St John the Baptist Orthodox Church - 211 Cable Avenue ? East Pittsburgh, PA 15112

HIS EMINENCE, METROPOLITAN GREGORY OF NYSSA American Carpatho-Russian Diocese-Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Joseph Fester Rectory: 412-824-0246 Mobile: 412-607-7039 Email:protopresbyterjoseph@ Website: ? Facebook: @stjohneastpitt Subdeacon Gary Grysiak, Cantor; Reader Justin Rosco, Choir Director; Ron Kitsko, Parish Council President


7 Sunday

8 Monday

9 Tuesday

10 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 Friday

14 Saturday

Last Judgement - Meatfare 8:15 Ch School 9:00 Divine Liturgy Group 2



5pm Great Vespers/Confessions

WE SAY- to all who are with us today at St. John's for the first time, you are welcome here! We pray that you will consider making St. John's your spiritual home. Please join us after Liturgy downstairs for fellowship.

OUR GIFTS TO THE LORD- Sometimes we miss a Sunday and the opportunity to offer our financial gift to the Lord. If we do, please catch up with your gifts. Whether we are here or not, our parish bills continue. Thanks, and God bless!

Sunday, February, 28, 2020 ? Attendance 35 ? Weekly Offering, $1003 Building Fund, $180 - Vigil Candles, $194 ? Needy Fund, $166 ? Diocesan Dues, $75 ? Advance Vigil, ($15) Cathy Perevuznik Memorial Gift for Bob on 61st Wedding Anniversary, $10 ? Total $1590

THANKS- to all who helped yesterday making Nut, Apricot and Nut Rolls for the March 27th Sale. There is a signup sheet at the check in table to make cookies, and to work on the 27th. We need your help. Thanks in advance.

PLEASE BE REMINDED-that if you have received your COVID-19 vaccines, you are allowed to come to church no matter which worship group you are in. We will still need to wear masks and practice social distancing until it is deemed safe to do otherwise.

THE 2020 GIVING STATEMENTS-are now available for you to pickup at the candle stand. WE HAVE A NEW BATCH-of Scrip Cards for sale. Get yours today!

DID YOU KNOW-that if you use Amazon, you can support ACROD?- Go to smile. and search for your favorite charity (American Carpatho-Russian Diocese) and select it. Then every time you order something from Amazon, be sure your Smile Amazon Account is the page you are ordering from and a percentage of what you purchase will go to our Diocese. Easy!

O Master Who loves mankind, illuminate our hearts with the pure light of Your divine knowledge and open the eyes of our mind to understand the teachings of Your Gospel. Instill in us also the fear of Your blessed commandments, that we may overcome all carnal desires, entering upon a spiritual life and understanding and acting in all things according to Your holy will. For You are the enlightenment of our souls and bodies, O Christ God, and to You we give glory together with Your eternal Father and Your all-holy, gracious and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen.



3 Jn 1:1-14

Lk 19:29-40;22:7-39 Hieromartyr Polycarp of Smyrna


Jude 1:1-10

Lk 2239-42;45-23:1 St Romanos, Prince of Uglich

Wednesday Joel 2:12-26

Joel 3:12-21

St Ethelbert, King of Kent


Jude 1:11-25

Lk 23:1-34,44-56

Venerable Shio Mgvime


Zechariah 8:7-17

Zechariah 8:19-23

Ven. Procopius of Decapolis


Rom 14:19-23,16:25-27 Matthew 6:1-13

Ven. Basil, Confessor of Decapolis


Romans 13:11-14:4 Matthew 6:14-21

Sunday of Forgiveness

Cheesefare Sunday


WISH TO HELP KIDS WITH CANCER?- then save your pop tops from your aluminum cans and bring them to church. We will collect them and then deliver them to the Pittsburgh Ronald McDonald House. This will be an on-going effort. Any questions, talk to Rebecca Barclay who is spearheading this effort.

WE ARE KICKING OFF-our Lenten outreach/charitable project to help battered women and kids by collecting items for "FLIGHT BAGS" for women in abusive situations who need to get out to safety in a hurry! See the attached list of items you can start collecting and bring them to church during Lent. If you have any questions, please talk to Linda Novak. Clean used backpacks are great, for example, from Goodwill. etc.

THE WEDNESDAY CCE-class will be the last before Great Lent starts. The first week of Lent there will be no class and then for the next six weeks the class will be on Friday mornings after the Friday morning Presanctified Liturgy.

NEXT WEEK'S-bulletin will have a complete listing of all Lenten services at St. John's They will also be posted on the parish website and FB page.

PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS ?Michael Kapeluck, our Iconographer, Thomas Planiczki, Josephine Sofelkanik, Michael Sterchak, John Edward Stagon, Kathryn Rogulin, Cathy Perevuznik, Wally Perkins, Gina Marie Gaspar, Dannette Wargo, Aubrey Welch, Marti and Cathilynn Baran, Annie Weiland, Fr Daniel Prez (Joe Monde's brother), Fr. George Livanos, Fr. Patrick Carpenter, Fr Michael Hatrak, Fr Jason Delvitto, Michael O'Brien, Matushka Susanne Senyo, Zackery Schwenning- overseas deployment, all healthcare and frontline workers and for all sick with COVID-19 virus. Please keep Father Joseph informed on changes to anyone's health status so he can minister to them.

MARCH BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARIES- Charles Vasko 3/1 Roman Kalaluhi 3/4 Ann Weiland 3/8 Mila Angeline Walker 3/10 Sandra Babich 3/17 Cheryl Stagon 3/19 Malachi Asa Walker 3/25 Sharon Monde 3/23 David Kalaluhi 3/24 Eileen Buck 3/25 Lincoln Carl Yeagers 3/30 William Brancho 3/28 Anniversary Tyler & Connie Kimmel 3/5

MARCH MEMORIALS ?Newly Departed: Jerome Petrykowski, Paul Haruilesko- One Year, Perpetual: Metropolitan Nicholas, John Suvak, Rosella Lapato, Helen Marchak, Pauline and Michael Sabo, Darrel Weiss, Julia and Frank Kranik, Michael Sabo, George Wazso, Anna Bergel, Michael Seredich. Pauline Dyakon, Helen Bloom, John Lillicotch, Andrew Kasenchak, Anna Gaydos, John Kokojko, Anna Lopovich, Michael Stripay, George Rela, Anna Suvak, Peter Danchik, Veronica Sterchak, Mary Zwisdak, Michael Orange, Helen Kosarich, Margaret Papinchak, Anna Ressatar, Paul Kobasa, Sr., Rose Plichta, Anna Rosenbayger, George Golofsky, Mary Gezzer, Joseph Papinchak, William Varhula, Mary Uram, Gregory Papinchak, Emma Evashavik, Eugene Brancho, John Begey, , Bryan Kluth

Because of COVID, this year's Lenten Retreat will be virtual.

JOHNSTOWN, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] -- Each year, our Diocese, through the stewardship of the National Sr. ACRY, has offered opportunities for our faithful to gather together in Spiritual Retreat, during Great Lent at various regional locations. They have been well received and appreciated by those who participated. This year, however with the continuing reality of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it is not possible for us to offer our Annual Retreat Program as we have in the past. However, we will be able to do so in another format.

On Saturday April 3, 2021, a Diocesan-Wide Lenten Retreat for adults and teenagers will take place using the

online Zoom Platform. It will begin at noon and will be 90 minutes in duration. It will include a keynote

presentation and a Q & A discussion. Fr. Jonathan Bannon will be the keynote speaker and his presentation

is entitled Nepsis-Watchfulness: Being Attentive in a Distracted Age. Our younger children will have the

opportunity to participate at another time in an age appropriate retreat in a different venue through the

Diocesan Vine and Branches Program on Sunday April 11, 2021. Details on this program will be coming


2/14/21 Candle Intentions- Health

To make this a more communal event, local parishes with large enough facilities and internet connectivity

may wish to consider participating as a group from their parish church or community center, while

observing social distancing and masking protocols.

Those individuals and parishes as a group wishing to take part are kindly asked to register online at by March 21, 2021. PleCaAsNeDdLoEn'tIdNeTlEaNyTaIsOsNpSa-ceFeinbrZuoaormyw2il8l,be2l0im20ited.

Candle Intentions -2/28/21 Living

Bires, Alice-Scott & Sharon Bires, Alice-Benjamin Bires, Alice-George Bires, Alice-Happy Birthday, Fr Will Bires, Alice-Happy 3rd Birthday, Helen Bires, Alice ? Corey Carlisle, Bob-Alice Bires Carlisle, Bob ? My Family Chuprinko, Marylyn-Neil, Barb, Bren Chuprinko, Marylyn-Paul, Sonja, Pierce, Shelby Chuprinko, Marylyn-Rebbeca & Matthew Chuprinko, Marylyn-Bunny Grysiak, Gary-Janet Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Benjamin Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Luke & Alexis Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Basil & Irene Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Deborah Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Burkett Family Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Josie Sofelkanik Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Bob & Miryam Knutson Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Wally Perkins Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? John E. Stagon Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? John Stagon, Jr. Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Anthony Macchiaroli Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Virus Victims Harms, Adrienne & Dennis-Grandson Zackery-overseas deployment Kiss, Marge ? Family Kocan, Nicky-Happy Birthday, Sister-inlaw, Denise Sabeh, Nancy-Family Sabeh, Nancy-George Stagon, George & Barb-Fr Matthew, Pani Eleni, and Children Stagon, George & Barb-Jeff, Nicole, Jillian, Payton Stagon, George & Barb-Connie, Tyler Stagon Jr., John- David, Linda, Johnny Stagon Jr., John- David II, Christal & Weston Stagon Jr., John ? Jessica & John

Special Intention Bires, Alice

Memory Bires, Alice-Parents Bires, Alice-Brother-in-law Bires, Alice-Helen Bires, Alice-Margie Chuprinko, Marylyn-Ed Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Mother, Helen Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Father, Charles Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Mother, Irene Barney Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Father, Edward Barney

Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Metropolitan Nicholas Grysiak, Janet & Gary ? Virus Victims Kiss, Marge ? Daughter-in-law, Dorothy Kiss, Samantha-Granma Daw, Dorothy in memory of laughs and love Perevuznik, Cathy- Husband Bob Sabeh, Nancy-Nephew Vlad Stagon, George & Barb-Parents George, Beatrice, Nicholas Stagon Jr., John -Wife, Ann Stagon, Jr., John- Mother, Father, Brothers Sterchak, Cindy & Dave-Father Duke Sterchak, Cindy & Dave-Son Michael Sterchak, Michael-Son Michael Sterchak, Cindy & Dave-Michael Sterchak

---------------------------------------------------------------------------THE PARISH COUNCIL-met via ZOOM on Tuesday and there was discussion about the possibility of additional new icons for the main level of the Iconostasis. These include Christ, the Theotokos, St. John, St. Nicholas, and the two repeat icons over the vigil light stands. As in the past, we would only proceed if there were enough donors for the icons. The existing icons would still be used in the church but in different locations in the church hall, for example, or with the icons of Christ and the Theotokos, on the inside of their current locations facing inside the altar. However, it was the consensus of the Council that we would like to get feedback from parishioners since there are some who would prefer to have new icons painted on the side wall of the church where there is currently white space and some who don't want any new icons.

So, the Parish Council is seeking your feedback on this stage of our Church Beautification Project. Currently there are parishioners willing to donate two new icons for the Iconostasis, but there may be others who are willing to donate for the iconostasis and/or for the side walls of the church. Again, only if there is a consensus of the parishioners.

We need your input how best we can proceed while being the best stewards of the sacred space the Lord has entrusted to us. What will bring Him glory? What will bring Him praise and what will inspire those who come to St. John's for the first time and all of us to see and experience a vision of the Kingdom of Heaven, here, on earth, in the sacred space of our parish. This should help us to lay aside any of our personal "likes or dislikes" in offering our input; there are no right or wrong answers in offering our input. We are trying to discern God's will and what is best at this point for our parish life.

Please talk to any parish council member or to Fr Joseph. We will then be able to have a better sense of how to proceed. If you wish, you can use the attached survey and return it in the offering basket. There is no need to give your name, unless you want to.


____ I am in favor or new icons for the Iconostasis.

____ I am willing to donate a new Iconostasis Icon

____ I am in favor of new icons for the side walls of the church.

____ I am willing to donate a new side wall icon.

____ I am not in favor of new icons for the Iconostasis

____ I am not in favor of new icons for the side walls of the church.

____ I have no preference and am willing to support what the parish decides.

Comments_____________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ OPTIONAL INFORMATION Name_____________________________ Please fill out and return in the offering basket or to any parish council member. You may also mail your form to: St. John the Baptist Church 211 Cable Avenue East Pittsburgh, PA 15112

Sunday of Meatfare (the Last Judgment)

Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 25:31-46, the parable of the Last Judgment. It reminds us that while trusting in Christ's love and mercy, we must not forget His righteous judgment when He comes again in glory. If our hearts remain hardened and unrepentant, we should not expect the Lord to overlook our transgressions simply because He is a good and loving God. Although He does not desire the death of a sinner, He also expects us to turn from our wickedness and live (Ezek. 33:11). This same idea is expressed in the prayer read by the priest after the penitent has confessed his or her sins (Slavic

practice). The time for repentance and forgiveness is now, in the present life.

At the Second Coming, Christ will appear as the righteous Judge, Who will render to every man according to his deeds" (Rom. 2:6). Then the time for entreating God's mercy and forgiveness will have passed.

As Father Alexander Schmemenn reminds us in his book GREAT LENT, sin is the absence of love, it is separation and isolation.

When Christ comes to judge the world, His criterion for judgment will be love. Christian love entails seeing Christ in other people, our family, our friends, and everyone else we may encounter in our lives. We shall be judged on whether we have loved, or not loved our neighbor.

We show Christian love when we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit those who are sick or in prison. If we did such things for the least of Christ's brethren, then we also did them for Christ (Mt.25:40). If we did not do such things for the least of the brethren, neither did we do them for Christ (Mt.25:45).

Today is the last day for eating meat and meat products until Pascha, though eggs and dairy products are permitted every day during the coming week. This limited fasting prepares us gradually for the more intense fasting of Great Lent.


When You will come to earth in glory, O God, and all things will tremble before You, the river of fire will flow before Your judgement-seat and the books will be opened and all hidden things revealed, deliver me from the unquenchable fire and make me worthy to stand at Your right Hand, O righteous Judge.


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