical Technique |Futuristic Research. ISSN: 2347-1697, Feb|

| | | |2017 Impact factor : 1.781 |

| |Manigandan T |Remote Access and Control in Android Mobile |International Journal of Informative & |

| |Nirmala, B, Merlin Monisha A and | |Futuristic Research. ISSN: 2347-1697, Feb|

| |Kumanan K | |2017Impact factor : 1.781 |

| |Rajasekaran T and Dhinakaran K |LTE Based High Performance Intelligent Transportation System using|Middle-East Journal of Scientific |

| | |Multi-HOP Clustering |Research, Vol. 24, pp.3495-3500, 2016 |

|SNo |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |A. Lavanya, and |An Associated mining approach for promoting sales of infrequent |International Journal of Informative & |

| |S. Rajalakshmi |items using AIF Algorithm |Futuristic Research, ISSN: 2347-1697, |

| | | |Volume 4, Issue 6 |

| |V.S. Vidhyalakshmi, and |Improving the performance of face recognition across gender |International Journal of Informative & |

| |R. Bhuvaneswari, |transformation using machine learning techniques |Futuristic Research, ISSN: 2347-1697, |

| | | |Volume 4, Issue 6 |

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

|S.No |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |UmmaHabiba H, . Aishwarya M |Upper UWB interference free filter using dumb-bell Resonator and |International Journal of Scientific |

| |KavyashriParameswaran, |vias |Development and Research Vol.1, 2016. |

| |Minakshy.R and MohitJhunjhunwala| |Impact Factor: 4.07 |

| |T.V.Prashanth, B. Nanda Kumar, |Compact circular co-radiator MIMO antenna |International Journal of Engineering |

| |S. Karupaiahh Vishal, B. | |Research & Technology, Vol.5, 2016 |

| |MariappanKarthik, UmmaHabiba H | |Impact factor-2.70 |

| | |Miniaturized X-band bandpass Filter for Satellite application |International Journal of current |

| |D. Bharathi, Kothari Eshwar | |Engineering and Scientific Research, |

| |Chandra, UmmaHabiba H, | |Vol.3, 2016. Impact factor-3.058 |

| |Rohit.T, Rishabh Ramesh, Sai |Microstrip open loop resonator using dual feed techniques for |IOSR Journal of Electronics and |

| |Gopal Abhishek, UmmaHabiba H, |wireless application |Communication Engineering,Vol. 11, |

| |R.Sandhya | |pp.13-15, 2016. Impact |

| | | |factor : 3.12 |

| |NaveedAhamedSayeed L, A,S, |Compact HMSIW With coplanar waveguide mobile antenna For wireless |International Journal of Engineering |

| |PalaniVel, K.R. Mahesh Kumar, R.|application |Research & Technology,Vol.3, 2016. |

| |Murali Prasad, UmmaHabiba H | |Impact factor:2.7 |

|S.No. |Name of the | Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |Faculty | | |

|1. | |Design and analysis of circular patch fractal antenna for radar |Middle-East Journal of Scientific |

| |A. Arun Kumar and Jothilakshmi P|application |Research,Vol.24, pp.43-48, 2016. |

|2. | |Performance enhancement of modified multiband stacked micro strip |Middle-East Journal of Scientific |

| |K. Shahida Salma and |patch antenna for wireless communication |Research, Vol.24, pp.120-125, 2016. |

| |Jothilakshmi P | | |

| | |Design and implementation of software defined radio |International Journal of Advanced |

| |Padmavathi G, M.Chaarmeli, A. | |Research in Electrical, Electronics and |

| |Brrindha, Jayasri A.M | |Instrumentation |

| | | |Engineering,Vol.5,pp.4387-4392, 2016. |

| | | |Impact Factor : 5.621 |

| | |CSMA MAC protocol for cognitive radio based wireless network |International Journal of Future |

| |M.Rubini and Padmavathi G | |Innovative Science and Technology, Vol. |

| | | |2, pp.74 – 80, 2016. |

| | |A cross layer protocol design approach for cognitive machine to |International Journal of Future |

| |K.Kavyalakshmi and Padmavathi G |machine communication for Internet of things |Innovative Science and Engineering |

| | | |Research, Vol. 2, pp. 238-246, 2016. |

| | |Time series analysis and identification of rsn using GLM-ICA two |Biomedical Research 2016; Special Issue: |

| |Thaiyalnayaki K, O Uma Maheswari|class classifier. |S60-S67, ISSN 0970-938X |

| | | |Impact factor : 0.226 |

|3. |R.Ramya, Sivagnana Subramanian S|A comparison of machine learning methods on diagnosing MCI and AD |International Journal of Future |

| |Pand Adni |using Multimodal Neuroimaging |Innovative Science and Engineering |

| | | |Research, Vol. 2, pp.232, 2016 |

|4. |R.Ramya, Sivagnana Subramanian S|Radial basis function neural network based classifier for |International Journal of Scientific and |

| |P and Adni |diagnosing Of MCI/AD using multimodal Neuroimaging |Technology Research, Vol.5, 2016 |

| | | |Impact factor : 3.023 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|5. | |An intelligent information retrieval approach for extracting pills|International Journal of Printing, |

| |P.Janarthanan, K.Banumathi and |from fabric surface using subjective and objective methods |Packaging &Allied Sciences, Vol.4, 2016 |

| |Nethaji B | | |

| | | |Impact factor : 2.78 |

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

|S.No |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1. |Krithivasan R, Brahadeeswaran S, |Structural and Electrical properties of ZnOnanorod based dye |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol.12,|

| |Santha KR, |sensitized solar cell | |

| |Sampath Krishnan S and Senthil T| |pp. 4275-4280, 2016. |

| |S | |Impact factor : 1.778 |

| |Deepak Arumugam, Premalatha |Design and Implementation of Claw Pole Alternator for Aircraft |Applied Computational Electromagnetics |

|2. |Logamani and Santha KR |Application |society Journal, Vol. 31, pp.582-590, |

| | | |2016. Impact factor : 0.8 |

| |Deepak Arumugam, Premalatha |FUZZY based Cuk Controlled Closed loop Excitation System for a |Asian Journal of Research in Social |

|3. |Logamani and Santha KR |Synchronous Generator with Improved Dynamic Response |Sciences and Humanities,Vol. 6, pp.81-99,|

| | | |2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 4.557 |

| |Santha K R and |A Novel GDI-MUX Based Low Power-High Speed 1-BIT Full Adder |International Journal of Advanced |

|4. |Ponsudha P | |Engineering Technology, Vol. VII, 2016. |

| | |A FIS-GA combined approach for transmission congestion management |Int. J. Mathematical Modelling and |

|5. |Mohanty N K and |in restructured power system |Numerical Optimization,Vol. 7, |

| |Saswati Behera | |pp.307-322, 2016. |

|6. |Madhusudhanan S and Mohanty N K |Simulation of Fuzzy and PI control of Asymmetric Bridge Converter | International Journal of Control Theory |

| | |fed Switched |and Applications, Vol.9, pp.6047-6056, |

| | |Reluctance Motor Drive |2016. |

| |Praveen Kumar K and |Implementation of Modified SEPIC Converter for Stand-Alone PV |International Journal of Advanced |

|7. |Purushothaman.D.S |Applications |Research in Electrical, Electronics and |

| | | |Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 5, |

| | | |pp.81-83, 2016 Impact factor : 5.621 |

| |Vasantha Raghavan N, Prasanna |Precise Automation and Real Time Monitoring of Agricultural |International Journal of Advanced |

| |Venkatesh B, Rakesh Sundar K, |Processes using Wireless Sensor Networks |Research in Electrical, Electronics and |

|8. |Shyam S and Purushothaman D S | |Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 5, |

| | | |pp.74-80, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 5.621 |

| |Sankar M and |A Novel Generic Battery Modeling Approach for Power |Journal of Advances in Chemistry, Vol. |

|9. |Kumudini Devi R P |SystemSimulation Applications |12, pp. 4884 – 4894, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 1.778 |

| | Arthika S and Sankar M |Performance Comparison of Interleaved Boost Integrated Resonant |International Journal of Future |

|10. | |Converters |Innovative Science and Technology, Vol. |

| | | |2, pp.61-67, 2016. |

| |Sundararaman K and Gopala |A Bi-Polar Triple OUtput Converter with Duty Cycle Estimation |Circuits and Systems, Vol.6, pp.198-210, |

|11. |Krishnan M | |2016.Impact factor: 1.01 |

| 12. |Bharathidasan S G and Akshaya S |CASCADED H Bridge inverter motor drive for Electric Vehicle |International Journal of Advances in |

| |R |Applications |Electrical power system and information |

| | | |Technology, Vol.2, pp.16-21, 2016. |

| | | |Impact factor : 0.454 |

|13. |Gopinath R and Kumaravel S |Implementation of CASCADED Resonant DC-DC converter Topology |International Journal of Advanced |

| | | |Research in Electrical, Electronics and |

| | | |Instrumentation |

| | | |Engg.,Vol.5,pp1-9,2016.Impact factor: |

| | | |5.621 |

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

| S.No |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

| |Clement A and |English Language Teaching in India: Communicative Language |International Journal of Scientific |

|1. |Murugavel T |Teaching and Challenges |Research, Vol.4, pp.315-316, 2015. |

| | | |Impact Factor 4.176 |

|2 |Murugavel T |Indra Sinha’s ‘Animal’s People’ – an Example of Literature |Vol 3 Special Issue 8 October 2016 |

| |and Ganapathy P |Reflecting Society in the international conference on Literature –|ISSN:2349-8684 ISRA Impact Factor 0.811 |

| | |A reflection of the Society’. | |

|3 |Sakthivel S |English Language Teaching and Learning through Technology |ELT@I Tirupati Chapter Journal of English|

| | | |Language and Literature (ETCJELL) Vol.3, |

| | | |2016. |

|4 | Sakthivel S | The Utilization of Authentic Material in English Language |ICITELL, 2016. ISBN:9789386176189 |

| | |Teaching | |

Department of Information Technology

|S.No |Name of the Faculty |Title of the paper |Name of the Journal and details |

|1. |Muralidharan C and Anitha R . |Risk Analysis of Cloud Service Providers by Analyzing the |CCIS: Communications in Computer and |

| | |Frequency of Occurrence of Problems using Eclat Algorithm |Information Science, 2017 |

|2 |Sukumar T vand Santha.K R |Fingerprint enhancement and minutiae extraction using varying |International Journal of Advanced |

| | |block size scheme |Engineering Technology Vol. |

| | | |VII,pp.308-312, 2016. |

|3 |Sreebanupriya C and |Efficient System for Detecting Image Spam and Identifying New |International Journal of Future |

| |Indumathi A |Child Abuse Media in a Network |Innovative Science and Technology |

|4 |Sangeetha G and Sumathi G |A Survey of Secure Multi-tenancy in Cloud Computing |International Journal of Innovations & |

| | | |Advancement in Computer Science, Vol.2, |

| | | |2016 |

|5 |S. Srividhya, V. Ganapathy, and |Fuzzy based Hierachical Unequal Clustering in Wireless Sensor |Indian Journal of Science and Technology,|

| |Rajaram V |Networks |Vol 9(37), 2016 |

|6 |Saroja V, Umamaheswri.S.K. |A Survey on Security Threats for Cloud Computing & How to Overcome|International Journal of Engineering and |

| | |These Challenges |Management Research, Vol.6, pp.314-320, |

| | | |2016. |

|7, |Lalitha R, Lalitha B, |A Software design technique for developing medical expert systems |Biomedical Research 2017; Special Issue: |

| |Sumathi. G |through use case analysis |ISSN 0970-938X |

|8 |Soma Prathibha, Lalitha B, |Particle swarm optimization based workflow scheduling for medical |Biomedical Research 2017; Special Issue: |

| |Sumathi G |applications in cloud. |ISSN 0970-938X |

Department of Mechanical Engineering

|Name of the Journal and details |Title of the paper |Name of the faculty with coauthors|S. No. |

|Int. J. Business excellence, Vol. 10, 2016.|Systematic retrofit methodology for chemical batch |S.Yeshwant Raj, Himanshu Gupta |1. |

|Impact factor : 0.81 |processes to improve economic and production performance | | |

|Middle-east journal of scientific research,|A Quantitative Analysis of 3PL Providers and Their Workload|S.Yeshwant Raj, P Selva Kumar, R |2. |

|Vol.24,pp.149-154, |in Automotive Industries |Sairam, G Sathish | |

|2016 | | | |

|International Journal of Mechanical |Multi-Criteria-Based Prioritization of Threats Affecting |Karthee K, |3. |

|Engineering and Robotics Research Vol. 6, |Sustainability of Micro and Small Scale Industries Using |S.Yeshwant Raj, Prithvi Govind | |

|2017 |AHP and Mitigating the Major Threats Using Retrofitting | | |

|TIDEE (TERI Information Digest on Energy |Experimental and mathematical modeling in a DICI engine |S.Arumugam, K.Pitchandi, |4. |

|and Environment), Vol.15, Issue: 1 , |with Spherical and Toroidal combustion chambers |J.Venkatesan, P.Karthikselvan | |

|pp:11-17, 2016. | | | |

|Middle East Journal of Scientific Research,|Design and fabrication of High pressure |S.Arumugam, K.Pitchandi, |5. |

|Vol.24, pp.2948-2951, 2016. |Diesel spray Chamber |P.Karthikselvan | |

| | |R.J.Ganesh | |

|Asian Journal of Research in Social science|Effect of Karuvel methylester in a DICI engine Spherical |S.Arumugam, K.Pitchandi, |6. |

|and Humanities. Accepted on 26.11.2016 and |and Toroidal combustion chambers |P.Karthikselvan | |

|to be published in March 2017 | | | |

|Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical |Experimental and mathematical modeling in a DICI engine |S.Arumugam, K.Pitchandi, |7. |

|Sciences Vol. 9, pp: 809-812,2016. |with various combustion chambers |P.Karthikselvan | |

|Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol.40, pp. 117-128, |Investigation on mechanical properties of woven |K.Palani Kumar, A Shadrach Jeya |8. |

|2017. |alovera/sisal/kenaf fibres and their hybrid composites |Sekaran, K Pitchandi | |

|Impact factor : 0.895 | | | |

|Applied Thermal Engineering, |Combined effect of nanoemulsion and EGR on combustion and |R.Sathiyamoorthi |9. |

|Vol.112,pp.1421-1432, 2017. |emission characteristics of neat lemongrass oil |G.Sankaranarayanan, K.Pitchandi | |

|Impact factor : 3.043 |(LGO)-DEE-diesel blend fuelled diesel engine | | |

|Materials Today Procedings, Elseveir, |Investigation on Mechanical Behaviour Of Woven Fabric |Srivathsan.A, B.Vijayaram, |10. |

|Accepted for Publication |Glass/Kevlar Hybrid Composite Laminates Made Of Varying |R.Ramesh, Gokuldass | |

| |Fibre Inplane Orientation And Stacking Sequence | | |

|International Journal of Business |Vibration Signal Responses Classification in AA6063 |K.Madhivanan, M.Senthilkumar, |11. |

|Intelligence and Data mining, Inderscience |Aluminium Alloy Friction Stir Welded joint Using Optial |R.Ramesh | |

|Publishers, Accepted for publication. |Neural Network | | |

|RSC Advances. Vol.6, 19 2016 |A Comparative Evaluation and optimization of performance |B.Rajesh Kumar, T.MuthuKkumar, |12. |

|Impact factor : 3.289 |and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine fueled |V.Krishnamoorthy S.Saravanan | |

| |with n-propanol/diesel, n-butanol/diesel and | | |

| |n-pentanol/diesel blends using response surface methodology| | |

|Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.131, |Extraction and characterization of waste plastic oil (WPO) |D.Damodharan, |13. |

|pp.117–126, 2017 |with the effect of n-butanol addition on the performance |A.P.SathiyagnanamD.Rana, B.Rajesh | |

|Impact factor : 4.801 |and emissions of a DI diesel engine fueled with WPO/diesel |Kumar, S.Saravanan | |

| |blends | | |

|Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 123,|Combined effect of injection timing and exhaust gas |B.Rajesh Kumar, S.Saravanan, |14. |

|pp: 470–486, 2016. |recirculation (EGR) on performance and emissions of a DI |D.Rana, A.Nagendran | |

|Impact factor : 4.801 |diesel engine fuelled with next-generation advanced | | |

| |biofuel-diesel blends using response surface methodology | | |

|RenewableEnergy, Vol.96,pp. 687-699, 2016. |Use of some advanced biofuels for overcoming smoke/NOx |B.Rajesh Kumar, S.Saravanan, |15. |

|Impact factor : 3.404 |trade-off in a light-duty DI diesel engine |D.Rana, A.Nagendran | |

| | | | |

| Fuel; Vol.181, pp.630–642, 2016. |Effect of lignin-derived cyclohexanol on combustion, |B.Rajesh Kumar, S.Saravanan, |16. |

|Impact factor : 3.611 |performance and emissions of a direct-injection |R.Niranjan Kumar, B.Nishanth, | |

| |agricultural diesel engine under naturally aspirated and |D.Rana, A.Nagendran | |

| |exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) modes | | |

|Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.119, |A comparative analysis on combustion and emissions of some |B.Rajesh Kumar, S.Saravanan, |17. |

|pp: 246–256, 2016. |next generation higher-alcohol/diesel blends in a |D.Rana, A.Nagendran | |

|Impact factor : 4.801 |direct-injection diesel engine | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.118,|Effect of sustainable biofuel –n-octanol- on the |B.Rajesh Kumar, S.Saravanan, |18. |

|pp. 275–286, 2016.Impact factor : 4.801 |combustion, performance amd emissions of a DI diesel engine|D.Rana, V.Anish, A.Nagendran | |

| |under naturally aspirated and exhaust gas recirculation | | |

| |(EGR) modes | | |

|Fuel, Vol.180, pp: 396–406, 2016. |Partially premixed low temperature combustion using |B.Rajesh Kumar, S.Saravanan |19. |

|Impact factor : 3.611 |dimethyl carbonate (DMC) in a DI diesel engine for | | |

| |favourable smoke/NOx emissions | | |

|Fuel, Vol.193, pp.419–431, 2017. |A sustainable and eco-friendly fueling approach for |R.Dhanasekaran V.Krishnamoorthy, |20. |

|Impact factor : 3.611 |direct-injection diesel engines using restaurant yellow |D.Rana, S.Saravanan, A.Nagendran, | |

| |grease and n-pentanol in blends with diesel fuel |B.Rajesh Kumar | |

|Environmental Science and Pollution |Performance and emission analysis on blends of diesel, |J.Ravikumar, S.Saravanan |21. |

|Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-016-8298-1 |restaurant yellow grease and n-pentanol in direct-injection| | |

|Impact factor:2.76 |diesel engine | | |

|Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,|Supply Chain Issues in Medium Scale Autocomponent |S.Gopinath, M.Ramanathan, N.Arul |22. |

|Vol.24,pp:245-249, 2016. |Manufacturers: Case Study Approach |Sankar, K.Narasimhan | |

|Applied Mechanics and Materials ISSN: |Measure of Utilization of Government Schemes and Support by|S.Gopinath, Srivats Balan.K |23. |

|1662-7482, Trans Tech Publications |Small and Medium Enterprises(SME): Service Providers |Ramanathan.M, Narasimhan.K | |

|(Accepted for Publishing) |Perspective | | |

|Journal of Thermal Science. Vol.25, pp: |Spray Characteristics of Biodiesel Fuel in Constant Volume |P.Raghu, N.Nallusamy |24. |

|581-588, 2016 |Chamber using Multi-response Optimization Technique | | |

|Impact factor : 0.543 | | | |

|Journal of Chemical and Pharmaeutical |Multi response optimization of spray characteristics of |P.Raghu, R.Parthiban, K.Pitchandi,|25. |

|Research, Vol.8, pp. 726-732, 2016. |biodiesel in constant volume chamber |N.Nallusamy | |

|Journal of the Balkan Tribological |Effect of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Surface |S.Ponnuvel, T.V.Moorthy, |26. |

|Association. Vol. 22. 2016 |Roughness and Material Removal Rate in Drilling Epoxy/Glass|P.Hariharan | |

|Impact factor : 0.321 |Fabric Composite | | |

|International Journal of Engineering |Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics |J.Raju, A.Balasubramaniam, |27. |

|Research and Technology. Vol.5, 2016. |using Low Reactivity Fuel and Biodiesel Blended |M.Gajendiran, N.Madhan Raj | |

| |Nanoparticles in Diesel Engine | | |

|Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research,|Design of Single Axis Solar Tracking System Using PLC |M.Arulkumar |28 |

|Vol. 24, pp.1-5, 2016. | |T.Arjun | |

|International Journal of Advanced |Design And Analysis of A Three Fingered Robotic Arm |M.Arulkumar |29 |

|Technology in Engineering and Science, | |Vijey V.S | |

|Vol.4, 2016. | |Uthish Shankar.S | |

|International Journal of Emerging Trends in|Analytical Investigation of Tribological Performance of DLC|Sakthivel.K Prem Ananth.M |30 |

|Science and Technology, Vol.3, pp.24-27, |Coating | | |

|2016. | | | |

|Appl. Phys., A, vol. 122, pp. 1-8. |Experimental investigation of wear characteristics on |S.Ilaiyavel, Vijayasarathi, P |31 |

|Impact factor : 1.444 |TiCN-coated AISI 410 steel’, Materials Science & Processing|Suresh Prabhu,P | |

|Journal of Engineering Materials and |Evaluation of sliding wear resistance of PVD coatings by |Vijayasarathi, P, |32 |

|Technology |the ball-cratering test method |Ilaiyavel, S, | |

|Impact factor : 0.908 | |Suresh Prabhu,P | |

|Industrial Lubrication and Tribology |Wear Characteristics of AlCrN Coating on AISI410 steel by |Vijayasarathi, P, |33 |

|Impact factor : 0.406 |Ball-Cratering Test Method |Ilaiyavel, S, | |

| | |Suresh Prabhu,P | |

| | |Sornakumar T | |


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