A monthly record of developments which enhance democracy through women's empowerment

Vol 8 No 9 £ 5 US$ 10 ISSN 1367-6946 September 2004


In this 93rd monthly issue of The Parity Democrat, I highlight the September 2004 dates from my four anniversary lists: 17 "Anniversaries of the Democracies", 16 of "Women's Empowerment", 9 "Centenaries of Women of History", and 5 new "Birthdays of Distinguished Living Women". My attachments of the month are the papers prepared for the European Council held in Brussels in June and for the Informal Meeting of European Ministers of Transport held in Amsterdam in July 2004.

The pages added to my website at since the August issue of The Parity Democrat, items downloadable both from the Home and relevant Category pages, comprise:

8 Aug 2004 The Parity Democrat: No 93 September 2004

29 Jul 2004 Questions at Farnborough 19-25 July 2004

19 Jul 2004 Celebrating Women Aviators Farnborough 2004

36 Women Aviators of History

57 Able Women proposed as Sec Gen of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

14 Jul 2004 Updated Sitemap of

12 Jul 2004 Questions at Transport Ministers meeting Amsterdam 9-10 July 2004

5 Jul 2004 40 Able women proposed as Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization

In the July issue of The Parity Democrat, I listed some 20 military leaders, in a new, ninth, category in my Heads of State & other Women Leaders throughout the World, a number which has since grown to 38 admirals and generals. I have now introduced a tenth category, that of Women Business Leaders, as listed below. The US names are from the Fortune 500 and 1000 Lists of 2004, cited on the website , with the ranking given after the corporation. Also, in the US, as distinct from other countries, most Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) are also Board Chairs or Presidents. Many other names may be found by typing Businesswoman of the Year into . One of the best such awards, now going for thirty years and in several countries, and from which I have taken some of my names, is found at veuve-

Country Name Position Term of Office

Brazil Maria Silva Bastos Marques CEO Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSM) 200?-

France Cecile Bonnefond CEO Veuve Clicquot Champagne 200?-

Colette Robert Chair Arkopharma health products 1988-

Italy Giuliana Benetton C0-founder Benetton worldwide casual wear 198?-

Japan Yoshimi Ogawa Chair & CEO Index mobile phones 12.2002-

Netherlands Mariette Barhoorn CEO Luba temporary employment 2002-

New Zealand Kati Kasca Founder & CEO Evolu natural cosmetics 199?-

United Kingdom Rowena Bird Co-founder & CEO Lush handmade cosmetics 199?-

Debbie Moore Founder & CEO Pineapple Dance studios 199?-

Mary Perkins Founder & CEO Specsavers International 199?-

Marjorie Scardino CEO Pearson Publishing 200?-

United States Dorrit J Bern CEO Charming Shoppes (636) 200?-

Carleton (Carly) S Fiorina CEO Hewlett Packard ( 11) 19.7.1999-

Mary Forte CEO Zale Corporation (657) 1.8.2002-

S Marce Fuller CEO Mirant Corporation (314) 200?-

Patricia Gallup CEO PC Connection (937) 200?-

Andrea Jung CEO Avon Products (275) 1.12.1999-

Pamela Forbes Lieberman CEO TruServ (704) 1.12.1999-

Kathleen A Ligocki CEO Tower Automotive (550) 29.7.2003-

Anne Mulcahy CEO Xerox (130) 29.7.2003-

Patricia F Russo CEO Lucent Technologies (243) 7.1.2002-

Mary F Sammons CEO Rite Aid Corporation (128) 25.6.2003-

Marion O Sandler CEO Golden West Financial (440) 200?-

Eileen Scott CEO Pathmark Stores (432) 200?-

Stephanie A Streeter CEO Banta (891) 200?-

Margaret C Whitman CEO eBay (673) 200?-

Dona Davis Young CEO Phoenix (588) 200?-


Published by Raymond LLOYD Honorary Secretary Council for Parity Democracy

19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London SW1P 4JL

Phone & Fax: + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile: + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email: raymond12 @

The PARITY DEMOCRAT September 2004


extract from the writer's "2400 Target Dates for Consolidating and Enhancing Democracy 1988-2016"

Anniversaries for Celebration

Day & Date Location Democracy/Grouping Anniversary

Sun 5 Sep London Benelux 60 Adoption of initial Customs Convention

Wed 8 Sep Florence Italy 500 Michelangelo's David set up in Piazza della Signoria

Thu 9 Sep Luxembourg Luxembourg 60 Liberation

Mon 13 Sep New York United Nations 50 Treaty on Stateless Persons

Fri 17 Sep Arnhem Britain/Poland 60 Heroic defence of a bridge too far

Sat 18 Sep Lawrence Kansas U S A 150 Foundation in 1854

Sun 19 Sep Port-au-Prince United States / UN 10 Liberation of Haiti from military dictatorship

Tue 21 Sep Valletta Malta 40 Independence

Wed 29 Sep Geneva Europe 50 Ratification of CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research)

Sep Somalia U S A 1 US accepts 12 000 formerly enslaved black Bantu Moslems

Occasions for Remembrance, Lustration, Reconciliation or Compensation

Mon 6 Sep Timor Leste Indonesia 5 150 worshipers massacred by pro-Indonesian militia

Wed 8 Sep Ionian Sea Greece Palestine 30 Terrorists murder 88 travellers on flight TWA 841

Fri 10 Sep Stockholm Sweden 1 Murder of Foreign Minister Anna Lindh in 2003

Sat 11 Sep Darmstadt Germany Britain / US 60 10 000 of 100 000 inhabitants bombed to death

Sat 11 Sep Moscow Angola 25 Soviet surgeons murder poet-president Agostinho Neto in 1979

Sun 19 Sep Tenere Niger Libya 15 Terrorist bomb kills 170 passengers on UTA plane in 1989

Thu 30 Sep Marzabotto Italy Germany 60 1830 civilians in town SW of Bologna massacred by nazis


extract from the writer's "1000 Women's Anniversaries 1991-2010"

# Persons portrayed on UN medals struck in the 1970s at the initiative of the writer

Tue 7 Sep Kingston Jamaica 85 Louise Bennett-Coverley folklorist born 1919

Tue 7 Sep Berlin Germany 65 Christine Bergmann minister of women & youth born 1939

Wed 8 Sep Sofia Bulgaria 80 Magdalina Stancheva archeologist born 1924

Wed 8 Sep Thimphu Bhutan 50 #Dechhen Wangchuck minister of agriculture born 1954

Thu 9 Sep Philadelphia U S A 60 Judith Rodin president University of Pennsylvania b 1944

Fri 10 Sep Tokyo Japan 70 Yuki Hanada ceramist medallist born 1934

Sat 11 Sep Stockholm Sweden 75 Birgitta Trotzig writer academician born 1929

Tue 14 Sep St Paul MN U S A 70 Kate Millett feminist artist born 1934

Wed 15 Sep Newcastle Australia 75 Eva Burrows world general Salvation Army 1986-93 born

Sat 18 Sep Warsaw Poland 65 Ewa Olszewska-Borys sculptor medallist born 1939

Sun 19 Sep Tadcaster Yorks Britain 60 Pida Ripley founder Womenaid International born 1944

Mon 20 Sep Rome / Naples Italy 70 #Sophia Loren film star born 1934

Tue 21 Sep Calcutta/Paris India 75 Anima Basak Pres Intl Abolitionist Federation 1985- b 1924

Thu 23 Sep Bury Lancashire Britain 50 Cherie Booth human rights lawyer born 1954

Fri 24 Sep Budapest Hungary 75 Elisabeth Gabor food scientist born 1929

Tue 28 Sep Kage / Brussels Sweden / Europe 50 Margot Wallström Euro Commissioner Environment born 1954


extract from the writer's "5500 Women's Centenaries 2004-2054" and "170 Centenaries for 2004"


Born or Died Anniversary Woman of distinction Country Main Activity Reference (see PD 73)


1 Sep 1854-24. 8.1930 150 Anna Botsford Comstock U S A naturalist wood engraver CW NAW

16 Sep 1904- 1959 100 Germaine Richier France sculptor EB

23 Sep 1904- 1992 100 Stella Roman Romania soprano DO

27 Sep 1904-20. 6.1960 100 Frieda Barkin Hennock U S A lawyer federal official CW NAM

29 Sep 1904- 100 Dorothy Mary Emmet Britain philosopher IWW

30 Sep 1904- 1975 100 Barbara Salt Britain diplomat WW


10.12.1741-13 Sep 1804 200 Aagje Deken Netherlands novelist EB*

8. 2.1869-17 Sep 1954 50 Maud Caroline Slye U S A cancer pathologist CW NAM

1879-19 Sep 1954 50 Miles Franklin Australia novelist CB


new entries in the writer's "2400 Birthdays for 2004"

DoB Age in 2004 Woman of distinction Country "First", Other Achievements or Position Reference

10 Sep 1972 32 Bente Skari Norway Nordic skiing champion EB*

24 Sep 1968 36 Natalia Dolfi Italy ceramicist RL

25 Sep 1969 35 Catherine Zeta-Jones Britain Welsh-born actress EB*

28 Sep 1984 20 Kirsty Skinner Britain speed sailor RL

30 Sep 1966 38 Rebeca Carmona Spain flamenco singer & dancer RL



19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email raymond12@

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd


European Council Brussels 17-18 June 2004 EU Council Paper 25 @ Raymond Lloyd

At the European Council in Nice on 7 December 2000, I put to the then French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine and the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair the following question: The next European elections will take place on or around Sunday 6 June 2004, the 60th anniversary of D-Day, when Polish and Czech troops helped liberate France and Europe: do you expect that citizens from at least those two countries of Central Europe will be able to take part in the next elections to the European Parliament?

Happily, citizens from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia were among the ten new countries which took part in the European elections held from 10 to 13 June 2004: along with the citizens of Malta, the George Cross island; Cyprus whose previous president Glafkos Clerides was shot down by the nazis; Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, whose independence was violated first by the soviet communists, then by the nazis, and then again by the soviets; Slovenia, which had been occupied by Germany and Italy in April 1941; and Hungary which was the first country to revolt against communism, in 1956, and on behalf of whose citizens taking refuge in Austria I flew to Vienna to volunteer for the International Red Cross relief operation.

From 5 to 7 June 2004 I visited Normandy to witness four ceremonies commemorating the 60th anniversary of D-Day. The first was on 5 June in a British landing-craft, to see an old Lancaster bomber drop 10 000 and more poppies over the British veterans sailing in the Van Gogh. The second was at the Colville cemetery behind Omaha Beach, the fiercest battle of 6 June 1944, where President George W Bush delivered a moving tribute to the soldiers who had lost their lives ten years before he was born. The third was the Franco-German reconciliation ceremony at the Caen Memorial where Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder enhanced the lustration efforts which have made Germany one of the strongest of modern democracies. And the fourth was the unveiling by King Harald V of a Norwegian seaman's statue at Hermanville beach.

In August 2002 I had visited Narvik to pay my respects at the graves of the British, Norwegian, French and Polish servicemen who, in May 1940, had won the war's first victory over the nazis; and in September I had gone to Alesund to visit the memorial to the 3000 civilians who had rowed resistance workers across the North Sea to Scotland between 1940 and 1942. While in Normandy I was pleased to learn that there had been a ceremony for the 800 Danish seamen who had volunteered to put the Americans ashore at Utah Beach. But I was sorry that there has not yet been any recognition of the 50 000 servicemen and women from the Republic of Ireland who volunteered to help free Europe from totalitarianism.

In Normandy, on ferries crossing the Channel, and coaches to London, I spoke with several veterans who had fought to ensure that other children in Europe would not have to undergo bombing, such as I endured in Bristol from 1940 to 1942. At the time of writing, the most recent veterans I have greeted are Oscar and Grace Thomas from San Diego, at Victoria coach station on 10 June, struggling with the telephone and a month's worth of luggage.

Oscar had come ashore at Omaha Beach with the third wave of the 1st Division at 11.30 on 6 June 1944, and Grace had served with the Marines in the Pacific. I tried to get them on the bus to Victoria rail station where they could more easily buy a ticket for their whole journey, but the No 11 bus driver at 19.45 turned us off. I then addressed the bus passengers, telling them what a disappointment it was that none had sided with these 80-year-old veterans. In the confusion Oscar left one bag behind, and we went to the bus station to report it. As we were phoning, a young woman named Alexa came into the office with the bag: she had changed buses to bring it back. I then took Oscar and Grace by Underground to Baker Street, where they caught the train to a friend in Watford.

The 60th anniversaries will continue for another year, and overleaf I list other questions I have asked to make the most of forthcoming ceremonies (A). I also attach the first page of the June issue of The Parity Democrat, where I list some such anniversaries (B), and the July issue where I name 20 women admirals and generals now serving in the defence of democracy (C). Finally, in tribute to our EU hosts in the past six months, I list the 60 Irish women whose names I have circularized over the past twenty years as capable of heading international bodies with distinction (D).


A. Questions on enhancing D-Day 60 commemorations 1 p

B. "The Parity Democrat" ISSN 1367-6946: Vol 8 No 6 for June 2004 1 p

C. "The Parity Democrat" ISSN 1367-6946: Vol 8 No 7 for July 2004 1 p

D. 60 Able Irish women proposed to head international organizations 4 pp

E. 18 June postscript: Questions asked on democracy & women's advancement asked in Brussels 2 pp




19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email raymond12@

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd


asked at Head-of-Government & Other Meetings 14 June 2004 @ Raymond Lloyd

Date Place Occasion Person Addressed, Office & Country *PD

7. 6.04 Caen France D-Day 60 Normandy Jacques Chirac President France PD

In congratulating you on the excellent arrangements made for D-Day 60, not least on your eloquent addresses

I personally listened to at the Franco-American commemoration at Colville, and the Franco-German commemoration at Caen, may I express disappointment that a country, as enlightened as France to appoint an able woman as Minister of Defence, could not find, among the 14 veterans to whom you presented the Legion d'Honneur at Arromanches, one or more women veterans from, say, among the American and British army nurses who had landed in Normandy by 10 June, or the Resistance or SOE counterparts to Lucille Aubrac (a personal friend) and Violette Szabo, who interrupted enemy communications in Normandy from 5 June onward; but that you will make this good at any similarly generous ceremony held on 25August for the 60th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris, even if in 1944 the vote-less women had to accept the role of auxiliaries, rather than shine with the military saintliness of Jeanne d'Arc?

In June 2003 you invited to the G8 summit in Evian the leaders of Algeria, Brazil, China, India, Senegal and South Africa, all of whose countries took part in the liberation of Europe and the world from nazi and militarist dictatorships: Algeria and Senegal whose graves I have visited in France; Brazil, India and South Africa whose graves I have visited in Italy; and China whose forces kept militarism at bay for as long as fifteen years: while none of these was present among the fifteen countries invited today in Caen, do you plan to express to them Europe's gratitude on the occasion of the 60th anniversary on 25 August 2004 of the liberation of Paris?

7. 6.04 Caen France D-Day 60 Normandy Gerhard Schroeder Federal Chancellor Germany PD

May I first thank you for the moving address you gave at the Franco-German ceremony in the Caen Memorial on 6June, first for the reconciliation address itself and then for the way you personally greeted so many of the citizens who had waited an hour in the sun; and may I ask, just as your address was followed by Beethoven's Ode to Joy, that, in this bicentennial year of Immanuel Kant, you draw again the attention of us Europeans to the Treaty of Perpetual Peace and other writings of perhaps the greatest philosopher of the European Enlightenment? And may I ask this as one of the first British schoolchildren to visit Germany after the war, in the Bristol-Hannover exchange of 1950 and who, at least since studying philosophy in Oxford four years later, has tried to put into practice Kant's moral imperative: always to consider other persons as ends in themselves, never as a means to my own ends?

3. 4.04 Punchestown EU Finance Ministers Col Armstrong Conductor Irish Army Brass & Pipe Bands PD

2004 marks the centenary of the bandleader Glenn Miller, born on 1 March 1904 in Clarinda Iowa, and died flying for the freedom of Europe in 1944: how are your bands planning to celebrate this centenary?

26. 3.04 Brussels European Council (2) Gerhard Schroeder Federal Chancellor Germany PD

On 15 November 2002 I asked Britain's Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs whether, as a further act of European reconciliation, Germany would be invited to the 60th anniversary of the Normandy landings in June 2004: now that this has been agreed, may I renew the question put to you on 28 June 2003, and to other German leaders, whether you will invite to Germany in 2005, and in subsequent years until the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Federal Republic, those 80-year-old French, British, US and other servicemen and women, and civilian administrators, who liberated Germany from nazism and helped you build what has since become an exemplary liberal democracy?

And similarly, now that President Yeltsin has apologized for Stalin's March 1940 order to murder some 20 000 Polish officers in Katyn, and for reducing to slavery in Siberia some 600 000 Japanese prisoners of war, will you offer the opportunity for lustration to the present Russian government for the rape of some 2 000 000 German women and girls in 1945, a number gathered from Soviet archives by Anthony Beevor in his 2002 book on the Fall of Berlin, but a number which in any case constitutes the greatest crime against women in world history?

19. 1.04 London OndAzul launch Gilberto Gil Singer & Minister of Culture Brazil PD

This year is the 60th anniversary of Brazil sending 20 000 soldiers to Italy to fight for the freedom of Europe, the only Latin American country to do so: now that the surviving veterans are 80 years old, do you plan to dedicate a song, or concert, to their courage and sacrifice?


* PD denotes the writer's accreditation as editor of the Westminster-based, 1997-founded, monthly newsletter The Parity Democrat (ISSN1367-6946). The questions are extracted from "An Eighth 100 Questions on Democracy" and "A Sixth 100 Questions on Women's Advancement" asked in 2004. Questions were asked live or emailed on the spot.




19 Mulready House Herrick Street Westminster London England SW1P 4JL

Tel & Fax + 44 20 7834 1309 Mobile + 44 79 32 79 44 32 Email raymond12@

Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd


extracted from Lists 1-89 (16.8.1982 - 4.6.2004) naming 4900 able women from 131 democracies

59 names 14 June 2004 @ Raymond Lloyd

Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination

or Administrator as Executive Head of:

(see p 4 for details)

List 89 4 June 2004

Ireland Geraldine Kennedy Editor Irish Times Unesco 2005-11

List 86 16 November 2003

Ireland Elizabeth Beckett Assistant Principal Officer Department of Finance EBRD 2008-12

List 85 12 July 2003

Ireland Annette McNamara President Regional Authority South-West Ireland EU 2004-09

List 83 22 January 2003

Ireland Martina King Managing Director Yahoo UK & Ireland IFC 2005-10


In the past 22 years, in 89 lists sent to foreign ministers and other nominating bodies, lists downloadable from , the writer has proposed some 4900 able women of the calibre to head international agencies with distinction. The women come from the following 131 democracies. National lists exist for the 37 countries marked by an asterisk *, while 51 countries marked # are included in regional lists for Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific or E Europe. The 10 countries between brackets ( ) are no longer considered democracies.

#Albania 15 (Cent Afr Rep 4) Ghana 13 (#Kyrgyzstan 15) #Mongolia 11 *Poland 37 #Sri Lanka 20

Andorra 10 Chile 13 *Greece 44 *Latvia 33 Mozambique 3 *Portugal 61 (Sudan 3)

(Antigua & B 9) Colombia 71 #Grenada 21 Lesotho 11 #Namibia 15 *Romania 25 Suriname 3

Argentina 38 Costa Rica 46 Guatemala 33 (Liberia 3) #Nauru 1 *Russia 38 *Sweden 127

#Armenia 2 #Croatia 10 Guinea-B 8 Liechtenstein 6 #Nepal 13 #St Kitts-Nevis 3 *Switzerland 34

*Australia 88 Cyprus 5 #Guyana 9 #Lithuania 24 *Netherlands 84 #Saint Lucia 14 Taiwan 2

*Austria 46 *Czech Rep 38 (Haiti 14) *Luxembourg 17 *New Zealand 58 #St Vincent & G 19 #Thailand 10

#Bahamas 24 *Denmark 86 Honduras 34 #Macedonia 16 Nicaragua 17 #Samoa 3 Timor Leste 7

#Bangladesh 15 Djibouti 1 *Hungary 34 #Madagascar 26 Niger 6 San Marino 14 (#Tonga 8)

#Barbados 13 #Dominica 11 *Iceland 21 #Malawi 11 Nigeria 15 #Sao Tome & Pr 15 #Trinidad & Tob 39

*Belgium 48 Dominican Rep 34 *India 123 #Mali 20 *Norway 106 Seychelles 3 #Tuvalu 2

#Belize 12 Ecuador 33 Indonesia 6 Malta 6 (#Pakistan 21) #Senegal 31 Turkey 41

#Benin 17 El Salvador 23 *IRELAND 59 #Marshalls 1 Palau 3 Serbia & Mgro 8 #Ukraine 10

Bolivia 18 *Estonia 22 *Israel 24 #Mauritius 7 (Palestine 2) Sierra Leone 2 *United Kingdom 454

#Botswana 17 #Fiji 17 *Italy 118 *Mexico 32 Panama 25 #Slovakia 20 *United States 428

*Brazil 45 *Finland 105 #Jamaica 31 #Micronesia 3 #Papua N G 10 #Slovenia 32 Uruguay 9

*Bulgaria 38 *France 166 *Japan 78 #Moldova 21 Paraguay 12 #Solomons 2 #Vanuatu 3

*Canada 212 #Georgia 8 #Kiribati 7 Monaco 1 Peru 35 *South Africa 49 Venezuela 62

#Cape Verde 16 *Germany 227 #Korea 25 *Philippines 58 *Spain 91 (#Zambia 20)

These lists, and special ones for the agencies *, have named the women to fill some 102 top UN and other posts, as follows:

Caricom 62 IPU 82 *UN 218 ESCWA 4 UNEP 167 Unitar 9 *ICJ:15 375 *ITU 53 WIPO 8 *IBRD 60

CoE 70 *Nato 35 ECA 125 Habitat 139 UNFPA 21 UNRWA 12 *FAO 204 Unesco 462 WMO 2 IFC 109

*EBRD 123 OAS 124 ECE 132 Unctad 7 UNHCR 64 UNU 90 ICAO 50 *Unido 108 IAEA 17 IDA 14

*EU:25 265 *OECD 21 ECLAC 152 UNDCP 13 *UNHCHR 65 WFP 5 *ILO 245 *UPU 36 WTO 53 *IMF 88

EP 12 PIF 51 ESCAP 134 UNDP 39 Unicef 142 ICC:18 5 IMO 34 *WHO 268 WTOU 124 *IFAD 24

- 2 -

Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination

or Administrator as Executive Head of:

List 72 24 May 2000

Ireland Mary Hanafin Minister of State Children Unicef 2004-09

List 64 18 July 1998

Ireland Alpha Connely Legal Adviser Department of Foreign Affairs ICJ 2003-13

List 61 30 September 1997

Ireland Mary Wallace Minister of State Equality & Disability EU 2000-04

Liz O'Donnell Minister of State Overseas Development; Human Rights UNDP 1998-2002

List 60 11 August 1997

Ireland Sile De Valera Minister of Arts, Culture & Gaeltacht Unesco 1999-2005

List 59 17 May 1997

Ireland Betty Coffey Chair Dublin Regional Authority EU 2000-04

List 58 26 March 1997

Ireland Frances Fitzgerald MP, former head National Women's Council UN 2002-06

List 57 23 January 1997

Ireland Liz McManus Minister of State Department of the Environment UNEP 2001-04

Mary Redmond Founder Chair Irish Hospice Foundation WHO 1998-2003

Mary Wallace MP; Chair Women's Rights Committee UN 2002-06

List 50 1 December 1995

Ireland Thelma Doran Ambassador to China UN 1997-2001

Maureen Gaffney Chair National Economic & Social Forum ECE 1998-2001

List 49 1 October 1995

Ireland Avril Doyle Minister of State PM's Office EU 1999-2004

List 48 12 September 1995

Ireland Eithne Fitzgerald Deputy Minister for Employment ILO 1999-2005

List 47 31 May 1995

Ireland Jody Blake Deputy Secretary General Irish Senate IPU 1997-2000

List 46 23 April 1995

Ireland Susan Gageby Denham Judge Supreme Court ICJ 1997-2007

List 45 28 February 1995

Ireland Geraldine Skinner Ambassador to France EU 2000-04

List 44 18 December 1994

Ireland Nora Owen Minister of Justice ICJ 1997-2007

List 43 3 November 1994

Ireland Mary Henry Physician Senator WHO 1998-2003

Paulyn Marrinan Quinn Insurance Ombud IFC 1996-2001

List 42 28 June 1994

Ireland Christina Noble Creator foundation for (Vietnam) street children Unicef 1995-99

List 40 14 February 1994

Ireland Una McGurk Chair Irish Red Cross WHO 1998-2003

Susan Meagher Chair Tipperary County Council Habitat 1998-2002

- 3 -

Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination

or Administrator as Executive Head of:

List 39 17 December 1993

Ireland Adi Roche Founder-Director Children of Chernobyl project Unicef 1995-99

List 37 31 August 1993

Ireland Mella Carroll Judge High Court; Member ILO Administrative Tribunal ICJ 1994-2004

List 34 21 March 1993

Ireland Joan Barton Minister of State Social Welfare Unicef 1995-99

List 33 30 January 1993

Ireland Kay Barry Founder Bosnian Relief Fund; Woman of Europe 1993 UNRWA 1994-96

List 31 10 September 1992

Ireland Brigid Laffan Professor European Studies University College Dublin EC 1993-95

List 29 31 December 1991

Ireland Emer Coleran Professor of Microbiology University College Galway UNU 1982-97

Patricia O'Donovan Asst Secretary Gen Irish Congress of Trade Unions ILO 1994-99

Rosemarie Smith Farmer; Member Commission on Status of Women FAO 1994-99

List 27 15 May 1991

Ireland Mary V Mullin Sec Gen Intntl Council Graphic Design Associations ILO 1994-99

List 26: 8 November 1990

Ireland Jane Liddy Member European Commission of Human Rights ICJ 1994-2004

List 23: 10 June 1990

Ireland Niamh Breathnach Deputy Chair Labour Party

Dervla Donnelly (first woman) President Royal Dublin Society UNU 1992-97

Carmel Foley Chief Executive Council for the Status of Women EC 1993-96

List 22: 22 April 1989

Ireland Susan McKenna Lawlor Professor of Astronomy St Patrick's Coll Dublin UNU 1992-97

List 20: 4 October 1988

Ireland Grania Cronin Pilot captain Aer Lingus Irish Airlines ICAO 1991-94

List 19: 14 July 1988

Ireland Catherine McGuinness Chair Employment Equality Agency ILO 1989-94

List 17: 9 October 1987

Ireland Mary Harney Deputy Leader Progressive Democrats Party

List 16: 5 July 1987

Ireland Mary O'Rourke Minister of Education 1987- Unesco 1993-99

List 15: 24 April 1987

Ireland Margaret Downes Chartered accountant; Director Bank of Ireland IMF 1992-96

Ita Meehan Director Bank of Ireland; Dep Sec Telegraphs ITU 1989-94

List 12: 9 May 1986

Ireland Detta O'Cathain Economist; General Manager Milk Marketing Board FAO 1988-93

List 8: 15 December 1984

Ireland Mary Banotti Nurse; social policy specialist; MEP 1984- WHO 1988-93

Eileen Lemass Member European Parlt 1984-

List 7: 28 July 1984

Ireland Hazel Boland ex-President Council for Status of Women EC 1989-92

Sylvia Meehan Chair Employment Equality Agency 1978- ILO 1989-94

- 4 -

Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination

or Administrator as Executive Head of:

List 3: 6 January 1983

Ireland Mary Flaherty Junior Minister Social Affairs 1981-82

Gemma Hussey Leader of Senate 1981-2; Minister of Education 1982- Unesco 1987-92

List 2: 10 December 1982

Ireland Nuala Fennell Member of Parliament; Spokesperson on women's rights UN 1987-91

Maire Geogheghan-Quinn Minister Gaelic-speaking areas 1981; Education 1982 EC 1985-8

Camilla Hannon President Irish Countrywomen's Association FAO 1988-93

Mary Robinson Senator; Opposition Spokesperson on Health UNFPA 1986-90

List 1: 16 August 1982

Ireland Eileen Desmond Minister of Health & Social Affairs 1981-82 WHO 1988-93


* Bodies currently with a woman head, or including a woman governor, judge or commissioner

A. European Organizations

CoE 1/9/2009-14 (5) Secretary-General Council of Europe Strasbourg EBRD 1/6/2008-12 (4) President European Bank (EBRD) London

EP 19/7/2004-09 (5) President European Parliament Strasbourg etc *ECB 1/6/2005-13 (8) Governors (6) European Central Bank Frankfurt

*EU 15/9/2004-09 (5) Commissioners (20) European Union Brussels *ECJ 1/1/2005-14 (9) Judges (15) European Court Justice Luxemb

B . Other Organizations of Democracies

Caricom /2009-14 (5) Secretary-General Caribbean Community Georgetown IPU 16/10/2005-08 (3) President Inter-Parliamentary Council Geneva

Nato 12/2008-12 (4) Sec Gen North Atlantic Treaty Orgn Brussels OAS 15/ 8/2009-14 (5) Sec Gen Orgn of American States Washington

OECD 1/6/2005-10 (5) Sec Gen Orgn for Econ Coop & Development Paris PIF 1/11/2009-14 (5) Sec Gen Pacific Islands Forum Noumea

C. Universalist (UN) Organizations

Numbers 1-36 before acronyms indicate chronological order for 36 new appointments or elections

except that some current terms, which are not made public, are based on past examples

1: ECA 1/1/2005-08 (4) Economic Commission for Africa Addis Ababa 19: FAO 1/1/2006-11 (6) Food and Agriculture Organization of UN Rome

: Unitar 1/1/2005-08 (4) UN Institute for Training & Research New York 20: ICAO 1/8/2006-09 (3) International Civil Aviation Organiz Montreal

: IMO 1/1/2005-08 (4) International Maritime Organization London 21: UN 1/1/2007-11 (5) United Nations Secretary General New York

:*ESCWA 1/1/2005-08 (4) Econ & Soc Commission for Western Asia Beirut 22: WFP 5/4/2007-11 (5) UN/FAO World Food Programme Rome

:*UNFPA 1/1/2005-08 (4) UN Population Fund New York 23: UNDP 1/7/2007-11 (4) United Nations Development Programme New York

: UNHCR 1/1/2005-08 (4) UN High Commissioner for Refugees Geneva 24: UNU 1/9/2007-12 (5) Rector United Nations University Tokyo

: UPU 1/1/2005-09 (5) Universal Postal Union Berne 25: WMO 1/1/2008-11 (4) World Meteorological Organization Geneva

8: IFAD 1/4/2005-09 (4) Interntl Fund for Agricultural Developmt Rome 26:*UNHCHR /3/2008-12 (4) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva

9: IBRD 1/6/2005-10 (5) World Bank Washington 27:*ECE 1/6/2008-12 (4) Economic Commission for Europe Geneva

: IDA 1/6/2005-10 (5) Interntl Development Association Washington : ESCAP 1/6/2008-12 (4) Econ & Soc Commission for Asia & Pacific Bangkok

: IFC 1/6/2005-10 (5) International Finance Corporation Washington 29: WHO 21/7/2008-13 (5) World Health Organization Geneva

12: WTO 1/9/2005-09 (4) World Trade Organization Geneva 30:*Habitat 1/9/2008-12 (4) UN Centre for Human Settlements Nairobi

: Unido 1/9/2005-09 (4) UN Industrial Development Organization Vienna 31:*Unicef 13/9/2008-13 (5) United Nations Children's Fund New York

: WTOU 1/9/2005-09 (4) World Tourism Organization Madrid 32: UNRWA 20/1/2009-13 (4) UN Relief & Works Agcy Palestine Refugees Vienna

15: Unesco 15/11/2005-11 (6) UN Educational Scientific & Cultural Org Paris 33: ILO 4/3/2009-14 (5) International Labour Organisation Geneva

16: IAEA 1/12/2005-09 (4) International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 34: IMF 19/4/2009-14 (5) International Monetary Fund Washington

17: ECLAC 1/1/2006-09 (4) Econ Commission for L America & Carib Santiago 35: ITU 19/9/2009-14 (5) International Telecommunication Union Geneva

: UNEP 1/1/2006-09 (4) United Nations Environment Programme Nairobi 36: WIPO 1/12/2009-15 (6) World Intellectual Property Organiz Geneva

*ICJ 6/2/2006-16 (9) Judges (5 of 15):International Court of Justice *ICC 1/5/2006-16 (9) Judges (6 of 18):International Criminal Court

ICJ 6/2/2009-19 (9) Judges (5 of 15): " " " *ICC 1/5/2009-19 (9) Judges (6 of 18): " " "

ICJ 6/2/2012-22 (9) Judges (5 of 15): " " " *ICC 1/5/2012-22 (9) Judges (6 of 18): " " "


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