LESSON PLAN – What are the Key Skills

LESSON PLAN – What are the Key Skills?

Theme – Developing Myself

CAREER SKILLS – Self Development

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Numeracy, Problem Solving, Improving Own Learning and Performance.


COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *ci, *di, **eiii, **eiv, **evi, ***fiv, ****Ii, ****mi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – English, Personal Development, Social Studies

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

• List a variety of skills.

• Identify Key Skill Groups.

• Arrange skills into Key Skill Groups.

• Examine how to use the Key Skills in daily life.

Preparation and Materials

• Copies of Info Sheet and Activity Sheet “What Are The Key Skills?” for each student.

• Key Skills Posters (these could be enlarged a bigger size using a photocopier with that facility).

• Blackboard/flipchart.


1. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the Info Sheet.

2. Brainstorm with the whole class the skills they have used since getting up that morning (or the day before if too early) in chronological order and list these on the blackboard/flipchart.

3. Arrange the skills listed into groups according to the 6 Key Skills.

4. Point out that these skills are used in all aspects of our lives.

5. Give out the Info and Activity Sheets and ask students to complete the exercise.

6. Ask for feedback about the exercise and share examples of skills.

7. Ask the students what they have learnt from the lesson.

8. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Extension Activity

• Discuss with the students which Key Skill is shown by each of the 6 skills marked * in the list.

• Identify more Key Skills from the list and discuss.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

• List a variety of skills.

• Identify Key Skill Groups.

• Arrange skills into Key Skill Groups.

• Examine how you use Key Skills in daily life.


This lesson is about Key Skills.

These skills are important in all aspects of your life.

• At school.

• At home.

• In your leisure time.

• If you go to college.

• When you go to work.

You need to practice these skills whenever possible and in a variety of different situations. Some situations will require a single skill and others require a combination of different skills.

The key skills are:

• Communication.

• Numeracy.

• Information and communication technology.

• Problem solving.

• Personal skills.

Improving your own learning and performance

Working with others.

On the worksheet you can:

1. Check yourself against these skills.

2. Write down examples which show that you have used a skill.

3. Decide your strengths and weaknesses in Key Skills.

In a future lesson you can decide which skill you need to improve and set a target to help you improve and set a target to help you improve in that skill.

ACTIVITY SHEET – What are the Key Skills?

For each item below decide what level you think you are at.

Can’t do Difficult Just Manage Can Do Confident

I can set myself targets

I can keep my temper

I know my strengths/weaknesses*

I can meet deadlines

I am a good timekeeper

I can work as part of a team*

I can explain my ideas

I can support and encourage others

I can do mental arithmetic*

I can draw charts and graphs

I can make estimates

I can assess problems and work out solutions*

I can find information to help solve a problem

I can ask for help and know who to ask

I can spell and use words correctly*

My handwriting is clear, jointed and fluent

I can use a spell checker*

I can change font style and size of my writing

I can search for information on CD ROMS

Examples of things I have done form the list above:




My main strength are underlined:

Communication/Numeracy/ICT/Problem Solving/Working With Others/Improving Own Learning and Performance.

My main weaknesses are underlined:

Communication/Numeracy/ICT/Problem Solving/Working With Others/Improving Own Learning and Performance.

Finished? If you have time you could think about which Key Skill is shown by each of the 6 skills marked* in the list above.


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