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Dr. Badr Ahmed Habeebullah

King Abdulaziz University

College of Engineering

Department of Thermal Engineering & Desalination Technology

Curriculum Vitae

:Personal Details

Name: Badr Ahmed A. Habeebullah

Nationality: Saudi

Date of Birth: July,10,1959.

Place of Birth: Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Martial Status: married with 1 daughter & 3 Son's.

Academic Rank: Associate Prof.

Degrees with Fields, Institution & Dates

| |Ph.D. |Mechanical Engineering (Thermal), University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA, 1989. |

| |M.S. |Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 1984. |

| |B.S. |Mechanical Engineering (Thermal), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1981. |

Number of Years of Service at KAAU

1982-2008 (26 years)

Other Related Experience

1. 1989 – Assistant Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering, KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

2. 1990 – Deputy director of Academic Affairs and Training, College of Engineering, KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

3. 1992 – Director of Academic Affairs and Training, College of Engineering, KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

4. 1997 – Associate Professor, Department of Thermal Engineering, College of Engineering, KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

5. 1997 – Vice dean of Admission and Registration deanship. KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

6. 2000 – Vice director of Projects department, KAAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

7. 2002 – Dean of Admission & Registration, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

8. 2006 – Director of Technical Affairs, General Administration of University Campus, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

9. 2007-now – Director of Operation & Maintainance, General Administration of University Campus, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.


1. The Custodian Of Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj Research.

2. Fakieh Research Institute (Private).

3. KAU

4. King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST)

Institutional & Professional Service in Last Five years (examples)

|Director of Operation & Maintenance (2007 – present) |

|Project Manger for Central Utility Plant II (2004 - present) |

|Project Manger for A/C units Renovation (2007 - present) |

|Project Manager for Infrastructure Utility Lines (2001 - 2003) |

|Supervising many building renovation projects. |

|Project manager for building several new satellite campuses. |

|Head of Technical Committee for future utilities need for KAU (2005 - 2006) |

|Member of KAU Scientific committee for Strategic Technology (2008- present) |

Technical Experience Fields:

1. HVAC system's

2. Central cooling plants

3. Ice TES

4. Design of pipe network's

Research & Publications :

1. M.C. Branch, M.B. Habeebullah, F.N. Alasfour, A. Daghouch & H. Dindi, “Structure of Model Gas Phase Flames Associated with Nitramine Propellants: CH4, CH2O and CO with NO2, N2O and O2”, 26th JANNAF Combustion Mtg., 1989.

2. M.B. Habeebullah, F.N. Alasfour & M.C. Branch, “Structure and Kinetics of CH4/N2O Flames”, 23rd International Symposium on Combustion, P. 371, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, 1991.

3. Y.S. Najjar & M.B. Habeebullah, “Energy Conservation in the Refinery by Utilizing Reformed Fuel Gas and Furnace Flue Gas”, Heat Recovery Systems & CHP, Vol. 11, No. 6, PP. 517-521, 1991.

4. M.M. Elsayed, M.B. Habeebullah & O.M. Al-Rabghi, “Yearly-Averaged Daily Usefulness Efficiency of Heliostat Surfaces”, Solar Energy, Vol. 49, No. 2, August, 1992.

5. I. Olwi, M.B. Habeebullah & A.M. Khalifa, “Towards Convenient Solar Cooking: Experimental Results of an Indoor Model”, Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 35, No. 9, PP.973-979, 1994.

6. M. Akyurt, N.J. Lamfon, Y.S.H. Najjar, M.B. Habeebullah & T.Y. Alp, “Waste Heat Recovery Using Looped Heat Pipes”, 2nd Saudi Symposium on Energy, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1994.

7. M.B. Habeebullah , A.M. Khalifa & I. Olwi, “The Oven Receiver: An Approach Towards the Revival of Concentrating Solar Cookers”, Solar Energy, Vol. 54, No. 4, April, 1995.

8. M. Akyurt, Y.S.H. Najjar & M.B. Habeebullah, “Performance of a Heat Pipe Based Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization System for a Gas Turbine Engine”, Technical Note, Journal of the Institute of Energy, Vol. 68, PP. 80-84, June, 1995.

9. M. Akyurt, N.J. Lamfon, Y.S.H Najjar, M.B. Habeebullah & T.Y. Alp, “Modeling of Waste Heat Recovery by Looped Water-in-Steel Heat Pipes”, Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 16, No. 4, August, 1995.

10. Y.S. Najjar and M.B. Habeebullah, “Repowering of a Steam Power Plant by Using Fluidized Bed and Two-Shaft Gas Turbine Engine”, Journal of the Institute of Energy, PP.112-118, Vol. 69, June, 1996.

11. M.B. Habeebullah, M. Akyurt, Y.S.H Najjar and A.K. El-Kalay, “A Heat Pipe Assisted Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization System”, Transaction of Mechanical Engineering(Australia), Vol. ME22, No. 1 & No. 2, PP 55-59, 1997.

12. A. N. Al-Motlaq, I.E. Mehajed and M.B. Habeebullah, “Application of Steger-Warming Flux Vector Splitting(FVS) Method to Nozzle Flow Modeling”, The Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 2B, October, 1998.

13. M.B. Habeebullah, M. Akyurt, Y.S.H. Najjar & A.K. El-Kalay, “Experimental Performance of a Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization System with Looped Water-in-Steel Pipe”, Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 18(7), PP 595-607, 1998.

14. M.B. Habeebullah & G. M. Zaki, “Optimum Pipes Selection for Single Pump-Branching Distribution Systems”, Engineering Resource Journal, Vol. 76, PP 130-144, Helwan University, Faculty of Engineering, August, 2001.

15. M. Akyurt, G.M. Zaki & B. A. Habeebullah, “Freezing Phenomena in Ice-Water Systems”, Energy Conversion and Management 43, PP 1773-1789, 2002.

16. M.B. Habeebullah & G.M. Zaki, “ Optimal Pipelines Sizing for Distribution Systems with Draw-Off Stations”, the journal of KAAU, Engineering Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1. pp. 79-92, 2002.

17. M.B. Habeebullah, G. Zaki & A.M. Akyurt, “Prototype Device for Converting Freezing Energy into Mechanical Works”, Journal of Energy Conversion & Management 44, PP 251-265, 2003.

18. R.K. Jassim, B.A. Habeebullah & A.S, Habeebullah,"Exergy analysis of carrtover leakage irreversibilities of a power plant regenerative air heater", Journal of Power & Energy, Proceeding part A, Vol 218 No. A1, February 2004.

19. R.K.Jassim, B.A. Habeebullah, G.M. Zaki & T. Khir, "Exergy Analysis of Optimizations of An Ice Thermal Energy Storage Refrigeration Cycle", Proceeding of IMEC2004, International Mechanical Engineering Conference, December 5-8, 2004, Kuwait

20. R.K. Jassim, Tahar Khir, B.A. Habeebullah & G.M. Zaki, "Exergoeconomic Optimization of the Geometry of Continuous Fins on an Array of Tubes of A Refrigeration Air Cooled Condenser", Int. Journal of Exergy, Vol. 2, 2005.

21. B.A. Habeebullah, "Economic Feasibility of Thermal Energy Storage Systems: Application to Al-Haram Grand Holy Mosque Air Conditioning Plant", JKAU; eng. Sci., vol. 16, no. 2, pp: 55-82; 2006.

22. B.A. Habeebullah, "Economic Feasibility of Thermal Energy Storage Systems", Journal of Energy & Building., vol. 39, pp. 355-363, 2007.

23. B.A. Habeebullah,"An Experimental Study of Ice formation Around Horizontal Tubes", International Journal of Refrigeration, vol 30, pp. 789-797, 2007.

24. B.A. Habeebullah, " Potential of Use of Evaporator Coils for water extraction in Hot and Humid Areas" , Accepted for publication in the journal of Desalination..

25. B.A. Habeebullah & Galal M. Zaki, " Direct External Ice-On-Coil Storage Tanks for Buildings Load Management", Accepted for the 1st International Conference on Building and Energy and Environment (COBEE), Dalian, China, July 14-16, 2008.

Funded Projects:

1) “Laser-Induced Florescence Measurements of Radical Species of Flames of Methane-Nitrous Oxide and Formaldehyde-Nitrous Oxide”, Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado, 1989.

2) J.A. Sabbagh, M.B. Habeebullah, M.S. Aly & A.K. Abdullatif, “Extinction of Diffusion Flames as Applied to Oil Well Fire Fighting”, Final Report, Grant No. 410/196, March, 1992.

3) M.S. Al-Jiffry, Y.A. Al-Jiffry, R.A. Abu-Zenadah & B.A. Habeebullah, “Admission Policies in King Abdul Aziz University: An Analytical Study”, Grant No. , May 1997.

4) B.A. Habeebullah, M. Akyurt & G.M. Zaki, “Development of a working prototype of an Ice-Energy Converter”, The Fakieh Center for R&D, 2001.

5) B.A. Habeebullah & G.M. Zaki, "Ice Storage System for the Air-Conditioning Plant of Al-Haram Holy Mosque" Grant no. 108/424 KAAU, 2004.

6) B.A. Habeebullah, G.M. Zaki & R. Jassim, "Using Thermal Energy systems for Reducing Building's Air Conditioning Power Consumption" Grant no. 4001, Ministry of Water & Electricity, 2006.

7) B.A. Habeebullah, G.M. Zaki & Y. A. Al-Turki, "Study on Utilities Loading and Future Needs for King Abdulaziz University Campus-Jeddah", Grant no. 606/427 KAU, 2007.

8) B.A. Habeebullah, G.M. Zaki, M.M. Al-Hazmi & M. Akyurt, "Extraction of Water from Humid Atmospheric Air", The Fakieh Center for R&D, 2008.


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