Battlefield Of The Mind for Teens



Winning The Battle In Your Mind



PART ONE: It's All About the Mind Introduction Chapter 1: This Is Your Mind . . . This Is Your Mind in a Battle Chapter 2: John, Mary, and the Blended Family That Doesn't Wanna Blend Chapter 3: Just Who Do You Think You Are? Chapter 4: Perseverance = Payoff Chapter 5: The Power of the Positive Chapter 6: Don't Let Satan Put Your Mind in a Bind Chapter 7: Think About What You're Thinking About

PART TWO: How's Your Head? Introduction Chapter 8: Is My Mind Normal, or What? Chapter 9: Oh, Where Has My Mind Run Off to This Time?

PART THREE: Six States You Do Not Want to Live In


Chapter 10: The State of Confusion

Chapter 11: The States of Doubt and Unbelief

Chapter 12: The State of Worry

Chapter 13: The State of Judgment

Chapter 14: The State of Passivity

PART FOUR: Unheavenly Head-Spaces


Unheavenly Head Space #1: "I don't wanna take responsibility for my spirituality--isn't that what we have pastors and parents for?"

Unheavenly Head Space #2: "My future is determined by my past and my present."

Unheavenly Head Space #3: "It's my way or the highway."

Unheavenly Head Space #4: "Life is too hard for me to take--can't God make it easier?"

Unheavenly Head Space #5: "Life is so unfair--doesn't that give me the right to complain?"

Unheavenly Head Space #6: "My behavior might be wrong --but it's not my fault."

Unheavenly Head-Space #7: "I have a right to feel sorry for myself--my life stinks!"

Unheavenly Head Space #8: "I'm not a very good person, so I don't deserve God's blessings."

Unheavenly Head Space #9: "Why shouldn't I be jealous? Most of the people I know are better off than I am!"

Conclusion: WWJT Is Your WMD!



About The Author


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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