SAT SubjectTest: U.S.HISTORY

SAT? Subject Test: U.S. HISTORY

Mark Willner, Joann Peters, Eugene V. Resnick, and Jeff Schneider and the Staff of Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions

Table of Contents

PART ONE: The Basics

Chapter 1: About the SAT Subject Test: U.S. History Frequently Asked Questions Understanding the SAT Subject Test: U.S. History

Chapter 2: Strategies to Test Your Best Know the Directions Know the Format Skip the Difficult Questions; Come Back to Them Later Be a Good Guesser Be a Good Gridder Think About the Questions Before You Look at the Answers Pace Yourself Two-Minute Warning Stress Management The Days Before the Test The Next Step

PART TWO: Diagnostic Test How to Take the Diagnostic Test How to Calculate Your Score

Diagnostic Test Answer Key Answers and Explanations How to Use the Results of Your Diagnostic Test in Your Review

PART THREE: U.S. History Review

Chapter 3: The Meeting of Three Peoples Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Native Peoples of the Americas on the Eve of European Contact Europe and the Background of Exploration Africa and the Slave Trade Results of Exploration Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 4: The Colonial Period Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Early Colonial Settlements Southern Colonies New England Colonies New England and Colonial Unity The Middle Colonies Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 5: Colonial Society in the 1700s Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Colonial Society by 1750 The French and Indian War (1754?1763) Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 6: The American War for Independence Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Colonists Protest British Actions The War of Independence Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 7: Experiments in Government Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction The Articles of Confederation The Writing of the Constitution Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 8: The Federalist Era Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction

Washington's Administration (1789?1797) Adams's Administration (1797?1801) Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 9: The Republicans in Power, 1800?1824 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Jefferson's Administration (1801?1809) The War of 1812 The Era of Good Feeling The Monroe Doctrine The Missouri Compromise Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 10: Jacksonian Democracy, 1824?1836 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Election of 1824 Election of 1828 Indian Removal Bank War Nullification and Slavery Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 11: Growth, Slavery, and Reform, 1800?1850 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Growth Slavery Reform Literature Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 12: Expansion, Conflict, and Compromise, 1820?1850 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts

Introduction The Roots of Conflict Expansion The Compromise of 1850 Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 13: Slavery and the Road to Disunion, 1850?1861 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Conflicts Over Slavery Lincoln and Secession Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 14: The Civil War, 1861?1865 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction The Beginning of War Secession The Balance of Forces The War Lincoln and the Politics of Slavery and War Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 15: Reconstruction and Its Aftermath, 1865?1896 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Presidential Reconstruction (1865?1867) Congressional (Radical) Reconstruction (1867?1877) The Post-Reconstruction South (1877?1896) Summary Review Questions Answers and Explanations

Chapter 16: The Closing of the Frontier, 1876?1900 Timeline Important People, Places, Events, and Concepts Introduction Moving West


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