Kuwait University

Kuwait University

College for Women (CFW)

Department of Information Science

The Contract (Course Outline and Syllabus)

ISC 340 Web Programming

Instructor: Dr. Jehad Al Dallal (jaldallal@, Room 28)

Term: Summer 2009-2010

Day & Time: Sunday - Thursday 1:20-2:20

Location: Adeleyah campus, Building 1, Room 202

Office Hours: Mon, Tue, and Wed 12:20-1:20.

Course Catalog Description

The course introduces the fundamental concepts and tools for programming Web sites. Topics include the basics of HTML, page creation, forms, dynamic HTML, SGML, and XML.

Prerequisite: ISC 241

Textbook: H.M. Deitel, Internet & World Wide Web, Pearson, 4/e, 2008

Course Topics:

1. Unit #1: Introduction to Computers and the Internet (Chapter 1)

2. Unit #2: Web Browser Basics (Chapter 2)

3. Unit #3: Introduction to XHTML (Chapter 4)

4. Unit #4: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (Chapter 5)

5. Unit #5: Java Scripts (Chapters 6-11)

6. Unit #6: XML (Chapter 14)

Course Learning Outcomes

1. State and apply syntaxes of HTML and XML

2. Apply style sheets emphasizing accessibility issues in web page development

3. State the technological differences between static web sites and dynamic web sites

4. Practice and use web development tools such as Visual Studio and Front Page in order to gain web programming skills

5. Develop a dynamic website including a term project as a team

6. Demonstrate effective communication skill in the preparation and presentation of final project.

Assessment Methods

(( Tests, quizzes, and project ( ( Homework

Grading Policy:

Assignments* 5%

1st Midterm 12.5%

2nd Midterm 12.5%

Lab Quizzes and Exercises 20%

Project 10%

Final Exam 40%

Total 100%

*Late assignments are penalized at the rate of 10% per day. However, assignments will not be accepted at all after solutions have been made available. Copying is not allowed.

Midterms and Final Exam Dates

|Exam |Date |Time |

|Mid-Term #1 |Thursday July 8, 2010 |1:20-2:15 |

|Mid-Term #2 |Sunday July 25, 2010 |1:20-2:15 |

|Final Exam |Monday August 9, 2010 |11:00-1:00 |

ISC 340 Web Programming

Course Calendar

Summer 2009-2010

|Thursda|Wednesday |Tuesday |

|y | | |

| | |( |( |( |( |( |6 |

|GE |1. Creative Expression | | | | | | |

|Learnin| | | | | | | |

|g | | | | | | | |

|Outcome| | | | | | | |

|s | | | | | | | |

| |2. Culture & Society | | | | | | |

| |3. Language & Communication | | | | | |H |

| |4. Leadership Competency | | | | |H | |

| |5. Science, Health, & Technology |H |H |L |H | | |

College Learning Outcomes

| | |Course Learning Outcomes |

| | |( |( |( |( |( |6 |

|College |1. Info. Literacy & Communication | | | | | |H |

|Learning | | | | | | | |

|Outcomes | | | | | | | |

| |2. Information Technology |H |H |L |H | | |

| |3. Crit. Thinking & Problem Solving | | | | | | |

| |4. Leadership & Teamwork | | | | |H | |

| |5. Global Awareness | | | | | | |

ISC Program Learning Outcomes

| | |Course Learning Outcomes |

| | |( |( |( |( |( |6 |

|Program|1. Problem Id. & Analysis | | | | | | |

|Learnin| | | | | | | |

|g | | | | | | | |

|Outcome| | | | | | | |

|s | | | | | | | |

| |2. Problem Solving |H |H | | | | |

| |3. Info. Tech. & their Applic. |H |H |L |H | | |

| |4. Systems Princip. & Practices | | | | | | |

| |5. Technical Communications | | | | | |H |


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