Realidades I - Bienvenidos a lasclases de la Sra. Mardos

Realidades I Nombre: ______________________________________

Repaso cultural - Capítulo 1B Fecha: Hoy es el _______ de _____________________

Hora: ________

p. 44 Fondo cultural

Who was born in Rosario, Argentina, and was one of the most important artists of Argentina and Latin America?


In what kind of style did he paint? _____________________

¿Qué importancia tiene el fútbol en la cultura latinoamericana? ________________________________________________

¿Qué actividades extracurriculares tienen importancia en tu comunidad? ________________________________________

¿Por qué? _________________________________________________________________________________________

p. 51 Fondo cultural

Are there a lot of extra curricular activities offered alter school in Latin America? ____________

Where can one go if there is interest shown in joining one of these groups/clubs? _________________ or ______________

¿Hay centros culturales en tu comunidad? ________________________________________________________________

¿Qué actividades hay allí? ____________________________________________________________________________

p. 54 Fondo cultural

What sport is most preferred among young Spanish speakers? _____________________

What Sport is just as popular in the Dominican Rebublic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Venezuela and other countries? ______________

¿Cuáles son los deportes más populares en tu ciudad? _________________________________________________________

p. 55 Fondo cultural

Who is known for his unique (exaggerated) style of art? ___________________________________

He is just as famous for his paintings as he is for what? ___________________________________

Compara esta escultura con los cuadros. ¿En qué sentido son similares y en qué sentido son diferentes?


p. 60 Exploración del lenguaje – Nouns and Verbs

The -cíon ending in Spanish is equivalent to the - __________ in English.

2 ejemplos: decorar ( _____________________

preparar ( _____________________

*The nouns formed in this way are _________________________.


What are the corresponding nouns for each of the following verbs? The first one has been done for you.

celebrar ( la celebración explicar ( ____ ____________________ observer ( ____ ________________________

And what are the corresponding verbs for these nouns?

comunicación ( comunicar graduación ( ______________________ presentación ( __________________________

p. 61 El español en la comunidad

What is one of the most popular dances among Spanish-speakers? ____________________________

¿Te gustaría aprender a bailar salsa como actividad extracurricular? _____________

p. 63 Fondo cultural

What kinds of dance have a long history in Spanish-speaking countries? ___________________ and _____________________

¿El ballet es popular donde vives? ___________

¿Hay algún baile folklórico en tu región? _______________

¿Hay una compañía de ballet en tu ciudad? ______________

p. 64 Perspectivas del mundo hispano - ¡Cuántos libros y cuadernos!

Write the name of the country (below the boxes) that corresponds to the following descriptions:

________________________________ ________________________________

[pic] [pic] [pic]

¿Cuál es la actividad extracurricular

más importante para ti?


• Less courses

• More extracurricular activities

• Not many books nor notebooks

• Lots of things for sports, music class, and visits to interesting places

• 11-12 courses

• Almost no extracurricular activities

• Lots of books and notebooks

• Obligatory classes and some you can choose


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