(AP) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2019-20October 23, 2019Today’s Agenda (Day 41)Housekeeping ItemsHomework Check: Chapter 5 Notes Class Activity: BEGIN: Chapter 6 PPT Review HOMEWORK:Read Ch 6 – The Human Population and Its ImpactComplete Chapter 6 Vocabulary – definition AND sentence/example/image/formula ONLYComplete Chapter 6 Notes!!Complete Term Project: Mosquito Awareness!!Ch 6 – The Human Population and Its ImpactAge structureBirth rate/crude birth rateCultural carrying capacityDemographic transitionFamily planningFertility rateTotal fertility rateInfant mortality rateLife expectancyMigrationPopulation changeReplacement level fertility rateDeath rate/crude death rateProject: Caribbean Mosquito Awareness 2019BONUS: VROMI Slogan Competition The minister of VROMI is embarking on a new clean-up and recycling campaign and need your help!A slogan is what makes a campaign memorable, therefore VROMI is requesting the help of the public in creating a slogan for the upcoming clean-up and recycling campaign. **ALL SLOGANS MUST BE ORIGINAL**To qualify for BONUS points, you must create an original slogan for this campaign. A minimum of 3 slogans OR 2 slogans with requisite original artwork/visual MUST be submitted by OCTOBER 25!REMINDERS:Term Project – October 25Chapter 6 Vocabulary – October 28Chapter 6 Notes – October 29Chapter 6 Vocabulary Quiz October 29People Paradox – October 30Chapter 6 Test October 31ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2019-20TERM PROJECTECARIBBEAN MOSQUITO AWARENESS 2019POSTER, VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITIONThe Caribbean Public Health Agency invites secondary school students to participate in a poster, video and photography completion on the theme: Empowering Young Leaders in the Fight Against Mosquito Borne DiseasesCATEGORIESThe competition is open to Secondary School students from Forms 1-3 in all CARPHA Members StatesCategory 1: Health PromotionDesign posters and videos to educate your schools and communitiesCategory 2: Active Mosquito SurveillanceTake photographs of unusual mosquito breeding sitesCOMPETITION GUIDELINESAll entries must depict the theme “Empowering Young Leaders in the Fight Against Mosquito Borne Diseases”Each submission must be accompanied by an application formDigital Posters – when printed, should be a maximum 3 ft x 4 ftVideos should be developed and submittedIn MP4 formatVideo does not need to be professionally produced. No professional is allowed. Can be produced using your phone, computer, webcam or other video tools necessary to get your message acrossNo copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may be used for this completion unless you own the copyright of have a license to use the material for this contest. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyright materials.PhotographyImages must be saved in jpeg file formatBe a large size (at least 1 MB)Submitted in color OR black and whiteCan be cropped but cannot be digitally altered in any other wayJudging – entries will be judged according to the following criteria:OriginalityRelevanceAbility to incorporate the themeVisual impactClarityFinalists will be short-listed, and entries posted on Facebook and Instagram. The final score breakdown will be calculated as follows:Panel of judges (70% of score)The number of likes on Facebook and Instagram (30% of score)The short-listed entries will become the property of the Caribbean Public Health Agency and may be used by the AgencyPROJECT GUIDELINESMust include a Power Point/Prezi/Google Slides Presentation to discuss the following ideas:Common pathways of a mosquito-borne diseasesCommon mosquito-borne diseases (globally- and Caribbean-wise)Common facts about mosquito-borne diseasesCommon ways to prevent mosquito-borne diseases (globally- and Caribbean-wise; personally and community-wise)Short and long-term effects of mosquito-borne diseases (globally- and Caribbean-wise)Discuss/Depict in terms of environmental, economic, social/health consequences and government/agencies actionsDiscuss/Depict from an environmental science perspective the interplay of biotic and abiotic factors, species and ecosystems interactions, population control, role of legislation/community awareness and communications.Can be done solo, in pairs or in groups of threeIf solo, only 1 product + PPT presentation are requiredIf in pairs, 2 products + PPT presentation are requiredIf in trio, 2 products, of which one of them MUST be the video + PPT presentation are requiredPower Point must:include citation or resources; be grammatically correct; have appropriate balance of information and supporting visuals; be aesthetically pleasing; demonstrate scientific understanding and application of knowledge;appropriate for target audience of 7th-grade level reading/understandingDEADLINEOctober 25, 2019; 3:30 pm(AP) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2019-20VIDEO ACTIVITYWorld In The Balance: The People Paradox and label each of these counties on the map above. They will be featured in this documentary.India is a peninsula located in Southern Asia. It is centered at 22?N and 77?E. Japan is an island country located off the East coast of Asia. It is centered at 36?N and 138?E.Kenya is a country in sub-Saharan Africa. It is centered at 1?N and 38?E.India Answer questions 1-2 before watching the India segment.The population of India as of 2009 was about 1,155,000,000 (1.155 billion). What percent of the world’s population is this?The Gross Domestic Product of India in 2009 was $1,236,000,000,000 ($1.236 trillion). How much in dollars was produced per person?What is India’s current fertility rate overall?Uttar Pradesh is India’s fastest growing state. What is its fertility rate?One out of ten children in Uttar Pradesh dies before age five. How would this influence fertility rates? India is described as a “patriarchal” society. What does this mean?Describe how marriage is culturally different in India than in most developed countries.Teaching young adults about birth control is considered a social taboo in India. How would this influence fertility rates?Why are women seen as an “economic liability”? What is a dowry?Conducting an ultrasound with the intent to identify gender is now illegal in India. Why?Bride burning is a form of domestic violence in India where the bride is set ablaze when the husband and his family feel the dowry they were paid is not adequate. A newspaper article was written in response to this entitled “Better Dead than Burnt”. What does this title imply about gender equality in India?Abidi Shah is a social worker that works with women from poor, rural villages in India. In what two ways is she educating women?If India is unable to reduce its population growth rate, what possible consequences might it face? Describe two.The Taj Mahal is a palace that was built to honor a queen who died giving birth to her 14th child. How is this symbolic of the struggles that India faces?Below is a breakdown of the population of India as of 2009. Construct a population pyramid.Age GroupM%F%0-462,92655,735417008147320005-962,69155,18810-1461,58154,36315-1957,79351,60820-2453,98649,40325-2950,58146,84730-3446,92543,94035-3942,96140,80040-4437,05935,38245-4931,29829,99150-5426,03125,05655-5921,03320,41760-6416,46616,35365-6912,31212,67470-748,4089,10575+4,9505,727Total 1,156,897 (in thousands)Data from US Census BureauWhat does the shape of this pyramid tell you about India’s demographics? What patterns or trends do you see?Japan Analysis QuestionsAnswer questions 16-17 before watching the Japan segment.The population of Japan as of 2009 was about 127,000,000 (127 million). What percent of the world’s population is this?The Gross Domestic Product of Japan in 2009 was $5,286,000,000,000 ($5.286 trillion). How much in dollars was produced per person?What is the fertility rate of Japan? How does this compare to India?Tomoko Omura states that there are two doors for professional women. What choice is she alluding to?How would you describe the attitude the Japanese women have towards marriage and children?How does Japan’s economic recession affect the roles of women and birth rates?What are the consequences if there are not enough young, working people to support a retired population?How many immigrants would Japan need to allow into the country a year to maintain its workforce? Why does it resist this type of immigration?The beginning of this segment showed a fifth grade student sitting in a classroom by himself – the only student in his entire grade. How is this scene reflective of Japan’s demographic situation?Below is a breakdown of the population of Japan as of 2009. Construct a population pyramid.Age GroupM%F%0-42,6752,5345-93,0222,86410-143,1072,94615-193,1262,96920-243,4603,30025-293,8993,73030-344,5474,35235-395,0334,83940-444,3084,21845-493,8843,84850-543,8473,85855-594,5754,68760-644,5084,73365-693,8694,27870-743,0963,66575+2,4433,236Total 127,079 (in thousands)Source: US Census Bureau What does the shape of this pyramid tell you about Japan’s demographics? What patterns or trends do you see?United States The amount of consumption and pollution from an average American child is equal to how many children from India?The United States, like Japan, is experiencing an increasing number of aging people in the population. What is the main difference between the two? How does this benefit the United States?Sub-Saharan Africa How much has Kenya’s fertility rate changed in the last 20 years?What has caused death rates to increase in Kenya, as well as life expectancy to drop to 49 years?One of the experts states that the root of Africa’s struggles with population, poverty, and AIDS is unprotected sex. If this is the case, why is birth control and protection not more widely used? There are two predictions given for final world population.What is the predicted final population if fertility rate drops just below 2 children per couple?What is the predicted final population if fertility rate is 0.5 children per couple higher? A demographic transition graph is shown below. Mark on the graph where you would place Kenya, Japan, the United States, and India, based on what you learned from the video. ................

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