KING'S STANLEY PARISH COUNCILParish Clerk – Carmel PonsfordTel: 07498066697 email MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING OF KING’S STANLEY PARISH COUNCIL held online via zoom on WEDNESDAY 24th March 2021 7.00pm Present: Cllr Lawrie Hall, Cllr John Graham, Cllr Wendy McNamee, Cllr David Owen, Cllr Wendy Weaver, Cllr Colin Vigar, Cllr Symon Parsley, Cllr Lesley Williams and Cllr Carol Bell-Pearce.In Attendance:, District Councillor’s Steve Lydon and Studdert-Kennendy, County Councillor Steve Robinson and Parish Clerk Carmel Ponsford.31/21.Public Participation Session – Time allocated for this session is 15minutes. (No decisions can be made on issues raised unless the issue is on the agenda) No public in attendance32/21. To receive apologies for absenceNone received.33/21. To receive any declarations of interest from MembersS.21/0626/FUL Cllr’s Parsley and hall know the applicant.S21/0485/FUL Cllr’s Graham and Parsley know applicant34/21. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on WEDNESDAY 24th February 2021Approved.35/21. To receive and update from ‘The Door’ on proposed youth project investigation in Kings Stanley and agree actions.It was confirmed that the door will start their investigative work from Monday 12th April. The Door will forward some posters and information to be posted on social media and the website so that we can alert the public of what’s going on. A total of 10 hours will be used to interact with the youth of Kings Stanley, Leonard Stanley and Selsley to help create an action plan to help move potential projects forward. Once evidence has been collated, representatives from the door will meet with both Parish Councils again to discuss the next stages of the project.Councillors from both PC’s gave places/times young people from the villages gather to help youth worker Willow with her investigations.KSPC thanked members from Leonard Stanley and the door for joining the meeting.36/21.To receive updates/reports from the County and District Councillors County Cllr Robinson informed council a site visit had taken place at ‘New Road Selsley’ and work was scheduled for this financial year. If council still wanted to suggest moving the footpath then we should send it in to Paul Helbrow formally in writing, via the clerk.A site visit had taken place at Tess Wheeler’s farm where it was agreed the drains/gulleys needed urgent attention and this was the responsibility of GCC. Updates will follow when work commences.It was also noted more bins are needed so KSPC agreed to place on next months agenda.GCC has put 1 million pounds into Gloucestershire re-start fund for coming out of COVID as well as another 10k for highways.A request was made for car debris to be looked into on the Selsley/Frocester junction and County Cllr Robinson said he would chase this up.The issue with potholes was raised as to why only one was being done at a time and not all the potholes in the same area. Cllr Robinson explained unless they are a minimum of 4 inches deep, highways cant repair them.District Cllr Lydon reported that several policies passed unanimously including climate change & equality and diversity. The clerk will investigate climate change options available to Kings Stanley with help of Councillors and put some information on the website.The vaccination program is still going well and Gloucestershire remains once of the best areas in the country.The draft local plan goes to full council on 29th April for a 3 month consultation.Finally, a formal enquiry has been opened into why Cheltenham festival was allowed to go forward last year. 37/21.Financial Issues:All payments were agreed. The clerk has updated the finance policy and council agreed changes. This will now go onto the website.38/21.To receive the Clerk's Report and any correspondence received.The report was accepted. It was proposed and agreed by majority vote, that a sign near to the bridle way entrance on the Cotswold way was to be removed until further notice and stored at Cllr Grahams address.39/21. Planning: S21/0626.FUL Land at The Stores High St KSWhilst it will be visible it seems unlikely to be intrusive. The concern of Kings Stanley Parish Council is whether it is over-development of the site. We presume that Gloucestershire Highways will comment on whether the visibility for vehicles leaving the property is adequate. We would like to impose a condition on this item if permitted 'It is imperative that any vehicles involved with constructing the building do not on any account park on Kings Stanley Village Green, which is opposite the site'.S21/0485/FUL Change of use of an outbuilding to a dwelling. 1 Daffodil Leaze Middleyard KSNo commentS21/0329/LBC Rose Cottage Old Church Lane Selsley. Split the upper bedroom into two and make an openable window. No comment.S21/0008/FUL Conversion of Cider Barn. Revised.The revision is very minor (clarifying boundaries). Kings Stanley Parish Council are concerned that access to the development is via a narrow track and that additional vehicles approaching and leaving it will be excessive. We also believe that if permitted, work should be done to improve the visibility of vehicles turning right into Broad Street.40/21.To receive updates on the May elections and agree actions.It was agreed that Wednesday 28th April would be the annual parish meeting alongside our normal meeting and will take place online. It was also agreed to book in the annual meeting with the village hall and adapt if guidelines change.All councillors were reminded that the clerk can provide electoral numbers for their proposers, if they are standing and that all papers will be collected by the clerk over easter weekend to take to SDC on 7th April at 9.00.41/21. To receive updates on ‘operation bridges’ and agree updates.The clerk will prepare pictures for the website in case of the death of a member of the royal family. The picture will be placed in the centre picture on the website from day of death until the day of the funeral. This was all agreed.42/21. To review KSPC policy documents and standing orders including a verbal report from The Chair and agree actions.It was agreed the clerk would review all of these policies and present to council in May.43/21. To review the Clerks salary (the clerk to be placed in the waiting room) and agree actions. This is a confidential item and there for no members of the public can be present.Council agreed to raise the clerks wage by 2 spinal points after a vote was taken and it was adopted with majority vote.44/21.Councillors' Submissions (for notice of forthcoming events or reminders, not for discussion)Cllr Owen will put some words together to send to wales and west with reference to the damaged they caused to council land.A request was made to place a camera on the corner of the Co-op and this will be adeed to next months agenda.45/21.To confirm date of the next meeting and location inline with COVID guidelinesWednesday 28th April. This will include the annual parish meeting.Meeting closed at 9.21pm ................

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