Questions and Information Request - New York City

Questions and Information Request

Solar One’s Proposal to Con Edison Task Force

Who developed the curriculum?

The curriculum was developed and written by Christopher Lee Kennedy, Solar One’s former Education Director. His bio and other pertinent information is included in our proposal. Kennedy completed an updated version of the Green Design Lab, a 118 page text, with many hands-on exercises and flexible lesson plans, in 2010, based upon GDL pilot programs done at Urban Assembly and City as School in 2009. Solar One owns the copyright to the curriculum.

Where and how is the GDL used now by Solar One and what is its exact role? What is the track record of the GDL?

In the 2010-11 academic year, the GDL is being used in the following 10 NYC public schools: Hudson Cliffs (PS 187), Humanities Prep, School for Global Leaders, Bronx International High School, La Guardia High School, Academy for Urban Planning, and in 4 high schools at the George Washington Educational Campus. At each school teachers use the curriculum with the weekly on-site technical support of Solar One educators. Each school adapts the curriculum to their unique and specific pedagogical needs and priorities. Custodians and facilities managers are connected with teachers and students at each school, in various ways – from giving lectures to a class, to providing input on how to implement a student-led greening project – in an effort to gain their support for the overall goal of greening a school.

Hudson Cliffs: the Energy module will be taught to every grade (1-6), in six week cycles, during the entire year, by Solar One educators.

❖ Goals: generate student-led projects to green the school, improve environmental literacy and STEM skills, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts.

Humanities Prep: the GDL is used in an after school program for seniors, taught by Solar One educators; the Energy module will be taught in the Fall, and the other 5 modules – Materials, Recycling, Water, Air Quality, and Food – will be covered in the Spring semester.

❖ Goals: generate student-led projects to green the school, which brings all the stakeholders together, improve environmental literacy, introduce students to green collar job career opportunities, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts

School for Global Leaders: All 6 modules of GDL will be taught in 2 science classes, by Solar One educators, over the entire year.

❖ Goals: generate student-led projects to green the school, improve environmental literacy, science knowledge, and STEM skills, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts.

Bronx High School: the Energy module will be taught by Solar One educators in the Fall, followed by 1 other module (TBD) in the Spring, to 2 Service Learning classes.

❖ Goals: to create student-led community outreach projects based upon the Energy module; improve environmental literacy, introduce students to green collar job opportunities, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts.

La Guardia High School: all 6 modules will be taught by Solar One educators over the entire year to the Environmental Club.

❖ Goals: generate student-led projects to green the school, which brings all the stakeholders together, improve environmental literacy, introduce students to green collar job career opportunities, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts

Academy for Urban Planning: 2 Sustainability classes will be taught by Solar One Educators, using all 6 modules, over the entire year.

❖ Goals: generate student-led projects to green the school, improve environmental literacy, science knowledge, and STEM skills, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts.

George Washington Educational Campus: Solar One educators will assist teachers, as well as teach certain classes, for 1-2 math and/or science classes, in 4 high schools on the campus, over the entire academic year, using all 6 modules of GDL.

❖ Goals: generate student-led projects to green the school, improve environmental literacy, science knowledge, math and STEM skills, and cultivate custodian support for greening efforts.

Solar One’s Track Record

In the Fall of 2009 Solar One piloted the GDL in City as School, 16 Clarkson Street, NY, NY, and The Urban Assembly School for Green Careers, 145 West 84th Street, NY, NY. Both schools – City as School and Urban Assembly – are now using the GDL independently this year, 2010.

We believe this demonstrates just how much the GDL has “legs,” and that it is a sustainable program, in much demand, among our City’s public schools.

How is the GDL measured?

As we mentioned in our proposal, there will be a number of metrics to measure the outcomes and effect of the Green Design Lab. Using multiple choice tests, there will be pre and post student assessments for 1) cognitive skills gained, 2) attitude changes (i.e. affective), and 3) behavioral changes. There will be a teacher assessment given as well, which will measure the understanding and environmental literacy gained through the Green Design Lab. Additionally, there will be quantitative and qualitative analysis of all student-led greening projects created; an analysis of the pre and post energy bills of each school, which is done in accordance with the NYC DOE’s benchmarking program; and a ongoing measurement of progress made towards greening initiatives and projects through the “Dashboard” (i.e. a public bulletin board) created by Solar One for each school. Finally we will use student generated Energy Field Reports, which was explained and graphically exampled in our proposal (please see page 6 of the proposal).

How does this funding request relate to the City funding of GDL, and is the City funding multi-year? Why do you need this money on top of City funding? Should some costs be picked up by the City (e.g., substitute teachers)?

Due to draconian budget cuts within the DOE, there is absolutely no City funding for the Green Design Lab, which is why we need funding from the Consolidated Edison Settlement Funds.

The DOE does not even provide for the cost of teacher substitutes, and in fact, this year has curtailed all professional development programs. We do have a partnership with the DOE in the sense they have seriously endorsed, supported, and promoted GDL within the school system. The current funding for the green design lab comes completely from foundations and corporations, which include the J.C. Kellogg Foundation, Schmidt Family Foundation, Con Ed, HSBC, and Colgate Palmolive, among others.

How will the educational staff costs be shared between the work you have started this year and new schools you propose to work with if you have this new funding?

There will be no sharing of costs. We consider this a separate project under the GDL umbrella, and we will have to hire adjunct and per diem educators to meet its schedule and goals.

What is the Solar One track record in the job training mentioned in this proposal?

In 2009, when our job training program began, we trained approximately 300 people (please see spreadsheet attached to this email submission), and have trained 1196 trainees this year. In additional we have trained 47 Career and Technical Education High School teachers.

Solar One provides only the training for our Green Workforce Training program, and works in partnership with workforce agencies, CBOs, Career and Technical High Schools that include the following: Building Works, ICD, Coop Tech, GCF, RENEW, VFI, Covenant House, Phoenix House, Osbourne Association, George Washington HS, HANAC/SEEDCO NMIC/SEEDCO, STRIVE, STRIVE Philadelphia, SEEDCO, Brownsville Partnership, and Dale Grant Associates.

For a quick summary on where we are with students completions in each training:

Building Performance/Weatherization = 580

Solar PV/Solar Thermal = 324

Energy Auditing Basics = 138

Green Building Maintenance = 50

Green Business Entrepreneurship = 22

Green Carpentry = 28

Green Electrical = 28

Green Plumbing = 13

OSHA = 13

Total students trained overall = 1,196 (some students took more than one course, but each student is only counted once)

Total CTE teachers trained in various areas = 47

Is there a document you can send or refer us to (re: Solar One track record in job training)?

Yes, we’ve attached an excel spreadsheet, called “2010 GCJ Confirmed.xls” It shows the precise number of student and teacher completions for 2010. There were 1,196 student completions, and 47 teachers trained.

Reference was made in the application to work with the ST/PCV Tenants Association. Specific information is sought on what that work was and when it occurred.

Regarding the proposal submitted to CB3, for GDL in 8 schools in CB6, there was no mention of the ST/PCV Tenants Association. But to answer this question, Solar One, at the request of Council Member Dan Garonick and the ST/PCV Tenants Association, hosted a rally of over 600 people, in 2006, and about the same number of people, in 2010, regarding the purchase, and financial difficulties of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper.

What references for actual (not prospective) use can they provide?

It would be our pleasure to offer the following two teachers, who have actually used the GDL curriculum, as reference:

Naima Freitas

City as School

16 Clarkson Street

New York, NY 10014

(212) 337-6800


Liza Potter

The Urban Assembly School for Green Careers

145 West 84th Street, Room 407A, New York, NY 10024

Phone: (212) 787-1189



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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