Snack Shop Planning Sheet - Mrs. Richter- Family ...

Snack Shop

The FACS Track!


Snack Shop Business Plan

Snack shop schedule for this quarter:

Planning Days ____________________ ______________________

Food Production Day __________________

Selling Day ___________________

You are going to form a company that sells a snack and possibly a beverage. You have $8.00 to work with and can take out a loan (with interest) if you choose to. Listed below are the decisions you need to make as a group. Record your group’s decisions below.

1. What snack will you be selling at your store? _____________________

2. If any, what flavor of Kool-Aid will you be selling? _______________________

3. Choose officers for your company using the job descriptions on the back of this sheet.

Finance Manager: __________________

Advertising Manager: __________________

Cook 1: _______________

Cook 2: _______________

Cook 3: _______________

4. What is your company name? ________________________________________

5. What are you going to use for advertising? ________________________________

6. What will your snack and beverage cost?

Snack: ______________________ Beverage: ________________________

7. Why did you choose these prices? ______________________________________


***You will be graded (100 points possible) on the following items:

• Paperwork (Business Plan, Expense Sheet, Loan and Final Balance, Final Settlement, and Work Schedule) (20 points)

• Advertising (10 points)

• Food Production Day (10 points)

• Selling Day ( 20 points)

• Cooperation and teamwork (20 points)

• Evaluation (20 points)


Job Descriptions

Finance Manager:

• Has a calculator available

• Organize a budget for completion by all

• Complete loan sheet if needed

• Organize money on selling day

Advertising Manager:

• Creative and artistic

• Good speller

• Design and complete the poster and other advertisements

• Set up poster on selling day


• Experienced in the kitchen

• Can read and follow recipes

• Organize and direct the cooking tasks

• Organize cleaning up



|Cookie mix |$2.49 | |

|Brownie mix |$1.99 | |

|¼ cup margarine |$0.15 | |

|1 stick margarine |$0.33 | |

|1 cup sugar |$0.35 | |

|3 Tbsp. vegetable oil |$0.10 | |

|1/3 cup vegetable oil |$0.15 | |

|½ cup powdered sugar |$0.25 | |

|1 egg |$0.16 | |

|1 tsp. vanilla |$0.07 | |

|½ cup peanut butter |$0.55 | |

| | | |

|1 cup chocolate chips/chocolate chunks/butterscotch |$1.99 | |

|chips | | |

|1 ½ cups M&M’s/Reese’s Pieces |$2.29 | |

|1 cup raisins |$0.50 | |

|6 cups Rice Krispies cereal |$2.49 | |

|9 cups Chex cereal |$2.99 | |

| | | |

|1 bag marshmallows |$1.09 | |

|Lemonade (12 oz. frozen concentrate) |$1.49 | |

|Orange juice (12 oz. frozen concentrate) |$2.29 | |

|Kool Aid (unsweetened) |$0.25 | |


|Paper cups |$0.02 each | |

|Napkins |$0.01 each | |

|Table |$1.00 | |


|Small poster |$0.10 | |

|Medium poster |$0.15 | |

Expense Sheet

Name of your company: _________________________________________________________________

Company Employees: __________________________________________________________________

Food Supplies (include amounts) Cost

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

Other Supplies

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________

______________________________ ________________________


______________________________ ________________________


______________________________ _________________________

GRAND TOTAL: ____________________

Loan and Final Balance Sheet

If you are going to take out a loan, fill out the whole sheet. If you do not need to take out a loan, fill out just the bottom portion of this sheet.

Loan information

Add the amount over $8.00 with the interest and that will give you the total amount of the loan.

Grand total of expenses: _____________________

Amount over $8.00(amount needed to borrow): _________________

10% of that amount borrowed (interest): _________________

Total amount of loan (amount over $8.00 + interest): _________________

All company members sign below:







Final Settlement

This portion is to be completed in the final day of snack shop.

Total amount of cash taken in on Selling Day: ……...+ ________________

Amount of cash for change:…………………………...– ________________

Amount of loan with interest:………………………….– ________________

Profit:…………………………………………….= ________________


Use the space above to create an example of an advertisement for your business.

This advertisement will then be transferred to a larger poster and will be set up at your selling table. It should be eye catching and draw the customers to your table.

***Use the questions below to plan and develop your advertisement.

• What is the name of your business?

• What is the product?

• What is the price of the product?

• What is the consumer’s incentive to buy this product?

Work Schedule

|Job |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |

| |Goal: Complete Business Plan |Goal: Complete Expense Sheet |Goal: Produce product in |Goal: |

| |(pg.1) and Work Schedule |(pg.5), Loan and Final Balance |kitchen |Organize for selling |

| |(pg.8) |Sheet (pg.6), and Advertisement | |day. |

| | |(pg.7) | |Who does what? |

|Finance Manager | | | | |

|Ad. Manager | | | | |

|Cook 1 | | | | |

|Cook 2 | | | | |

|Cook 3 | | | | |



Business Plan

Job Descriptions

Price List

Expense Sheet

Loan and Final Balance Sheet


Work Schedule



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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