Kindergarten Remote Learning - May

[Pages:5]Kindergarten Remote Learning - May

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

May Week 1 - (4th-8th)






Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

ate, eat, into

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing.

Record your observations about an

animal you can see outside.

(see, hear, smell, touch, probably not taste)

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about a time when someone made you feel special. What did they say or

do? Use your transitional words: One day/First, Next, Then,


Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion telling your least favorite

food to eat. Use this sentence starter: In my opinion _ is the worst

food. I don't like _ because _.

Activity 1 Writing

Write "all about" the clothes you are wearing today. What is it? What

color? What texture? Why did you choose to

wear it?

Activity 2 Math

Write your teen numbers 11-20 on small

pieces of paper. Mix your pieces of paper up, then put them in order.

Put them on the floor and jump along your "number line" while counting forwards and


Activity 2 Reading Read a fiction book and retell it using a fivefinger retell (characters, setting, beginning, middle, end). Who was the main character? What did they do? How did they feel? Be sure to tell the events in order.

Activity 2 Social Studies Draw and label a picture of 3 different types of transportation (or how you get from one place

to another)

Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture, write an equation and explain your thinking to this story problem: There were 6 bugs on the flower. 2 of the bugs were purple and the rest were green. How many bugs were green?

Activity 2 Reading Create a list of words that have a sneaky e, or _VCE pattern. These words have a long vowel, consonant, and silent e at the end. Ex: name, bike, rope

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest: mes/comparing_number_v


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about SPACE on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest: mes/counting_sorting_com


PE Activity Mirror, Mirror: Face your child and pretend to be a mirror. When you make a

movement your child should move exactly as you do. Like your reflection. Move slowly at first and

then go faster. When someone holds up there left hand, what hand does

the mirror hold up?

PE Activity Freeze Dance: Put on some lively music for you and your child to listen to. Pause the song every 1020 seconds and freeze like


PE Activity Stuck in the mud: Pretend your feet are stuck in the mud. How many ways can you move your body w/ out

moving your feet?

PE Activity Circus tightrope: Find straight lines for your child to walk on. This can be on a curb outside, or by putting tape down on the floor inside. What body parts that aren't your feet can you use to help


PE Activity Shake, Rattle and Roll: Grab opposite ends of a towel or pillowcase with

your child. Say, "shake,rattle and roll' and shake the towel.If you use an outdoor voice shake it

with really zbig movements, if you whisper

it, use slow movements.

Art Activity 1- Daily Drawing: A


Art Activity 1- Daily Drawing:

Favorite Animal

Art Activity 1- Daily Drawing: A musical instrument

Art Activity 1- Daily Drawing: Favorite book character

Art Activity 1- Daily Drawing: Favorite musician

1. Take a picture of your art if you would like to share with Mr. Nik! nik_arnoldi@ 2. Take a picture or video and share with Mr. Nik! nik_arnoldi@

Social Emotional Activities: 1. Watch a Second Step Video on Emotions!

Choose from any of these lessons or watch them all! Click where it says "direct video link"

2. Practice your breathing: Remember we just learned how to do some bee breaths, bubble breaths, and bunny breaths at our last Pee-Wee party, so practice those throughout your week. You can review those videos on go noodle or youtube. Additional breathing worksheets can be found in the resource folder.

Kindergarten Remote Learning - May

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

May Week 2 (11th-15th)






Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

please, her, his

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing.

Record your observations about a person in your family. (see, hear, smell, touch,

and maybe taste)

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about a time you got in trouble for something. What did

you do? What happened? Use your transitional words: One day/First, Next, Then,


Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion about your favorite part of

kindergarten. Use this sentence starter: In my

opinion, _ is the best part of kindergarten. I

like _ because _.

Activity 1 Writing

Write "all about" a bug that you have seen or know about. What is it called? What does it look like? What does it do? What does it eat?

Where does it live?

Activity 2 Math

Find 10 things in your house and place them in order from the shortest to the tallest (measuring the length). Then, place them in order from lightest to


Activity 2 Reading Read any book. Make a text to self connection by asking - What does this book make me think of from my own life? Explain to a family member the connection you made.

Activity 2 Social Studies Make a list of 5 things you might WANT. Make a list of 5 things you NEED. Wants are things that you would like to have, but needs are things that you must have in order to live safe and


Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture, write an equation and

explain your thinking to this story problem: Max picked

some flowers. 3 of them were yellow and 4 of them

were red. How many flowers did Max pick?

Activity 2 Reading Create a list of words that end in "ed". Discuss how the words sound/look the same and different. Draw a small picture and write a short sentence with the words to show you know what they mean Ex:walked, decided, looked

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest: mes/kindergarten_word_pr


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about PLANTS on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest:


PE Activity Popcorn! Utilizing a towel

or bedsheet, place soft items on top to simulate kernels of corn. When you say popcorn start shaking the towel/blanket/sheet in an effort to get all of the "kernels" of popcorn off of

the towel.

PE Activity Drink water or milk with

every meal.

PE Activity Can you? Using an item in your house can you have

your child show you different positions. For

instance: in front of, behind, next to, over,

under, around and between.

PE Activity Switcheroo! When you and

your family are being inactive, someone can call

out "switcheroo" and everyone needs to quickly

move to a new place.

PE Activity Circle Fun- Join your child

in creating circles using different body parts. What are some of the ways you

made a circle?

Art Activity 1-Drawing: Something from your dream place

to live or visit 2- Read the book Home

(YouTube). - What makes your home unique? Draw the things you love about your


Art Activity 1- Drawing: The moon

2- Collect found and natural objects (shoe

box, sticks, twigs, leaves, pebbles, rocks) to use for making your

small "home."

Art Activity Drawing: Self portrait 2- Using the found and

natural objects you collected, create a small

"home" to tell an imaginative story.

Art Activity Drawing: Favorite

animal 2- Same as yesterday

Art Activity Drawing: Something

old 2- Share the story of your small "home" with someone you love.

Social Emotional Activities: 1. Make a sensory bottle with an adult's help! Find an empty bottle (soda bottle, soap bottle, etc) fill half up with water, fill half up

with oil. Add food coloring, glitter or confetti for fun! Shake well and watch the bottle!

2. Practice asking for a break! Ask for a break when you need it, remember to set a timer for 2-3 minutes and when the timer goes off, get back to what you were doing!

Kindergarten Remote Learning - May

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

May Week 3 ? (18th-22nd)






Activity 1 Writing Write three sentences using the sight words: of, by, an

Activity 1 Writing Keep a science journal by writing or drawing. Record your observations about the weather outside today. (see, hear, smell, touch, and maybe taste)

Activity 1 Writing Write a true story about the best party you've ever attended. Where was it? What happened? Use your transitional words: One day/First, Next, Then, Finally

Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion telling your least favorite

sport/game. Use this sentence starter: In my opinion _ is the worst

sport. I don't like _ because _.

Activity 1 Writing Write "all about" one of your teachers. What is his/her name? What do they look like? What do they do with you? What do you know about them?

Activity 2 Math

Play "Flash" with a friend. With your hands behind

your back, make any number 1-10 with your fingers. Say flash and show your partner your fingersquick- then hide them again. Your partner must guess. Play over and over with different numbers

Activity 2 Reading Read a nonfiction book. What was the book mostly about? Explain to a family member 3 key details you learned from the book and show them what part of the book you learned it from (what page, in the words or pictures?).

Activity 2 Social Studies Watch a geography video on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 2 Math

Draw and label a picture, write an equation and

explain your thinking to this story problem: There were

11 kids at the park. 9 of them had to go home. How

many are still left at the park?

Activity 2 Reading Create a list of nouns that are plural, or mean more than one. How did you have to change the word to make it plural? How are the plural nouns similar and different? Ex: students, boxes, children

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest: mes/one_hundred_number


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about ENERGY on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest:


PE Activity Scarf Shapes: Use a scarf, plastic bag or napkin and

have your child make different shapes

(circle,square,triangle) or lines (straight,curved or


PE Activity Ballon Fun: If you have balloons, blow some up, put on some music and just

have some fun.

PE Activity Clean your room: Divide a

room in half and put an equal amount of light objects (socks, balloons, crumpled up paper) on each side. Have your child on one side and you on the other.Then turn on some music and while it plays, try and get all the items into the other persons side.

PE Activity Toss it High: Have your child practice tossing a ball or other item at low(barely rises from their hands), medium(height of their head) and high (above their

heads) heights.

PE Activity Toss and Count: Toss an object back and forth with your child. You can recite

the alphabet, count out loud, say the days of the

week or months of the year.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Favorite book

character 2- Read the book Beautiful

Oops! (YouTube). Use a torn piece of paper to create a beautiful oops.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Favorite

movie 2- With adult support, use juice, coffee, tea, or food

color to make a spill, a smudge, and a smear on

paper. Let the spill, smudge, and smear dry for

one day.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Someone you

love 2- Use your spill, smudge, and a smear to create your

beautiful oops art. See oops art example (image)

Art Activity 1- Drawing: water drops 2- Explore other ways to create oops art:What can a crumpled piece of paper

become? What about things that are recycled or thrown away? What can an

old shoe box become?.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Your pet 2- Same as yesterday

Social Emotional Activities:

1. Start your day by saying your declaration! "I am AMAZING" "I work HARD!" I can LEARN and do ANYTHING" " I WILL SUCCEED!" You can also say other affirmations such as "Today will be a good day!" "I look and feel good today" "I can do this!"

2. Share how you are feeling with someone today! Start by saying "I feel _____ (use feelings like happy, sad, excited, angry, frustrated, calm, tired, bored, etc) today because _____________." A feelings chart can be found in the resources folder.

Dear Kindergarten Families, below you will find a "calendar" of activities for you and your child to use each day while we embark on remote learning. Please see the digital resources at the end of the document for links to specific websites.

Kindergarten Remote Learning - May

May Week 4- (25th-29th)






Activity 1 Writing

Write three sentences using the sight words:

has, had, old

Activity 1 Writing

Keep a science journal by writing or drawing.

Record your observations about the different kinds of leaves you see outside. How

are they the same/different?

Activity 1 Writing

Write a true story about a memory from

kindergarten that you'll never forget. What

happened? Why was it so special?

Use your transitional words: One day/First,

Next, Then, Finally

Activity 1 Writing

Write your opinion about your favorite celebrity. Use this sentence starter: In my opinion,

__ is the best celebrity. I like __ because __.

Activity 1 Writing

Write "all about" remote/online learning. What is it like? What do you do each day? Why

are we doing it?

Activity 2 Math

Count out 100 of something- you could

count dried beans, pieces of grass, rocks, pieces of rice, etc. Use your 100s chart to help

you keep track.

Activity 2 Reading Read two different books and compare and contrast them. Talk about similarities/ differences between the front cover, pictures, characters, setting, and events that happen in each book.

Activity 2 Social Studies Draw your own map of

the world!

Activity 2 Math

Write your own addition story problem using:

8 + 4 = ___

Activity 2 Reading Create a list of adjectives to describe your year in kindergarten. What did it feel like, look like, etc.?

Make sure to draw and label a picture that matches!

Ex: challenging, exciting, fun, colorful

Activity 3 Reading Read a book on RAZ kids and take the quiz

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's some we suggest:


Activity 3 Science Watch a science video about FORCES on Brainpopjr and take the


Activity 3 Reading Complete an assignment on istation

Activity 3 Math

Play a math game online. Here's one we suggest: es/ducky_race_subtraction

PE Activity Roll and Bowl: Set up empty cereal boxes or water bottles and have your child roll a ball to knock over the containers.

PE Activity Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes: You and your child sit criss cross with an object in between you. When you name a body part your child and you touch that body part, however when you say the name of the object, you both quickly try and grab it. After someone wins,

put the object back in the middle and start over..

PE Activity Target Throwing: Practice the underhand toss with your child by having them toss objects into a target (like a box, crate or laundry

basket). To increase difficulty have them move

further away from the target.

PE Activity Make a beanbag by filling a

sock, sandwich bag or heavy duty balloon with dried beans or rice. Than

have your child walk around while balancing the beanbag on different body


PE Activity Record all the foods you ate

today. Then put them into these categories: Fruit,

Vegetables, Meat, Dairy or Grains.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Your favorite

drink 2- Listen to My Map Book by Sara Fanelli (YouTube) List all the things in your

home you could map.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Your fear 2- Choose a person, place, or thing to map.

Draw your map.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Favorite

candy 2- Label all the things you drew in your map. Share your map with someone in

your family.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Your favorite

artist 2- Now that you know how

to map, try a heart map (document). Start listing all

the people, places, and things in your heart.

Art Activity 1- Drawing: Favorite

memory 2- Use your list of all the people, places, and things in your heart to draw your

heart map (example)

Social Emotional Activities:

1. Think of a happy memory or a happy place. Now draw a picture or that memory/place and share it with someone you love! 2. Use a calm down choice when you get upset this week! Remember it is okay to get upset and to have big feelings, we all do! Calm

down choices include drawing a picture, taking deep breaths, reading a book, putting your head down, getting a drink, taking a walk, counting to 10, squeezing something, asking for a bear hug etc. A visual chart is in the resource folder.


Kindergarten Remote Learning - May

Digital Resources


Science/Social Studies/Art/PE

RAZ-Kids* Brainpop Jr* Scholastic Learn at Home PBS Kids Starfall

ABCya Khan Academy Cool Math 4 Kids IXL Splash Learn

Brainpop Jr* GoNoodle Art for Kids Hub Science Fun Experiments NatGeo Kids Cosmic Kids Yoga

Spanish Resources

Brainpop Espa?ol Brainpop Jr* Scholastic Learn at Home

* = Requires a teacher-created login. Reach out to your homeroom teacher if you do not yet have access.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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