Kaplan Academy: SAT Guide .io

Kaplan Academy: SAT Guide

Table of Contents

Kaplan SAT Proctoring Procedures


How Students Register the Kaplan Academy: SAT book


SAT Proctoring Guide: On Test Day


Before the test


Proctoring Script


After the test


SAT Essay Scoring Guide


Frequently Asked Questions


Test 3 and 4: Online



Kaplan SAT Proctoring Procedures


Thank you for proctoring this Kaplan SAT Practice Test! This document will lead you through every part of the Kaplan Academy: SAT Practice Test proctoring process. Please read this document fully before the event, as information included here will be important as you prepare for your Practice Test.

Our practice test events are invaluable tools for engaging students, building awareness about college admissions, and developing community and school relationships. Practice Tests also provide students a chance to practice for Test Day and receive great feedback to inform their preparation and guide them on the path to college. This document includes everything you need to run a perfect Practice Test event: materials checklist, set-up instructions, proctoring directions, tips on essay grading, and an FAQ section with answers to potential questions you may receive.

A few days before the event, read this guide in its entirety to make sure you have all the materials and information you need to deliver a successful event. Should you need additional information or tools, please contact your Kaplan representative.

STEP 1: Before the Test

Ensure you have the following items on test day:

? Each student has their book and a piece of paper for answers.

? Each student has Number 2 Pencils (not mechanical pencils).

? Each student has the appropriate calculator. Visit the link below for more information on approved calculators for taking the official SAT:

STEP 2: During the Test Proctor the practice exam using the Proctoring Script. Please refer to the table below to know what test should be administered.

Kaplan Academy

Test 1 begins on page 483 Test 2 begins on page 533

Note: On Test Day, the essay is optional. You can find an essay scoring guide after the proctoring directions if you wish to administer the essay.


STEP 3: After the Test, Scoring

Kaplan recommends that students take their test on paper, then enter their answers online immediately after the test.

Students can access the webgrid by logging into their KapTest Online Companion, then click on Test 1: In Person, "Kaplan SAT Practice Test 1: Answers and Explanations", then click Start. From there, students can click the bubble or type the answer on a keyboard to enter their answers on the webgrid. They will see their score immediately after hitting Submit. Full details on registration are in the next section of this guide.

How Students Register the Kaplan Academy: SAT book

Students will need to register the Kaplan Academy:SAT Online Companion to score their test. They can register by using the link below and following the instructions. The directions for registering the book can be found on page xvi of the course book.

Kaplan Academy Registration

On the shopping cart page, students will need to click "Proceed to checkout", and then create their account. Please ensure students register using an email address that they readily have access to.

Students can access the scoring webgrid by logging into their KapTest Online Companion, then click on Test 1: In Person, "Kaplan SAT Practice Test 1: Answers and Explanations" on the left side, then click the Start button. This will bring students to the webgrid where students can click the bubble or type the answer on a keyboard to transfer their answers from paper. They will see their score immediately after hitting Submit.

Students can review their answers by clicking the Review button in this same section. A link to the PDF copy of the answer key will also populate.

Practice Tests 1 & 2 are labeled In Person. These correspond to the tests in the book and can only be graded online through this portal. Practice Tests 3 & 4 are the supplemental practice tests that are taken exclusively online. See Test 3 and 4: Online at the end of this guide for more information.

Students should call 1-800-KAP-TEST(527-8378) if they are having technical trouble creating a KapTest account or registering the companion.


SAT Proctoring Guide: On Test Day

1. Write the following on the board:

Before the test

Follow the directions in your book to get results.

Start time: Stop time:

Kaplan's SAT Practice Test

[Today's Date] [Today's Test Version]

Section 1: 65 min Section 2: 35 min - 5 minute break Section 3: 25 min Section 4: 55 min

2. Distribute the tests (SAT Academy books) to each student. Instructions for the test are printed at the beginning of each section.

3. When you are ready to start the exam, read the italicized instructions aloud in the "Proctoring Directions".

Proctoring Script

Proctoring Directions

From now on, only text in italics should be read aloud as written.

Text not in italics and bolded is information for you, so please do not read it out loud. Please read through this guide carefully before your event so that you can familiarize yourself with the language and the information presented. Although we would like you to follow the guide as closely as possible to ensure all information is shared, it's important that it comes across as natural and professional, so the more familiar you are with the script, the better you will be able to present to your students on the day of the event. Your tone should be friendly and professional as you read.

Opening Comments

Today's test will be 3 hours long (with an additional 20-30 minutes for instructions and administration of material). We will not be proctoring the optional SAT essay today, but if you have any questions about practice for the essay, please let me know. I've written the section information up on the board so you know what to expect (if board is not available let them know there are four sections - 65 mins, 35 mins, 25 mins, and 55 mins). We will be taking one 5-minute break during the test today. During that break you may go to the restroom, get a drink of water, or talk quietly with friends. We just ask that you do not leave this building, and that you do not discuss any


part of the test with your friends. If for some reason you need to leave during the actual testing time, you may get up quietly and go; you do not need to ask. Just note that you'll need to go as quickly and quietly as possible, as you won't be given any time back on the test.

On Test Day, there is the possibility that students not taking the optional SAT essay will need to complete an additional, 20-minute section. This section could test Math, Reading, or Writing and Language. It is important to note that this additional section will include both scored and unscored questions, and students will not be able to distinguish what questions are scored. Therefore, they should take this section as seriously as the rest of the test.

When you go in to take the test officially, you'll hear the following rules, and we will follow these today as well. I am going to read these rules so that everyone here has a fair chance on the exam and understands exactly what to expect on Test Day:

- Do not communicate with any other student during the test - Do not open your test book until instructed to do so - Do not work on a section other than the one you've been instructed to work on - Do not mark your answer grid in any area other than the one you've been instructed to work on - Do not mark your answer grid after time has been called - Do not use any unauthorized devices, including cell phones, during the test. - Do not take the test under another student's name - Do not eat or drink in this room. - Do not disturb test-takers in any way - Do not leave the building during the test Does anyone have any questions about these rules? [PAUSE FOR QUESTIONS.]

Alright, great, let's move on....

You will need to use a No. 2 pencil for today's exam. If you brought mechanical pencils to today's exam, you are fine to use them, just make sure they're No. 2. On the official test you actually won't be able to use mechanical pencils.

Please take a minute to turn all cell phones to airplane mode or completely off.

Please put everything except your test book, pencils and erasers under your desk, including your calculator as you may not have it out except during math sections. Acceptable calculators for today's test AND the official exam include:

- Graphing calculators - Scientific calculators - Four-function calculators So basically, anything that isn't primarily a calculator, including cell phones, can't be used.

If you did not bring a calculator to today's test, you may use your cell phone as long as it is on airplane mode and silent. You will not be allowed to use your cell phone on the official Test Day.

I will keep official time for today's test. I'll write the start and stop time up here on the board for each section so you can keep track as we go through, and I'll tell you when you have 5 minutes remaining in the current section. If you have a question about the test, raise your hand and I'll come over to you, although I can only answer basic questions about how to fill out the grid, not test questions themselves.

Any questions? [PAUSE] Great, it's time to start the test!

End of Opening Comments



Start time:

65 min Stop time: Do not open your test booklet until I tell you to do so. You will have 65 minutes to work on Section 1, which is the Reading section. Fill in your answers in section 1 on the answer sheet. If you finish the section before I call time, do not turn to another section. Are there any questions? [Pause]

Now open your test booklets to Section 1, read the directions, and begin work. Good luck.

[Post the start and stop times for this section on the board. When only 5 minutes remain, give 5 minute warning:] You have 5 minutes remaining on Section 1.

[After exactly 65 minutes, say:] Stop work and put your pencil down. [Pause; make sure everyone's pencil is down.]


Start time:

35 min Stop time: You will now have 35 minutes to work on Section 2, which is the Writing and Language section. Do not begin work until I tell you to do so. When you turn the page to begin work on this section, follow the instructions for marking your answers in Section 2 of the answer sheet.

If you finish before I call time, do not turn to another section. Are there any questions? [Pause]

Now, turn to Section 2, read the directions, and begin work.

[Post the start and stop times for this section on the board. When only 5 minutes remain, give 5 minute warning:] You have 5 minutes remaining on Section 2.

[After exactly 35 minutes, say:]

Stop work and put your pencil down. [Pause; as always, check to make sure pencils are down.]

Please place your answer sheet inside of your test booklet and close the booklet.

We'll now take a 5 minute break. During this break feel free to go grab a drink of water, go to the restroom, stretch ? whatever you need to do! I'll be setting the timer for 5 minutes and I'll start the test immediately when the timer goes off. This is your practice for the real thing ? when you take the official test, no one will come collect you at the end of any break, so keep an eye on your watches and make sure you're back in your seats in 5 minutes. Also, this is just a reminder that during the official SAT you will not be allowed to talk to friends about the tests during the break, or use your cell phones. I'm a lot nicer and just helping you practice, but just remember that for when you take the official test, they don't play around!

[Note: It is acceptable for you to "break" from the role of the SAT proctor for a short time during or at the end of the break, so as to give your students the best possible support. If you have noticed any improper test-taking procedures or any behavior that might invite the proctor's unwelcome attention on Test Day (working ahead or on previous sections, working after time has been called, using cell phones, talking), bring it to the student's attention. Once you resume the role of proctor, continue with it for the duration of the test.]


[After exactly five minutes have passed, continue proctoring the test.]


Start time:

25 min Stop time: We will now resume testing. You will have 25 minutes to work on Section 3, which is the Math - No-Calculator section, meaning you may not have a calculator on your desk. Do not begin work until I tell you to do so. When you turn the page to begin work on this section, follow the instructions for marking your answers in Section 3 of the answer sheet. If a question is not multiple-choice, follow the instructions for marking answers on your answer grid. Start with number 1 in Section 3 on your answer grid on Page 4.

If you finish before I call time, do not turn to another section. If you haven't already, please print your initials in the boxes at the bottom of the page.

Now, turn to Section 3, read the directions, and begin work.

[Post the start and stop times for this section on the board. When only 5 minutes remain, give 5 minute warning:] You have 5 minutes remaining on Section 3.

[After exactly 25 minutes, say:]

Stop work and put your pencil down. [Pause]


Start time:

55 min Stop time:

You will have 55 minutes to work on Section 4, which is the Math ? Calculator section, meaning you may have a calculator on your desk during this section. Do not begin work until I tell you to do so. When you turn the page to begin work on this section, follow the instructions for marking your answers in Section 4 of the answer sheet. If a question is not multiple-choice, follow the instructions for marking answers on your answer grid. Start with number 1 in Section 4.

If you finish before I call time, do not turn to another section.

Now, turn to Section 4, read the directions, and begin work.

[Post the start and stop times for this section on the board. When only 5 minutes remain, give 5 minute warning:] You have 5 minutes remaining on Section 4.

[After exactly 55 minutes, say:]

Stop work and put your pencil down. [Pause]


Read aloud:

After the test

Now it is time to score your test using your smartphone (connected to 4G service or wifi) or computer. Enter the URL in the browser. Click where it says "Sign in" and enter the username (email) and password you used to create your account. On your smartphone click "Session" at the top left to display the menu. Click on "Test 1: In Person" or "Test 2: In Person" depending on the test you are scoring. Click on "Kaplan SAT Practice Test: Your Answers" then "Start". Begin entering your answers onto the grid; you can use the keyboard if entering them on the computer. Once you have finished, click "Submit" at the top right. You will get a message that asks if you are ready to submit the test for scoring. Click "Yes" or "Ok".

End of Proctoring Guide

SAT Essay Scoring Guide

The SAT Essay is graded in three areas: Reading, Analysis, and Writing. Each section can receive a score from 1 to 4. For more information, please visit .

Reading: o This essay demonstrates a thorough comprehension of the source text. o Explain how the central idea(s) and important details interrelate. o Cite important details from the source text. o Use textual evidence from the source text. o Read the source text again; this essay contains errors of fact.

Analysis: o This essay offers insightful analysis of the source text and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the analytical task. o Focus only on the features of the text that are most relevant to the task. o Explain the importance of the features you include in your response. o Choose features that are most relevant to addressing the task. o Provide support for your claims and points. o Read the task again; this is a summary, not an analysis.

Writing: o This essay is cohesive and demonstrates a highly effective command of language. o Spelling and grammar usage are satisfactory. o Use of vocabulary and sentence structure are varied. o Make a stronger central claim/thesis. o Create an outline before you write. o Write a stronger introduction and conclusion. o Use a formal style and objective tone. o Proofread; remember to budget your time.



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