Clover Sites


Sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, welcome to the house of the Lord! Greet one another in Christian love.

UBC Mission Statement

To bring people to Jesus Christ and into the fellowship of His family, teaching and equipping them to serve in the church and be a living witness to the world for the purpose of glorifying God.

Morning Worship 9:00 & 11:00 AM

Thank You, Creator God, for a summer day on which to celebrate

Your wonders and praise Your name.


Call to Worship (11AM Only) “Colossal Coaster World” VBS Children

“Stand Strong” VBS Children

(9AM Only) “Forever”

Welcome & Announcements & Greeting


Song of Praise “Everlasting God”

“How Great is Our God”

Time of Tithing and Sacrificial Offering

Special Music

Bible Message – Dr. Kevin Milburn Acts 1:8

“Witness: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the Ends of the Earth”

Invitation “My Jesus, I Love Thee”

Presentation of Decisions / Closing


Evening Worship 6:00 PM


Welcome & Prayer

Worship in Song

Bible Message – Bro. Rick Robbins, NKBA Director of Missions

Closing Prayer

~Child Care~

TODAY 9AM: Babies in 2’s & 3’s class 11AM: Soucy Family

PM: Bobbie Craddock

No Wednesday evening nursery provided for summer

Jun 30 9AM: Babies in 2’s & 3’s class 11AM: Donaldson Family

PM: No PM Service or Activities

~Children’s Church Workers~

Today 2–3 Yrs 9 AM: John & Mechelle Wolfe 11 AM: Jen & Ryan Fossett

Age 4 – grade 2 (only) 11 AM: Phil & Stacie Rutar


Jun 30 2–3 Yrs 9 AM: Belinda T. & Mollie W. 11 AM: Carrie W. & Raegan K.

Age 4 – grade 2 (only) 11 AM: Phil & Stacie Rutar


Greeters Today: Michelle McG & Sara Spicer Jun 30: Ray & Barbara Beatty

Welcome Center: Shirley McC & Linda Zehnder Jun 30: Janet & Elmer Powers

Sound Booth: 9 AM: Jim & Ty 11 AM: Dave & Paul

Upper Room Prayer: Rich Miller & Dan Skimerton

Deacons on Call: Paul Stephenson, 384-7874 & Larry Stone, 384-0003

The City of Union will celebrate THIS FRIDAY, 28th with a parade ending at the Community Center. As in previous years, the Outreach Team is sponsoring FREE DRINKS to those attending, to show the love of Christ in a practical way. If you can help with set up, please come to lower parking lot at 6pm, and if you can help distribute the drinks please come at the end of the parade.

The entire church is invited to participate in this cookout! Come to church dressed casual and comfortable or bring a change of clothes to be ready to fellowship over lunch. The church will provide the burgers, hotdogs, buns and drinks. We ask each family to bring (3 items): side dishes, salads and/or desserts. Also, bring your lawn games to enjoy after the meal and lawn chairs to watch the festivities. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board, please sign up to aid in our planning.

A team of 9 people are going to Port Au Prince, Haiti, July 5-13th! Please, pray for the team members, and also pray God will prepare the way, and the hearts of those they will come in contact with.

Life in Haiti is no picnic, but you can help make things a little easier by donating items for our Haiti Mission Team to take to the Orphanage, or use in the Medical Clinic or at VBS. The Haiti Mission Team will be leaving on July 5th. Please check out the picnic basket near the Welcome Center for specific donation requests. Please make sure to bring your donations to church as soon as possible and no later than the Church Picnic on June 30. If you have questions, please contact Barb Miller at 859-496-5829. As we prepare to send our Mission Team to share the love of Christ in Haiti, let’s FILL THE BASKET to OVERFLOWING to show our thanks for all God has provided for our UBC family!



Welcome to UBC! June 23, 2013

Keeping the Vision: Reaching People for Christ

Today’s Worship

11AM ONLY: Children Ages 4 – Grade 2 are dismissed for Children’s Church. Please, have them come to the front to be escorted to their class. Parents: After service, you will need to pick up children from the Heartland upstairs. They will NOT be dismissed without you.

Serving the Lord Today…

Haiti Mission Trip: July 5–13

Pick up UBC Prayer Bulletin & Newsletter at Welcome Center


KY Raceway Ministries

If you are a first time guest, please, stop by the Welcome Center

to receive a Thank You gift for visiting with us today.

(NEXT SUNDAY…….Please, ‘drop off’ all sides/salads/desserts at the pavilion prior to attending Sunday School & Church.

Please do NOT take to kitchen area(

This week (Mon-Fri) UBC Youth will be attending Mission Fuge Camp at the University of Cumberlands, Willamsburg, KY

Please pray for traveling grace, and for the youth and chaperones attending.

Student Ministry Calendars are available! Pick one up from the table outside the youth room, or at the Events desk in the Narthex.

KRM is a Christian organization dedicated to serving the racing community in Sparta, KY. The volunteers minister to tens of thousands of race fans inside the racetrack and those staying in the surrounding campgrounds. This is a locally based interdenominational ministry which is present at every racing event, bringing Christ to the masses, showing that we care about the spiritual needs of the people who visit our area.


UBC’s Larry Stone is a Team Leader of KY Raceway Campground Ministries.


Many Types of Donations are Needed:

• Volunteers: (4) ministry tents to staff

• Donations to Purchase Bibles: KRM’s goal is to distribute 10,000 New Testaments this year-$50 per case of 24.

• Other Donations: Cases of Dasani water (Coke is a sponsor); cases of ‘generic’ water; coffee station supplies (cups, sugar, sweetener, creamer, paper towels); homemade cookies (4 per baggie w/scripture verse); kids party type toys & crafts supplies (Biblical if possible)

• Monetary Donations: To purchase cases of Bibles; for fuel to run generators for tents; various sundries to give away (travel/sample size of…sunscreen, lip balm, peanuts, trail mix, cheese crackers, candies, rain ponchos…)

Your Purchase or Donations to RACEWAY MINISTRY is a Tax Deductible Contribution. (You may give to UBC, marking envelope for “KY

Raceway Ministry”)



With any Questions or

to Volunteer

You can go to our website, and find a link to our facebook page or look us up on facebook. Go there and “Like” us. You will get all the latest and greatest news and information about UBC! ... Sermon Series, News, Updates on upco on upcoming events and inspirational content.

Tell your friends too!

Decision Information

(Please complete name, address & information on other side and check all that apply below. Tear off and place in the offering plate. Thank you!)

π I am making a first-time commitment to Christ.

π I am renewing my commitment to Christ.

π I am interested in being baptized.

π I am interested in becoming a member of this congregation.


π I would like to speak with a minister.

π I would like a personal visit from a minister or deacon.

π I would like more information on the church.

π I would like contribution envelopes.

Prayer Requests:




Add to Printed Prayer List:



Requested by: __________________

Remove name from prayer list:



For Haiti


I will commit to serve in areas below as checked…

Baby Nursery 9am____ 11am____

2-3 yrs old 9am____ 11am____

Age 4-Gr 2 9am____ 11am____

Anywhere Needed:

9am____ 11am____



Union Baptist Church

P.O. Box 194; 1985 Mt. Zion Road,

Union, KY 41091

Office: 859.384.3855 Fax: 859.384.7405

CHURCH PICNIC – Next Sunday, June 30th at Noon

Free Drinks for Union Parade THIS FRIDAY, 28th

“Like” us on FaceBook!

Greeters & Welcome Center


“Team Haiti”

Departs for Haiti

5th thru 13th


Senior Adult Picnic 6pm at The Powers’ home





Haiti team returns


……for our…..

July 2


Mission Fuge Camp

Williamsburg KY


…..Haiti team…..

July 3


Mission Fuge Camp

Williamsburg KY


Outreach Meeting 6pm


4 Independence Day!

Church Office Closed

Deaf Min Picnic

at Pavilion



Mission Fuge Camp

Williamsburg KY


Return from

Mission Fuge Camp

Williamsburg KY


FREE DRINK Give Away for Union parade


……to pray…….

July 1

A Special love offering for our Haiti Team will be received next Sunday morning, 30th to help with expenses


Church Picnic

At Noon at Pavilion

Sign up please!

No Evening activities









8:00 AM

Deaf Ministry Fellowship

9 AM & 6 PM

Truck Stop Chapel Service

@ Florence TA

9:00 & 11:00 AM

Morning Worship

10:00 AM

Bible Study

6:00 PM

Evening Worship

7:00 PM

Adult Choir Practice


8:30 AM @ UBC

Morning Prayer

6:30 PM @ UBC

Pray Until Something Happens


6:30 PM

Deaf Ministry Bible Study

7:00 PM

Adult Bible Study

8:15 PM

Praise Band/Team Practice


8:30 AM @ UBC

Morning Prayer


9:00 AM @ UBC

Morning Prayer

10:00 AM

(2nd Sat. of Month)















Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Attendance Last Week

Sunday School Small Groups 199

Morning Worship Service (9:00am) 103 (11:00am) 191


Stewardship, Jun 16th

TOTAL Rec’d $ 11,943.04

Debt Reduction/Bldg Fnd…......... 150.00

Wed night ofgs…………………… 11.00

Truck Stop…………………………. 21.00

Youth Camp Payments………….. 225.00

Haiti trip support………………….. 455.00

Kroger Community Rewards…… 225.10

Haiti Ministry Donation…………. 150.00

Hispanic Pastor offering………… 150.00

VBS donation…………………….. 00.00

Haiti (Food for Orphanage)…….. 150.00

Deaf Ministry……………………… 5.00

General Ofg’s $ 10,400.94

Wkly Gen. Off. Needs $ 10,637.00

Tot. Gen. Off. Rec’d YTD $ 287,482.00

Bdgt. /Gen. Off. Needs YTD $ 255,288.00

Total Receipts YTD $ 370,604.65


God’s Plan for Your Life

Are you certain you have eternal life and will go to Heaven when you die? What would you say if you were standing before God right now and He asked you, “Why should I let you into My Heaven?”

God’s Purpose: God loves us and has a purpose for our lives. The Bible says it this way: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16)

Our Need: As we search for meaning in life, we discover that our sinful nature keeps us from fulfilling God purpose for our lives. We are all sinners by nature and by choice. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)

God’s Provision: God is holy and just and must punish sin. Yet He loves us and provides forgiveness for our sin. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)

Our Response: The only way Jesus can affect our lives is for us to receive Him. We must surrender to Jesus as Lord. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved” (Rom. 10:9-10)

My Commitment: “Dear Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and died to forgive me of my sins. I know I have sinned. I ask You to forgive me. I turn from my sins, and I receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. I want to live for You the rest of my life. Amen.”


Dr. Kevin Milburn, Senior Pastor

919-0292 (Home)


Rev. Arnie Forman, Assoc. Pastor/Worship Leader

384-4817 (Home)


Rev. Allen Brooks, Youth & Outreach Pastor

384-3855 (Church)


Pat Durham, Children’s Minister

918-1254 (Home)


Bobbie Craddock, Secretary

653-7235 (Cell)


Jodi Detillian, Secretary

322-1264 (Cell)


Welcome to

Union Baptist Church

*Please fill out both sides, tear off

and place in the offering plate.


Circle: Mr. Mrs. Miss




Address _____________________________



State ________ Zip _____________

Home Phone _____________________________

Work Phone _____________________________




πNew in the Community

πFirst Time πSecond Time

Are you a member of any church?

πYes πNo

If yes, what church:


City _____________State _______

Circle Appropriate Age

or Grade Group


Ages B-1 2-3 4-5


Grades K 1 2 3 4 5


Grades 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Ages 18-19 20’s 30’s 40’s

50’s 60’s 70+

Names and ages of Children living at home:




I am a guest of:




Leave for

Mission Fuge Camp

Williamsburg KY

Pick up Prayer bulletins & June Newsletters

at the Welcome Center


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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