Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment

Course Specification

OPTO 469 / Optometry Clinic II

Course Specification

For Guidance on the completion of this template, please refer to of Handbook 2 Internal Quality Assurance Arrangements

|Institution King Saud University |

|College / Department: College of Applied Medical Sciences / Optometry Department |

A Course Identification and General Information:

|1. Course title and code: OPTO 469 / Optometry Clinic II |

|2. Credit hours: 4 (0 + 4) |

| |

|3. Program(s) in which the course is offered. (If general elective available in many programs indicate this rather than list |

|programs): Optometry Program |

| |

|4. Name of faculty member responsible for the course: |

|5. Level/year at which this course is offered: Level 9 / 3rd Year |

| |

|6. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): OPTO 466 / Optometry Clinic I |

| |

|7. Co-requisites for this course (if any): N/A |

| |

|8. Location if not on main campus: N/A |

B Objectives

|1. Summary of the main learning outcomes for students enrolled in the course. |

| |

|This is the second and final clinical Optometry course. Under the supervision of faculty optometrists, optometry students will |

|examine patients and provide refractive care, students will learn to draw upon the information and skills acquired in prior |

|classes to solve oculo-visual problems. Additionally, patient management skills, record keeping, patient communications and |

|managing of office staff, patient education, professional standards, and proposals for services and equipment will also be |

|practiced in order to acquire more clinical competence. |

|2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented. (eg increased use of IT or |

|web based reference material, changes in content as a result of new research in the field) |

|-Using cooperative learning technique where students working in teams to accomplish an assigned task and produce a final product|

|(e.g., critical analysis and practical report) |

|-Course Assessment forms will be distributed to students by the end of each course to identify additional support requirements |

|by modifying session and learning plans as well as practical and training delivery. |

C. Course Description (Note: General description in the form to be used for the Bulletin or Handbook should be attached)

|1. TOPICS to be COVERED |No. of Weeks |Contact Hours |

|Clinical practice / Optometry clinics at King Saud University Teaching Hospital |10 |30 |

|and King Abdulaziz University Teaching Hospital | | |

|3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week. (This should be an average :for the semester not a |

|specific requirement in each week) |

|N/A |

|4. Development of Learning Outcomes in Domains of Learning |

|For each of the domains of learning shown below indicate: |

|A brief summary of the knowledge or skill the course is intended to develop; |

|A description of the teaching strategies to be used in the course to develop that knowledge or skill; |

|The methods of student assessment to be used in the course to evaluate learning outcomes in the domain concerned. |

|a. Knowledge |

|(i) Description of the knowledge to be acquired: |

|Students will go through clinical practice training by examining more patients in order to acquire more competence. |

|They will learn to be independent in their clinical decision drawing upon the information and skills acquired in prior classes to |

|solve visual problems. Additionally, patient management skills, record keeping, patient communications, managing of office staff, |

|patient education, professional standards will also be improved by this clinical practice. |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop that knowledge |

|- Take home assignments |

|- Weekly practical team work |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired |

|- Examination, quizzes, take home assignments, as well as practical skills evaluation and group discussion |

|b. Cognitive Skills |

|(i) Cognitive skills to be developed |

|- Critical thinking |

|-Problem solving |

|- Judgment call |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these cognitive skills |

|- Take home: Students will be given a clinical and practical problems that need to be solved. |

|- Clinical and practical group activity, in which the student will be required to engage |

|- They will be asked to demonstrate ability to understand the concept of the clinical examination. |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of students cognitive skills |

|- Take home: assignments need to be prepared, solved and will be evaluated accordingly. |

|- Practical topics related questions will be discussed in the format of a problem based learning and solution. |

|c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility |

|(i) Description of the interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be developed |

|- How to communicate with class mates, patients, instructors, and teaching staff. |

|- Teach students how to deal with different clinical problems related to the optometry clinics. |

|- Give assignments to students to search and review and developed their research skills |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills and abilities |

|Students will be pre-trained on simulating situations |

|Students will be assigned particular topics and will be held responsible |

|Students will be required to pre-practice the clinical examination required |

|Visual way of training will be implemented to expose students and familiarize them with the visual system abnormality that could |

|be encountered during the optometry clinic |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of students interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility |

|-Face to face direct evaluation of take home assignments & problems need to be solved and/or discussed. |

|- Extensive supervision by faculty optometrist during clinical practice to assure good quality and standard application of |

|clinical examination |

|d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills |

|(i) Description of the skills to be developed in this domain. |

|-How to manage the course assignment using different strategies |

|-How to use the course topic information in practical Optometry situation |

|-How to search and use the internet to cope with the course demand |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills |

|- Hands on training on different softwares like Microsoft office and specialized clinical programs |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of students numerical and communication skills |

|-Direct evaluation of take home projects & assignment and discussion need to be presented and/or discussed during clinical |

|practice |

|e. Psychomotor Skills (if applicable) |

|(i) Description of the psychomotor skills to be developed and the level of performance required |

|- Student should reflect the ability to perform proper critical thinking |

|- Student should be able to properly coordinate between previous lectures reviewing and knowledge about the clinical examination |

|they need to apply. |

|This information is helpful when evaluating patients clinical complaints related to visual system abnormality |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills |

|Visual demonstration of different aspect of clinical examination required for patient with ocular and visual complaints |

|Practical assignments where a specific time limit is given to the student to accomplish |

|Assignments where student should perform a critical thinking to solve clinical problems |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of students psychomotor skills |

|-Students will be evaluated using different assignments such as research and report |

|-Practical Examinations |

|-Student evaluation during clinic practice to ensure that student has mastered the clinical examination |

| |

|5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester |

|Assessment |Assessment task (eg. essay, test, group project, examination etc.) |Week due |Proportion of |

| | | |Final Assessment |

|1 |Weekly clinical Assignment on clinical cases |N/A |20 |

|2 |Final practical exam |15 |60 |

|3 |Weekly clinical evaluation |N/A |20 |

D. Student Support

|1. Arrangements for availability of faculty for individual student consultations and academic advice. (include amount of time |

|faculty are available each week) |

| |

|Each group of students is assigned to a particular faculty where he or she will provide academic counselling during specific |

|academic hours |

E Learning Resources

|Required Text(s): |

| |

|1. Clinical Procedures in Optometry, J.Boyd Eskridge, J.F. Amos and Jimmy D. Bartlett. (Published by J.b. Lippincott Co., 1991).|

|2. Primary Care Optometry 3rd Edition, Theodore Grosvenor, (Published by Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996). |

|3. The Ocular Examination: Measurements & Findings, K. Zadnik, (Published by W.B. Saunders Co., 1997) |

|4. The Optometric Examination: A Clinical Manual, 3rd Edition, W.S. Long,(Published by W.S. Long, Canada, 1996). |

|2. Essential References |

| |

|1- Physiology of the Eye, Hugh Davson, Published by Academic Press |

|4-.Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc |

| |

|5- Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards/regulations |

| |

|N/A |

F. Facilities Required

|Indicate requirements for the course including size of classrooms and laboratories (ie number of seats in classrooms and |

|laboratories, extent of computer access etc.) |

|1. Accommodation (Lecture rooms, laboratories, etc.) |

| |

|Optometry clinic |

|2. Computing resources: |

| |

|Data show projector & white screen |

|3. Other resources (specify --eg. If specific laboratory equipment is required, list requirements or attach list) |

|N/A |

G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes

|1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching |

| |

|-Student evaluation during clinic |

|-Direct evaluation of take home assignments & problems need to be solved and/or discussed. |

|-Periodical Examination and evaluation of assignments |

|2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Instructor or by the Department |

| |

|-End-of-course rating forms and written comments |

|-Evaluation of student learning, throughout the term |

|-Evaluation of course materials, such as syllabi, textbooks, handouts, assignments, graded exams, graded papers, etc. |

|3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching |

| |

|-Objectives of the programs will be periodically improved when they are changed so that they are more relevant to expected |

|outcomes. |

|-Continuous evolving and improving of the course materials, syllabus, teaching techniques and students evaluation methods |

|4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (e.g. check marking by an independent faculty member of a sample of |

|student work, periodic exchange and remarking of a sample of assignments with a faculty member in another institution) |

| |

|Department determines students’ progress by evaluating the existing course requirements, such as writing assignments, oral |

|presentations, or examinations, to measure student achievement, since students have more incentive to do their best work. |

|5 Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for improvement. |

|-Evaluating students' test results |

|-Evaluation Questions for Teaching Improvement for judging an instructor's general level of performance in comparison to other |

|teachers. |

|-End-of-course questionnaire asking students for specific responses about particular issues rather than a general evaluation of |

|the course |

| |

|Plans for improvements: |

| |

|-Staying current with the latest learning strategies |

|-Staying current with the new technologies and assess their relevance to the course |


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