Introduction .kw

Capstone Project Intermediate Report ISubmitted to Computer Science DepartmentCollege of Computing Sciences and EngineeringKuwait UniversityAdvisor[Advisor Name]Group Members [Student Name] [Student ID] {Group Leader}[Student Name] [Student ID] {Member}[Student Name] [Student ID] {Member}[Student Name] [Student ID] {Member}Date of submissionTable of contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc416252569 \h 32.System Requirements PAGEREF _Toc416252570 \h 32.1.Requirements Elicitation Approach PAGEREF _Toc416252571 \h 32.2.Requirements Specification PAGEREF _Toc416252572 \h 33.System Architecture and Design PAGEREF _Toc416252573 \h 34.Developed Artifacts PAGEREF _Toc416252574 \h 35.Current Issues PAGEREF _Toc416252575 \h 45.1.Design Challenges PAGEREF _Toc416252581 \h 45.2.Risk Management PAGEREF _Toc416252582 \h 45.3.Newly Discovered Risks PAGEREF _Toc416252583 \h 46.Plan of the Next Stage PAGEREF _Toc416252584 \h 47.Summary PAGEREF _Toc416252585 \h 4References PAGEREF _Toc416252586 \h 4Appendices PAGEREF _Toc416252587 \h 4IntroductionAn overview of the document, the project, and the progress made so far.System Requirements Requirements Elicitation ApproachA discussion on the elicitation approach used (e.g., interviews). Requirements SpecificationA description of the user and system requirements elicited so far. System Architecture and Design An architecture of the system to be developed. The architecture is specific to your system and may be based on existing architectural styles. Include the style used in the appendix. Developed ArtifactsArtifacts developed so far. In case of incremental or agile projects, by this time, the team may have design documents, code, or testing cases.Current Issues Design Challenges Challenges currently faced and anticipated solutions, challenges resolved so far Risk ManagementRisks resolved so far. Newly Discovered RisksNewly discovered risks and their resolutions.Plan of the Next StageDescribe changes to the original plan (if any), and the plan for the next stage. SummaryA summary of what has been achieved so far.References A reference list created using the built-in functions to be compatible the APA format. Appendices ................

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