In respond to the request about research done at Haydom, I ...

Overview of research done at Haydom per November 2004


Name: Bell, Karin

Title: Graduate Nurse 1988, Nurse Anaesthetist 1996, Health- and Social administration (20 credits) 1999,

Stud cand San/M. Phil (MA student) - to be completed in December 2004

Present position: Study nurse at the Orthopaedic Unit, Haukeland University Hospital, (earlier Assistant Unit Nurse officer at the same unit)

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Nursing School; Bergen University College, In hospital education as Nurse Anesthetist., MA study; University of Bergen, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, Section of Nursing Science.

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis):

September – December 2002: Field work and data collection at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, at the Intensive Care Unit, medical ward and surgical ward

MA thesis: “Nursing care in an African context: a qualitative study from Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania”. MA in Health Sciences, University of Bergen. To be completed December, 2004

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Hopefully


Bell, Karin. “Nursing care in an African context: a qualitative study from Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania”. Bergen University College, 2004. [MA thesis]

Work dissemination:


Name: Blomberg, Bjørn

Title: MD, PhD candidate

Present position: Working as physician at Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, through Fredskorpset

Institution where degree(s) were taken: University of Bergen (MD)

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): Research on issues relating to antimicrobial resistance resulting in the below mentioned articles. These articles may form part of the work for my PhD degree.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:


1. Vaagland H, Blomberg B, Krüger C, Naman N, Jureen R, Langeland N. Nosocomial outbreak of neonatal Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis meningitis in a rural hospital in northern Tanzania. BMC Infectious Diseases 2004; 4:35.

2. Antimicrobial resistance in urinary bacterial isolates from pregnant women in rural Tanzania: implications for public health. Blomberg B, Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Langeland N, Gasheka P, Jureen R, Kvåle G, Midtvedt T. Submitted to Scand J Infect Dis.

Article no 1 can be freely downloaded from:

Article no 2 has not yet been published.

Work dissemination:


Name: Blystad, Astrid

Title: RN, PhD

Present position: Associate Professor, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care/ Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway

Institution where degree(s) were taken: RN: Arendal Nursing College, Norway

PhD – Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis):

Can. Polit thesis: Blystad, Astrid 1992 The pastoral Barabaig: Fertility, recycling and the social order. Cand. Polit. thesis in social anthropology, University of Bergen.

PhD thesis: Precarious procreation: Datoga pastoralists at the late 20th century, Department of Social Anthropology (p. 292), University of Bergen (2000).

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

- ‘Interpretation and practice in relation to emerging regimes on HIV prevention and treatment: The case of Mbulu/Hanang’. NFR sponsored project (2005-06, Blystad)

- Main supervisor of Bodil Bøe Våga with the project: ‘The search for cure and care: Health seeking behaviour in Mbulu District, Tanzania’. MA - project in Health Sciences, University of Bergen. To be completed December, 2004.

- Main supervisor of Karin Bell with the project: ‘Nursing care in an African context: a qualitative study from Haydom Lutheran Hostpial, Tanzania’. MA -project in Health Sciences, University of Bergen. To be completed December, 2004

- Main supervisor of Ragnhild Flasnes Mellingen with the project: ‘Assessing knowledge, attitudes and practices in an HIV context: the case of Haydom village, Tanzania (working title). MA project in Health Sciences, University of Bergen.

- Co-supervising medical students Marie Grytdal Eilertsen and Maria Øyasæther on study of HIV information in the Haydom area


Blystad, A. (in press). Fertile mortal links: Reconsidering Datoga violence. In V. Broch-Due (Ed.), Violence and belonging. New York: Routledge.

Rekdal, O.B., Blystad, A., Malleyeck, H., & Gasheka, P. (2004). Datoga aeshegeda UKIMWI! (Datoga, let's beware of AIDS!): A culture specific HIV prevention film targeting Datoga communities in Tanzania. GeGCA-NUFU Publications, 4.

Blystad, A. (2004). On HIV, sex and respect: Local-global discourse encounters among Datoga of Tanzania. African Sociological Review, 8(1).

Blystad, A., & Rekdal, O.B. (2004). Datoga. In C.R. Ember, & M. Ember (Eds.), Encyclopedia of medical anthropology: Health and illness in the world's cultures (pp. 629-638). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Blystad, A. (2000). Challenging encounters: Datoga lives in independent Tanzania. In L. Manger, & A.G.M. Ahmed (Eds.), Pastoralists and environment: Experiences from the Greater Horn of Africa (pp. 157-180). Addis Ababa: OSSREA.

Blystad, A. (2000). Precarious procreation: Datoga pastoralists at the late 20th century, Department of Social Anthropology (p. 292). Bergen: University of Bergen.

Rekdal, O.B., & Blystad, A. (1999). "We are as sheep and goats": Iraqw and Datooga discourses on fortune, failure, and the future. In D.M. Anderson, & V. Broch-Due (Eds.), "The poor are not us": Poverty and pastoralism in Eastern Africa (pp. 125-146). Oxford: James Currey.

Blystad, A. (1999). "Dealing with men's spears": Datooga pastoralists combating male intrusion on female fertility. In H.L. Moore,T. Sanders, & B. Kaare (Eds.), Those who play with fire: Gender, fertility and transformation in East and Southern Africa (pp. 187-223). London: The Athlone Press.

Blystad, A. (1999). Exploring the utility of the "embodiment" concept in anthropology, Institutt for sosialantropologi. Bergen: University of Bergen.

Blystad, A. (1995). Peril or penalty: AIDS in the context of social change among the Barabaig. In K.-I. Klepp,P.M. Biswalo, & A. Talle (Eds.), Young people at risk: Fighting AIDS in northern Tanzania (pp. 86-106). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

Blystad, Astrid 1992 The pastoral Barabaig: Fertility, recycling and the social order. Cand. Polit. thesis in social anthropology, University of Bergen.

Presentation of Research Work in Non-Scientific Media


Name: Bø Våga, Bodil

Title: Graduate Nurse 1998, MA student

Present position: MA student - to be completed in December 2004. From 1st of December, teacher at School of Nursing, Stavanger University College.

Which Institution did you take your degree (s) at: Nursing School; Bergen University College. MA study; University of Bergen, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, Section of Nursing Science.

Previous research done in Haydom area or related to Haydom (leading to what

degree): September – December 2002: Field work and data collection in Haydom Town and Haydom Lutheran Hospital, TB ward

MA study: ‘The Search for Care and Cure: Exploring Health Seeking Behaviour in Mbulu District, Tanzania’. To be completed in December 2004

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:


Våga, BB. ‘The Search for Care and Cure: Exploring Health Seeking Behaviour in Mbulu District, Tanzania’. Bergen University College, 2004. [MA thesis]


Name: Flasnes Mellingen, Ragnhild

Title: Graduate Nurse ??, MA student

Present position: MA student - to be completed

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Nursing School; Bergen University College. MA study; University of Bergen, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, Section of Nursing Science.

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis):

September – December 2002: Field work and data collection in Haydom Town and Haydom Lutheran Hospital

MA thesis: “Assessing knowledge, attitudes and practices in an HIV context: the case of Haydom village, Tanzania” (working title). MA in Health Sciences, University of Bergen. To be completed December, 2004

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:


Flasnes Mellingen, Ragnhild. ““Assessing knowledge, attitudes and practices in an HIV context: the case of Haydom village, Tanzania” (working title). Bergen University College, 2005? [MA thesis]


Name: Hinderaker, Sven Gudmund

Title: MD, Dr.Med (PhD)

Present position: International TB consultant with the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUTLD)

Institution where degree(s) were taken: MD –University of Bergen

PhD- Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): "Perinatal mortality and anaemia in pregnancy in rural northern Tanzania" (2004)

2001: Medical student Ole Lervik, University of Bergen, (co-supervisor). Student thesis: Lervik, O. Too far to walk. A study of the ambulance services in the Haydom area. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, 2001.

1998: Medical student Kari Modalsli, Univeristy of Bergen (co-supervisor). Student thesis: Modalsli, Kari. Spedbarnsdødelighet i U-land. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitet i Bergen. 1998.

1998: Medical student Anne Margrethe Vik, University of Bergen, (co-supervisor) Student thesis: Vik, Anne M. Knowledge, attitudes and practise of family planning in Tanzania. A study based on information from local health workers. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. 1996.

1996: Medical student: Steinar Lundemoen, University of Tromsø (co-supervisor). Student thesis: Lundemoen S, Holtedal K, (1996). "Mother and child health clinic attendance and the outcome of pregnancy in rural Tanzania". Fifth year thesis, Medical faculty, University of Tromsø.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

Co-supervising PhD candidate from CIH, Joyce Nyoni


Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Bergsjø P, Lie RT, Gasheka P and Kvåle G. Perinatal mortality in northern rural Tanzania. J Health Popul Nutr. 2003 Mar;21(1):8-17.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Bergsjø P, Lie RT, Gasheka P, Havnen J, and Kvåle G. Avoidable stillbirths and neonatal deaths in rural Tanzania. BJOG. 2003 Jun;110(6):616-23.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Lie RT, Bergsjø PB, Gasheka P, Bondevik GT, Ulvik, RJ, Kvåle G. Anemia in pregnancy in rural Tanzania: Associations with micronutrients status and infections. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002; 56(3):192-199.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Bergsjø P, Lie RT, Gasheka P and Kvåle G. Anemia in pregnancy in the highlands of Tanzania. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2001; 80:18-26.

Hinderaker SG, Kruger C, Olsen BE, Naman N, Bergsjø P, Olsen OHE. Continuously low HIV-seroprevalence in pregnant women in a rural area in Tanzania. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001; 80: 1152-1153.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Bergsjo P, Lie RT, Olsen OH, Gasheka P, Kvale G. Causes and characteristics of maternal deaths in rural northern Tanzania. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002 Dec;81(12):1101-9.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Lie RT, Bergsjo P, Gasheka P, Kvale G. Maternal mortality in northern rural Tanzania: assessing the completeness of various information sources. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002 Apr;81(4):301-7.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Kazaura M, Lie RT, Bergsjo P, Gasheka P, Kvale G. Estimates of maternal mortality by the sisterhood method in rural northern Tanzania: a household sample and an antenatal clinic sample. BJOG. 2000 Oct;107(10):1290-7.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Lie RT, Gasheka P, Baerheim A, Bergsjo P, Kvale G.

The diagnosis of urinary tract infections among pregnant women in rural Tanzania; prevalences and correspondence between different diagnostic methods.

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2000 Sep;79(9):729-36.

Blomberg B, Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Gasheka P, Langeland N, Kvåle G, Midtvedt T. Antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacterial isolates from urine specimens from pregnant women in rural Tanzania. Submitted.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Skjærven R, Lie RT, Gasheka P, Bergsjø P. Birthweight distribution of Tanzanian babies. To be submitted.

Work dissemination:

Distributed copies of the PhD dissertation and follow up publications to COSTECH, Haydom Lutheran Hospital, other health facilities in research area, health and government authorities on national, regional, district, ward, village and sub-village level, Tanzanian academic institutions and NGOs.

April 1998 Joint presentation with Bjørg Evjen Olsen of research project on ”Reproductive Health Project in Mbulu and Hanang districts in Tanzania”, at the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen

Presentation of Research Work in Non-Scientific Media

UIB-Magasinet, nr.2, 1998, ”Reproduktiv Helse i Tanzania – Forskere og Leger” (Reproductive Health in Tanzania – Researchers and Doctors), where the Reproductive Health Project in Hanang and Mbulu districts in Tanzania is presented.

PDF files of articles. Access at


Name: Krüger, Carsten

Title: Dr. med. (German)

Present position: Head, Department of Paediatrics, St. Franziskus Hopital, Robert-Koch-Str. 55, D-59227 Ahlen, Germany

Which institution and which year did you take your degree (s) at: University of Goettingen, Germany 1990 (medical degree), 1991 (Dr. med.)

Previous research done in Haydom area or related to Haydom (leading to what

degree): see information below, no formal degree

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: see information below


Scientific Journals

H. Vaagland, B. Blomberg, C. Krüger, N. Naman, R. Jureen, N. Langeland (2004) Nosocomial outbreak of neonatal Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis meningitis in a rural hospital in northern Tanzania. BMC Infectious Diseases 4: 35

C. Krüger, I. Malleyeck, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2004) Aquatic leech infestation: a rare cause of severe anaemia in an adolescent Tanzanian girl. European Journal of Pediatrics 163: 297-299

C. Krüger (2004) Malaria intermittent preventive treatment and EPI coverage (letter). Lancet 363: 2000-2001

C. Krüger, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2003) Inequities among the very poor: effect of young age on care-seeking (letter). Lancet 361: 1744-1745

C. Krüger (2002) The missing link: neonatal care in rural communities in developing countries (letter). Bulletin of the World Health Organization 80: 759-760

S.G. Hinderaker, C. Krüger, B. Evjen Olsen, N. Naman, P. Bergsjø, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2001) Low HIV-seroprevalence in pregnant women in a rural area in Tanzania. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 80: 1152-1153

C. Krüger (2001) Intraosseous access in paediatric patients in a developing country setting (letter). Tropical Doctor 31: 118

C. Krüger, C. Benn (2000) Prospects and problems of effective HIV prevention for children in developing countries (German). Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 148: 1030-1035

C. Krüger (2000) Letter on: O. Witt et al.: Post-transfusion malaria as the cause of unexplained postoperative fever (German). Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 148: 498-499


1. C. Krüger, M. Niemi, H. Espeland, I. Malleyeck, N. Naman, O.H.E. Olsen (2004) Long-term impact of changes in obstetric and neonatal care on perinatal (PMR) and early neonatal mortality (eNMR) at a rural hospital in Tanzania. Tropical Medicine & International Health, in press

2. C. Krüger, M. Niemi, I. Malleyeck, N. Naman, O.H.E. Olsen (2003) Improving obstetric and neonatal care: its impact on maternal (MMR), perinatal (PMR) and early neonatal mortality (eNMR) at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania. available at (page 2)

3. K. Kull, C. Krüger, M. Krawinkel (2002) Mothers’ attitudes and knowledge about nutrition during pregnancy and lactation and towards infant feeding in Haydom, Tanzania (German). Proceedings of the German Nutrition Society (Vol. 4): 37

4. C. Krüger, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2002) Short-term outcome of infants with hydrocephalus in rural Tanzania after insertion of ventriculo-peritoneal shunts using simple feeding tube devices. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 150: 1029

5. C. Krüger, T. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2002) High prevalence rates of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 1 in a rural area in Northern Tanzania Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 150: 1030

6. C. Krüger (2001) Epidemiology of some perinatal and postnatal infections in newborns in developing countries (German). Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 149 (Suppl. 2): S119-20

7. C. Krüger, N. Naman, I. Malleyeck, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2001) Traditional treatment and its impact on children and adolescents in Mbulu district/North-central Tanzania (German). Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 149 (Suppl. 2): S241-2

8. C. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2001) A rare presentation of amoebiasis: lethal amoebic colitis with perforation in a newborn infant (German). Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 149 (Suppl. 2): S195

9. C. Krüger, I. Malleyeck, O.H. Evjen Olsen (2001) Aquatic leech infestation: a rare cause of severe anaemia in tropical paediatrics. Infection 29 (Suppl.): 82

Book Chapters:

1. P. Kern, G. Dockter, C. Krüger (2003) Amoebiasis (German). In: DGPI-Handbuch. Infektionen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen; 4th edition. Futuramed-Verlag, Munich, 189-192

2. C. Krüger (2000/revised 2003) Treatment guidelines for common paediatric and neonatal diseases at Haydom Lutheran Hospital/Tanzania. Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Haydom/Mbulu-District, Tanzania (available online at under Guidelines and Links)

Oral Presentations

1. C. Krüger: Newborn health in resource-poor countries (German). 11th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Women’s Health in Developmental Cooperation (FIDE), Bruchsal/Würzburg, 6.11.2004 (invited)

2. C. Krüger: Childhood diseases are different in the tropics (German). Annual Meeting of the German Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Würzburg, 24.9.2004 (invited)

3. C. Krüger, M. Niemi, H. Espeland, I. Malleyeck, N. Naman, O.H.E. Olsen: Long-term impact of changes in obstetric and neonatal care on perinatal (PMR) and early neonatal mortality (eNMR) at a rural hospital in Tanzania. 3rd Symposium on Research in International Health, Amsterdam, 19.5.2004

4. C. Krüger: Congenital hypothyroidism and iodine deficiency disorders in developing countries. Meeting of the Paediatric Endocrinologists – ENDO-West, Münster, 2.7.2003

5. C. Krüger, M. Niemi, I. Malleyeck, N. Naman, O.H.E. Olsen: Improving obstetric and neonatal care: its impact on maternal (MMR), perinatal (PMR) and early neonatal mortality (eNMR) at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania. 21st Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Essen, 24.-26.1.2003

6. C. Krüger: Practical aspects of tropical paediatrics (German). 21st Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Essen, 24.-26.1.2003 (invited)

7. C. Krüger, M. Niemi, T. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen: Childhood tuberculosis (TB) in Northern Tanzania: clinical picture and diagnostic problems. 10th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Wiesbaden, 14.-16.11.2002

8. C. Krüger, O.H. Evjen Olsen: Short-term outcome of infants with hydrocephalus in rural Tanzania after insertion of ventriculo-peritoneal shunts using simple feeding tube devices. 20th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Gießen/Rauischholzhausen, 25.-27.1.2002

9. C. Krüger, T. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen: High prevalence rates of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 1 in a rural area in Northern Tanzania. 20th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Gießen/Rauischholzhausen, 25.-27.1.2002

10. C. Krüger: Epidemiology of some perinatal and postnatal infections in newborns in developing countries (German). 97th Annual Meeting of the German Association of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Freiburg, 13.-16.9.2001

11. C. Krüger, N. Naman, I. Malleyeck, O.H. Evjen Olsen: Traditional treatment and its impact on children and adolescents in Mbulu district/North-central Tanzania (German). 53rd Annual Meeting of the German Association of Social Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Freiburg, 14.-16.9.2001

12. C. Krüger: Oxygen concentrators in neonatology in a rural hospital in Tanzania (German). 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neonatology and Paediatric Intensive Care, Lübeck, 21.-23.6.2001 (invited)

13. C. Krüger: Congenital syphilis: clinical features and epidemiology worldwide. 19th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Kassel, 19.-21.1.2001

14. C. Krüger: Traditional treatment and its sequelae: case studies from some tribes in northern Tanzania (German). Scientific meeting of the Children’s Hospital at the Krankenanstalten Gilead, Bielefeld, 9.6.1999 (invited)

15. C. Krüger: Neonatal resuscitation. Seminar "Paediatrics today" of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi/Tanzania, 9.-13.11.1998

16. C. Krüger: How can we improve clinical diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis? Seminar "Paediatrics today" of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi/Tanzania, 9.-13.11.1998

17. C. Krüger: The dual role of church hospitals in Africa - and not only there!? (German) 15th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Kiel/Damp, 24.-26.1.1997

Poster Presentations

K. Kull, C. Krüger, M. Krawinkel: Mothers’ attitudes and knowledge about nutrition during pregnancy and lactation and towards infant feeding in Haydom, Tanzania (German). 39th Scientific Congress of the German Nutrition Society, Jena, 14.-15.3.2002

C. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen: A rare presentation of amoebiasis: lethal amoebic colitis with perforation in a newborn infant (German). 97th Annual Meeting of the German Association of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Freiburg, 13.-16.9.2001

C. Krüger, I. Malleyeck, O.H. Evjen Olsen: Aquatic leech infestation: a rare cause of severe anaemia in tropical paediatrics. European Conference on Infectious Diseases / 9th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Leipzig, 3.-6.5.2001

Chairman at Scientific Meetings

C. Kohlhauser-Vollmuth, C. Krüger: Session on „Neonatology“. 22nd Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Würzburg/Germany, 6.-8.2.2004

C. Krüger, M. Krawinkel: Session on “Tropical Paediatrics, Ultrasound and Nutrition“. 21st Annual Meeting of the German Association for Tropical Paediatrics, Essen/Germany, 24.-26.1.2003

C. Krüger: Session on „Paediatric Radiology“. Seminar "Paediatrics today" of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi/Tanzania, 9.-13.11.1998

Non-Scientific Publications and Oral Presentations


C. Krüger (2004) Scientific literature on „Paediatrics and neonatology in resource-poor countries (German).“. Ärzte-Info Nr. 35 (May), Bonn/Heidelberg, 11-13

C. Krüger (2003) Neonatology in resource-poor countries (German). Ärzte-Info Nr. 33 (July), Bonn/Heidelberg, 8-17

C. Krüger (2003) Paediatrics in resource-poor countries (“Tropical Paediatrics“) – An introduction (German). Ärzte-Info Nr. 32 (April), Bonn/Heidelberg, 1-6

C. Krüger (2003) Neonatology in developing countries: chances for newborn infants (German). pädiatrie hautnah 15: 95-96

C. Krüger (2002) Comment on: S. Flessa: Sustainable or affordable? The dilemma of the church hospital system in Tanzania (German). „der überblick“ 2/02, 118-120. available at

Oral Presentations

C. Krüger: Newborn health in resource-poor countries (German). AKME Autumn Meeting, Eschborn, 1.10.2004

C. Krüger: Medical mission work at Haydom Lutheran Hospital in Tanzania. Missionsfest des Deutschen Instituts für Ärztliche Mission, Tübingen, 27.6.1999

Publications in Preparation

C. Krüger, M. Niemi, I. Malleyeck, H. Espeland, N. Naman, O.H.E. Olsen: Changes in obstetric and neonatal care at a rural hospital in Tanzania and their impact on perinatal and early neonatal mortality: a descriptive study.

C. Krüger, S.G. Hinderaker, B. E. Olsen, P.B. Bergsjo, G. Kvale, O.H.E. Olsen: Causes of neonatal death in the community and in hospital in rural northern Tanzania.

C. Krüger, J. Kallionpaa, S.G. Hinderaker, B.E. Olsen, N. Naman, T. Krüger, O.H. E. Olsen: Inequities in health care access: sick neonates, infants and young children do not benefit from ambulance vehicle services in rural Tanzania.

C. Krüger, N. Naman: Value of cerebral ultrasound in neonates and infants in tropical paediatrics.

C. Krüger: Conservative management of rheumatic heart disease in less developed countries.

C. Krüger: Infusion therapy in neonatology, infancy and childhood in a developing country setting (without biochemical laboratory facilities).

C. Krüger: Congenital syphilis: epidemiology and clinical features.

C. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen: Two rarer complications of amoebiasis in Tanzanian children.

C. Krüger, T. Krüger, N. Naman, O.H. Evjen Olsen: High prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus type 1 in a rural area in northern Tanzania.

Current and Previous Projects (mostly small-scale)

1997-present 1. Community-based neonatal care in less-developed countries (planned)

2. Quality of care in paediatrics, neonatology and obstetrics in hospitals in less-developed countries

3. Childhood morbidity and mortality at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania

4. HIV infection in pregnant women (with Centre for International Health,

University of Bergen, Norway)

5. Childhood tuberculosis at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania

6. Nutrition of in-patients at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania (with Tanja Reichl-

Petsch and M. Krawinkel, University of Giessen, Germany)

7. Mothers’ attitudes and knowledge about nutrition during pregnancy and lactation and

towards infant feeding in Haydom, Tanzania (with Katja Kull and M. Krawinkel, University

of Giessen, Germany)

8. Treatment of childhood meningitis in northern Tanzania: results and outcome (with

Christiane H.A. Resch, Tübingen, and M. Krawinkel, University of Giessen, Germany)

9. Bacterial meningitis and septicaemia in infants and children: causative organisms and

their resistance pattern at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania (with Centre for

International Health, University of Bergen, Norway)

10. Care-seeking behaviour: Utilisation of ambulances ordered by radio call in relation to

age, sex and tribe of users at a rural hospital in northern Tanzania


Name: Malima, Khadija Innocencia Yahya

Title: Graduate Nurse/Epidemiologist

Present position: PhD candidate at the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences, Dar es, Salaam, Tanzania (BScN) and Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (MPhil Epidemiology).

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): -

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

The Epidemiology of HIV-1, syphilis and herpes simplex virus type 2 in Rural Manyara and Singida regions.



Name: Mfinanga, Godfrey Sayoki M.


Present position:

Institution where degree(s) were taken:

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis):

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:


Work dissemination:


Name: Olsen, Bjørg Evjen

Title: MD, PhD

Present position: Postdoctoral research fellow at Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway

Institution where degree(s) were taken: MD – University of Oslo, Norway (1989)

PhD - Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway (2002)

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of PhD thesis): Motherhood – a hazardous endeavour. Maternal deaths and urinary tract infections in pregnancy in rural northern Tanzania , Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, 2002.

2004: Medical students Ole Christian Roth, Yngve Kiserud and Ole Norvald Kopperstad (co-supervisor) with material from Haydom Lutheran Hospital: Student thesis: Kiserud Y, Kopperstad ON, Roth OC. Malaria. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. 2004.

2001: Medical student Ole Lervik, University of Bergen, (co-supervisor). Student thesis: Lervik,O. Too far to walk. A study of the ambulance services in the Haydom area. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, 2001.

1998: Medical student Anne Weddeng, University of Bergen, (co-supervisor). Student Thesis: Veddeng, Anne. Mødredødelighet I U-land. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitet i Bergen. 1998.

1996: Medical student Anne Margrethe Vik, University of Bergen, (co-supervisor). Student thesis: Vik, Anne M. Knowledge, attitudes and practise of family planning in Tanzania. A study based on information from local health workers. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. 1996.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

- Co-supervising NUFU PhD candidate Khadija Innocencia Yahya Malima from CIH on HIV, syphilis and HSV2 epidemiology in an antenatal –based study and HIV prevalence in a population-based study in the Dongobesh, Basotu and Nduguti divisions.

- Co-supervising medical students Marie Grytdal Eilertsen and Maria Øyasæther on study of HIV information in the Haydom area

- Postdoctoral research on health systems/operational research related to the HIV-programme run by Haydom Lutheran Hospital and HAVACOP

- Project application submitted for research on Equity of access to TB and HIV/AIDS treatment and stigma, working through the HLH HIV/AIDS-programme. This proposal is in collaboration with the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW) in Washington DC, with project leader being Laura Nyblade (PhD) at ICRW.


Blomberg B, Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Gasheka P, Langeland N, Kvåle G, Midtvedt T. Antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacterial isolates from urine specimens from pregnant women in rural Tanzania. Submitted to Scand J Inf Dis.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Skjærven R, Lie RT, Gasheka P, Bergsjø P. Birthweight distribution of Tanzanian babies. To be submitted.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Bergsjo P, Lie RT, Olsen OH, Gasheka P, Kvale G. Causes and characteristics of maternal deaths in rural northern Tanzania. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002 Dec;81(12):1101-9.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Lie RT, Bergsjo P, Gasheka P, Kvale G. Maternal mortality in northern rural Tanzania: assessing the completeness of various information sources. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002 Apr;81(4):301-7.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Kazaura M, Lie RT, Bergsjo P, Gasheka P, Kvale G. Estimates of maternal mortality by the sisterhood method in rural northern Tanzania: a household sample and an antenatal clinic sample. BJOG. 2000 Oct;107(10):1290-7.

Olsen BE, Hinderaker SG, Lie RT, Gasheka P, Baerheim A, Bergsjo P, Kvale G.

The diagnosis of urinary tract infections among pregnant women in rural Tanzania; prevalences and correspondence between different diagnostic methods.

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2000 Sep;79(9):729-36.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Bergsjø P, Lie RT, Gasheka P and Kvåle G. Perinatal mortality in northern rural Tanzania. J Health Popul Nutr. 2003 Mar;21(1):8-17.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Bergsjø P, Lie RT, Gasheka P, Havnen J, and Kvåle G. Avoidable stillbirths and neonatal deaths in rural Tanzania. BJOG. 2003 Jun;110(6):616-23.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Lie RT, Bergsjø PB, Gasheka P, Bondevik GT, Ulvik, RJ, Kvåle G. Anemia in pregnancy in rural Tanzania: Associations with micronutrients status and infections. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002; 56(3):192-199.

Hinderaker SG, Olsen BE, Bergsjø P, Lie RT, Gasheka P and Kvåle G. Anemia in pregnancy in the highlands of Tanzania. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2001; 80:18-26.

Hinderaker SG, Kruger C, Olsen BE, Naman N, Bergsjø P, Olsen OHE. Continuously low HIV-seroprevalence in pregnant women in a rural area in Tanzania. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001; 80: 1152-1153.

Other Publications

Olsen BE. Maternal Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Article in NIHA-nytt. Nr.1 April 2001.

Pdf files: Will attach in separate document

Work dissemination:

Distributed copies of the PhD dissertation and follow up publications to COSTECH, Haydom Lutheran Hospital, other health facilities in research area, health and government authorities on national, regional, district, ward, village and sub-village level, Tanzanian academic institutions and NGOs.

September 2004 Lecture and presentation of PhD research on “Maternal mortality in

northern rural Tanzania” at Centre for Population Control, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

April 2003 Presentation of PhD research on maternal mortality at Department for Gynecology and Obstetrics (Kvinneklinikken), Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

November 2002 Presentation of PhD research work at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania

12.11.02- 15.11.02 Poster presentation at Forum 6, Global Health Forum- Helping correct the 10/90 Gap, in Arusha, Tanzania. “Motherhood, a hazardous endeavour –maternal mortality in northern rural Tanzania.”

06.11.00-08.11.00 NUFU Dissemination Workshop, KCMC Moshi, Tanzania – Presentation of paper ” Maternal mortality in northern rural Tanzania”

May 2000 1st Annual Students’ Conference CIH, Bergen - Presentation of paper

”Estimating maternal mortality in rural northern Tanzania using the sisterhood method; estimates from a household sample and an antenatal clinic sample”

June 1999 Lecture on “Health Research in Foreign Cultures” for Dr.Polit. research candidates, Institute for Community Medicine, University of Bergen

April 1998 Joint presentation with Sven Gudmund Hinderaker of research project on ”Reproductive Health Project in Mbulu and Hanang districts in Tanzania”, at the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen

Presentation of Research Work in Non-Scientific Media

UIB-Magasinet, nr.2, 1998, ”Reproduktiv Helse i Tanzania – Forskere og Leger” (Reproductive Health in Tanzania – Researchers and Doctors), where the Reproductive Health Project in Hanang and Mbulu districts in Tanzania is presented.

NRK 1 television 16.11.97 and 21.05.98, ”Dr. Olsen’s Mirakel” programme on the work being done at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, where part of the Reproductive Health research project and the Mother and Child Health Care is presented as well.

NRK P2 Radio, ”Sånn er Livet”, 27.04.98, programme on “Maternal mortality in Developing Countries”


Name: Olsen, Øystein Evjen


Present position: Senior Research and Capacity Development Advisor, Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory and Primary Health Care Institute, Iringa, Tanzania

Institution where degree(s) were taken: MD –University of Bergen, Norway

MSc HPPF (DLSHTM) –London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and London School of Economics

PhD candidate - Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): Research related to Barriers to Implementation of Health Policy in Tanzania, focusing on Emergency Obstetric Care in Mbulu and Hanang Districts

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

A Health Systems Research protocol will be implemented in relation to the PROMISE study conducted through the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, funded by EU.


Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Complicated deliveries, critical care and quality in Emergency Obstetric Care in Northern Tanzania. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2004 Oct;87(1):98-108.

Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Availability, Distribution and Use of Emergency Obstetric Care in Northern Tanzania. Submitted to Health Policy and Planning, under review.

Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Distribution and Quality of Human Resources for Health in Northern Tanzania ­ what is pro-poor? Submitted to Human Resources for Health, BioMed Central, under review.

Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Restoring Trust: Rethinking Failed Frameworks for Improved Health Care

Provision in Resource Poor Environments. Submitted to Tropical Medicine and International Health for review.

Work dissemination:

Findings have been incorporated in another EU application (REACT) in which the focus will be on eliciting legitimate priority setting procedures in a district health management context. For in-depth research on the institutions guiding priority setting within the DHMT Mbulu District has been chosen.

The findings also provide important input to my advisor role towards the Ministry of Health in my current position in that the barriers to implementation and best practices described in the PhD form an integral part of the proposed capacity building strategies at the Primary Health Care Institute in Iringa, as well as for Zonal Training Centres in general.

Dissemination of the PhD findings, as well as discussions on their policy relevance, is planned to take place in a comprehensive workshop in Dar Es Salaam in February 2005 in which the main stakeholders will be present.


Name: Patil, Crystal L.

Title: PhD

Present position: Postdoctoral Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Ohio State University, Ph.D., 2004

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): Patil, Crystal L. 2004. Weaning and the next pregnancy among the Iraqw of Tanzania (Ph.D. dissertation). Ohio State University, Anthropology.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

I plan on doing follow-up research focusing on cultural practices affecting reproductive health. I will be submitting grants this year and hope to return for a pilot study in 2005.


Patil, Crystal L. 2004. Weaning and the next pregnancy among the Iraqw of Tanzania (Ph.D. dissertation). Ohio State University, Anthropology.

Pike, I.L. and Patil.C. Understanding women's burdens: preliminary findings on psychosocial health among Datoga and Iraqw women of northern Tanzania. Accepted in Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (to be published in 2005).

Work dissemination:

I will be distributing copies of the dissertation and follow up publications to COSTECH, and Haydom Lutheran Hospital, among other institutions, NGOs, and government agencies.


Name: Pike, Ivy L

Title: PhD

Present position: Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Binghamton University, State University of New York, USA

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): A pilot study to improve cultural validity and sensitivity examined women’s psychosocial health, comparing Datoga and Iraqw households.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

Based on the pilot study results, Crystal Patil and I have a larger-scale project planned to examine how women negotiate psychosocial stress burdens with their physical health and the health of their children. Currently, we are seeking funding for this longitudinal project from U.S. funding agencies (NIMH, NSF). We will collaborate with Dr. Sylvia Kaaya, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Muhimbili College of Health Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Alyson G. Young, a Ph.D. candidate from Ohio State University, will spend 14 months in Haydom to examine maternal perceptions of child development and culturally relevant developmental stages for Datoga infants. (Co-supervised by Ivy Pike and Bram Tucker, Asst. Professor at OSU)


Pike, I.L. and Patil.C. Understanding women's burdens: preliminary findings on psychosocial health among Datoga and Iraqw women of northern Tanzania. Accepted in Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (to be published in 2005).

Pike IL, CL Patil, and AG Young. 2003. Examining women s psychosocial stress among three subsistence populations of East Africa. American Journal of Human Biology 15(2):279-280 (published abstract for annual meeting of Human Biology Association)

Related work (conducted in Kenya): Pike, IL. 2004. The biosocial consequences of life on the run: a case study of Turkana of Kenya. Human Organization 63(2):221-235

Work dissemination:

Copies of the Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry paper and follow up publications will be distributed to COSTECH, Haydom Lutheran Hospital, other health facilities in research area, health and government authorities on national, regional, district, ward, village and sub-village level, Tanzanian academic institutions, particularly MUCHS, and NGOs.

Additional information:

Contact Info:


Name: Rekdal, Ole Bjørn

Title: RN, PhD

Present position: Associate Professor, Bergen University College/Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway

Institution where degree(s) were taken: RN, Aust-Agder Nursing College; PhD, University of Bergen, Norway

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis):

1989-1990 ethnographic fieldwork leading to Cand.polit. degree. Title of thesis: Kulturell kontinuitet og sosial endring. En studie av iraqw-folket i det nordlige Tanzania/ Cultural continuity and social change among the Iraqw of northern Tanzania

1993-1994 ethnographic fieldwork, 1995 2 months ethographic fieldwork leading to Dr. Polit degree. Title of thesis: Rekdal OB. The invention by tradition: Creativity and change among the Iraqw of northern Tanzania [Dr. Polit. thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 1999.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

The relevance of culture in health intervention


Rekdal OB, Blystad A, Malleyeck H, Gasheka P. Datoga aeshegeda UKIMWI! (Datoga, let's beware of AIDS!): A culture specific HIV prevention film targeting Datoga communities in Tanzania. GeGCA-NUFU Publications 2004;4.

Rekdal OB, Blystad A. "We are as sheep and goats": Iraqw and Datooga discourses on fortune, failure, and the future. In: Anderson DM, Broch-Due V, editors. "The poor are not us": Poverty and pastoralism in Eastern Africa. Oxford: James Currey; 1999. p. 125-146.

Rekdal OB. The invention by tradition: Creativity and change among the Iraqw of northern Tanzania [Dr. Polit. thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 1999.

Rekdal OB. Cross-cultural healing in East African ethnography. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1999;13(4):458-482.

Rekdal OB. When hypothesis becomes myth: The Iraqi origin of the Iraqw. Ethnology 1998;37(1):17-38.

Rekdal OB. Money, milk, and sorghum beer: Change and continuity among the Iraqw of northern Tanzania. Africa 1996;66(3):367-385.

Rekdal, O. B. (1994). Kulturell kontinuitet og sosial endring. En studie av iraqw-folket i det nordlige Tanzania (Cultural continuity and social change among the Iraqw of northern Tanzania) Bergen Studies in Social Anthropology, vol. 48. Bergen: Norse.

Work dissemination:

Various lectures at University of Bergen and Bergen University College (1990-2004)

Various presentations at scientific conferences and workshops (1993-2004)


Name: Songstad, Nils Gunnar

Title: Cand. Polit. Social Anthropology

Present position: Various projects on democratisation, humanitarian aid, development and research related to developing countries

Institution where degree(s) were taken Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 2002

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): Coexistence and conflict: Political domains in a local community in Tanzania (2002)

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:


Summary at:


Name: Torsvik, Malvin

Title: RN, Cand. Rerum Politicarum in the field of Health Science

Present position: Nurse Tutor at North Trøndelag University College, Norway

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

Previous research done in Haydom area:

Masters thesis titled - Diabetes Care in Rural Tanzania. A Home-based Culturally Sensitive Health Education and Counselling Intervention (2004)

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

Publications: Masters thesis titled - Diabetes Care in Rural Tanzania. A Home-based Culturally Sensitive Health Education and Counselling Intervention (2004)


Name: Vaagland, Hogne

Title: MD

Present position: Physician, Department of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, Haukeland University Hospital, N-5021 Bergen, Norway

Institution where degree(s) were taken: University of Bergen, Norway (MD)

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis):

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:


Vaagland H, Blomberg B, Krüger C, Naman N, Jureen R, Langeland N. Nosocomial outbreak of neonatal Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis meningitis in a rural hospital in northern Tanzania. BMC Infectious Diseases 2004; 4:35.

Work dissemination:


Name: Winkler, Andrea-Sylvia

Title: MD, (Munich), PhD (London)

Present position: Doctor in charge of the medical ward as well as the mental health clinic at Haydom Lutheran Hospital (since June 2002)

Institution where degree(s) were taken:

1994. Medical School, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany

1993. Thesis (MD) in Neurosciences, Institute of Surgical Research, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany (“summa cum laude”)

1996-2000 PhD in Neuroscience and Medicine, King's College Hospital, London, UK

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): none

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom:

1. Hospital-based frequency of neurological diseases: a prospective study of 800 cases

2. Causes of reduction in consciousness level in patients admitted to a rural African Hospital

3. Causes of seizures in patients admitted to a rural African Hospital

4. Causes of backache in patients admitted to a rural African Hospital

5. Hospital-based pattern of epilepsy in a rural African Hospital, including experience of 2 year patient follow-up in the same context

6. Evaluation of injuries in African patients with epilepsy

7. Sociocultural attitude towards patients with epilepsy in a rural African area

8. Hospital-based pattern of febrile convulsions in a rural African Hospital

9. Hospital-based pattern of meningitis in a rural African Hospital

10. Autonomic dysfunction in diabetic patients in a rural African Hospital

11. Community-based prevalence of epilepsy, febrile convulsion, headache, backache, parkinsonism and restless legs in a rural area in Northern Tanzania

12. Community-based prevalence of epilepsy and febrile convulsions in Masai people (research conducted in the Ngorongoro District)

13. Malaria symptoms with emphasis on neurology in children in an holoendemic area in Eastern Africa: establishment of a scoring system (research conducted at the Muhimbili University)

14. Onchocerciasis, zysticerciasis, schistosomiasis and epilepsy: is their a causal relationship? (in preparation)


Winkler AS, Howlett WP, Borasio GD. Neurological disorders. In: Palliative Care in the Developing World: Principles & Practice 2004.

A. Research papers (chronologically)

1. Staub F, Winkler A, Peters J, Kempski O, Baethmann A. Swelling, acidosis, and irreversible damage of glial cells from exposure to arachidonic acid in vitro. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 1994; 14: 1030-1039.

2. Staub F, Winkler A, Peters J, Kempski O, Baetmann A. Mechanisms of glial swelling by arachidonic acid. Acta Neurochirurgica Suppl 1994; 60: 20-23.

3. Staub F, Winkler A, Peters J, Goerke U, Kempski O, Baethmann A. Clearance and metabolism of arachidonic acid by C6 glioma cells and astrocytes. Neurochemical Research 1995; 20: 1449-1456.

4. Staub F, Winkler A, Haberstock J, Plesnila N, Peters J, Chang RC, Kempski O, Baethmann A. Swelling, intracellular acidosis and damage of glial cells. Acta Neurochirurgica Suppl 1996; 66: 56-62.

5. Weng G, Markus M, Markus A, Winkler A, Borasio GD. P 21 ras supports the survival of chick embryonic motor neurones. NeuroReport 1996, 7: 1077-1081.

6. Markus M, Kahle PJ, Winkler AS, Horstmann S, Anneser JMH, Borasio GD.

Survival-promoting activity of inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases on primary neurons correlates with inhibition of c-jun kinase-1. Neurobiology of Disease 1997; 4: 122-133.

7. Bereznai B, Winkler A, Borasio GD, Gasser T. A novel SOD1 mutation in an Austrian family with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neuromuscular Disorders 1997; 7:113-116.

8. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Chaudhuri KR, Hambley H, Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin depletion and anaemia in diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 1999; 16: 813-819.

9. Winkler AS, Watkins PJ. Long term treatment of the anaemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus with erythropoietin. Diabetic Medicine 2000; 17: 250-251.

10. Winkler AS, Baethmann A, Peters J, Kempski O, Staub F. Mechanisms of arachidonic acid induced glial swelling. Brain Research 2000; 76: 419-423.

11. Winkler AS, Ejskjaer N, Edmonds M, Watkins PJ. Dissociated sensory loss in diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Diabetic Medicine 2000; 17: 457-462.

12. Winkler AS, Landau S, Chaudhuri KR, Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin treatment of postural hypotension in anaemic type 1 diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy: a case study of four patients. Diabetes Care 2001; 24: 1121-1123.

13. Bosman DR, Winkler AS, Marsden JT, Macdougalll IC, Watkins PJ. Anemia with erythropoietin deficiency occurs early in diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes Care 2001; 24: 495-499.

14. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Parton M, Watkins PJ, Chaudhuri KR. Erythropoietin deficiency and anaemia in multiple system atrophy: Movement Disorders 2001; 16: 233-239.

15. Winkler AS, Landau S, Chaudhuri KR. Serum prolactin levels in Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy. Clinical AutonomicResearch 2002: 12; 399-403.

16. Winkler AS, Hu M, Dean A, Gregson N, Chaudhuri KR. Phenotypic and neuropathological heterogeneity of anti-Hu antibody related paraneoplastic syndrome presenting with progressive dysautonomia: Report of two cases Clinical Autonomic Research 2002; 11:115-118.

17. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Deacon A, Wilson S, Chandler G, Macdougall IC, Peters TJ. Serum erythropoietin levels are inappropriately low in the acute neuropsychiatric porphyrias. Clinica Chimica Acta 2002: 317; 97-100.

18. Winkler AS, Reuter I, Harwood G, Chaudhuri KR. The frequency and significance of “striatal toe” in parkinsonism. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2002: 9; 97-101.

19. Winkler AS, Landau S, Watkins PJ, Chaudhuri KR. Observations on haematological and cardiovascular effects of erythropoietin treatment in multiple system atrophy with sympathetic failure: a case report. Clinical Autonomic Research 2002: 12; 203-206.

20. Winkler AS, Macdougall IC, Peters TJ. Erythropoietin treatment in the neuropsychiatric porphyrias. Clinica Chimica Acta 2003; 338:61-66.

21. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Cleare T, Peters T, Wessely S. Autonomic function and serum erythropoietin levels in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2004; 56: 179-183.

22. Winkler AS, Peters TJ, Elwes RDC. Refractory seizures in patients with neuropsychiatric porphyrias: report of three cases. JNNP (in press)

B. Bookchapters

1. Winkler A, Staub F, Kempski O, Baethmann A. Glial swelling and glial acidosis induced by arachidonic acid. In: Grote J, Witzleb, eds. Funktions-analyse biologischer Systeme 21. Stuttgart: Fischer Verlag 1993.

2. F. Staub, A. Winkler, J. Peters, O. Kempski, A. Baethmann. Swelling and damage of glial cells by arachidonic acid. In: Tomita M et al., eds. Microcirculatory Stasis in the Brain. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1993; pp 311-318.

3. F. Staub, A. Winkler, J. Peters, O. Kempski, A. Baethmann. Mechanisms of glial swelling by arachidonic acid. In: Ito U et al., eds. Acta Neurochirurgica. Brain Edema IX. Wien: Springer 1994; pp 20-23.

4. F. Staub, A. Winkler, J. Peters, O. Kempski, A. Baethmann. Cytotoxic glial swelling by arachidonic acid. In: Bauer BL and Klinger M, eds. Advances in Neurosurgery. Berlin: Springer 1994; pp 165-169.

5. F. Staub, A. Winkler, J. Peters, O. Kempski, A. Baethmann. Glial swelling and damage by arachidonic acid. In: Hartmann A et al., eds. Cerebral Ischemia and Basic Mechanisms. Berlin: Springer 1994; pp 230-234.

6. Winkler AS. Dysphagie. In: Maydell M and Voltz R, eds. Palliativmedizin: Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin 1996; pp 66-69.

7. Winkler AS, Chaudhuri KR. Psychiatric aspects of Parkinsonism. In: Vyas JN, Ahuja N, eds. Textbook of Postgraduate Psychiatry. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers 1998; pp 479-484.

8. Winkler AS, Howlett WP, Borasio GD. Neurological disorders. In: Palliative Care in the Developing World: Principles & Practice 2003 (in print).

C. Published Abstracts

1. Staub F, Winkler A, Peters J, Goerke U, Kempski O, Baethmann A. Uptake and metabolism of arachidonic acid by C6 glioma cells and astrocytes. Journal Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 1993; 13: S 85.

2. Staub F, Winkler A, Peters J, Goerke U, Kempski O, Baethmann A.Clearance and metabolism of arachidonic acid by glial cells. Zentralblatt der Neurochirurgie suppl. 1995; P 35.

3. Chaudhuri KR, Winkler AS. Desmopressin spray in the treatment of postural hypotension in Parkinson's disease. Neurology suppl. May 1996.

4. Winkler AS, Ejskaer N, Watkins PJ, Chaudhuri KR. Use of intranasal desmopressin in diabetic autonomic failure. Neurology 1997; 48 (3): A130.

5. Winkler AS, Ejskjaer N, Marsden J, Chaudhuri KR Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin and haemoglobin in diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Journal of the peripheral nervous system 1997; 2: 313.

6. Winkler AS, Ejskjaer N, Marsden J, Watkins PJ and Chaudhuri KR. Erythropoietin and haemoglobin in diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Diabetic Medicine 1997; 14 (10) suppl. 4: S33.

7. Winkler AS, Ejskjaer N, Marsden J, Watkins PJ and Chaudhuhuri KR. Erythropoietin and haemoglobin in diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Clinical Autonomic Research. 1997; 7: 247.

8. Winkler AS, Ejskjaer N, Marsden J, Watkins PJ and Chaudhuri. Erythropoietin and haemoglobin in multiple system atrophy.

Clinical Autonomic Research 1997; 7: 258.

9. Winkler AS, Ejskjaer N, Marsden J, Watkins PJ, Chaudhuri KR. The role of EPO as an aetiological factor for the anaemia associated with diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Clinical Autonomic Research 1998; 8: 66.

10. Winkler AS, HU MTM, Dean A, Gregson N, Leigh PN, Chaudhuri KR. Phenotypic and neuropathological heterogeneity of the anti-Hu antibody related paraneoplastic syndrome presenting with progressive dysautonomia: report of two cases. Clinical Autonomic Research 1998; 8: 54-55.

11. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Chaudhuri KR, Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin as treatment in the anaemia of autonomic neuropathy. Diabetic Medicine 1998; 15 (4) suppl. 1: S65.

12. Al-Saffar B, Winkler AS, Richards M, Hu M, Agapito C, Brooks DJ. Do immigrant Afro-Caribbean and Indian subjects suffer from an atypical levodopa hyporesponsive parkinsonism? Neurology 1998; 15 (4) suppl. 4: A385.

13. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Chaudhuri KR, Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin as treatment in the anaemia of autonomic neuropathy. Diabetologia 1998; 41 suppl. 1: A309.

14. Winkler AS, Reuter I, Harwood G, Clough C, Chaudhuri KR. The frequency and significance of "striatal toe" in parkinsonism. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry; September 1998

15. Reuter I, Sahni A, Mondal D, Winkler AS, Clough C, Chaudhuri KR. A phenotypic study of tremulous craniocervical dystonia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry; September 1998

16. Winkler AS, Marsden J, Chaudhuri KR, Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin responsive anaemia in diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Clinical Autonomic Research 1998; 9 (1): 33.

17. Winkler AS, Chaudhuri AS. The possible role of prolactin assay in the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy.

Clinical Autonomic Research 1998; 9 (1): 40.

18. Winkler AS, Reuter I, Harwood G, Clough C, Chaudhuri KR. The frequency and significance of "striatal toe" in parkinsonism. Movement Disorders 1998; 13 (2): 142.

19. Winkler AS, Chaudhuri AS. The possible role of prolactin assay in the differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy.

Movement Disorders 1998; 13 (2): 112.

20. Winkler AS, Watkins PJ, Marsden J, Agapito C, Chaudhuri KR. The role of erythropoietin in the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy and Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 1998; 13 (1): 182.

21. Reuter I, Winkler AS, Chaudhuri KR. Dopa-responsive craniocervical dystonia secondary to paroxetine. Movement Disorders 1998; 13 (2): 112.

22. Reuter I, Sahni A, Mondal D, Winkler AS, Clough C, Chaudhuri KR. A phenotypic study of tremulous craniocervical dystonia. Movement Disorders 1998; 13 (1): 162.

23. Winkler AS, Chaudhuri KR, Watkins PJ. Treatment of postural hypotension in diabetic autonomic neuropathy with erythropoietin. Clinical Autonomic Research 1999; published erratum

24. Bosman D, Winkler AS, Marsden J, Watkins PJ. Erythropoietin deficient anaemia in early diabetic nephropathy. Diabetologia 1999; 42 suppl.: A278.

25. Winkler AS, Landau S, Chaudhuri KR, Watkins PJ. The effect of erythropoietin treatment on supine and standing blood pressure in patients with diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Clinical Autonomic Research 2000; 10: 157.

26. Winkler AS, Peters TJ, Elwes RDC. Neuropsychiatric porphyria in patients with refractory epilepsy: report of three cases. Physiological Research 2003; 52: 29S

D. Awards and grants

Hoechst Award of the Japanese Society for Microcirculation 1993.

Swelling and damage of glial cells by arachidonic acid. (MD thesis)

Grant from the British Heart Foundation 1996, supporting work related to erythropoietin in autonomic neuropathy (Ph.D thesis).

Grant from the Savoy Epilepsy Foundation Canada 2003; supporting work related to the epilepsy project in Africa.

Planned publications are in relation to the above research projects.

Work dissemination:

- Seminar on epilepsy at Haydom Lutheran Hospital March 2003

- Webpage with regular updates on my work in Haydom Lutheran Hospital as well as the scientific projects link Tansania (German)

- Invited guest speaker at the first “German Symposium on Neurology of Resource Poor Countries”, Charité, Berlin, Germany, June 2005

Students’ Research Projects Dr. Andrea-Sylvia Winkler

Name: Haeggblom, Sara Amanda

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Autonomic dysfunction in diabetic patients at Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Publications: Still pending

Name: Kerschbaumsteiner, Kerstin

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Epidemiology of epilepsy in the catchment area of Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Publications: Still pending

Name: Mayer, Michael

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Sociocultural attitude towards patients with epilepsy in the catchment area of Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Publications: Still pending

Name: Meindl, Michael

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Epidemiology of febrile fits in the catchment area of Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Publications: Still pending

Name: Mosser, Philipp

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Hospital-based frequency of neurological diseases at Haydom Lutheran Hospital: a prospective study of 800 cases

Publications: Philipp Mosser: Hospital-based incidence of neurological disorders in rural Tanzania - an approach to neurological disease - development of a new classification system; Degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Innsbruck, November 2004

Name: Schaffert, Matthias

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Hospital-based pattern of epilepsy at Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Publications: Still pending

Name: Stelzhammer, Brigitte

Title: Medical student

Present position: Medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

Institution where degree(s) were taken: Not applicable

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): None

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Epidemiology of headache and backache in the catchment area of Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Publications: Still pending


Name: Young, Alyson

Title: Ph.D. Candidate, The Department of Anthropology, Ohio State University

Present position: Ph.D. Student

Institution where degree(s) were taken:

B.A., Anthropology, Ohio State University

M.A. Anthropology, Ohio State University

Ph.D., Anthropology (in progress), Ohio State University

Previous research done in Haydom area (Title of thesis): Assisted with dissertation research for Crystal Patil’s project entitled, “Weaning and the next pregnancy among the Iraqw of Tanzania”. June 2002.

Current research or planned research in Haydom area or related to Haydom: Thesis title: “Precarious Stages: Infant-caregiver interaction and infant health outcomes among the Datoga of Tanzania."

This is a dissertation thesis that will examine infant health and development among the Datoga living in Manyara Region. The project will focus on changes in risk for illness in infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months and maternal perception/response to infant development and vulnerability.

Contact information: E-mail:


Submitted Publications (In Press):

Tucker, B. and A.G. Young. Growing up Mikea: Children's time allocation and tuber foraging in southwestern Madagascar. In Hunter-Gatherer Childhood, edited by Hewlett, B. and M. Lamb. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Published Abstracts:

Young, A. 2004. Using the ‘developmental niche’ to refine measures of parental investment. American Journal of Human Biology, 16(2): 230.

Pike, IL, CL Patil, and AG Young. 2003. Examining women’s psychosocial stress among three subsistence populations of East Africa. American Journal of Human Biology, 15(2): 250.

Young, AG and IL Pike. 2002. Using the ethnographic record to assess cross-cultural recognition of developmental stages. American Journal of Human Biology, 14(1): 94.

Professional presentations

Young, A and CL Patil. Changes in young childcare and feeding after the birth of a younger sibling among the Iraqw of Tanzania. Presentation at the 2004 American Anthropological Association annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Young, A. Using the ‘developmental niche’ to refine measures of parental investment. Poster presented at the 2004 Human Biology Association annual meeting, Tampa, FL.

Pike, IL, Patil, CL, and A Young. Examining women’s psychosocial stress among three subsistence populations of East Africa. Poster presented at the 2003 Human Biology Association annual meeting, Tempe, AZ.

Pike, IL and AG Young. Understanding psychosocial health among women from Turkana District, Kenya and Mbulu District, Tanzania. Presentation at the 2002 American Anthropological Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Young, AG and IL Pike. Using the ethnographic record to assess cross-cultural recognition of developmental stages. Poster presented at the 2002 Human Biology Association annual meeting, Buffalo, NY.

Work dissemination:

Results from research will be shared with COSTECH, Haydom Lutheran Hospital, and professors from the University of Dar es Salaam. In addition, research results from the dissertation will be presented at several professional meetings including the American Anthropological Association annual meetings, and the Human Biology Association annual meetings.


Mosser, Philipp: Hospital-based incidence of neurological disorders in rural Tanzania - an approach to neurological disease - development of a new classification system; Degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Innsbruck, November 2004

Resch, Christiane H.A.: Childhood meningitis at Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania (in German; working title; work in progress). Institute of Nutritional Science, Nutrition in Developing Countries Unit, and Department of Paediatrics, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

Kiserud Y, Kopperstad ON, Roth OC. Malaria. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. 2005.

K. Kull, C. Krüger, M. Krawinkel (2002) Mothers’ attitudes and knowledge about nutrition during pregnancy and lactation and towards infant feeding in Haydom, Tanzania (German). Proceedings of the German Nutrition Society (Vol. 4): 37

Kull, Katja (2002) Attitudes and knowledge on maternal, infant and child nutrition of women in Haydom, Tanzania. Institute of Nutritional Science, Nutrition in Developing Countries Unit, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

Reichl-Petsch, Tanja (2001) Krankenernährung in Haydom, Tansania (German). Institute of Nutritional Science, Nutrition in Developing Countries Unit, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

Lervik, Ole. Too far to walk. A study of the ambulance services in the Haydom area. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, 2001.

Talberg Tonje. Unge kvinner og AIDS i Tanzania: Kulturelle hindringer i forebyggende helseopplysnings arbeid mot spredning av HIV. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitet i Bergen. 1998.

Modalsli, Kari. Spedbarnsdødelighet i U-land. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitet i Bergen. 1998.

Veddeng, Anne. Mødredødelighet I U-land. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitet i Bergen. 1998.

Lundemoen S, Holtedal K, (1996). "Mother and child health clinic attendance and the outcome of pregnancy in rural Tanzania". Fifth year thesis, Medical faculty, University of Tromsø.

Vik, Anne M. Knowledge, attitudes and practise of family planning in Tanzania. A study based on information from local health workers. Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. 1996.

Kiserud Thorleif, Ringen Øyvind. Befolkningsvekst og ressursgrunnlag. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitetet i Bergen. 1995.

Sandaker Unni E, Sandvik Helene. Helsearbeid i U-land. Rapport fra studietur til Tanzania. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitet i Bergen. 1994.

Nygaard C, Røsok BI, Bura M, Haukenes G, Haneberg B (1994). "Measles and measles vaccination in some districts in Tanzania". Fifth year thesis, Medical Faculty, University of Bergen.

Kiserud Thorleif, Ringen Øyvind, Sandøy Roar. Rapport fra studie reise i Øst Afrika. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitetet i Bergen. 1994. ISBN:82-992108-3-6

Njølstad Trude, Erichsen Anne K, Økland Ellen, Hertzberg Anne G, Mohn Eli C, Haugstad Marta. Rapport fra studietur til Tanzania. Vår 93. Senter for Internasjonal Helse, Universitetet i Bergen..

Missing: Bø Elisabeth. Fysioterapi og tverrfaglig samarbeid. Is in the fysiotherapy room in Haydom. Marit XX skrev om fysioterapi av brudd I femur eller tibia. Muligens andre fysioterapi oppgaver.

Other publications related to the area

Bergsjø P. The Haydom hospital-from the east sun and the west moon. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforening 1993 Dec 10; 113 (30): 3778-81..

Bura, Mark T. 1974 The Wairaqw concepts of causation, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Dar es Salaam Medical Journal 6(1):55-61.

Bura, Mark. W. T. 1984 Pregnancy and child rearing practices among the Wairaqw of Tanzania. Diploma in Tropical Child Health Course, University of Liverpool.

Lane, Charles 1991 Wheat at what cost? CIDA and the Tanzania-Canada wheat program. In Conflicts of interest: Canada and the Third World. J. Swift and B. Tomlinson, eds. Pp. 133-160. Toronto, Ont.: Between the Lines.

Lane, Charles 1993 Pastures lost: Alienation of Barabaig land in the context of land policy and legislation in Tanzania. 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico, 1993.

Lane, Charles 1996 Pastures lost: Barabaig economy, resource tenure, and the alienation of their land in Tanzania. Nairobi: Initiatives Publishers.

Lane, Charles Robert 1986 Participatory research with Barbaig pastoralists in Tanzania: Report: July - December 1986. .

Lane, Charles Robert 1990 Barabaig natural resource management: Sustainable land use under threat of destruction. Volume 12. Geneva: United Nations Institute for Social Development.

Lane, Charles Robert 1991 Alienation of Barabaig Pasture Land: Policy implications for pastoral development in Tanzania. Ph.D thesis, University of Sussex.

Lane, Charles Robert, and J. Pretty,1990 Displaced pastoralists and transferred wheat technology in Tanzania. Volume SA20. London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).

Lane, Charles Robert, and Ian Scoones,1991 Barabaig Natural Resource Management: Implications for sustainable savannah land use in pastoral areas of Africa. Paper presented at I.

Sanders, Todd 1998 Making children, making chiefs: Gender, power and ritual legitimacy. Africa 68(2):238-262.

Sanders, Todd 1999 "Doing gender" in Africa: Embodying categories and the categorically disembodied. In Those who play with fire: Gender, fertility and transformation in East and Southern Africa. H.L. Moore, T. Sanders, and B. Kaare, eds. Pp. 41-82. London School of Economics Monographs on Social Anthropology, vol 69. London: The Athlone Press.

Sanders, Todd 1999 Modernity, wealth, and witchcraft in Tanzania. Research in Economic Anthropology 20:117-131.

Schultz, J. 1971 Agrarlandschaftliche Veränderungen in Tanzania. München: Weltforum Verlag.

Talle, Aud1974 Økonomiske dilemmaer i kombinasjon av buskapshold og økonomisk jordbruk. Mag. Art thesis, University of Oslo.

Talle, Aud, and Stig Holmqvist 1979 Barheida og dei tre konene hans. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget.

Woodburn, James 1968 An introduction to Hadza ecology. In Man, the hunter. R.B. Lee and I. DeVore, eds. Pp. 49-55. New York: Aldine Publishing Company.

Woodburn, James 1968 Stability and flexibility in Hadza residential groupings. In Man, the hunter. R.B. Lee and I. DeVore, eds. Pp. 103-110. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.

Woodburn, James 1970 Hunters and gatherers. The material culture of the nomadic Hadza. .

Woodburn, James 1979 Minimal politics. The political organization of the Hadza of North Tanzania. In Politics in leadership. A comparative perspective. W.A. Shack and P.S. Cohen, eds. Pp. 244-264. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Woodburn, James 1982 Social dimensions of death in four African hunting and gathering societies. In Death and the regeneration of life. M. Bloch and J. Parry, eds: Cambridge University Press.

Woodburn, J. C. 1959 Hadza conceptions of health and illness. One day symposium on attitudes to health and disease among some East African tribes, Kampala, 1959, pp. 89-94. Makerere Institute of Social Research.

Aarsland, Anna Egenomsorg blant iraqw-kvinner i Tanzania. En beskrivende pilotstudie med fokus på egenomsorgsproblemer blant Iraqw- kvinner i to landsbyer. Hovedoppgave ved Institutt for sykepleievitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo.


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