Density, Buoyancy & Pressure Review Problems & Questions ...

Density, Buoyancy & Pressure ? Review Problems & Questions

1. Find the weight of the air in a room with dimensions of 20 ft x 12 ft x 15 ft. The weight density of air at sea level is 0.08 pounds /ft3. 288 lbs

2. An iron anchor weighs 250 pounds in air and has a weight density of 480 lbs/ft3. If it is immersed in sea water that has a weight density of 64 lbs/ft3, how much force would be required to lift it while it is immersed? 217 pounds

What is the density of the seawater in g/cm3? 1.025 g/cm3

3. An aluminum bar weighs 17 pounds in air. How much force is required to lift the bar while it is immersed in gasoline? The weight density of aluminum is 170 pounds /ft3 and that of gasoline is 42 pounds /ft3. 12.8 pounds

4. How much does a 20 ft x 10 ft x 8 ft swimming pool filled with water weigh? Assume the water has a weight density of 62 lbs/ft3. 99,200 pounds

5. A balloon weighing 80 kg has a capacity of 1200 m3. If it is filled with helium, how great a payload can it support? The density of helium is 0.18 kg/ m3 and the density of air is 1.30 kg/ m3. Express your answer in Newtons. 12,400 Newtons

6. A block is 7.00 cm wide, 8.00 cm long, and 2.00 cm tall and has a mass of 67.00 g. a) What is its volume in m3? 1.12 x 10-4 m3 b) What is its density in kg/m3? 5.98 x 102 kg/m3 c) If it was floating in fresh water (with the 7.00 cm x 8.00 cm face down), how far would the block be submerged under water? 1.20 cm d) How much extra weight can it support without sinking? 0.0450 kg

7. A 2.00 cm by 2.00 cm by 2.00 cm metal block has a mass of 80.00 g. a) What volume of water does it displace when it is submerged? 8.00 x 10-5 m3 b) What is the weight of the water displaced? 0.0784 N c) What is the apparent weight of the block when measured under water? 0.0784 N


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