Testbank for ES qtr 1 2008

testbank for ES qtr 1 2008

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which of the following situations best describes the use of a renewable resource?

|a. |filling a car with gasoline |c. |mining copper |

|b. |building wooden furniture |d. |burning coal in a power plant |

____ 2. During the _____ period(s), humans altered their habitats.

|a. |hunter-gatherer |c. |Industrial Revolution |

|b. |agricultural revolution |d. |All of the above |

____ 3. The _____ was not a direct result of the Industrial Revolution.

|a. |overhunting of large mammals |c. |improved quality of life |

|b. |shift in the use of fossil fuels |d. |growth of cities |

____ 4. All of these fields of study contribute to environmental science except

|a. |linguistics. |c. |social sciences. |

|b. |biology and earth sciences. |d. |physics and chemistry. |

____ 5. In which country is the population likely to be increasing most rapidly?

|a. |Kenya |c. |Australia |

|b. |Germany |d. |Norway |

____ 6. Using scientific information from chemistry and biology to devise a plan to clean up a lake and make it healthy again describes

|a. |ecology. |c. |earth science. |

|b. |environmental science. |d. |social science. |

____ 7. Why is the world’s loss of biodiversity a source of concern?

|a. |Humans depend upon other organisms for food and oxygen. |

|b. |Species extinctions have been rare throughout history. |

|c. |Loss of biodiversity is not a concern because extinctions are common. |

|d. |Both (a) and (b) |

____ 8. A focus of environmental science not studied in ecology is the

|a. |interaction among living things. |

|b. |use of natural resources. |

|c. |influence of humans on the environment. |

|d. |Both (a) and (b) |

____ 9. During the agricultural revolution,

|a. |plants and animals were domesticated. |

|b. |fossil fuel use increased. |

|c. |human populations decreased due to disease. |

|d. |Both (a) and (c) |

____ 10. _____ is a biodegradable material that becomes a pollutant if allowed to accumulate more rapidly than it can decompose.

|a. |Plastic |c. |Newspaper |

|b. |Mercury |d. |Metal from junk cars |

____ 11. Which of the following describes the depletion of a renewable resource?

|a. |hunting of excess deer to maintain a healthy population size |

|b. |intensive cultivation of farmland that exhausts soil nutrients |

|c. |mining coal |

|d. |increasing use of solar energy to generate electrical power |

____ 12. All of the following issues involve environmental science except

|a. |measuring smog levels in cities. |

|b. |asking people questions about the cost of various resources. |

|c. |studying the loss of plant and animal species. |

|d. |publishing the results of a study on fossil fuel depletion. |

____ 13. The fact that useful man-made substances can cause unforeseen damage is illustrated by

|a. |the detection of Oscillatoria rubescens in Lake Washington. |

|b. |the condition of the atmosphere’s protective ozone layer. |

|c. |the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico from farm chemicals. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 14. Which country is most likely to have either a stabilized or a slowly growing population?

|a. |India |c. |Mexico |

|b. |Canada |d. |Pakistan |

____ 15. The “Tragedy of the Commons” describes the conflict between

|a. |developing and developed nations. |c. |individuals and society. |

|b. |farmers and industrialized society. |d. |Canada and Mexico. |

____ 16. A sustainable world would be characterized by the

|a. |preservation of rare animals by relocation from natural habitats to laboratories. |

|b. |invention of safer storage facilities for increased amounts of toxic wastes. |

|c. |maximum exploitation of natural resources using more advanced technologies. |

|d. |indefinite existence of human populations in a healthy and prosperous condition. |

____ 17. According to the law of supply and demand, what would occur if the supply of oil declined and the demand remained the same?

|a. |oil prices would drop |c. |oil usage would drop |

|b. |oil prices would increase |d. |oil usage would increase |

____ 18. An ecological footprint is the

|a. |mark a person’s shoe makes in soft earth. |

|b. |number of animals a person has killed. |

|c. |amount of land and ocean area needed to support one person. |

|d. |number of trees people cut down. |

____ 19. Compared to developing nations, developed nations have

|a. |lower health standards. |c. |greater personal wealth. |

|b. |faster-growing populations. |d. |higher health standards. |

____ 20. Which of the following is a developing nation?

|a. |the United States |c. |Canada |

|b. |France |d. |Ethiopia |

____ 21. A resident of _____ is likely to leave the largest ecological footprint.

|a. |Indonesia |c. |the United States |

|b. |Britain |d. |India |

____ 22. Most of today’s environmental problems began during which period(s) in human history?

|a. |hunter-gatherer period |c. |Industrial Revolution |

|b. |agricultural revolution |d. |Both (a) and (c) |

____ 23. Using economic considerations of resource use, the law of supply and demand describes

|a. |the availability of abundant resources. |

|b. |the relationship between the availability and the worth of resources. |

|c. |the worth of nonrenewable resources. |

|d. |reduced demand resulting from a lack of available resources. |

____ 24. Listing both the merits and expenses involved in implementing a particular environmental solution is an example of a(n)

|a. |cost-benefit analysis. |c. |ecological footprint. |

|b. |risk assessment. |d. |market equilibrium. |

____ 25. Hardin’s “Tragedy of the Commons” essay addresses the conflicts associated with what environmental challenge?

|a. |preventing pollution |c. |curbing overpopulation |

|b. |preserving biodiversity |d. |protecting shared resources |

____ 26. The term “biodiversity” refers to

|a. |The number of species living on Earth. |

|b. |The number and variety of species living on Earth. |

|c. |The number and variety of species that are considered renewable. |

|d. |The number and variety of species that live in an area. |

____ 27. The classification and collection of data that are in the form of numbers is called

|a. |statistics. |c. |distribution. |

|b. |probability. |d. |mean. |

____ 28. The group that does not receive the experimental treatment in an experiment is the

|a. |control group. |c. |data. |

|b. |experimental group. |d. |variable. |

____ 29. By examining _____, scientists can test predictions for situations in which it is impossible or unethical to use experiments.

|a. |correlations |c. |control groups |

|b. |observations |d. |variables |

____ 30. Scientists use statistics to

|a. |graph data. |c. |communicate ideas to each other. |

|b. |analyze data. |d. |All of the above |

____ 31. In an experiment, the factor of interest is called the

|a. |control group. |c. |hypothesis. |

|b. |experimental group. |d. |variable. |

____ 32. The average mass of a wolf in a pack of wolves is an example of

|a. |mean. |c. |sample size. |

|b. |distribution. |d. |statistical population. |

____ 33. A model of a dinosaur is an example of a _____ model.

|a. |graphical |c. |conceptual |

|b. |mathematical |d. |physical |

____ 34. The chance that an earthquake will occur in your town during the next year is an example of

|a. |correlation. |c. |risk. |

|b. |skepticism. |d. |distribution. |

____ 35. The experimental method includes which of the following steps?

|a. |remaining skeptical, organizing data, and analyzing data |

|b. |drawing conclusions, being open to new ideas, and communicating results |

|c. |observing, hypothesizing, predicting, experimenting, and communicating results |

|d. |being curious, imagining, being able to see patterns, observing, and predicting |

____ 36. Why are mathematical models important?

|a. |They are especially useful in situations with many variables. |

|b. |They can be used to create useful digital images. |

|c. |They can represent how a system or process works. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 37. Which step in the experimental method are scientists conducting when they photograph birds in flight?

|a. |observing |c. |drawing conclusions |

|b. |hypothesizing |d. |analyzing data |

____ 38. If you consider what will add to our understanding of the natural world in making an environmental decision, you are examining a(n) _____ value.

|a. |ethical/moral |c. |environmental |

|b. |aesthetic |d. |scientific |

____ 39. Before you can make a decision using a decision-making model, what step must you take?

|a. |Explore the consequences of each option. |

|b. |Consider which values apply to the issue. |

|c. |Gather information. |

|d. |All of the above |

____ 40. In a scientific investigation, it is important that the number of objects or events being sampled be

|a. |a guess of how likely an unwanted outcome will occur. |

|b. |large enough to give an accurate estimate for the whole population. |

|c. |equal to the mean number of objects or events not sampled. |

|d. |equal to the total statistical population. |

____ 41. A good hypothesis is more than a guess because it

|a. |is based on intuition rather than observation. |

|b. |states what is likely to happen. |

|c. |makes logical sense. |

|d. |Both (b) and (c) |

____ 42. Curiosity and imagination are important in science because they are

|a. |skills needed to organize and analyze data. |

|b. |models that represent objects and systems in the environment. |

|c. |abilities in scientists that help expand our knowledge. |

|d. |None of the above |

____ 43. What essential characteristic does a good experiment have?

|a. |A control group is given the experimental treatment. |

|b. |A single variable is tested. |

|c. |A control is used. |

|d. |Both (b) and (c) |

____ 44. Your county is considering buying land to form a nature preserve. On this land, an endangered species of bird is known to breed. Which of the following is a possible negative short-term consequence to the county making this decision?

|a. |The population of the endangered species increases. |

|b. |Habitat destruction is immediately decreased. |

|c. |Environmental controls are made less strict outside the preserve area. |

|d. |Habitats outside the preserve area become damaged by overdevelopment. |

____ 45. When making a decision about whether or not to build a dam, you are considering an economic value when you ask which of the following questions?

|a. |Will the dam provide new leisure activities? |

|b. |How many jobs will building the dam generate? |

|c. |Will building the dam destroy natural resources? |

|d. |Is it right to build a dam here? |

____ 46. What step in a simple environmental decision-making model are you taking when you consider whether or not people will benefit financially from setting aside land as a national park?

|a. |exploring consequences |c. |gathering information |

|b. |making a decision |d. |None of the above |

____ 47. The three final steps of the experimental method in their correct order are

|a. |drawing conclusions, analyzing data, and repeating experiments. |

|b. |drawing conclusions, repeating experiments, and communicating results. |

|c. |observing, hypothesizing, and drawing conclusions. |

|d. |repeating experiments, communicating results, and drawing conclusions. |

____ 48. When you ask the question, “If a marsh is included as part of a nature preserve, will it protect our water resources?” you are considering which of the following types of values?

|a. |aesthetic |c. |environmental |

|b. |educational |d. |social/cultural |

____ 49. Which of the following models would you use to represent the shape of Earth’s surface beneath the oceans?

|a. |graphical |c. |conceptual |

|b. |mathematical |d. |physical |

____ 50. How did the Himalaya Mountains form?

|a. |erosion |c. |glacial movements |

|b. |convection |d. |colliding tectonic plates |

____ 51. What are wind and water erosion not likely to affect?

|a. |mountains |c. |tides |

|b. |rocks |d. |soil |

____ 52. Which of the following is the most geologically active region on the surface of Earth?

|a. |glacial valleys |c. |boundaries between tectonic plates |

|b. |mountain peaks |d. |recharge zones |

____ 53. Which of the following are producers of oxygen?

|a. |plants |c. |automobiles |

|b. |animals |d. |industries |

____ 54. The ozone layer is located in the

|a. |stratosphere. |c. |thermosphere. |

|b. |ionosphere. |d. |troposphere. |

____ 55. Large-scale atmospheric phenomena caused by air that is constantly in motion is known as

|a. |conduction. |c. |weather. |

|b. |convection. |d. |hurricanes. |

____ 56. What is the estimated temperature of Earth’s inner core?

|a. |3,000ºC to 4,000ºC |c. |400ºC to 500ºC |

|b. |4,000ºC to 5,000ºC |d. |300ºC to 400ºC |

____ 57. The Richter scale best describes the

|a. |location of a wave. |c. |duration of an earthquake. |

|b. |frequency of a wave. |d. |magnitude of an earthquake. |

____ 58. The molten rock that is found in the upper mantle is

|a. |limestone. |c. |granite. |

|b. |magma. |d. |basalt. |

____ 59. Which of the following is not one of the compositional layers of Earth?

|a. |mesosphere |c. |outer core |

|b. |mantle |d. |inner core |

____ 60. Which of the following is Earth’s densest atmospheric layer?

|a. |mesosphere |c. |thermosphere |

|b. |stratosphere |d. |troposphere |

____ 61. In the troposphere, which of the following decreases as altitude increases?

|a. |temperature |c. |pressure |

|b. |radiation |d. |Both (a) and (c) |

____ 62. Which of the following is not a mechanism of energy transfer through or within Earth’s atmosphere?

|a. |radiation |c. |conduction |

|b. |condensation |d. |convection |

____ 63. _____ causes air to be denser near Earth’s surface.

|a. |Gravity |c. |Condensation |

|b. |Temperature |d. |Evaporation |

____ 64. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s atmosphere would be _____ to support life.

|a. |too hot |c. |too wet |

|b. |too cold |d. |lacking the oxygen |

____ 65. Which of the following includes all of the water on or near Earth’s surface?

|a. |geosphere |c. |atmosphere |

|b. |hydrosphere |d. |lithosphere |

____ 66. Where is most of the fresh water on Earth located?

|a. |in reservoirs and lakes |c. |in oceans |

|b. |in ice caps and glaciers |d. |in streams and tributaries |

____ 67. Ocean water _____ than fresh water.

|a. |freezes at a higher temperature |c. |supports fewer fish |

|b. |contains more salts |d. |is less abundant |

____ 68. Deep currents flow along the

|a. |ocean floor. |c. |thermocline. |

|b. |ocean surface. |d. |halocline. |

____ 69. Surface currents circulate in different directions, depending on the _____ in which they occur.

|a. |hemisphere |c. |hydrosphere |

|b. |troposphere |d. |biosphere |

____ 70. Which of the following is the layer of the ocean extending from the base of the thermocline to the bottom of the ocean?

|a. |surface layer |c. |deep zone |

|b. |thermocline |d. |bottom zone |

____ 71. With respect to energy, Earth is a(n)

|a. |unstable system. |c. |open system. |

|b. |stationary system. |d. |closed system. |

____ 72. What part of Earth encompasses all areas where organisms can obtain the energy they need?

|a. |biosphere |c. |atmosphere |

|b. |hydrosphere |d. |lithosphere |

____ 73. Currents at the surface of the ocean are driven by

|a. |tectonic plates. |c. |salinity. |

|b. |gravity. |d. |wind. |

____ 74. With respect to matter, Earth is mostly

|a. |an open system. |c. |an ecosystem. |

|b. |a closed system. |d. |a biosphere. |

____ 75. Evaporites most commonly form in

|a. |arid regions where rates of evaporation are high. |

|b. |rain forests where rates of evaporation are low. |

|c. |cold regions that receive significant snowfall. |

|d. |an area with frequent volcanic activity. |

____ 76. Which of the following are minerals that contain valuable substances?

|a. |native minerals |c. |gangue minerals |

|b. |ore minerals |d. |longwalls |

____ 77. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a mineral?

|a. |naturally occurring |c. |usually an inorganic solid |

|b. |atoms in random geometric patterns |d. |orderly internal structure |

____ 78. Which of the following is not one of the ways that ore minerals may form?

|a. |cooling of magma |

|b. |circulation of hydrothermal solutions through rocks |

|c. |flooding of empty streambeds and rivers |

|d. |evaporation of water that contains salts |

____ 79. What is one property that may be used to distinguish metallic from nonmetallic minerals?

|a. |cost to extract |c. |carbon content |

|b. |value |d. |electrical conductivity |

____ 80. What must hot subsurface waters contain in order to be considered hydrothermal solutions?

|a. |crystallized minerals |c. |gangue minerals |

|b. |dissolved minerals |d. |inorganic solids |

____ 81. Gangue minerals

|a. |are valued for their rarity and durability. |

|b. |have no commercial value. |

|c. |are the most difficult to mine. |

|d. |are native elements. |

____ 82. The first step in surface coal mining is

|a. |to remove and set aside the soil that covers the area to be mined. |

|b. |to use heavy equipment to take core samples. |

|c. |to test to see if quarrying would be more effective. |

|d. |to make cuts in the coal for easier removal. |

____ 83. Dredging streambeds may be an effective technique for mining

|a. |salt. |c. |gold. |

|b. |coal. |d. |sulfur. |

____ 84. Acid mine drainage

|a. |harms or kills aquatic life. |c. |causes acid rain. |

|b. |purifies streams. |d. |is unregulated in the United States. |

____ 85. Which of the following is not a method of subsurface mining?

|a. |room-and-pillar mining |c. |solution mining |

|b. |longwall mining |d. |open-pit mining |

____ 86. Through _____, mining companies can identify areas where there may be valuable mineral resources.

|a. |mineral exploration |c. |mineral excavation |

|b. |smelting |d. |dredging |

____ 87. Placer deposits are surface mineral deposits that have been concentrated by

|a. |surface mining. |c. |movement of wind and water. |

|b. |subsurface mining. |d. |evaporation and condensation. |

____ 88. Which of the following would not likely be mined using solution mining?

|a. |gypsum |c. |salt |

|b. |potash |d. |sulfur |

____ 89. The layer of impurities on top of molten metal that forms during smelting is called

|a. |smelt. |c. |slag. |

|b. |dredge. |d. |flux. |

____ 90. A quarry also could be called

|a. |an open pit. |c. |a longwall. |

|b. |the overburden. |d. |a pillar. |

____ 91. Which of the following is a water contaminant that can cause acid mine drainage?

|a. |flux |c. |methane |

|b. |carbon dioxide |d. |sulfuric acid |

____ 92. Collapse of _____ can lead to subsidence.

|a. |solar evaporation ponds |c. |open-pit mines |

|b. |pillars in abandoned mines |d. |placer deposits |

____ 93. Which of the following is not a regulation mining companies must follow?

|a. |the Clean Water Act |c. |the Safe Drinking Water Act |

|b. |the Hazardous Products Act |d. |the Endangered Species Act |

____ 94. From whom must mining companies obtain permits before mining a site?

|a. |state and federal agencies |c. |local government only |

|b. |federal agencies only |d. |a bonding company |

____ 95. Reclamation is the process of

|a. |removing coal from a subsurface seam. |

|b. |extracting ore minerals from gangue minerals. |

|c. |returning land to its original or better condition after mining. |

|d. |protecting the habitats of local wildlife. |

____ 96. Surface mining can cause

|a. |only air pollution. |c. |both air and noise pollution. |

|b. |only noise pollution. |d. |neither air nor noise pollution. |

____ 97. What can contaminate a river during dredging?

|a. |potash |c. |placer deposits |

|b. |sea water |d. |muddy sediments |

____ 98. The _____ regulates the release of hazardous substances into the air, soil, and water by mining.

|a. |Clean Water Act |

|b. |Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act |

|c. |Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 |

|d. |Safe Drinking Water Act |

____ 99. The _____ sets standards to minimize the surface effects of coal mining on the environment.

|a. |Clean Water Act |

|b. |Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act |

|c. |Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 |

|d. |Safe Drinking Water Act |

Short Response

100. What is the main reason that species are being lost to extinction?

101. Name and describe three human activities that affect the environment.

102. Name three factors or measures used to compare developing and developed countries.

103. Name the two types of pollution and describe the difference between them.

104. Give three examples each of renewable and nonrenewable resources.

105. Name the five major fields of study that contribute to environmental science.

106. What were three positive developments that occurred during the Industrial Revolution?

107. What activities of hunter-gatherers altered the environment?

108. During which period in human history were most of our modern environmental problems introduced? What are they?

109. Explain how you would determine the mean age of the students in your school.

A scientist has been told by landowners that there are no natural sources of water in a certain section of a local desert. She doesn’t believe that this is true, and starts exploring the desert. She notices a rock section that seems darker in color than other sections along a cliff. Wondering why the rock section seems darker, she walks over to the cliff to take a closer look. She observes that some of the cliff is damp, which leads her to find a natural spring nearby.

110. Refer to the paragraph above. Identify two instances when the scientist demonstrates a key habit of mind and identify what that habit of mind is.

111. Refer to the paragraph above. Explain how scientific habits of mind are important in the situation described above.

A die is a game piece that has six sides numbered 1 through 6. A student calculates that when the die is tossed, the probability of rolling a “5” is equal to one out of six, or 1/6 or 0.17. To test this probability, the student tosses the die 20 times, and rolls a “5” 2 out of 20 times.

112. In the paragraph above, what was the sample size used by the student?

113. a) In the paragraph above, how does the result the student got after tossing the die compare to the calculated probability?

b) Based on your answer, what can you infer about the sample size used by the student? Explain your answer.

114. Explain why conceptual models are important to scientists. Give two examples of a conceptual model.

115. Explain why mathematical models are important to scientists. Give two examples of a mathematical model.

116. What values would you consider in deciding whether or not to water your garden during a dry spell when your state has imposed restrictions on water use?

117. Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement: Environmental values should be placed above all others.

118. Explain how probability and risk are related.

119. What is a “normal distribution”?

120. Describe the local and global effects a volcanic eruption can have on the environment.

121. How do water and wind affect Earth’s landscape?

122. Describe how tectonic plates move.

123. Describe Earth’s inner core in terms of its composition, estimated temperature, and whether it is solid or liquid.

124. How might we protect people and property from earthquakes?

125. How might Earth be different if the ozone layer did not exist?

126. How does Earth’s atmosphere change over time?

127. Solar energy reaches Earth as electromagnetic radiation. What does this radiation include? What happens to energy that doesn’t reach Earth’s surface?

128. Describe the process known as the greenhouse effect, in which gases trap heat near Earth.

129. Describe three aspects of the physical environment that support the existence of life on Earth.

130. What is the water cycle?

131. What distinguishes native elements from most minerals? Give two examples of minerals that exist in nature as native elements.

132. How are ore deposits known as veins formed?

133. What data about an area can be collected from airborne observations and combined to indicate the best locations to look for ore deposits?

134. How must soil be handled during surface coal mining to minimize environmental damage?

135. What potential environmental problem caused by the smelting process must be controlled? How can this be done?

136. How can surface mining completely transform ecosystems, even after reclamation?

137. What usually must be separated from ore minerals after they are mined in order to obtain the valuable substances they contain?

138. Compare the properties of metals and nonmetals.

139. What is the purpose of drilling test holes around an ore deposit during mineral exploration if a deposit is found to have ore of a high enough grade?

140. How is a mine roof supported when mining coal using the room-and-pillar method?

141. What are some materials that are produced by quarrying?

142. What is the purpose of smelting? Describe the steps that take place in smelting ore.

143. Why is acid mine drainage dangerous?

144. What is reclamation?



145. Refer to the graph above. Approximately how much more rain forest did Brazil lose in 1990 than it did in 1980?

146. Refer to the graph above. If India loses 50 percent more rainforest in 2010 than it did in 1990, how much rain forest will it lose in 2010?

147. Refer to the graph above. What was the approximate combined loss of rain forest in 1990 for Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia? What percentage increase or decrease does this represent over the combined loss for these countries in 1980?

148. Local authorities have proposed building a dam along a river. The river provides a home for many wild organisms, and houses are also located along the river. List the positive and negative consequences of building the dam.

149. One of your family members proposes that your household stop using oil to heat your house. They believe it would be better for the environment if you harness the energy of the sun by building solar collectors, and use this energy alone for heating. Since doing so would be expensive and unfamiliar, you are not sure if you agree. Explain how you would use the decision-making model to help you decide.

150. How much mass, in dissolved solids, is present in 1 kg of sea water of average salinity? Of this, how much is sodium and chlorine?

151. The sun delivers energy to the outer atmosphere at a rate of about 1.4 kW per square meter. Only about 0.75 kW per square meter of this energy reaches Earth’s surface. What percentage of solar energy is either absorbed by the atmosphere or reflected back into space before it ever reaches Earth’s surface?

152. This problem illustrates how growth in the rate of mineral resource extraction affects the lifetime of those resources. Assume that a coal deposit is located and estimated to contain 100,000 tons of extractable and marketable coal. During the first year of mining, 1,000 tons of coal are removed from the mine. The next year, and every following year, the number of tons removed doubles so that 2,000 tons are removed in the second year, 4,000 in the third, and so on. In how many years will the entire 100,000 tons be removed?

153. The presence of sulfur in finely ground waste material from the ore enrichment process is a serious environmental problem. These waste materials are often referred to as mine tailings. Why do mine tailings pose a risk to the environment? Propose a method for controlling pollution from mine tailings.

154. The mining of uranium presents unique environmental problems. Some formations contain rocks that have naturally occurring radioactivity, including radioactive radon that enters the air as a gas. These rocks are extracted and crushed into fine sands for processing and uranium extraction. What measures should be taken to protect the public from the special hazards presented by these materials?

Extended Response

155. The “ecological footprint” left by a citizen of a developed nation is about four times larger than that left by a citizen of a developing nation. Why is this the case?

156. If you could travel in time to a period before the Industrial Revolution, what actions would you initiate to minimize current environmental problems?

157. Name and describe four types of models commonly used by scientists and give two examples of each.

158. You are a scientist studying the organisms and water conditions in a local lake. Over several years you notice that both the number of a certain type of fish in the lake has decreased and the acidity of the lake water has increased. You are curious, so you plan to conduct an experiment to learn more.

a. What observations have you made?

b. State a hypothesis based on your observations.

c. State a prediction you will use to test your hypothesis.

d. Describe how you will use the steps in the experimental method to conduct your experiment.

159. Describe a situation in which you have demonstrated a key habit of mind shared by scientists. Be sure to identify the habit of mind.

160. Earth is a closed system with respect to matter and an open system with respect to energy. Why is this difference important? How does input of solar energy help keep living organisms supplied with necessary materials?

161. In the space below, draw and label a picture showing the geosphere, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere. Explain how these different layers work together to form an integrated system.

162. Explain the role of the ocean in the regulation of climate.

163. The process of gold panning involves submerging a pan into the sandy bed of a stream or river and then lifting it out and swirling it repeatedly until sand and gold remain in the pan. Explain why small deposits of gold can sometimes be found in streambeds by panning.

164. Name three products you use that are derived from minerals. Briefly explain the minerals needed to make each product and how those minerals are obtained.

165. International organizations concerned with the environment and mining have suggested that the mining industry be concerned with more sustainable processes that extract minerals and other materials for consumers. What do you think sustainability means and why is it important for the long-term benefit to society?


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