Insp Rept 50-289/89-10 on 890508-12.No violations noted ...





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Report No.



Docket No. 50-289

License No. DPR-50



Category C

Licensee: GPU Nuclear Corporation P.O. Box 480 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057

Facility Ncme: Three Mile Island, Unit 1

Inspection At: Parsippany_, New Jersey

Inspection Conducted: May 8-12, 1989



R. J. [faolino, Senior Reactor Engineer Plant Systems Section, EB

4-6 29


Approved by:

C. J. #6derson, Chief, Plant Systems Section,





Inspection Summary: Inspection on May 8-12, 1989 (Inspection Report No. 50-289/89-10)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of licensee's evaluation and


resolution of previously identified EQ issues.



8906150132 890607 "

PDR ADOCK 05000289~








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Rtheissuinltssp: eNcotiovnio. latiFoonusr,teaennd

no new unresolved previously identified

items were identified during EQ issues were reviewed and

closed. These items include:

Item No. 50-289/83-16-02




High Range Cent' Mo itor

Connector / Cable Assembly



BIW Cable




Target Rock Valves



TMI Action Plan



Raychem HST

50-289/86-24-01 50-289/87-01-08





Licensee Action on Audit Finding

Verification Walkdown Electrical Penetration Data

Service Life Hydrogen Recombiner



Conflicting Data on Ross Valves



Qualification Data on Kerite Splice



Qualification Data on Static-0-Ring Pressure Switch



Franklin TER Anomaly

50-289/88-05-02 50-289/88-08-01

Unresolved Unresolved

Safety Grade Design Requirements

Qualification Status Pressurizer

Vent Valve

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1.0 Persons Contacted


1.1 General Public Utilities - Nuclear

J. Auger, Environmental Licensing Engineer

*P. Doucher, EQ Engineer

G. Franco, EQ Engineer

S. Gere, Project Engineer

*G. Guvican, Senior PWR Licensing Engineer

P. Hansen, Engineer

*R. Kastauri, QA Engineer


*J. Mancinelli, Manager EQ/ Fire Protection

*Y. Nagai, Senior PWR Licensing Engineering

*E. Pagan, EQ Engineer

* Denotes personnel present at exit meeting of May 12, 1989 at the

corporate site.

2.0 Status of Previously Identified EQ Issues

(Closed) Unresolved Item 83-16-02 pertaining to the unqualified, In-containment High Range Radiation Monitor Cable Assembly.

The inspector reviewed the Victoreen Model 877-1 Radiation Monitor EQ File No. EQ-T1-144, dated March 3, 1988, which contains a description (SRS-A-1) of the equipment, various allowed monitoring methods (SRS-A-3), type tests (SRS-A-8) performed on similar equipment and performance and acceptance criteria (SRS-A-9). The documents reviewed, demonstrate that the modified in-containment radiation monitor cable assembly as described in SRS-A-5, SRS-A-6 and SRS-A-10 is qualified.

This item is closed.

c(Cabloles.ed) Unresolved Item 85-15-01 pertaining to the qualification of BIW

The inspector reviewed the BIW cable EQ file for "Bostrad 7E" EPR/Hypalon No. EQ-T1-101, dated February 23, 1988, containing a full description (SRS-A-1) of the cable, qualified life (SRS-A-5, SRS-A-6, SRS-A-7), type tests (SRS-A-8) and performance and acceptance test (SRS-A-9) to demonstrate qualification of the cable to 10 CFR 50.49 requirements. These documents establish the qualification of this cable.

This item is closed.



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.(Closed) Unresolved Item 85-15-03 pertaining to the auditability of

Target Rock Valves in that references were not legible or missing and

changes were not initialed and dated by the person making the changes. The inspector reviewed the Target Rock EQ File No. EQ-T1-135, dated

April 8, 1988, containing the revisions incorporated in DCN Nos, 042858,


39943 and 48142 which address the auditability of the EQ file and the

missing documentation. The licensee has revised the qualified life data

ffoiler .TTRhCesionlsepneocidto8r0cZo-n1c4l-u0d0e8danthdaht athseinfcilleuddeedficthieenccaielcsulwateiorensaidndtrheessed and corrected. The cur rent file is auditable.

This item is .losed.

(Closedl Unresolved Item 85-21-06 pertaining to the inspection of TMI Action Plan Item 11.D.3 involving direct indication of relief and safety valve positions and verification of equipment qualification per 10 CFR 50.49. The NRC completed its equipment qualification inspection at THI-1 in

January 1987 (lE Report 289/87-01). As a result of that inspection, it

was determined that the licensee has an equipment qualification program to implement the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49 including Item II.D.3.

This item is closed.

(Closed) Unresolved Item 86-17-08 pertaining to Raychem Heat Shrink tubing purchased for use at the licensee's Dyster Creek Plant. This splice material was received, inspected and accepted on December 11, 1984 and

transferred to TMI-1 for use on work done in April 1986. Documentation


available at that time to establish qualification of the splice

The licensee subsequently provided copies of the purchase order

HanedatcSeh:triifnickaTtueboinfgc.onformance to establish qualification of the Raychem

This item is closed.

(Closed) Violation No. 86-24-01 pertaining to inadequate corrective

action taken by licensee in response to audit findings of licensee's EQ

program licensee

identified during the March subsequently identified the

26 root

cAapursile1s,1o9f 8th1eavuiodliat.tionThseand

took corrective actions. The corrective actions include:


New and Improved organization, staff and leadership for EQ program

* Improved methods of processing audit findings

* Formal escalation procedures modified to ensure pr ompt disposition.

The above actions have been implemented with increased management

attention to open audit findings to ensure prompt disposition.

compliance was achieved by December 31, 1986.


This item is closed.

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,(ClosedlunresolvedItem 87-01-08 pertaining to the discrepancy identified

by NRC inspectors during a walkdown verification of the Technical Data

Rinegcoarsd-i(nTsDtaRll)eddoccuomnfeignut 6ra5t6io0no.f


The TDR file

qualified equipment regard-

indicated that multi pin

connectors are used at the GE electrical penetration interface for penetration Nos. 201, 204 and 311. A review of tha actual installation established

that multi pin connectors are not used in this application and that

qualified Raychem Heat Shrink Tubing is used.


has revised the TDR Full compliance was

file to reflect the achieved by July

as-installed 1, 1987.

This item is closed.


(Closed) Unresolved Item 87-01-10 pertaining to the qualified service life of the Hydrogen Recombiner. The licensee deleted this equipment from the EQ Master List.

The licensee performed an analysis to establish the engineering.justifica-

tion for removing the Hydrogen Recombiner from the EQ Master List. data supports the finding that the Hydrogen Recombiner is in a mild


environment. Therefore, this equipment is not subject to the 10 CFR 50.49

requirements. Internal memo No. 5710-87-340 dated December 2, 1987

documents the removal of the Hydrogen Recombiner from the EQ Master List.

This item is closed.

{ Closed) Unresolved item 87-01-11 pertaining to conflicting requirements for maintaining equipment qualification of the Ross Solenoid Valves.

Visual inspection by the licensee and tSe NRC inspector of Ross Solenoid Valves indicate that tape splices are not used and that the wires terminate at a GE type EB-5 terminal block which requires no surveillance / maintenance inspection. The licensee issued a Design Change Notice (DCN) 048159

to revise the EQ file and to delete instructions that do not apply. This item is closed.

(Closed) Violation No. 87-01-12 pertaining to inadequate documentation to support environmental qualification of Kerite cable splices. The licensee issued a Design Change Notice (DCN) No. 048138 during the NRC Equipment Qualification inspection of January, 1987 to address this issue.

The EQ file for Kerite Splices (EQ-TI-126) has been revised and upgraded

to include support documentation that establishes the environmental

qualification of Kerite Cable Splices used at TMI-1.


This item is closed.


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