Friday, September 20, 2002

Our VisionA healthy community in which every resident enjoys the best possible state of health and well-being.Our MissionTo assure, in partnership with the community, the conditions necessary for people to live healthy lives throughprevention and protection programs.Strategic Direction #1In partnership with our community, assure the development of a local public health system that has the capacity to perform all essential services.Goal:Objectives:Leader: Team:Target DateA. Strengthen the local public health surveillance system. 1) Establish new Health Improvement Plan priorities implementation of ongoing HIP initiatives. Plan and implement HIP 2010 survey (fall 2010)Sharon SheldonSharon Sheldon, Adreanne Waller, Keven Koehler, Laura Bauman12/31/112) Finalize and sustain basic framework for community health monitoring and disease surveillanceincluding mental health, substance abuse and social determinants.Sharon SheldonLaura Bauman, Adreanne Waller, Sharon Sheldon12/31/11B. Continue development of emergency preparedness capacity.1) Conduct Emergency exercises and trainings on elements of plans and job action sheetsCindra JamesCindra James, Staff12/31/112) Continue updating/improving AHP and increasing PH emergency preparedness capacity.Cindra JamesReadiness & Response Team; HERC12/31/11C. Strengthen the Medical Examiner system.1) Seek accreditation of Medical Examiner program by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME)Richard FleeceMedical Examiner; HVA12/31/112) Host a national forensic medicine conference funded by a Department of Justice grantRichard FleeceMedical Examiner; HVA12/31/11D. Meet and exceed the Accreditation standards for local public health.1) ) Department will meet all accreditation standardsRichard FleecePH Leadership12/31/112) Implement state program requirements as required by CPBC contract and MDNRERichard FleecePH Leadership12/31/11E. Develop and maintain a sound, diversified financial base that includes funding to meet performance standards and implement the strategic plan1) Pursue grant funding and leverage Medicaid match and other resources for priority community/department?issues to augment departmental resources.Richard FleecePH Leadership12/31/11F.Implement new environmental health initiatives:Food Service managers Certification (Kristen)Body Art Regulation (Angela)Smoke Free Restaurants (Kristen)Operating permits for alternative onsite sewage systems (Leon)Richard FleeceKristen Schweighoefer, Leon Moore, Angela Parsons12/31/11Strategic Direction #2Enhance the effectiveness of our department to improve personal and environmental health status, quality of life, and health equity through social justice.Goal:Objectives:Leader:Team:Target DateA. Develop and implement maternal and infant health improvement strategies.1) Incorporate work of the Infant Mortality coalition Planning Group to eliminate African American disparities within all MCH Programs.Susan LeeBeckey Ginbey, Bev Davidson, Gayathri Akella, Margaret Barden12/31/112) Continue implementation of and provide evaluation for the integration of maternal child health services including WIC, MIHP, Medicaid enrollment, MI Child, and MOMSSusan LeeBeckey Ginbey12/31/11B. Participate in community collaborative plans targeting priority populations.1) Support the Success by 6 Great Start Initiative by participating in leadership, workgroups and implementing Public Health Advocate for enrolling eligible children in health insurance programs.Susan LeeKelly Stupple12/31/112) Finalize Blueprint to end Aids and implement HIV/AIDS Coalition strategiesDiana Torres-BurgosStephanie Rosales12/31/113) Develop and implement Blueprint on Aging strategies for public health; adopt older adult HIP objectives in 2020 Plan.Sharon SheldonAdreanne Waller 12/31/114) Participate in the reorganized CCWC.Richard FleecePHMT12/31/115) Work with Immunization coalition and community partners to enhance immunization of underserved populations utilizing ARRA funding and guidelines.Susan Lee, Diana Torres-BurgosJayne Worthy-Howlett, Judy Gwozdek12/31/11C. Develop and implement primary prevention for the general population and selected priority populations using coalition building, communication, and targeted health educationImplement health promotion for chronic disease, substance abuse, mental health:Priority population #1: Schools (youth, parents, staff)- Complete Healthy School Action Tool in high risk communities and work with schools to implement priority environmental and policy solutionsPriority Population #2: Targeted health education for subpopulations with barriers to achieving health; strategic prevention framework (substance abuse) needs assessment and strategic plan for reducing underage drinking. Participate in Suicide Prevention CoalitionSharon SheldonSchool Health TeamAdreanne Waller, Jane Goerge, Therese Doud12/31/112) Develop and implement Healthy Communities Land Use Planning strategies with a focus on walkability including Health Impact Assessment and educating key stakeholders Sharon SheldonAdreanne Waller, Jenna Bacolor, Laura Bauman, Lily Guzman, Leon Moore12/31/113) Expand the County’s Worksite Wellness plan to increase visibility and increase participation with the support of County AdministrationSharon SheldonJenna Bacolor, Charles Wilson12/31/114) Continue the development of health promotion and prevention strategies with WCHO, CSTS, and the WHPRichard FleecePHMT12/31/11D. Develop strategies for special populations in emergency preparedness planning1) Continue Identification and planning for populations with special needs.Cindra JamesSusan Cerniglia12/31/112) Ensure GIS mapping includes closed PODsCindra JamesSusan Cerniglia, Laura Bauman12/31/113) Continue development of Alternate Dispensing Sites plans and increase agreement partnerships with community organizations and businessesCindra JamesSusan Cerniglia, Angie Parsons, Fatima Boxwala12/31/11E. Develop and implement the Washtenaw County Health Equity and Social Justice Project.1) Establish a diverse advisory committee committed to health equity and social justice.Richard FleecePHMT12/31/112) Collect and analyze new and existing data on local and national health inequities.Sharon SheldonAdreanne Waller, Laura Bauman, Ruth Kraut, Susan Lee, Keven Koehler 12/31/113) Provide resources and support for staff on health equity and social justice, including trainings, conference participation, materials and research.Richard FleecePHMT, HESJ Advisory12/31/114) Increase community awareness about local and national health inequities.Richard FleeceHESJ Advisory, Communications Team12/31/115) Engage community in open forums and discussions on health equity and social justice. Richard FleeceHESJ Advisory, Planning Team, External Partners12/31/11Strategic Direction #3Serve as an effective advocate for local public health. Goal:Objectives:Leader:Team:Target DateA. Develop and implement a strategic communications plan 1) Educate key stakeholder groups PHMTCommunications Team12/31/112) Plan and implement communication activities targeting elected officialsPHMTPHMT12/31/11Strategic Direction #4Strengthen our infrastructure, including information technology, to achieve our mission.Goal:Objectives:Leader:Team:Target DateA. Implement new technology to increase efficiency and effectiveness.1) Within Encompass update and add modules as needed for efficient program operationsKelly BelknapJulie Stafford, PH Staff, 12/31/11B. Maximize existing infrastructure.1) Implement Towner space redesign to improve community accessibility and interaction among staff.Joint Mgmt TeamSpace Planning Committee12/31/112) Develop and implement web based interactive customer services functions including health portal, school portal, healthy community portal, environmental health portalJulie StaffordWeb Team12/31/11C. Identify Health Community of Interest opportunities to integrate functional areas1) Sustain and expand the fiscal integration plan with CSTSKelly BelknapFiscal Staff12/31/11Integration of the fiscal components of EH and PH focusing on the goal of bringing both departments onto the same fiscal year.Kelly BelknapFiscal Staff12/31/11Continued partnership with Washtenaw Health Plan in identifying local funds to support the IGT transfer to support the ICA based DSH payments.Kelly BelknapRichard Fleece, Ellen Rabinowitz, County Finance Department12/31/11Strategic Direction #5Promote the professional development of our public health workforce.Goal:Objectives:Leader:Team:Target DateA. Deliver training to meet state/federal requirements1) Train all Public Health and Environmental Health staff as required by state agreement and local priorities for emergency preparedness.Cindra JamesSusan Cerniglia, Kristen Schweighoefer12/31/113) Cross-train WIC and MIHP staff where possibleSusan LeeBeckey Ginbey12/31/11B. Deliver training to meet locally identified Professional Development needs.1) Train all staff in cultural competency in order to meet accreditation requirements and provide excellent customer service.PHMTStaff Development Team 12/31/11C. Encourage and support participation in professional conferences.1) Include key state public health conference attendance in individual workplans e.g. Joint PH Conference, Information Integration, Emergency PreparednessRichard FleecePHMT12/31/112) Include key national public health conference attendance in individual workplans e.g. APHA, SOPHE, NACCHO, MCH, PreventionRichard FleecePHMT12/31/11 ................

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