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1. Data trends in allocations; transfers and actual expenditure The School Nutrition Programme was transferred to the Dept of Education or the 1st April 2004. It is, therefore, only possible for Dept of Education to account for the year 2004/5

Financial year as shown below :

|Financial Year |Allocation to the Province |Transferred amount |Actual Expenditure |

|2004/2005 |181 420 000 |181 420 000 |186 158 026 |

Over-expenditure : R4739 026 -00

2. Department's Monitoring capacity for the past performance 2004/5 financial year

2.1 Financial Monitoring

- When the KZN Dept of Health transferred the programme to the Dept of Education, it declared upfront that it had operated on over expenditure of approx R20million.The DOH had supplemented the conditional grant from its Provincial Allocations. This resulted in the DOE already having to operate on a deficit budget on the 1 April 2004 resulting in an over expenditure of R 4 739 026 for the 2004/2005 financial year

- The Dept was able to raise R15million to reduce the R20 million which was originally the deficit

- Although the Province has incurred actual expenditure of R135 840 665 at the 31 March 2005 on the PSNP an additional amount of R50 317 361 was also expended after the end of the financial because feeding was done up to the end of March month. : Sometimes there are delays by Suppliers in submitting claims and hence some claims could not processed in time. Although these claims related to feeding during March 2005 they could only be captured on BAS during April 2005. (Refer to table below for the breakdown of the R50 317 361)

- At this stage the financial year was closing at the BAS system had to cop< with massive volumes by users causing the system to slow down drastically and at most instances a single payment took up to 5 minutes to capture.

- The Table below indicates a breakdown on of the expenditure of R50 317 361 which is not reflected in the expenditure as at the 31 March 2005


Mechanisms in place to deal with Over-Expenditure

- The Provincial DOE has developed a targeting strategy which is in line with that of the National DOE that focuses on the neediest schools that fall within Quintiles one and two. This implies that the DOE will make allocations to schools up to the maximum of the conditional grant thereby preventing any over-expenditure

- The DOE has developed an application process which involves the management of both the Provincial and District levels in the disbursement and allocation of funds to schools and service providers. This measure enforces accountability and prevents over-expenditure

- A DOE has developed a Provincial Database of participating schools including their monthly and yearly allocations. Information and reports are easily extracted for decision making and operational planning which includes expenditure and budget control

Monitoring mechanisms

- The DOE monitors the Programme to determine whether the objectives as reflected on the Business Plan and the National Guidelines are achieved

- The DOE monitors the PSNP to ascertain quality assurance related to health and hygiene standards. This includes deviations from the prescribed menu and defaulting service providers

- Monitoring commences at the Head Office (both National and Provincial), then it filters down to the Districts. At the District level the DOE has fielded workers who are responsible for the monitoring each circuit within respective District. Each field worker uses a monitoring tool designed for this purpose. The District thereafter submits a monthly report of the monitoring to the Provincial Office on a monthly basis. Information from these reports are then used to compile a composite PSNP report which is then submitted to the National Office.

3. Monthly Reports

Monthly reports are submitted to the National Department of Education

4. Business Plans

The Business Plans are developed and approved for each Financial year and thereafter they


Report on HIV and AIDS Education Conditional Grant for Public Hearings on Conditional Grants

Question 1

Trends In Allocations, Transfers And Actual Expenditure On ECG HIV For 2002/3, & 2003/4.

[pic] Under expenditure for 2002-3

Under expenditure for 2002-3 Financial Year

Permission for rollover was obtained towards the end of the financial year and moreover the activities had not been budgeted for, for this financial year. Question 2

Monitoring capacity and past performance for the financial year 2004/5

- As a Department we have the capacity to monitor the achievements of the objectives of the HTV and AIDS Education Conditional Grant. Provincial and district coordinators hold monthly meetings where reports on expenditure and activities conducted are submitted to ensure that all the conditions of the grant are adhered to as indicated in the Division of Revenue Act

- Head Office HIV/AIDS coordinators regularly liaise with the budget section to reconcile cash flow and expenditure reports

- Support visits are done to districts to ensure that everything is done according to the approved Business Plan

- Over expenditure that is reflected in the financial year is negligible because it only amounts to 1.7% of the total budget. As part of corrective measures we will in future closely monitor the commitment registers to ensure that no over expenditure will be incurred

- The bulk of the funds for this financial year were committed but not captured in our financial systern due to the fact that there were serious logistical problems with the movement of the provincial capital from Ulundi to Pietermaritzburg during the course of the year. These resulted in the serious delays in capturing of funds through BAS and hence BAS reflects the expenditure of only R14 733 287 instead of R 29 683 000. As the Department is now well settled in Pietermaritzburg and all systems are in place to capture payments ,there will be no delays in capturing payments in future.

Question 3

Provincial monthly reports are sent to the National Department of Education.

Question 4

Business Plans

Business Plans are developed and approved for each financial year.


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