Vol. Jasper, Indiana, Fhiday, Loan i - Library of Congress

'Minna Mints Librnrr



V V EEhlu 0l!nrf

Vol. 61.

Jasper, Indiana, Fhiday, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918,

No. 4.


4th Liberty Loan !


RUNNING THE RHEA. Rctatjye of Ostrich Chased With Do

nd Hcrse.


For the per : o-- who desires a unique form of -- ort "running the

(By C. V. Stalnaay, Astiatant U ?r.

Harry E; Barnard, Federal Food Administrator far Indiana.)

Help .

to 9

rhea" in southern Patagonia is rec-




ommended. The rhea is of the ost:ich family, but

a member somewhat


obifnaaiitgsrr. eyiht crudnsorwialef,atsntehsowrsuetnaensds

IMPROVING ON PUTNAM FARMER has a knac of doubling on ita

The 17. S.Tood Clubs ean endure the tests of the time. IHiriag the stress of war all our institutions are


track, which often serves it in elud-

ing its pursuers. The natives in

hunting it use horses, dogs and the

Deiag judged by their Batural rela- -

tiashij to tke war jregram. Those

thiags that deflnlte.ly iiimr our war

Activities axe auickly aut out of the

'way. The ltet mt nan-essenti- al


trie!, that do not help is steadHy be-

ing emlargad and mora clearly de-



hunters follow after at top sp d,

so t: Will Invest In Fourth Liberty Bonds to the Uttermost in Order to

prepared to throw portunity offers.

bola if i- -

Help Win the War

ine ooia, consisting or


fined. These industries are beinc cither reformed or restricted. Pub--1


three heavy attached to

bills of

a hon



cr or


r jht

V lie opinion is rapidly shaping itself to !

oppose amy exfenditur of enengy or

material except In the interest of

"winning the war. Individuals and

communities that do not support the

government's war program soon feel At a meeting of the Bankers

the disapproval of their neighbors. and Trust Companies at Jasper,

Pome of tha -q- uestions that we are all

being required to answer in justifica-

tion of our right to citizenship in this

democracy are as follows: Are you

Asurperpoyrota?ivnmgbguutyiiienagtsaemlLepci"btiev; retyAs,reeBrvoiyncdeus

law? and con

Ind , it was decided that an initial payment, at the time subscrip-

tion is tak n, would be 5 percent of the amount subscribed for, and an additional payment of 5 percent on or before th 30th day of

tributing to the Red Cross, Y. M. C. October, cr if the subscriber pre-

A. amd similar movements? Are you fers, to be paid in full on receipt

aTiflf fuel? Are yon supporting tho of Bonds, that is, the remaining

H. S. Food Administration to the limit of your ability? It is easier to be a food slacker than any other kind of slacker because food is handled wtthin the privacy of the home. For the same reason the food patriot is

95 percent of the subscription

It is to be understood that no unfair means, such a? , 'The

Government will get you if you do not subscribe," will be used.

the truest type of patriot. One may

purchase a Liberty Bond for the sake

mt appearances. Those who observe

No or e w:il be compelled by the solicitor to subscribe, BUT

vou must remember that your

Uncle Sammie requires all solici tors to report to him j our reasons for your not subscribing, and you must know you are a

unit of Uncle Sammie, just as

necessary to the Government as your Senator, your Congressman, your Governor, or your President.

Tne little case of the fellow in Spencer County, who became an. gry and tried o slay his fellow-me- n

for soliciting subscriptions

for the Third Liberty Loan, should be a warning to you. You are not going to be injured or

touchedjust tell the solicitor what you waut to dohow many

you want to buy-Saturday, September 28th, will

be volunteer day. Special arrangements have been made bv all Bankers and trust Companies in Dubois County 'to furnish you any information, and take all subscriptions possible on this day.

Dubois County Fourth Lib erty Iioan Organization,

feet Ions, serves to hamper tho

www"ifh One sundown last June Raymond

Brown stopped his team at the end of u! corn rows. He swung his culti-vator around, lifted the shovels so the

ccuuu wouia not rust tneir glittering surfaces and unhitched his team. The next day he was on his way to Camp Taylor and the next day he was m khaki. His younger brother was in


movements balk twine tho b

vni irs.

the LjJL

At th .t k--

of the bird, for the

abor.t th arc, whieh


??eas of

neck or

t per

.:c-j- f



c a.;h

;jfii- - ti cr : mo

the field carrying'on his work.

rhea will often crouch flat

it w&a sundovn a few days later ground with neck outcfretched uti-wh- en

Raymond Brown's father spoke der the grass, remaining motionless

of the war, war gifts and government i until the dogs have passed. This

loans as he saw them. There was strategnn is often successful wVen

Tn Cbmwhiaria"ocnkYksteseeswrsa,htnhIeudRinina,gIgytahsmhveeeloloYpnoe.dakmdM'sead.ongoCulolo.tlntaAaerd.,"liwfittfohtealerneettshneaadetoi.dwth.LRhetail"ehlpsIed,ett li ticIsbltncaiesesgewenaitrlb,vwtdilnerebiednrsue.dsuJtdorwkubiIbsshynees,tnbchtilohotetnwihmsseiuJBua!idkcgcsudeeosseonenavt,ngreacafrdraiyoaniIiVnlutsuteibtesrtem1mlteihhaspo1-soeftit and that money w&3 a gift. I bought escape.

some war etamps --mind you, bought The chase of the rhea, which

them and was glad I could.

sometimes extends ever a distanco

the food rules ajt heme do so because

"But let me tell you that when the of five or six miles, is a thrilling

It is impossible te sum up the whole

food situation ia one or two sen-

tences. There are manx phases to

it. To ebserre the regulations . fullft

we '

fmffufset "p;aiftegouulrasrelvieasferianaaatiopnejutrrbomn

official sources. The XJ. S. Food Clubs

offer the best opportunity for this

enlightenment. They are being or-

ganized so that the Foed Administra-

The fbod-savi&-g


V" . v

days a year tsntil the

war is oven

IS HUMAN VACUUM CLEANER next Liberty Loan comes around I'll one. It has for the rider all the ex-b- uy

Amanda's Economist fa Line of Qood

Hduaktplng Haws a 8crw

Long before the Introduction of tho raeuum cleaner Amanda had achieved by theer persiitenco of arm,

two dollars' worth where I bought on b.fore. That boy', going to be In

transa one of these days and it is

far country. I a not going to fail him when fc gets over there. And every doUar I put in bonds lar just that much protection for him. It backs him up and makes his fight easier.

j I

citement of a horse race, with tho

added gatt-actio-

of knowing that

the winning of the race will result

in a welcome addition to tho larder.

The wings of the rhea. have a flavor

not unlike that of turkey, and if

one is not averse to the taste of

The man who goes deserves all we can horseflesh the meat of the thigh U

the energetic wialding of broom and do for him and for the country that is very satisfactory. The rhea is one

tion can communicate dimctly with the homes. They bring the house-

wives together so that they may discuss their problems aiul exchange ideas. They render a definite con-triubti- on

to our war program. They are first esseutinto. They need not apologize for their existence. They place a stamp of loyalty on Ike individual mombrfrs and on the communi- ties in which they aro maintained. Join a U. S. Food Club in your neigh borhood.


Bind the Kaiser with Liberty Bonds

VubUshcd htj Cf.S. Food Administration for Indian


By Don Herold

I Im just dead. had

to gb down town or a

S?gar certificate



The Strength of the

Rope Depends Upon 3

the Bonds YOU Buy








Jk? 'lifi' I

TT Iii


jr y--vj

o We demand the repeal of the


o o

law niakinsr teaching of guage in the

comuulsorv tho the German lan public schools of




o Indiana. Democratic State

vo Platform, 19rS.




To the lighting forces of the armies of the Republic battling or preparing to battle for the

There are many minor INCIDEN-

TAL facts in connection with this Avar

that are somewlnt interesting. For

instance, 4.750,000 persons have died

r starvation in Europe since the war

began. (Ti e number killed in light-

ing has been about --1,250,000.)

There have been" no moving pic-

tures of this ph.tse of the war. These 1.7;")0,0?0 persons wore no identifica

tion discs. There were no casualty

lists of these 4,700,000. When THEY

died, there was no boom, no puff of

powder, no two-mil- e

gains. They, just

read so system

much about the science and efficiency of. even-bod- y


that we get the feeling that the thing

is all layed off neatly like city streets.

It's hard to realize that 4.750,000 peo-

ple have been let STARVE.

eraMl r.yeHaroso.verHehahsasreableiezned

it for fighting



yttheeneamrs.,mbiHlelfieoonrheelbdBe eswltgaairasvnasct,iaolnlefdoarttobsaAeyvm,eerfraoilr

ca. Now he has simply transferred

his seat of action. He has come

where where

the food IS, it ISN'T.




freedom of the world, wo send

greetings of pride and affection,

with the assurance that while

they are facing the foe in front,

we will take care of snipers in

the rear; that we will support

the government to protect the

in every effort market baskets

died. They just died because they were hungry.

It didn't get much attention in the papers.

Died? You didn't even know they

Here at home our conservation

we've been cracking jokes and taking the

"Food Will Win the .with a grain of salt,

War" statements and fussing a lit-

tle about the bother of buving sub-

wero sick, did you? But, now. maybe,




stitutes, but GETTING a plentv to eat - and 4,750,000 children "and

; ridiculous cartoon at. the top of this women and . men article, perhaps the news can be PUT death, in Europe!

have starved


of their wives and mothers from tho profiteers, and that we will not only support and sustain

HOME to you. Perhaps for the lirst Wonder-- if we haven't been too light


and easy about this whole proposition

The war is so nicely organized, we of conserving food, after all?

them now, but remember them

with a nation's gratitude ana

care when they come home

again. Democratic State Plat-

form, 1918.

The man who waits to see


what the other fellow is

Mrt, Miller Qrah&m, who ii now

one of the wealthy hostea?e of

going1 to do generally


Oroivenor street, will take the plac Jg;

of Mrs. Koppel, who wai auch a

waits too Ions:.

mi great

jfe'teQKarjiCwn h the

favorite of widaw of a

King Edward. She California million-jair- e

G o3

0 101;

' v.o m

10A o

cic-- vio rqj cavXoi rfnSjICQvvvoorljOr



'o and one oi her Ball, novelties

r oS. 15?S t$oXS ?oV S oSS if oS3


kzi oS CToD Gf q?


brush, the precbe results accomplished by ttiii excellent invention.

Wt husband whimsically complains

that the Jiouso is always in process

sonding him across. And, after all, w are buying something that is as good and better than the money we pay for it when We buy a bond. But you have to feel this war oomo close, to know

of the main food supplies on & Pat-Hgoni-an

hunting trip, .New York


of renovation and seldom is a condition which can m considered com-

lat fortable and livable but he is mere

man and little ctufc'bo expected of

him. Of course, AjBsmda is ill fr?rh time to time, usually t the retult of

doing more than eh cght She hms

u headaches, backaches and nerve that

are on edga. Her sons slip, out of

tne house zn the evening because

just vky you ought to buy a bond."

There are more Raymond Brown in


the army now than thtre were

June, and more fathers are thinking about the lad

and who

klnfolks stepped

away froas the home fires to th hell

fires that never die down on tha west


i i

Thi Way a Russicn r meets Dlsposaf

of Her Jewels.

A few years ago Ludwig Nissen,

WRil .Known 'leaie dealer of

the Maiden lane d! trict. was in the

There will be a vim and a dettrmi- nation inffcha Fourth Liberty Loanaub-scription- s

ofiice of a diamond merchant T une1wfl wne.n a sinniger came


that will be greater than be- and offered an unusually beautiful

t?re. Then, too, the man who has no stone for sale. The Englishman

they prefer to be where they are not relatives In the army, who is just a did not care to buv

reproved if they draw" a chair from plain God-fearin- g

American citizen, is i thought he saw n '

But Nissen in. But ho

jr Its place or leave a newspaper on the :

Lrs m litue ulLruer-- 1118 , was not willinp

ry until he

uamu floor. Her daughters enjoy visiting

CSrT r? much more than staying at home,

and her maid seldom remains longjr

feltsn than a week or two. She had nine-

teen successive maids in a single

season. Somehow Amanda's economies in the line of good housekeep-



very much, but be He may not be able 0 drive

a baybNrt throngh

his Wght

J3bm, but he can It corner to


learned who ov. :

j stone


lt had 001,1


Bald he represcnU--? u friend, a

man w.ho dl(3 n"! ,c'ar0 to iiVQ



wo-ma- ke


a war loan and he propoaea to do it. name disclosed. The American was

The man who thinks sees very clear-- firm. If l couM not learn tho

ly that when he puts his money into a owner's nam he would not buy. Liberty Loan he is putting it into The stranger ud ln would Bee tho

ing have a screw loose. She observed something that will come back as sure-- woman and U ; the matter over

one day that she sympathized with ly as his government lives. Only the with her

fc?!!8l",rt rtie women who liked to have her

house perfectly ordered and whe then wished that she could take he: family and live in the barn so that the house need not be disturbed.

bangster, in Christian


fool or the pro-Germa- n

says that the

Liberty Loans are a poor investment.

The American knows that' his govern

ment will do just what it says it wilL

He gives his money for a bond that

Is a solemn promise to nav his monev '

ybeaacrks.atHtheekneonwd softhaact etrhtaeinintneurmesbterwiollf

The nc.it day lie came back and took Mr. Nissen to the woman's

home. She lived in a handsome

apartment m one of 1 he most fash-

ionable quarters of the city. It

turned out that she was a 'Russian

princess who, with her husband her daughter. L.d been driven

IM QiTi r ncccwec

American Bolshevik with a foreign name and a foreign twist to his tongue,




f ,r' g taken part

movement. Of all

1 is going to shatter the American'3 con-- their large property ev Lad saed

J We entered upon our present

course in self-defens- e

to resist

a menacing assault, uJ?ireciAeu3

against our freedom and our na


fidence in the government he is help-- only their jewels.

ing to maintain.

:;fiiA enA nfi e--

Sue opened a

fUA k,tn

We simply lend, and

eomes back with interest

1 as good as American backed by every acre of

gltoahlnTeddh,eamnebvdooenrnJyyjbdi: 'wjMe&nremr0mwTlodsrnthfu

fhA fi-no-

nnlleoH.v- -

had ever seen. They

$200,000 or $300,000.

J J tionai integrity; we shall not abandon it until our objective 1"

piece of property and by the every man in America,



"We ell them a few

Gne explained, "just

it a time

nou h of

7 definitely attained. Democrat--

"l108Jt , lc State Platform, 1918.


Thnjrtemmsnoru.eiemjo.onbeyor.wsenarasinseintghet?seooKnaei-rser. That is about "the sum and the substance" of the whole matter. Amer--;

is ln the war wlth every man End

them ac-- h






vear to rive 1



rou will wonder

tU and ?

the money?

a iTini?.


on the But my

gun and dollar, and proposes to make liusi-an-

his the gamblers apirit.


, S


c Therefore Wcommend to the

T'T t election of Senators and

j Congressmen in complete har W" mony with the President, pri-I marlly upon the policies of the

war, but equally in accord with

a Tc;lefn


everybody's war. It is no rich

mb, uayeniv'nsegrywMbaorsd' yn'sondpfooarnmdTafhnie'gsbrtwiicnahgr

" DUt


is tbe

The monev would not Uu a year.





1 estimate that there are enough of

them to keep us twenty years? and

army m(i

mn is b , wh


he can and flghUng in the same army

ccul- - LU u iouScx tuaa

We are giving our men but we are lendin our money.

nUne of those aiamondS forms tAfl

Yu can give money to the Ameri-- centerpiece of one oMhe most Val-

ium in questions of vital domes- - CRn Red Cross, and you ought to be Hable necklaces in New York. A

tic concern. Upon this ground X pr2)JJ of

PrlYlle&e- -

few others are ent to this country


i - Goiun, X


we appeal for popular support






as i men nest equipped to sen--e

the national interests. Deine--

cratic State Piatrorm. 3 9is.


x 4


mone? i asks It as a gift. c. A. has no bonds to sell.

The Y. vMlr

you Q&Q







SaiT??on Army- -

nd and to othar war-workin- n

ioew1,JaTt Uthe

In the


"diamond horse-there is never a

when there are not some of

the jewels of the exiled prince oa

Fiaw. New York Tritmna.

iwaa a hu waiertnelaa which waj

The Ben Ed Doane Printorium, Jasper, Inch

bodlamy bnt you cannot give monag Sj

mmm My? jmmy




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