Kindergarten Remote Learning - April

Kindergarten Remote Learning - April

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. These activities are purely suggestions, so please feel free to simplify OR extend any activity for your child, your schedule, or your access to materials. Use this calendar as more of a "menu" of options that you can use each day. If your child sees a preferable activity on a different day or even wants to repeat an activity, feel free to use the activities as choices for any day or anytime. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

April Week 1 - (6th - 10th)






Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

good, new, must

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing. What

do you wonder? What can you observe (see,

hear, feel)?

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about something you did with your family. Use your transitional words in your

story: One day/First, Next, Then, Finally

Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion telling your favorite thing to do at home and reasons why you like doing it. Use this

sentence starter: My favorite thing to do at home is __. I like __

because __.

Activity 1 Writing Write "all about" your bedroom or house. What does your room look like? What kind of furniture, toys, or decorations are in your room?

Activity 2 Math

Write your teen numbers 11-20. Find 13 green things in your house or outside. Find 19 brown things in your house or outside.

Find 16 things of a color you choose!

Activity 2 Reading Read a fiction book and retell it using a five-finger retell (characters, setting, beginning, middle, end). Who was the main character? What did they do? How did they feel? Be sure to tell the events in order.

Activity 2 Social Studies Make a list of simple chores and tasks to do around the house. Keep track of what you do. Explain how you would teach someone else how to do the chores.

Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture to match this story problem. Write an

equation and explain your picture to a family

member: There were 5 flowers growing in a pot. Anna picked 3 of them.

How many are left?

Activity 2 Reading Create a list of words that end in "ck". Discuss the sounds the vowels make in each word. Do they make the long or short sound? Can you make any words that have 5 letters? 6 letters? Ex: lick, packs, blocks

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about habitats on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


PE Activity Practice balancing on different body parts. (Ex. 1 hand and 2 feet). What is the least amount of body parts you can balance on? How about the most?

PE Activity Move like your favorite animal (Ex. Lion, Elephant,Crab, Horse.) Does that animal move fast or slow? What level does it move at (high, medium or low)?

PE Activity Walk around your house on your tippy toes. Go into every room. Then do it again on your heels. What parts of your body do these exercises strengthen?

PE Activity Try and jump up and touch the ceiling 10 times before every meal.

PE Activity Eat your favorite fruit / vegetable today. What is it? What color is it? Does it have seeds?

Art activities: 1. What is Symmetry? Where do we see symmetry in our world? Take a picture or draw a picture of something that is the same on both sides. Then create a sculpture with natural materials that is symmetrical. Take a picture if you would like to share with Mr. Nik! nik_arnoldi@ 2. What is a robot? What can robots do? Draw or build a robot and share what it can do. Take a picture or video and share with Mr. Nik! nik_arnoldi@

Social Emotional Activities: 1. Explore your senses: Smell something from your refrigerator, touch something soft, listen to something quiet and loud, taste something

salty or sweet, use your sight to look up at the clouds, what do you see? 2. Practice your breathing: Remember we just learned how to do some bee breaths, bubble breaths, and bunny breaths at our last Pee-

Wee party, so practice those throughout your week. You can review those videos on go noodle or youtube. Additional breathing worksheets can be found in the resource folder.

Kindergarten Remote Learning - April

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. These activities are purely suggestions, so please feel free to simplify OR extend any activity for your child, your schedule, or your access to materials. Use this calendar as more of a "menu" of options that you can use each day. If your child sees a preferable activity on a different day or even wants to repeat an activity, feel free to use the activities as choices for any day or anytime. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

April Week 2 (13th - 17th)






Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

was, now, are

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing.

Record your observations about a plant outside.

(see, hear, smell, touch, and maybe taste)

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about a time you felt excited. Use your transitional words in your story: One day/First,

Next, Then, Finally

Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion about your favorite food to eat. Use this sentence starter: In my opinion, __ is the

best food. I like __ because __.

Activity 1 Writing

Write "all about" a movie/tv show/ or game you watched this week. What happened? Who are the characters? What

did they do or learn?

Activity 2 Math

Count how many spoons, forks, cups, and plates you have in your house. Write that number. What item do you have the most? least?

Activity 2 Reading Read any book. Make a text to self connection by asking - What does this book make me think of from my own life? Explain to a family member the connection you made.

Activity 2 Social Studies Make a map of 1 room in your house. Make sure to label each room and draw 3 things on your map that you can find in your room.

Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture to match this story problem. Write an

equation and explain your picture/thinking to a

family member: Jack has 5 donuts and 2 cupcakes. How many treats does he

have altogether?

Activity 2 Reading Create a list of words that end in "sh". Discuss how the words sound/look the same and different. Can you make any words that have 5 letters? Can you add "ed" to the end and change the word?

Ex: mash, crush, crushed

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about animals on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


PE Activity Replace soda with water,

milk or 100% juice.

PE Activity Take a walk around the block with your family. Tell them why you think it is important to exercise.

PE Activity Use a plastic bag and practice tossing and catching. Can you clap 3 times and catch it before it hits the ground. 5? 10?

PE Activity Help your family cook a meal. What healthy things did you eat? Were there

fruits or vegetables? What about dairy?

PE Activity Teach someone in your family how to gallop. Use sequencing: First you___.

Second you___. Last you____.

Art activities: 1. Find things around your house and sort them by color. Which colors are primary colors? Which colors are secondary colors? If you can take a picture, send it to Mr. Nik! 2. Find or make a shadow on your paper with a toy or figurine. Trace the toy's shadow. How are the picture and the toy the same? How are they different?

Social Emotional Activities: 1. Do three acts of kindness! Look around, what can you do to be kind at home today? Who can you be kind to?

2. Practice asking for a break! Ask for a break when you need it, remember to set a timer for 2-3 minutes and when the timer goes off, get back to what you were doing!

Kindergarten Remote Learning - April

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. These activities are purely suggestions, so please feel free to simplify OR extend any activity for your child, your schedule, or your access to materials. Use this calendar as more of a "menu" of options that you can use each day. If your child sees a preferable activity on a different day or even wants to repeat an activity, feel free to use the activities as choices for any day or anytime. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

April Week 3 (20th - 24th)






Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

what, saw, came

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing.

Record your observations about the clouds in the sky. What do they look like? How are they the same/different from one another? (see, hear, smell, touch, and maybe taste)

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about a time you had a problem.

Use your transitional words in your story: One

day/First, Next, Then, Finally

Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion about your favorite thing to do

outside. Use this sentence starter: In my opinion, __ is the best thing to do outside. I like

__ because __.

Activity 1 Writing

Write "all about" your best friend from school. How

would you describe them? What do you like about them? What things

do you do together?

Activity 2 Math

Do a shape hunt around your house. Try to find as

many circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, spheres, cubes, cones, rectangular prisms, and


Activity 2 Reading Read a nonfiction book. What was the book mostly about? Explain to a family member 3 key details you learned from the book and show them what part of the book you learned it from (what page, in the words or pictures?).

Activity 2 Social Studies Watch a biography on Brainpopjr about a famous person and take

the quiz.

Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture to match this story problem. Write an

equation and explain your picture/thinking to a

family member: The girl picked 5 flowers. Three were purple and the rest were yellow. How many yellow flowers did the girl


Activity 2 Reading Create a list of words that have the word part "ing". Discuss how the words sound/look the same and different. Sort the words into groups of nouns (person, place, thing) and verbs (action). Ex: king, jumping

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about habitats on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


PE Activity Have family members put on

their favorite music and dance to it. What tempo is

the music?

PE Activity Teach someone some yoga poses. Here is a list of poses

your child may remember (star, happy baby, shark, crab, hot air balloon, bicycle, airplane) More poses can be found on the Cosmic Kids Yoga Youtube channel!

PE Activity During tv commercials do an exercise (jog in place, push

ups, sit ups)

PE Activity Lay a shirt on the ground.

Jump over it front and backwards. Then try side to side. Do each one 10 times. What is happening to your

heart when you're exercising? What about

when you stop?

PE Activity Play Simon says with

someone. Simon says...touch your knees, balance on one foot, march

in place)

Art activities: 1. Learn to draw Mo Willems style! Click HERE to watch his drawing times and draw them. If you can take a photo, email them

to Mr. Nik when you finish! 2. Go on a line hunt! What kinds of lines can you find? CLICK HERE to refresh the names of lines. Draw the things you find

and label them!. Social Emotional Activities:

1. Be a helper this week! Help someone at your home with something this week, then think about how helping someone made you feel. 2. Share how you are feeling with someone today! Start by saying "I feel _____ (use feelings like happy, sad, excited, angry, frustrated,

calm, tired, bored, etc) today because _____________." A feelings chart can be found in the resources folder.

Kindergarten Remote Learning - April



April Week 4 (27th - May 1)




Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

too, who, our

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing.

Record your observations about soap and bubbles

when washing your hands.

(see, hear, smell, touch, and maybe taste)

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about the best day ever! Use your transitional words in your story: One day/First,

Next, Then, Finally

Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion about your favorite season. Use this sentence starter: In my opinion, __ is the best season. I like __ because


Activity 1 Writing

Write "all about" one of your toys. What is it? What does it look like? What do you do with it?

How does it work?

Activity 2 Math

Count out 100 of something- you could count dried beans, pieces of grass, rocks, pieces of rice, etc. Use your 100s chart to help you keep


Activity 2 Reading Read two different books and compare and contrast them. Talk about similarities/ differences between the front cover, pictures, characters, setting, and events that happen in each book.

Activity 2 Social Studies Talk and read about different jobs in the community. How do those jobs help people? What job would you like to do?


Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture to match this story problem. Write an

equation and explain your picture/thinking to a

family member: Darius collects 4 rocks. One was bumpy and all the others were smooth. How many smooth rocks did Darius


Activity 2 Reading Create a list of words that have the word part "ee". Discuss how the words sound/look the same and different. Try to use the words in a sentence.

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about animals on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


PE Activity

Play red light/green light w/ someone. Remember

to "go" on green and "freeze" on red.

Remember to move different ways (walking,

running, skipping, galloping.)

PE Activity

Side slide from one side of the room to the other 5 times. (Remember your

feet go: step-together, step-together)

PE Activity

Go into every room in your home and balance on one leg for 5 seconds

PE Activity

Try and have a fruit or vegetable with every

meal today.

PE Activity

Point to and name as many parts of your body

as you can. Start with your head and work down

towards your feet.

Art activities: 1. Watch or read "Not a Box"by Antoinette Portis ( ). Can you find or draw a box? What can your

box be? Draw or build your box and include the sentence stem: "It's not a box, it's a ____ " 2. Read "Ish" by Peter H. Reynolds ( ). What brings you joy? Draw it! Practice

each day this week with different things that make you happy! Write a sentence or a poem about it to remember how it makes you feel.

Social Emotional Activities: 1. Practice yoga this week! See the online resources folder for pose ideas or watch an online youtube video (cosmic kids) for yoga and

mindfulness instruction

2. Use a calm down choice when you get upset this week! Remember it is okay to get upset and to have big feelings, we all do! Calm down choices include drawing a picture, taking deep breaths, reading a book, putting your head down, getting a drink, taking a walk, counting to 10, squeezing something, asking for a bear hug etc. A visual chart is in the resource folder.

Kindergarten Remote Learning - April


Digital Resources Math

Science/Social Studies/Art/PE

RAZ-Kids* Brainpop Jr* Scholastic Learn at Home PBS Kids Starfall

ABCya Khan Academy Cool Math 4 Kids IXL Splash Learn

Brainpop Jr* GoNoodle Art for Kids Hub Science Fun Experiments NatGeo Kids Cosmic Kids Yoga

Spanish Resources

Brainpop Espa?ol Brainpop Jr* Scholastic Learn at Home

* = Requires a teacher-created login. Reach out to your homeroom teacher if you do not yet have access.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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